Comments 1,800

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 FF Rebirth would say otherwise. I buy games on my Xbox and PS5 and Nintendo switch. I just think any game nearing $200 million to develop should be on all platforms to make as much money as possible. Sorry that triggers you if it did. But we are seeing far too many games not making back the dev cost.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Titntin I think it’s clear. Xbox will be more of a PC next gen and they as they have said since 2019 every screen is a Xbox and they want to reach 3 billion gamers. MS’s plan is to own a huge chunk of gamings revenue. They are well on their way of that. Sure hardware is their next goal to tackle. But the rumored handheld and of course more PC like Xbox in 2026-2027 sure say’s they are here to stay. If they were selling 17-18 million Xbox’s i would say maybe it’s not reversible. But they will still end with 45-50 million in console sales. Now the question is how do they get that a little closer to 75 million which i think is the sweet spot.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@get2sammyb as a Xbox main console guy and PS exclusive player. I find it odd how it went from Xbox games aren’t very good to what is coming to PS5 next with sales of Sea of thieves running wild and PS gamers talking this year more about Xbox games than Sony titles. Tides can change fast in this industry.

Re: Square Enix Game Cancellations Likely as Publisher Records $140 Million Loss in 'Content Disposal'


@Friendly i agree, but Square has that relationship built in with Sony and they take it every time. Plus there was some tension between Square and MS. Phil got that ironed out supposedly. All i am saying is most games need their launch window to be on all platforms and it will do much better. People on here act like Xbox has 7 million consoles sold and 3rd party should just skip it. Sure Xbox is behind PS, but they have around 30 million consoles sold and will have more in the future. If only 5-10% buy your game that is a lot of launch day units sold. I won’t even try to guess how many units FF16 would have sold on PC on launch, but i am sure it’s a solid number. At the end of the day i think FF16 does come to PC/Xbox after the deal with Sony expires this June. I love the game. I like action and not turn based so it’s in my wheel house. I kind of hope Square goes back into it with the PS5 Pro and updates it. Hey if you still don’t have a PS5 yet and the Pro is in your price range that would make some sense for you 😊

Re: Square Enix Game Cancellations Likely as Publisher Records $140 Million Loss in 'Content Disposal'


@NEStalgia I’ll give Square another $70 dollar if they bring FF16 to Xbox. In fairness i got FF16 on PS5 for $40 on a digital sale around the holidays. They need to release a game on PS5, Xbox/PC day and date and see what the numbers look like. My guess would be they are leaving money on the table around launch window excitement time. I could be wrong, but that Sony deal don’t seem to be helping them all that much. FF on PC in Japan would sell a decent amount.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


Yeah stellar blade to me is more silly than serious. I have no interest in it. ROR even less so. I would rather start over on FF16 than play those. Yeah old Sony AA games were very much different in the PS2-PS3 days. PS4 just said no more of those games and now i like Sony even less cause i don’t care about Marvel games. GOWR was to long and had bad pacing. One minute im playing as the Boy and the next i am Kratos saying Boy. It was just messy even tho the core gameplay is good. There just isn’t much out yet for me that excites me much on PS5.

The core PS fan that hate on Xbox are annoying as all hell and i am sure they will be yapping about HB2 only being 9-10 hours long even tho that game has serious tech and detail behind it. Some of the settings are life like. Not saying that makes it a great game but it’s hard to say it’s GP filler when the amount of attention into that 9-10 hours is insanely well thought out.

Yeah MS may very well bring other titles over to PS, not sure if Halo and the crew are off limits or not. I would think SF is the next game to come to PS5.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia So stellar blade is the next tomb raider? If tomb raider was a male character that series would have died on the PS1. So i see your point even if you disagree with mine.

ROR is in the shadow of GOT. I seen the comparison more than a handful of times already. However ROR was never going to push consoles nor was it meant to. It is just Sony filling gaps and flexing their relations with dev’s to take a 3rd party game and turn it to 2nd.

Many on here won’t like to hear this but with MS having double the studios as Sony. We are going to see Sony use this tactic more often as MS has a real shot at having 4 in house games a year. Sony isn’t going to sit back and not have buzz around their console.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia that’s exactly how they killed their Tv sales. I used to only buy Sony TV’s until i got tired of the pricing and lack of ports. Went to LG Oled’s and haven’t looked back. Yeah Stellar Blade and ROR are just good games, not worth the same price as Spider-man and others. Sales will show that tho. No way these light up the sales charts. Stellar blade maybe for a week or 2 and then it will be low in sales until it hits a sale.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia HAHA Agreed on the FF16. Widescreen seems like the most useless time invested into the game they could have done for PC. Sure it gives it a standalone feature over console. But i don’t see that meaning much when players see there isn’t much to view.

Todd is likable sure. But again Bethesda games rarely do much for me. At least the ones that launched when i was younger i should say. Maybe I’d like them a bit more now. Hard to tell.

Yeah PS is the “IT” console so people just think all the games are banger AAA. Truth is Sony kind of scrambled to pick up some mid sized titles to fill out it’s year cause the cancelled a lot of games scheduled for 24 and beyond. Again they can do that cause the console sells itself. Then once they get their big titles out that will only further help them. Right now they could sell anything and be very successful. Hell look to me. The Pro might launch with a dozen or less enhanced games and i will still hunt down a pro and either sell or keep my digital base model. So I’m no better, but at least i admit it. Honesty has to count for something HAHA 😆

Re: Sea of Thieves Fully Playable Now on PS5 via Early Access


Looks like today the crow will be ate that MS killed Rare. This game like many live service games launch with limited content and a vision of where it wanted to take players. Over time they nailed it time and time again. One of my favorite Xbox One games. All Rare has to do is release another title that is loved and i think the Rare is dead talk will hush a little.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia agreed Bethesda games and engines are for sure 90’s vibe. Which is there trademark i suppose. Cause some players love the heck out of their games. I just never much cared. I think Todd comes off as a guy with passion for the industry and all so i have little negative to say about him. But he can sometimes be the root of the problem. Let’s hope with him working with Indiana jones project he see’s the advantages of better engines HAHA i doubt it.

ROR seemed B level from the start for me. PS fan’s were hyping it to no end and i couldn’t see it. Reviews agreed with me. Sony doesn’t have to have a masterpiece title this year. They will continue to sell loads of consoles and be just fine. In 2025 we will see what blockbusters they are working on.

I still need to beat the end of FF16 and then i will go into the DLC and see what i want to do from there. The PS5 deal for it ends in June, so i hope to see the PC and Xbox version this year. Still not sure what widescreen would do for this title. But ok HAHA

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia Yeah Todd Howard could hype up having the flu and we’d all be saying it’s awesome to sneeze and have a fever it seems. Never cared much for most Bethesda games. They are too long for me and not polished enough.

Yeah i knew some of whom left Capcom and the DMC series. I just simply don’t care for it anymore. Think it’s time to let that series take a long vacation and work on newer stuff, which i am sure in ways they are.

Stellar Blade isn’t doing much for me. It’s gotten average with style written all over it for me. Outside of this site most reviews are in the 6-7 range.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia i agree it’s just a flash in the pan player count cause of the show’s hype and they won’t stick around long. Well most of them won’t i should say. However it’s still profit for the studio to please its loyal fan’s with. So it’s a win even tho not a long term win. Eh not sure Valkyrie sounds my style. I really like what they done with FF16. Outside of the 30 min long dodge matches with the bosses. I was so happy i beat Titan on my first try cause that fight had 3 stages and none were less than 8-10 mins.

I liked Devil May Cry back on the PS2-PS3 days and then either i outgrew the formula or it just got worse cause now i don’t give those games a dime or min of my time.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia and mobile makes more money on just Apple gaming service for $5 bucks a month than console. Tho i have heard apple has seen some decline in that service as of late. Mobile for sure crushes console and PC. I agree kids growing up now are not going to support paying $70 a title very often. For me i am ok with the shows helping to move software, cause i don’t watch tv. So those shows do nothing more than just up a player count in a game for me and that is more than ok. Hoping it does it for Gears of war when that show comes out 😀

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@NEStalgia HAHA i see a few on here making fun of MS for not making the game. However they still get to play the games and MS get’s free money at this point on the Bethesda deal. Not sure how this isn’t a great thing for the industry seeing as of late all we have seen is layoff’s and canceled games. I still don’t think most understand how much money MS is going to make on the Bethesda and ABK deal. They just see 80 Billion spent and only 30 million console sales and assume windows is going to pay for everything forever. New’s flash… windows in 10 years or less may make less than Xbox.

Re: Fallout Games Attract 5 Million Users in One Day Due to Popularity Surge


@The_Wailing_Doom i think Phil is saying wow we are going to pay back the Bethesda deal even quicker than we thought. High five! If not that he is at the very least saying hey we own 5 of the top 10 selling video games on the charts at the moment, thanks for the future dev cost money. Any way you want to spin it MS is cashing in at the moment and own most of the high money making IP’s. I don’t think things are as dire over there as one on here would think. Long live the big 3!

Re: Final Fantasy XVI: The Rising Tide (PS5) - A Fantastic Sendoff for Square's Action RPG


@Terra_Custodes eh that’s ok bash away Haha 😀

I wouldn’t know the first thing about a good FF game. I am not a turn based RPG player so this was something i bought cause of it being such a different style. I have always respected the work, characters and music of FF games. Just never played them much since like PS1-PS2 days. However even tho i am a FF novice i do like this game. But Square better make it up to the loyal fan base or they could be in trouble.

Re: Fallout 4 Sales Up 7,500% in Europe as Bethesda Series Dominates


@NEStalgia yeah i agree with most of all that as i said before. Cause well it’s true. It’s just that games have grown a lot and some are so well done that they are real media to me at least. 100% mobile gaming is most of that money. I said on here 200 times MS was just as much buying ABK for Candy Crush as they are COD or Diablo and WOW. Candy Crush alone will make MS ton’s of cash. People don’t like to admit mobile is the top dog cause we on here are “hardcore” gamers that don’t like mobile.Starfield could have been the next Star Wars and not outsell candy crush. But i look to games like Hogwarts and how well that game holds up to say the movie and even if it is looked at as a kid’s media or toy. I was proud of the talent and effort put into it. I thought it moved the industry forward a little in the year it came out seeing as most games have been dud’s lately. I even give Sony credit for Spider-man while not a game i had a ton of fun playing it is really well made and represented of marvel movie quality. Last example is the Last of Us. Super well made experience. Sure most of my example still follows what you have well laid out. But for me i can look at those titles and say i respect those are better than just a kids media. But mostly if not fully enjoy them as a adult experience as i would the show or movie. But yes you are correct in your statements and it may never happen or needs more time to be seen in a more equal manner but the video game industry is something to be enjoyed for all ages and I truly truly wish gamers would do their part in making it a more enjoyable place for fans and giving others the idea it’s as “adult” as watching TV. I’ve yet to see someone tell the other person the TV channel they enjoy watching gets less ratings than this other one. Yet any time you mention a game or god forbid a console, you are told what a fool you are for supporting it and what it’s sale numbers are and to me thats the most childish part of the industry.

Re: Fallout 4 Sales Up 7,500% in Europe as Bethesda Series Dominates


@NEStalgia i agree and disagree if that makes sense. I agree cause most of what you said is my definition as well. However gaming today is so mainstream among celebrities, athletes and many successful men and women. Video games are the top of pop culture. Mario is more known worldwide than Mickey Mouse. Gaming out grosses movies and music combined. So it’s sometimes….. keyword sometimes looked at as a major media type. But if you are a lazy nerd playing MMO’s and drinking monster energy drinks all day that is looked at as a children’s media. It’s a lot of case by case in my opinion. Not saying I’m right just as to why I slightly disagree even tho i largely agree if that makes sense. I was there for the Super NES and forward and it’s grown so much. However by nature it will always have some sort of negative look and this is why i used to say on here and Pure Xbox please respect the industry and carry it in a light of positivity. Stop the console war banter and the industry will be taken more serious. Look at the way the “fan’s” talk and often times threaten the dev’s on social media. I used to use this a lot for all the PS outsells Xbox 2-1 fanboys. Ok great coke outsells Pepsi by far more, even tho Pepsi won the blind taste test. But my point is Pepsi knew it would never outsell coke even tho with a blind fold the person said they enjoyed Pepsi more, so what did they do? They started a new market with bottled water and other drinks that coke has largely not been able to over take. My point is this is what Xbox is doing. They are done trying to out console Sony. It won’t happen. Phil was right for saying that and yet here we are still console war talking and making the industry seem like adult children fighting over their action figures. That takes away from the positive light that others hold this industry towards and move it forward. Hopefully this made sense as to how I passionately feel about video game industry. This industry alongside bass fishing and music means the world to me. I never want to see any of those fail. The only difference is one has people in it making it lesser than it has often times achieved.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide?


@NEStalgia in a time where my 360 was becoming my all time favorite console ever over the SNES. I was finding less and less reason to play PS3. The controller alone was just hard to get into. We won’t turn this into a controller rant, cause me and you can easily do that Haha. It was God of war time and time again that i just wouldn’t leave my PS behind. I say all this to say God of War is and was very important to me and my connection to PS. When they rebooted in 2018. I was unsure but i had high hopes it would be for the better of the series moving forward. Plus every game on PS4 was action/ adventurer 3rd person it seemed. So i assumed it was the direction of not only Santa Monica but Sony. Wow it really blew the doors off for me and i called it one of the best single player games in a long long time. For me and my play style, it was near flawless. So of course i am going to LOVE GOWR right? I was so excited to start it up even tho i wish it wasn’t PS4 cross gen, i was like it don’t matter. For a little while i was like yep this is still just as amazing as the first game and then it just stalled out like a car going 90 on the highway. I was like what is this, what is that? How much longer do i need to do this. I never said those things before. By the end i almost was just like please hurry up and get me to the credits. FF16 albeit not most true FF fan’s favorite game. Just works for me. I never find myself not interested in something, sure the side quests are your basic bare bones fetch filler that lot’s of games use. But i find myself really liking 90% of FF16 and will more than likely double dip it when it comes to Xbox. GOWR and i know i will and have taken insults for this comment but is overrated and a step back from 2018 reboot to the point of i hope the next game is another reboot.

Re: Fallout 4 Sales Up 7,500% in Europe as Bethesda Series Dominates


@NEStalgia yeah more and more games are becoming TV. Which isn’t such a bad thing i suppose. I just find it funny it took the show to increase fallout sales that much. Sony was smart re releasing the Last of us on PS5 around the show. I know fan’s on here were upset about them bringing those out on PS5 instead of something new. But it was smart and it’s a strength of Sony to flex movie and games. I’m hopeful MS seen that and has a good plan around Gears of War show and games.PS5 Pro would collect dust this fall and winter for me if Gears 1-3 in unreal engine 5 came out with all modes and full multiplayer. I may try and convince myself to just keep my PS5 and not get the Pro until i see what games use it and to what extent they use it in. Then make my decision in mid 2025. Xbox handheld would be a day one buy for me if that came out in the next 12 months. Which is unlikely. Maybe they can make a crackdown show to pick up some sales from that series. If that worked i would believe in the Easter bunny again.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide?


@NEStalgia Thanks, yeah i may look into others. Heck i like FF16 better than GOWR. God of war this last go round felt bad to me in the mission and rpg lite mechanics they try and do with the armor and all that. Square out god of war’d Santa Monica in my opinion. Really hoping GOW losses the fluff and get backs to the action and boss fights the series is know for. Ok GOWR disappointment rant over. I am liking RPG’s more and more. I want to give Avowed a try. Still not sure it’s for me. But i liked what i seen the last time it was shown. I expect we will see more of it in June with its 2024 release date.

Re: Fallout 4 Sales Up 7,500% in Europe as Bethesda Series Dominates


@NEStalgia this is one way for MS to make back some cash on the Bethesda purchase. They have to be happy to see this. Now then MS please release Gears of War collection right before or after its show starts and see the cash flow in like this but more. Us Gears fanatics haven’t had something new in 5 years.

As for fallout it’s never really grabbed me, but it’s good to see it bouncing back, but as you said these games are old and have been there forever. If It takes a show or movie to make people pick up gaming controllers in the future, we might be in trouble.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide?


@NEStalgia so i bought FF16 on the black Friday deal. I have always respected and admired the detail of characters and the music in the FF series. But i just don’t enjoy true RPG turn base for hours on end. Wish i did and maybe now that i am a little older i might need to give them a try again. So when i seen the action genre was coming to FF16 i knew i needed to give it a look and boy am i glad i did. It’s my favorite PS5 exclusive. Well until the complete edition comes out for PS5 and Series X/S. Anyhow i think the game did do what they intended which was get newer players into the universe. But i agree with you that maybe for the real FF fan’s this should have been a Spin off title instead of mainline series. Either way i would have liked it all the same but it could have kept some heat off square from their real fan’s that have supported them for decades as opposed to myself that rarely gives them $2.00 and the time of day.

PS. If i ever build a killer PC rig i would buy this and try to max it out at the 120fps just to experience it and see if it can really be done on what seems to be a less than ideal optimized engine.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@CrashBandicoot1 i have all my switch games digital on Switch Oled. I like the convenience of having all the games on the go. But i agree there is some nice perks of owning physical with Nintendo. I can’t wait for the Switch 2. Should be really good. I also agree that Xbox and PS customers are showing Sony and MS that they prefer digital with the sales taking over more and more of the percentage each passing year. I am glad physical is still around for those that like it. I just haven’t bought a disc in 10 years.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@Nakatomi_Uk it’s hard to tell if disc’s will die off after this generation or not. For Nintendo i am willing to bet they have some form of physical media for a long time to come. Sony and MS i am not so sure. Yeah Exclusives are in limbo right now. I think both MS and Sony are rethinking where games go. 3rd party games sell a lot on PC, so there is a chance we see less and less of them signing deals to be on one platform only in the future. If MS goes the way of Xbox consoles being a PC with the Xbox Ui as a skin over windows OS. I think they will be in the hardware game for a long time to come. As for PS, as long as they are selling well and making good money back on the software we should see them continue on as well. Yes the industry is in a state of changes right now. But i don’t see it as Doom and Gloom for long. There is still loads of money to be made from all 3 console makers and they will make the right adjustments to maintain profitable. It just may mean someday we see less and less exclusive games locked to one box.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@naruball i am sure it will continue to sell especially when it drops in price. But to sell less than the first game is not a good sign. Plus FF7 is iconic and this remake was talked about for a long time. To only muster a few million in sales seems troubling for Square. I think Square and many others are going to focus on multi platform releases in the future. It’s the best way to catch the whole audience.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@Ralizah yeah i agree. I am not a huge Marvel video game fan. I played Spider-man and while it was good I never thought of it as great. It recycled to many missions and play structure throughout the game and it got a little old. Tho i did finish it cause i wanted to see the ending. I rarely ever stop playing a single player game without beating it. Just so i can see the ending. I miss games like Sly Cooper and others from Sony’s past. But thats just not what they are making these days.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@NEStalgia agreed i think it comes to Xbox after they finish the PC build. Here is the link i read and it say’s basically what you just said it’s all about high end hardware and even with that they are working to get it correctly optimized. Have a read, he really isn’t giving full context as to what you will get. Haha

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@Ralizah yeah i get all that and you are correct. I liked exclusives when i was younger. I would just buy a Nintendo and Sega and call it a day. But a lot has changed since those days. Now we have 2 consoles that are just PC’s with a different ui. Super high cost of development like you said and more and more capable hardware in the form of laptops and handheld PC’s that can play AAA games. Years back we didn’t have all that strong of hardware options as we do now. I am not blaming Sony for spending money to get games on its devices, but i am questioning if it’s needed and healthy anymore. One more thing i think that is hurting Sony is they took one of their best teams in Insomniac and turned them into a Marvel games studio. They do a great job with Spider-Man and i have zero doubts they will have any trouble making an amazing Wolverine game. However the money that Marvel takes per copy sold is another issue for profits for Sony. The games themselves are expensive to make and we have to pay Marvel. Now if insomniac went back to making its own IP’s that would be a cut not needed to hand over. Would a Infamous sell as well as Spider-Man? Likely not but it would still do great numbers and have a chance to make more in profit. Last point on FF. I hope the rumor is true that it’s coming to Xbox as many of my friends there want to get it. The PC port is going to be awesome with wide screen and 100fps. So that is what allows a game like that to have more success than being locked down to one walled garden.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


@Ralizah again most of what i am seeing is gamers not seeing that AAA games locked to one console is not healthy. The industry including Sony management is saying it but fan’s want to deflect and worry about Xbox players buying habits. I agree Square doing deals with Sony is smart in a way. But these games need to reach other platforms and quicker to make back some money. 2 million sales for a game this scale is rather low any way someone try’s to spin it.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Has Sold Around 2 Million Copies, PS5 Player Data Suggests


I know many won’t like my comment here. But… this is why exclusives are dying and not good in today’s market. All i hear is well PS has the most consoles sold thats why it get’s certain exclusives or attention, or people buy more games on PS. What does it matter if PS5 sold 200 million consoles if only 2 million buy a AAA JRPG? How does that help Square? Now if this game was on Xbox and PC with little money invested into its development, they could sell at least another million if not 2 million more over time. I am not saying MS is right or wrong but i am saying that exclusives at this scale and money aren’t going to last much longer, no matter how many consoles Sony sells. The writing is on the wall and games must be made to be played anywhere and every where in order to sell as many as possible.

Re: Sony Santa Monica Studio Seemingly Hiring for New God of War Game


As big of a GOW fan as i am. For as hyped as i was for GOWR after saying the 2018 GOW was one of the best single player games I’ve ever played. GOWR just didn’t hit as right for me as i expected it too. Lot’s of filler in that game to make it feel longer. Still dislike the armor upgrade system and the RPG menu mess. Running around with the “boy” and the little girl was like what am i doing here? Still gave it a 8/10 but that was down from the 10/10 2018. Hope it losses some of the filler and becomes just more focused on action that GOW is known for.