Comments 2,690

Re: Death Stranding - Hideo Kojima's Next Revolutionary Masterpiece


I'm personally gonna wait on it. Still have games I need to finish.

As for the review, I get why people are divided on it. "Tedious" isn't a word I'd use for 10/10 review, but it is Liam's review, he's played it, and since reviews are essentially opinions, he's entitled to it if he feels that way. He's not putting a gun to your head and telling you to accept it, is he?

Re: Soapbox: Why You Won't Be Playing All PlayStation Exclusives on PC


I know I sound harsh, but this didn't need explaining. The profits their exclusive software make is enough to tell them how dedicated exclusives matter, and if it isn't, the slide the Xbox One has had for years will convince them. With this and how they can still make money even if it's not on PlayStation itself, I don't see anything worth worrying about.

Re: Talking Point: Does Death Stranding's Non-Exclusivity Matter?


Never mattered to me to begin with, still doesn't matter to me now. I've banged this drum before-

"I just don't make a big deal about it because as a PS4 owner, I can play it either way. The system already has a large lineup of exclusive titles, and already has sold many, many systems. I'm not saying they should stop making exclusives or selling units, I just don't see a reason to make a huge deal about it this late in the generation, when a ton of money has already been made. PlayStation is fine, not having it 100% exclusive isn't gonna kill them, and they'll always have more exclusives later on."
-Me, 7th August 2019, replying to a comment.

Reusing my own comment is probably lazy as heck but I dunno how many times I can say it differently.

Re: Tekken 7 Is Finally Getting In-Game Frame Data Alongside Additional Training Modes


I seriously hope we don't need to pay for freaking frame data. Something that is standard in other games like Mortal Kombat 11 (or Mortal Kombat X, a game that released two years before T7 hit consoles). That would also be stupid because the frame data is also available on sites like rbnorway and even through a dedicated smartphone app, completely for free.

I love Tekken 7, I've spent a lot of time playing it, but god post launch content has been hit and miss with it's handling.

Re: Feature: Uncharted 2 Kickstarted a New Age of First Party Success for Sony


Uncharted 2 if you ask me was the big sign that PlayStation was turning itself around after a rough start with the PS3. The turning point where it started to look more like a quality machine with games to match.

For me personally, Uncharted 2 is just a really good game, and still the high point of the series for me. One of the best openings in gaming, with simple yet refined gameplay, a great cast of characters with a memorable villain, and graphics that still look great even if it was outdone by Uncharted 3 later on. Overall, just a well made game.

Re: WWE 2K20 Looks Like an Absolute Disaster on PS4


I feel sad that the graphics somehow got worse. Hilariously enough, this is the most involved discussion on wrestling we've had here in a while.

Side note, I feel like there's only three types of articles for sports games-

-Cover star reveal
-It exists
-How bad it is

Re: Rumour: Persona 5 Royal Releases In the Same Month as Final Fantasy VII Remake


If this is true, March and April are gonna be a massive timesink. Between this, FF7, and Cyberpunk, that's a lot of RPG.

@Rob_230 I dunno. Yeah, there would be more time to play it, plus it wouldn't clash with other games, but it's due this month in Japan. Having to wait for a 9 month period at the earliest just for a localization would be ridiculous, and the wait for vanilla P5 after it's Japanese release was already long enough if you ask me. I know Atlus doesn't have the best track record with timely western releases, but we shouldn't wait that long for it.

Re: Breaking: Shawn Layden Departing PlayStation


That came right out of nowhere. Surprised he would leave, especially since it wasn't that long ago House & Kaz Hirai left. I feel like everyone I could actually name from PlayStation's execs (Jim Ryan aside) has left.

Well, wish him the best. Since he was one of the more prolific suits, I wonder who'll step up in his place.

Re: Feature: PS5 Remasters and Remakes We Want


If we're gonna get remakes or remasters, I'd rather it would be older titles, than ones from a few years back (or even yet to be released). Instead of Witcher 3, I'd like a better chance to play the first two games, one of which was never released on consoles.

And as per usual, any remake/remaster thread needs me begging for Jet Set Radio. If I can never get JSR Future, I'll take a remake of the original if there's never gonna be a new game.

Re: Talking Point: Is a PlayStation Game Pass Viable?


I'm not sure if Sony would be willing to do something like this. Games take money to make, PlayStation exclusive titles probably have loads of money pumped into them, so would the money they could get with a game pass esque service be worth not getting as much from full price retail/digital? I get that more subscriptions = more $$$, but I'm sure everyone's seen those sales figures of other PS exclusive titles and well, they can probably afford to do it, but would it be worth it?

Would I subscribe to it? Only if I have no option, I guess. I mean, I only use PS+ for gaming subscriptions. I don't use PS Now, but I can imagine that being a base for this model. In the end, it just comes down to how it's handled and ultimately, how many of these things I'll have to pay for just to enjoy my hobby.

Re: Does Sony Now Own Xbox Exclusive Series Sunset Overdrive?


I can see a sequel happening on PS4, but I wouldn't expect the original to get a port if have Microsoft a tight enough grip on it.

I wouldn't mind either or both, since the original is one of the unfortunately few titles for Xbox I was interested in. At this rate, I'd rather Sony buy the Killer Instinct dev so I can finally play that, instead of buying a separate system.

Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding


@GodGamer When I say "not for everyone", I mean that the general gamer probably won't appreciate it as much as a more dedicated one would. That's why I said "I don't mean to sound like some elitist", because it ends up making me sound like some wannabe artistic snob going all "you won't enjoy this as much as I would, you plebeian, ho ho ho". Kinda like how From Software games aren't for everyone because of the difficulty curve, yeah?

Not to say you don't have a point, because everyone does have different tastes. I just felt I should clarify what I meant.