Comments 2,690

Re: Spider-Man PS4 Destroys Sales Records, Generates More Profit than Spider-Man: Homecoming


@jdv95 I think there were even people on this site that the game wouldn't sell, at least not to the degree that it has, or even being in range of records. The reason usually being Spidey's iffy record with games, even though Batman had the same thing when Arkham Asylum released.

I'm trying not to kickstart more fanboy garbage, but I only bring it up because in a post Arkham world, a superhero game like Spider-Man, especially after the MCU's success, has every chance to succeed.

Re: Devil May Cry 5's Dante Battle Music Has Not Gone Down Well


Guh, my ears.

I'm not a massive metal guy, but DMC's music is usually something I can get down with because it fits the action. This I can't even see jamming to as a battle theme. Probably should have remixed "Taste The Blood" or something.

Definitely a disappointment after "Devil Trigger", which sounds and fits DMC much better.

Re: Poll: One Week Later, Is Spider-Man PS4 as Good as the Reviews Say?


I'm on the final act of the game, and while I am enjoying it very much. It feels very by-the-numbers. What makes this game great is that it gets the Spider-Man feel right. The combat, traversal, and most of the main story are excellent, making me feel like I am Spider-Man. It may not be anything we haven't seen before, but it's executed mostly well.

My gripes are the stealth missions as a civilian. Aside from two, they feel like a pacebreaker from the good stuff. The lack of truly interesting side missions is another. I was hoping it would be like the Arkham games and get some good villains with them, but so far there's only Tombstone (Great), Taskmaster (Yes), and....Screwball (Who?). Black Cat doesn't show up for hers, because DLC.

I'm also getting the feeling that the last act is (excuse my French) the game blowing it's wad too soon. It's like Arkham Knight without the three games of build up. I was also liking the idea of the big villain being a lesser proven guy like Mr. Negative, so I'm personally kinda iffy about the "twist" at the end of Act 2.

So far it's an 8/10. It's derivative, but not really that bad in this case. The fun factor and the Spidey feel are what make this game to me.

I'll likely follow up with a more detailed post after I finish the game in the forum OT if anyone's interested.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


I don't mind them, but I wonder if people worry about the score too much. I see a lot of guys going nuts over metacritic scores instead of the game's actual quality. I read reviews to get an idea of what to expect when I play a game. I personally find it hard to measure a game's value in a number.

Re: Review: Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)


@LaNooch1978 You know, I was gonna make a Star Wars comparison, but I thought it would be too much. Probably isn't though when I think about it. So much blood over a dude in tights.

I say that as a longtime Spidey fan, by the way.

Re: Review: Marvel's Spider-Man (PS4)


@PS_Nation Dude, it's just Kyle having some fun. Not really any different from the tongue-in-cheek "fanboyism" we take part in here. If he was really making tocks of himself, he would've been thrown out by now. We've known him long enough to see otherwise.

Have a chill drink on me. I mean, I'm probably nowhere near you in real life, but hey, it's the thought.

Real talk though: What is it with Spidey that brings the nerd rage outta everyone? Not just this game, but comics and film too. The tears could make a new ocean.