Comments 2,690

Re: Rumour: Death Stranding Is a Timed PS4 Exclusive, Coming to PC


People get way more bent out of shape over exclusives than it's worth. I'm not downplaying their importance, they are important, but now people get worried over Sony not having total exclusivity over some games. I don't see a reason to worry that much. There will always be exclusives, plenty only on PlayStation. Sony have no reason to stop that, especially after the profits some of them pull in. Some games going multiplatform ain't gonna kill them, like it didn't before with former PS2 exclusives Devil May Cry, Tekken, and Metal Gear Solid, not with all the money PS4 has made them.

We all have PS4s, right? Go get Death Stranding when it's out. What's stopping you?

Re: Feature: 10 Best PS4 Games of 2019 So Far


I've only played 3 titles from this year, and two are on this list: Kingdom Hearts III and Devil May Cry 5. KH3 was a shade disappointing, but it was still a great title, and DMC5 might be my best title this year, unless Death Stranding blows me away.

Re: Sucker Punch Celebrates 10 Years of InFAMOUS with Fact-Filled Twitter Thread


Has it really been 10 years? Wow, time is flying by.

Infamous is one of my favorite franchises from PlayStation. The original was a title that really made me want a PS3 after my first one crashed, and Second Son was the game that made me want a PS4. I've platinum'd the first two games, but haven't gotten it for Second Son yet because of backlog. Also need to play Festival of Blood and First Light. Infamous 1 & 2 are two of my favorite games ever, Second Son felt undercooked, but is still very fun.

I'm definitely in the camp who want the series to return, hopefully once Tsushima is done. A new Infamous could be a perfect showcase of what the new hardware is truly capable of.

Re: Sony and Microsoft Announce 'Strategic Partnership' on Various Tech Innovations, Including the Evolution of PlayStation


For real, they just want that secret exclusive formula.

Stupid jokes aside, this could result in some good stuff. As pointed out, there's both firm's tech experience which will definitely be useful as we keep going forward into digital and streaming. I haven't been keeping up that much with Microsoft honestly, but their online infrastructure has generally been one of the few things they've done well compared to others. That may be very helpful when both go more in for streaming.

The development of image sensor to me at least sounds like it can be a boon for VR related tech, and it would be great if that can continue to grow. In regard to the articles last few paragraphs, I'm all for improvement of games, and anything that can give us the best games as they can possibly be. Heck, improvement to the consoles themselves is also welcome. I might be overthinking, but if it's a possibility, I'll welcome it.

Obviously, we have to wait and see, but I think there's some potential good that can come out of this.

Re: Square Enix Financial Forecasts Suggest Final Fantasy VII Remake Won't Launch Before March 2020


Having it release this year was always a stretch, let's be honest there. Since it's only came out of the woodwork very recently, 2020 is definitely the earliest it'll come out, and since it's being released in parts, it might be another two or so years (I'm going to assume the parts will release on consecutive years, but that might be wishful thinking) before we get the full thing completed.

Re: Reaction: State of Play Satisfies, But Can Sony Manage Expectations?


Managing expectations is far from easy. You can be concrete on what to expect, but depending on what you show, it's still possible to disappoint someone. You can say there's a two minute trailer for FF7 and yeah, it can curb some expectation, but if it's just a cutscene or two, it probably wouldn't go down well like a trailer featuring gameplay (such as a boss fight) would.

Sony can try, but they can only do so much. Especially since people today are very vocal.

Re: Soapbox: Why Syphon Filter Must Make a Return


I approve of a return if only because I think we're beginning to have a dearth of pure stealth titles. Metal Gear is done, who knows when Splinter Cell will come back, and Hitman is essentially the only big representative of the genre. There's a few indie stealth games, but as far as I know they're also few and far. I'm not asking for the market to suddenly explode with stealth games, but it sucks that the genre has one true tentpole now, while the AAA space has plenty of open world adventures.

Re: ANTHEM Sheds Key Staff as BioWare Looks Towards Dragon Age 4


I'm usually an optimistic guy, but it's definitely hard to have any sort of faith in BioWare today. I figured Anthem would bust but not to the extent it has, and while it's a different type of game, what we do have on Dragon Age 4 doesn't inspire confidence.

Believe me, I would welcome being proven wrong.

Re: Kingdom Hearts III Details Upcoming Free and Paid DLC, Includes Extra Scenarios


@Jaz007 I would say it felt about 10 hours shorter than a typical KH. I was still at the 40 hour mark when it ended. KH1 felt longer, honestly. The worlds were larger and longer, but there was still fewer enough to shorten the game. I could forgive the lack of some side activities if we had more than what we got.

And I agree that not every game needs to be long, but not only is KH3 an RPG, it's also a conclusion to a storyline that started in 2002. I expect at least 60 hours from an RPG, so when I ended the game at around 40 hours, it was hard not to feel a little underwhelmed, and I can understand if anyone else feels the same, despite my enjoyment of the game.

Re: Soapbox: Mortal Kombat 11's Devs Have Missed the Point of the Loot Box Discussion


@AdamNovice It goes to show how much this stuff can weigh a game down. Gameplay wise, I'm enjoying it more than MKX, but the grind hurts. I think grinding in the original Phantasy Star is better than this.

The towers are dumb in this game. The Multiverse in Injustice 2 was handled fairly I think, but the first tower (The element one) after the tutorial tower was a massive pain. Just saying, you should never have screen blinding in a fighting game, even as an optional challenge. If they also tone down the difficulty of these, that'd be grand.