Comments 411

Re: Review: No Man's Sky (PS4)


I'm surprised NMS is never getting compared to the new Elite in reviews/comments. They look so similar (to someone who hasn't played either of them yet).
I'll pick them both up in a sale and give them a try but probably Elite first.

Re: Review: DOOM (PS4)


'These accounts, even entries explaining how weapons function, are cleverly written, making the universe seem plausible in itself despite how laughable that may seem.'
Hey, I was taking all this really seriously! 😀

Re: Star Wars Battlefront Has a Really Steep PS4 Season Pass


Yeah, I see what you mean. I've decided not to get a PS4 for the moment anyway, I can't justify the cost when I've got plenty of games I still play on PC, 3DS, WiiU etc. Uncharted or Mass Effect might still get me interested again. I might wait till there's remastered versions on the PS5 at this rate.