I should be noted here, despite literally owning said company (the basis of his statement) Phil does not explicitly confirm or deny information he/MS would have full access to. No matter which way you slice it A: He is being vague as possible on purpose when he knows the truth or can immediately speak to someone who does, and won't share it, under oath mind you.
B: Microsoft is so poorly ran that it will buy entire publishers worth billions of dollars based on internet rumors (a place lousy with fake insiders) it doesn't actually investigate.
Neither paints them in a very good light. I still don't see how many people can be pushing for this merger when this company has repeatedly thrown it's fans under the bus with comments such as their exclusives being worse, the Gamepass service they champion is a near failure and money sink, and all sorts of clown shoes stuff in court in this false narrative of a trillion dollar under dog. Instead people are so brainwashed they share images and memes of Microsoft violently beating up governmental agencies, or comparing the CMA block to the supreme court taking away women's rights (seriously Resetera wtf?) because that is the corporate dystopia we live in. Sorry for the rambling lol.
This feels like an issue with either compression (or lack thereof), or just not wanting to spring for a second disc (PS5 discs can hold up to 100gb, citation: https://blog.playstation.com/2020/11/09/ps5-the-ultimate-faq/#bluraydiscs ). Definitely going to wait on this until one or the other happens in a reprint, because geez.
When I saw people QRTing this earlier, I did not realize until this article they were an executive or anyone in any place of actual importance and they were being dunked on because it was a stupid take.
I notice MS and Activision have been making some rather intellectually dishonest or outright falsehoods to push this through (saying things like the FTC shouldn't exist then backing down when pressure was applied by the FTC, lying about timed exclusives as being full, saying Bloodborne is being "blocked" by Sony for release on Xbox etc) , so I guess I shouldn't be shocked.
They had 3 years (they announced this at E3 2018) to set the expectation this would be live service, yet they decided to drop it here. If it had offline support I'd easily forgive it, but according to the website it is online only, so hard pass.
Monster Hunter World showed pretty well you can have a service type title, without forcing online and still see a huge number of people willing to check the game out. The combat in the last trailer also looked much faster, while it felt in slow motion by comparison today. Shame, but there are plenty of other games to support over this one, I'll get over it lol.
@Octane According to the blog, they should work as well! They also detail the specific features the Pulse sets have
"On the PS5, you’ll be able to experience 3D Audio with the headphones that many of you already own, either through USB connection to the console, or by plugging your headphones into the DualSense wireless controller’s 3.5mm headset jack."
Also I would like to point out, the fact 505 Games is publishing the PC version, rather than Kojipro itself, kind of says to me that part of the deal Kojipro was allowed to sign with another publisher for the PC version, as they likely had to pay a rather large licence fee the developer could not on it's own. Unlike Quantic Dreams which received a large investment from an outside company awhile ago, allowing it to publish it's previous exclusive titles to PC themselves.
This game has so many different companies involved in it, it is amazing it hasn't be a rights/licencing nightmare. SIE, Hexadrive, Oasis Games and now THQ Nordic (two different publishers and neither are Sony, never would of expected that lol). Since its THQ, might grab the PC version since they post pretty much everything on GOG. Wait and see lol.
Another good example of a Sony Music artist on PSVR is the Utada Hiraku performance they released for free awhile ago. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!
I think its a pretty decent list and I'll be grabbing it. Side note, if they re-packaged Vita TVs with this plastic housing and sold them with Dualshocks, they could please almost everyone. Buy your classic games ala-cart. But since that is highly unlikely I will just enjoy both lol.
If this isn't fixed with the current patch, I hope it is soon. I've definitely had this issue as well. It basically "breaks" my capture gallery until I exit out of the "app" and come back in when I check the Odyssey screens. However if I don't look at them, all my other captures work fine. It's very odd indeed.
Hopefully this at least gets a English release in Asia for importing. As Bandai has done with several of it's other titles recently where licencing (or other reasons) would be too much of a hassle in the west. Gundam Breaker 3, Summer Lesson, Super Robot Wars, etc.
Looks great! Glad to finally see gameplay after all the crazy leaking lol. I've been on board since the initial leak setting in Egypt, and I'm glad it lives up to it.
Good looking list, small correction though. Edith Finch is no longer exclusive, Sony quietly handed them the publishing rights a few months ago and its coming to PC too.
Comments 37
Re: Xbox Insinuates It Bought Bethesda to Block Starfield PS5 Console Exclusivity
I should be noted here, despite literally owning said company (the basis of his statement) Phil does not explicitly confirm or deny information he/MS would have full access to. No matter which way you slice it
A: He is being vague as possible on purpose when he knows the truth or can immediately speak to someone who does, and won't share it, under oath mind you.
B: Microsoft is so poorly ran that it will buy entire publishers worth billions of dollars based on internet rumors (a place lousy with fake insiders) it doesn't actually investigate.
Neither paints them in a very good light. I still don't see how many people can be pushing for this merger when this company has repeatedly thrown it's fans under the bus with comments such as their exclusives being worse, the Gamepass service they champion is a near failure and money sink, and all sorts of clown shoes stuff in court in this false narrative of a trillion dollar under dog. Instead people are so brainwashed they share images and memes of Microsoft violently beating up governmental agencies, or comparing the CMA block to the supreme court taking away women's rights (seriously Resetera wtf?) because that is the corporate dystopia we live in. Sorry for the rambling lol.
Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor PS5 Physical Copies Require a Download to Play
This feels like an issue with either compression (or lack thereof), or just not wanting to spring for a second disc (PS5 discs can hold up to 100gb, citation: https://blog.playstation.com/2020/11/09/ps5-the-ultimate-faq/#bluraydiscs ). Definitely going to wait on this until one or the other happens in a reprint, because geez.
Re: Activision Blizzard Exec Says Last of Us HBO Proves Microsoft Acquisition Should Go Ahead
When I saw people QRTing this earlier, I did not realize until this article they were an executive or anyone in any place of actual importance and they were being dunked on because it was a stupid take.
I notice MS and Activision have been making some rather intellectually dishonest or outright falsehoods to push this through (saying things like the FTC shouldn't exist then backing down when pressure was applied by the FTC, lying about timed exclusives as being full, saying Bloodborne is being "blocked" by Sony for release on Xbox etc) , so I guess I shouldn't be shocked.
Re: Babylon's Fall Gets Smashed with Dislikes Upon Its Gameplay Return
@clvr It is the helmet of the G rank (or Master Rank as it's known in Iceborne) Teosotra armor set!
Re: Babylon's Fall Gets Smashed with Dislikes Upon Its Gameplay Return
They had 3 years (they announced this at E3 2018) to set the expectation this would be live service, yet they decided to drop it here. If it had offline support I'd easily forgive it, but according to the website it is online only, so hard pass.
Monster Hunter World showed pretty well you can have a service type title, without forcing online and still see a huge number of people willing to check the game out. The combat in the last trailer also looked much faster, while it felt in slow motion by comparison today. Shame, but there are plenty of other games to support over this one, I'll get over it lol.
Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Has a Simple But Effective Use for 3D Audio
@Octane It says it will be at least lol
Re: PS5 Exclusive Returnal Has a Simple But Effective Use for 3D Audio
@Octane According to the blog, they should work as well! They also detail the specific features the Pulse sets have
"On the PS5, you’ll be able to experience 3D Audio with the headphones that many of you already own, either through USB connection to the console, or by plugging your headphones into the DualSense wireless controller’s 3.5mm headset jack."
Re: Soapbox: Why You Won't Be Playing All PlayStation Exclusives on PC
Basically how I feel, they aren't going to be making the same transition Microsoft did. And a small thing to point out, though he is no longer with the company House did mention PC competition as a reason for the PS4 Pro: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/sep/08/playstation-boss-andrew-house-ps4-pro-our-approach-isnt-reactive-this-time-around
Also I would like to point out, the fact 505 Games is publishing the PC version, rather than Kojipro itself, kind of says to me that part of the deal Kojipro was allowed to sign with another publisher for the PC version, as they likely had to pay a rather large licence fee the developer could not on it's own. Unlike Quantic Dreams which received a large investment from an outside company awhile ago, allowing it to publish it's previous exclusive titles to PC themselves.
Re: Death Stranding: Timefall Is a Collection of Songs Inspired By the PS4 Exclusive
Chvrches is all I need to hear. Though I was in already.
Re: THQ Nordic to Publish Sony's Monkey King: Hero Is Back from 17th October
This game has so many different companies involved in it, it is amazing it hasn't be a rights/licencing nightmare. SIE, Hexadrive, Oasis Games and now THQ Nordic (two different publishers and neither are Sony, never would of expected that lol). Since its THQ, might grab the PC version since they post pretty much everything on GOG. Wait and see lol.
Re: Sony Creating Death Stranding Album Filled with Original Music
Haven't seen Sony do this since the God of War 3 Blood and Metal album, that was mostly pretty good stuff so I look forward to this as well!
Re: Sony Music Artists Will Bring Original Songs to First-Party Games
Another good example of a Sony Music artist on PSVR is the Utada Hiraku performance they released for free awhile ago. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!
Re: Soapbox: Why the PlayStation Classic's Game Lineup Could Never Please Everyone
I think its a pretty decent list and I'll be grabbing it. Side note, if they re-packaged Vita TVs with this plastic housing and sold them with Dualshocks, they could please almost everyone. Buy your classic games ala-cart. But since that is highly unlikely I will just enjoy both lol.
Re: Assassin's Creed Odyssey Players Hit with Weird PS4 Capture Gallery Bug
If this isn't fixed with the current patch, I hope it is soon. I've definitely had this issue as well. It basically "breaks" my capture gallery until I exit out of the "app" and come back in when I check the Odyssey screens. However if I don't look at them, all my other captures work fine. It's very odd indeed.
Re: E3 2018: ANTHEM Won't Have PvP, Can Be Played Single-Player, Is Always Online
Same release as Days Gone. Forced Online. All interest I had in this is gone now sadly.
Re: Poll: Are You Sold on Days Gone Yet?
Been sold since the Bend logo, I love Resistance Retribution so much lol. I trust Bend will deliver a fantastic game.
Re: Weirdness: Sony's Bringing Back AIBO, Its Robot Dog
Tokyo Jungle 2 model? Lol
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 180
5th playthrough of Bloodborne. I have so many other things to finish, and yet I'm back in Yharnam.
Re: City Shrouded in Shadow Looks Like the Greatest Game Ever Made
Hopefully this at least gets a English release in Asia for importing. As Bandai has done with several of it's other titles recently where licencing (or other reasons) would be too much of a hassle in the west. Gundam Breaker 3, Summer Lesson, Super Robot Wars, etc.
Re: E3 2017: Big Monster Hunter World PS4 Details Drop
@playstation1995 I had this confirmed by someone at Capcom, yes you can!
Re: E3 2017: Assassin's Creed Origins Is Definitely Real, Definitely Set in Egypt
Looks great! Glad to finally see gameplay after all the crazy leaking lol. I've been on board since the initial leak setting in Egypt, and I'm glad it lives up to it.
Day one.
Re: E3 2017: ANTHEM Is Aiming for a Fall 2018 Release
Looks neat, but if its online only, I have lost all interest lol.
Re: Poll: Has Xbox One X Left You Feeling Green with Envy?
Not interested, just built a PC to cover things my PS4 doesn't. Not sure who the Xbox One X is for.
Re: Sony XDev Europe's Been Showing Shuhei Yoshida Secret Stuff
This year is going to be another exciting one for announcements, it already has been with releases!
Re: Feature: The Promising PS4 Games of April 2017
Good looking list, small correction though. Edith Finch is no longer exclusive, Sony quietly handed them the publishing rights a few months ago and its coming to PC too.
Re: Kratos' New Voice Actor Thinks God of War's Coming to PS4 in 2017
As much as I expect this as early 2018, late 2017 would be an awesome surprise.
Re: Guerrilla Already Hard at Work on Expansion to Horizon's Story
Haven't even finished the main game and I'm excited for this!
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Has Been a Huge Commercial Hit for Sony
You go Guerrilla!
Re: Get a Head Start with Toukiden 2's Free Demo on PS4, Vita
Played through it, can't wait for the full game on Tuesday, though its going in the backlog lol.
Re: The Disney Afternoon Collection Brings Childhood Classics to PS4
This looks fun, hope it gets a physical version in Asia, if not I can wait for a sale on the digital version.
I definitely played a lot of Ducktales and Chip and Dale back in the day.
Re: Soapbox: Why We Need Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC
I am down for more robot dinosaurs.
Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Cost a Reported €45 Million to Make
Worth every penny.
Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Egypt's Looking More and More Likely
Looking forward to this. It is supposedly by the same team that made Black Flag, which is a favorite entry of mine.
Re: PlayStation VR Is Dominating the Virtual Reality Space
This is definitely a nice surprise, and a good reason for why I haven't actually seen one in stores yet lol.
Hopefully I can pick one up in the next few months!
Re: Poll: Are You Buying Horizon: Zero Dawn?
Pre ordered the Collector's Edition months ago! So close, yet so far.
Re: Marvel: We Want Spider-Man PS4 to Be Game of the Year
Hyped for this game! Hopefully we can see more in the coming months!
Re: Kojima: Guerrilla Games' Technology Is a League Ahead
Recently found this site and I am enjoying it! Looking forward to reading more.