Comments 2,690

Re: Review: Yakuza: Kiwami 2 (PS4)


@JoeBlogs Spider-Man is fully paid off, but Red Dead might end up waiting. I've got about $130 on me, but I'm also trying to get an external hard drive, and I'm just not comfortable making another big purchase just yet.

Re: Review: Yakuza: Kiwami 2 (PS4)


I was gonna preorder this, but unfortunately finances decided to take another route. Will definitely still get this though, and as someone who enjoyed Kiwami I'm glad it's an improvement.

Re: Guide: Best Metal Gear Solid Games Ranked


Listing my favorite Metal Gear games is always hard for me. It's usually Snake Eater being my personal favorite, with MGS and Sons of Liberty switching out between 2 and 3. It's such a good series that almost any placement works.

Peace Walker is probably the only entry that I'm not super high on. It's good for sure, but it started to wear on me after a while, and while I haven't finished Phantom Pain yet, I'm starting to feel the same about it even with it's slick gameplay.

Re: The West Likes Yakuza Because It Doesn't Pander to Western Tastes, Says SEGA


I think the western game market has a tendency to get too samey rather frequently. I'm sure plenty of people here remember the mascot platform craze in the '90s, the shooters in the late 00's/early 10's, and now with open world games. Games like Yakuza give us a chance to play something different from our norm, as well as getting a slice of Japanese culture. Experience something different and broaden our horizons.

Re: Spider-Man PS4 Pro Bundle Announced


I'm not surprised by the design, but I do like the logo. It just goes well with a lot of stuff.

It's a sweet deal too. If you wanna upgrade or somehow don't have a PS4, this wouldn't be a bad idea.