Comments 410

Re: Jim Ryan Leaves PlayStation as PS5 Set to Become Its 'Most Successful Console Ever'



You clearly don't, and it is hilarious πŸ˜‚

Your ability to argue has been reduced to "I know I am right." What about sharing a link to this factual information that you claim to have?

I'll admit to trolling the troll, here, but these answers you provide are a joke when the other part goes out of his way to demonstrate the facts that establish a premise.

Re: Game Pass Woes for Indie Devs as Microsoft, Epic Funding Reportedly Drying Up


It was only a matter of time before Epic and Microsoft (especially M$) would stop bankrolling their customers as well as the developers!

I don't understand why people won't use Epic over Steam though. It is just a storefront and why not keep two storefronts at least?

I can understand why xboys won't buy their games. They've subbed for nothing and stacked their memberships to last years upon years.

In general, the big companies are overpaying a segment of employees who enjoy mythological levels of idolation from an always news- and games starving media who has to rapidly burn through what can be month-long experiences.

Re: Devs Allegedly Pondering the Point of Sony's PS5 Pro Upgrade


My gut feeling was that the PS5 wasn't used optimally - interesting to hear from a reporter that some people in the industry may think the same.

Leaks have confirmed that a totally unnecessary mid-cycle refresh with a minimum of extra juice is already coming. This is maybe just further buffoonery from SONY who have been carefully ***** up their decisions for several years now at least to my liking. I stopped buying games all together and unsubscribed plus, although it is also because of a rock solid backlog. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Re: Bungie Shuffles Marathon Leadership as Fears of Further Layoffs Loom


The attitude of the reporting is that any changes in staff spells doom for the games. Could be this was a positive change.

GRamarillo has interesting viewpoints, but I think that Sony's investments and decisions regarding their studios has been mindnumbingly stupid. The cherry on the turd has to Haven studios, and they are H I D I N G right now. The media are even protecting them. Everyone thought, "*****, Failgame$ look insanely dumb and a waste of money. Let's forget about them while the industry around them shrinks."

Re: Sony Allegedly Pausing PSVR2 Production Due to Surplus of Unsold Stock


I see so much negativity in this thread. Pity.

1. The tech is good, and the game play can reach transformative levels.
2. The list of games is actually quite substantial and the potential for new titles to provide different or improved experiences are multitude.

You can talk about high prices and tough competition, or you could argue that the entire industry is less than expected, but I wouldn't call it dead with a straight face.

Re: Nobody Wants to Die Looks Too Good to Be True on PS5


Good timing for this title.

The success of 2077's 2.0 and Phantom Liberty -release will leave many, like me, starved for content in the same vein. Of course, it won't be like an CDPR RPG but a clever and engaging detective story will placate the more mature gamer's palate.

My eyes are on this title now.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 519


I carried out the betrayal of a character in my cyberpunk DLC ending. Now I have two characters, male and female who each took a different binary choice path way to the endings.

So, I finally tried the Devil ending which made me stop up and reflect on all the dilemmas and choices that made up that playthrough.

I still need to see out 2 different endings, but my first ending with Lesbian V was very special and good. The other male ending V was tough in a good way.

That means I am so close to seeing "all" of the story this game offers. The size of this game is such that there are still things I didn't see or do and lots of skills I haven't fully tried out.

I set out to be done with Cyberpunk but... you can never truly finish this game I feel. There's still 30-40 hours of Nomad path to try when all is said and done. I want to go back to Baldur's Gate III soon. Or Forbidden West. Considering to restart both games because of the time spent away from them.

Re: Rumour: Assassin's Creed Red Is Starting to Sound a Lot Like Valhalla


I love everything Viking so Valhalla should have been right up my alley. And when it came to PS PLUS I dove straight in, and my overall experience is the following:

I didn't like it. Other games had better story, a more interesting map and scenery (this was too big!), better combat- and stealth mechanics and so on. I really wanted to like it, but I stopped around the 4-7 hour mark satisfied with the fact I would miss out on it if it somehow improved over play time. If the world doesn't give me the perfect Viking game, I might in the future revisit this game for a second opinion.

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now



Games that share similarities are not the problem.

Nintendo releases the same platforming games again and again across several (interconnected) franchises. If you played one game, you kinda played them all.

COD, FIFA, Fortnite, and Minecraft just to mention the obvious ones deliver the same experiences again and again.

Re: Naughty Dog Boss Neil Druckmann Doesn't Want to Make Games Forever


I am happy to see him go. I don't give him enough credit for the first game, and blame him solely for the abysmal story and composition of the sequel which forever soured the studio's output under his tenure for me.

I generally don't like it when the aesthetic of a piece of art is torture porn, or when it is specifically designed to provoke anger, hate and confusion. Which I think he deliberately wanted. They even say it in the documentary. They knew and hoped for polarization. They knew the risk, yet designed the entire marketing campaign around drawing people in.

Re: Sony Celebrates One Year of PSVR2 with New Game Reveals


I like Wanderer and interested in Little Cities too. Both have gameplay mechanics that seem suited for VR.

In terms of potential backcatalogueing it would be nice to see SW: Squadrons, Iron Man and Blood and Truth for example making their way to the platform. Those three were pretty good in VR and could bolster the line up even more.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think of PSVR2, One Year Later?


I bet there are people out there still on the fence whether or not to adopt. I bet they can see through the troll-like behaviour elicited in many of the comments. But let's dissect:
*There are platitudes of quest-salesmen in here, not telling you the real price of PC gaming.
*These quest 3-salesmen don't really own a PS5 or PSVR2 in many such cases.
*They complain about "the lack of games" and it has only been a year!!!! and we've seen so many ports, hybrid games and new titles that I'm just not keeping up.

I have enjoyed my PSVR2 and have a couple of titles already: GT7, RE 4+8, Walking Dead, Pistol Whip, Green Hell, Paper Beasts, Humanity, Thumber.

I will say that my gameplay sessions range between 1-2 hours at a time, and the biggest challenge for my PSVR2 is the competition with flatscreen-only RPG games that take up most of my time.

I expect SONY to deliver at least 1 game in year 2, and to see 4-5 good games from other developers in the spam of its second year.

The backlog/wishlist potential of PSVR2 is there. I mean I still don't own Beatsaber, Synapse, Arizona Sunshine 2, No Man's Sky, Legendary Tales, Moss I+II, Star Wars Tales, Red Matter series, Pavlov and so on.

Then there's the opportunity of the last ports from PSVR1 and other platform's games coming eventually.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (PS5) - Strong Sequel Seeks a New Direction


I was so excited for FF7. I fell in love with it all these years back. Back then, I felt the turn based gameplay was superb.

The remake was nostalgic and pleasing in many ways, although somehow the gameplay was not pure enjoyment for me. Maybe it was the hybridity between turn based strategy and action RPG.

Now you wrote the story is kinda bad boiling down to chasing down men in robes and that is, for now a deal breaker for me. I hope that there is a lot more to the story than how it is presented here.

I think the Remake was an instant purchase. This will go on my wishlist and probably be lodged there for some time together with a lot of 2's (God of War "2", Spider-Man 2, Horizon "2"(this one I own, never got to far into it).

At this point, I have accepted that I have to EXHAUST cyberpunk for story until it is wrung so dry as the Mojave desert.

Re: Sifu Marks Three Million Sales and Second Anniversary with New Outfits


Wow, really impressive and it might eventually become 1or 2 million more of they can keep themselves from putting it on library-services.

Sifu is definitely a title I have admired from the distance. I haven't picked it up yet as I expected it to come to plus. Now, I have laid my plus to rest in an epic showdown with my backlog.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Is Bringing Some Great Games to PS5, But Rumours Will Remain Rampant About What's Next


My honest take is that it was a great, reactionary showing from the XBOX top brass.

First off, yes, maybe interesting games like Pentiment crosses over, and if the market is there, other games will follow. Good for me, as a gamer.

Secondly, I think it was nice for the average xbot to hear that they're supporting hardware and the overall path forward. There were even a few reveals for the patient viewer.

Sure, they'd (the fans) probably want to see PlayStation commit some titles the other way, but those are rare occasions.

I quite like the competition even though Nintendo Switch just recently have become challenged by Steam Deck and the lines, and it is not like they haven't been able to output games that are highly sought after and praised. PlayStation could do fine without XBOX, but I think we are better with healthy competition.

Re: PS5 Is Entering the 'Latter Stages of Its Life Cycle', Says Sony


I, for one, think that the new PS is far away.

I don't interpret the sentence "Looking ahead, PS5 will enter the latter stage of its life cycle" as something that is happening now. Next fiscal year is March, but for me we are only one-third into the life cycle before an incremental upgrade (they don't deserve the moniker 'next gen' right now).

For the average consumer, the power and possibility of PS5 hasn't been realised and I certainly won't invest in next-gen if this was how the PS5-era played out. I am more likely to upgrade my quite old TV for an LG or something.

Sure, there are partnerships with chip-providers but these can be adjusted, I would guess. Do they truly care if they have to provide current-gen chipsets for a couple of years more?

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6 Promises Big Improvements and Fixes


I played this until I ventured underground and got quite far and then just stopped. Since then, I have just been playing VR2+ CD Project Red-games whilst this masterpiece just adds on patches and eventually a DLC.

It is crazy how much value that is crammed into these RPGs.

Re: Immortals of Aveum Cost $125 Million, Branded a 'Truly Awful Idea'


1.There are too many games out there. 2. They have too much content. 3. The games as a service is addictive repetition fueled by rewards and/or the desire to beat other gamers. 4. Game subscription-services offer a wealth of games and gamers who have them feel obligated to try them out. 5. Games have become expensive recently in an economy (world-wide inflation) where many struggle. 6. Games are published and then cared for which makes many consumers wait for patches and/or discounts.

If you don't plan your budget according to these factors, you have hope your game (over)performs to the levels projected.

Now, the management measures the games' succes by its immediate sales numbers, and they are proactively laying people off, so they can profit on the fruit of their labor and then they pivot to the next project.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Remastered Europe's Best-Selling New Game of January, PS5 Sales Up


30 responses with 1 intention, to hate on other people's opinions... (Well, here's to one more. I will now critique other people's opinion on other people's opinions and it shall be glorious and it will make us all come together in harmony.)

The worst of you guys is Matt Booth who won't even admit that it is a divisive game. The studio says it, and the constant bickering on here suggests it.

The same guys here who are parading the fact that it sold 2.5 times more copies than the remake of the first. You forget that it has existed for 3 console generations and have been rereleased 3 times. The last time it cost 70 dollars. So TLOU2 would have to sell 7 upgrades to match one, however there are bound to be newcomers who pay full price which makes it a little more even. But you might argue that pt. I has reached more people and made more money overall.

Enjoy your brilliant game, guys, and live and let live. Cheers 😁

Re: Crash Bandicoot Developer Toys for Bob Struck by Layoffs, Office Closure


Great acquisition by M$. So, to get this straight, the studio isn't gone!?

We just need M$ to introduce GamePass to all platforms and have them retain their 1-dollar subscriptions and then all gamers can have their hobby bankrolled by Spencer.

Honestly, what the hell is happening with Haven? They bought a cinematic from another company to showcase Failgame$ and they have been coasting in irrelevance ever since.

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


We did it, guys!

We won the console wars! The Sony Pony beat the crap out of xbot, and now xboys are here to tell us how hollow this victory is.

The war was clearly won, because PlayStation had the better fan base. We're younger, more handsome and quite frankly better dancers across the board.

We should tell the guys over on

(Irony applied)

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 514


I am casually alternating between The Witcher 3 DLC Blood and Wine and Cyberpunk 2077.

CP 2077 has proven to be an amazing achievement. This weekend I decided to just seek out every NCPD Scanner mission and do them. I won't succeed since there are Legion, but each is different and some lead to extended treasure hunting. There's story and unique characters, and the setting of them are the most impressive. Every location is unique and beautifully built. And this is the lowest-tier activity available!!!

I also am playing Blood and Wine again taking more care to clear out side content than what I managed to do last time around. The scope of The Witcher 3 (DLC included) is so vast it boggles the mind and fully equals the entire trilogy and DLC of Mass Effect.

When I can (no kids around) I try and push on in my PSVR2 playthrough of Resident Evil 4. Never finished 8, but I put my character in a nice reading chair in the castle so he should be fine.

Re: The Last of Us 3 Probably Happening at Some Point in the Future


I would describe myself as a story-driven gamer, and like any of that mold characters are part of what fascinates me.

Part III in that respect might not be for me, but I'll have an eye on it for sure. If a factionesque mode is released together with the game it would help seal the deal.

I am much more interested to hear what they're actually working on. After Ryan's departure they could decide for themselves not to run a GAAS-game, but what then?

Re: Death Stranding 2, Hideo Kojima the Biggest Winners from Excellent State of Play


My biggest regret is that I don't like what Death Stranding is, or had too many games to play, so I never had to settle for a walking Sim that may or may not have evolved into a great game.

I loved the Metal Gear story and gameplay and I don't with DS.

That said, what an entertaining trailer. I love the God of War-figurine that snake, sorry Delivery-boy has around his waist.

Re: Talking Point: What Can We Expect in the Next State of Play Show?


A lot of negative hype being spun as always. The type of gamer that "hasn't got anything to play" on PS5 shouldn't really exist coming off such an amazing year for gaming. Yet here we are, people are declaring the death of PS5 and PSVR2 left and right. And yet no one - not a single one - is spelling doom for Haven and FairGame$ which makes me so disappointed with all the naysayers. Low hanging fruit ain't good enough for ya!