Comments 410

Re: Concrete Genie Developer PixelOpus Is Shutting Down


Maybe, I stand to be corrected. I was right about that scammer who swindled himself and studio to money. Arguably, their demo is more than what Haven has brought to the table. As soon as they produce news or games, my comments, and others, will truly be erased. I will be the first to acknowledge the queen (of Assassin's)

Re: Soapbox: PS Plus Might Be Gaming's Best Subscription Service Now


M$ has been bankrolling every Xbox gamer for years now. They are buying their loyalty, where Sony has earned and is earning it, still.

We see how terrible M$' strategy truly is, reducing Arkane to a shadow of its former glory. However, they also gave their customers Pentiment (?) and Hi-Fi Rush (?) which I couldn't help but notice were some huge hits. I think their biggest strength is that they are giving away everything for free, keeping the brand alive artificially for some time yet, hoping to make it big as a monopoly. Truly horrible strategy, but at least there is some user retention in it, and they have the money to keep delivering 3 party titles, acquire studios and put in "1st" party titles.

PS' strategy has spawned GOW: R, HFW, and soon Spiderman 2. Not forgetting the incredible PSVR2. Their subscription service is absolutely fantastic and together with the fact that my games library is at Sony there's just no competition in my book for where I want to be. It has to be Playstation!

I think that it is timely and interesting to read this article - keep it up!

Re: PS5 Pro Is '100%' Happening, Says Reliable Report


I can't wait to read the comments, but I'd weigh in before I'm swayed by the conversation.

I'd get a ps5 pro if..

  • I had a better TV to experience these graphical processing nuances. Right now, I have a TV that was bought because of an article stating it was a great bargain. So HDR (Not good), I don't know exactly what frames per second it can produce but probably just 60, it struggles in sun light, and so on. Maybe someone can tell me if a better TV would better utilize my ps5 based on a similar situation?
  • Right now it seems as if you have to compromise in graphics settings. If ps5 pro offered to have my cake and eat it to (combining performance and quality) that would be a Quality of Life improvement I would have a hard time not taking.
  • More MOD-friendly. Could we get a focus on getting PC modding to PS5? I would want them to invest in that
  • Gameswapping and more room for applications. A more powerful machine could potentially entice engagement by promising better multimanagement and easier game start ups like on Xbox.

Re: Best PSVR Games We Want Upgraded for PSVR2


Krysus has the right list, sorry for the redundancy but here is mine:

Iron Man
Star Wars Squadrons
The Persistence
Astro Bot
Paper Beast
Alien Isolation (was it psvr to begin with?)
The Witness
Blood and Truth
Hitman 3
Everybody's Golf

Please and thank you!

I had the original PSVR without playing it a lot, and gave it to my nephews. I didn't like the level of graphics. I feel like PSVR2 finally is at the level where I am "okay" with the graphics and can be swept away at times.

I think the strategy at this point is to get new and old titles on the system slowly but surely. The rate at which an average gamer is able to complete a game is too slow for SONY to flood a market. The demand is there, I hope, and the rate of PSVR2 adoption is hopefully accelerated by a strong focus on delivering new+ports over time coupled with the already amazing line-up of 40-50 titles including the banger WD: S&S, RE8, GT7 (I also own Thumber, and I think this is it).

Re: What New Zombie Game? Dying Light 2's Gut Feeling Update Is Out Today


Dying Light 2 was such a huge disappointment to me personally. The best elements of the first game was watered down. The story was very lame, I felt a huge disconnect. The changes to communities were at best a sugarcoated lie. Weapons and crafting felt worse. Combat felt way worse. Zombies and their overall design felt way, way worse.

Traversal was good, though.

Re: PSVR2 Sales May Actually Be Stronger Than Has Been Suggested


If you are on the fence whether or not to buy PSVR2, here is a positive recommendation to do so.

1: I think the games for it are absolutely fantastic! RE8, GT7 and TWD: S&S are AAA quality.

2: I did not have any feelings of nausea with psvr2 and if you do, I'll bet you quickly build up a tolerance for it and having the screen so close to the eyes takes some getting used to (I also have glasses).

3: There is an exciting road map ahead of us with Humanity, Firewall, Behemoth, Foundation and so on, as well as an interesting heritage of already-existing titles that might be ported to PSVR2.

4: Imagine lying in a perfectly comfortable position and watching a projected movie. This is easily done with PSVR2. I took The Quarry and watched it as a movie and Jesus Christ is it hilarious when you mix up the traits of different characters and watch the chaos unfold

Re: Preview: Firewall Ultra Proves There's Plenty to Look Forward to on PSVR2


Your point of view does come off as a construct in order to maximize engagement and fuel your own interests. You wantsomething to write about - hence your stance is logical. I suppose in-depth articles about gaming moments are less fun than announcing new games, but maybe you should try that?

I have bought into VR2 and I currently have RE8, Thumber, GT7, Walking Dead: Saint and Sinners. Do you think I have scratched the surface of these games? No, I have not. I am standing at the precipice, looking into the maw of these beasts. Many have already given me super experiences that felt more immersive than flat screen gaming.

Furthermore, to add to the list I have wishlisted about 16 titles including Demeo, Star Wars: Galaxy, Zenith, Moss I+II, Pistol Whip, Pavlov, No Man's Sky, Before your Eyes. The list goes on.

On MY horizon (only announced games to come) are Behemoth, Green Hell, Firewall Ultra, and my last mention is Foundation from the State of Play.

So, in conclusion: I feel like PSVR2 is thriving in terms of available software and I feel like it needs to be supported by game journalists.