Comments 1,797

Re: Tech Experts Reckon PS5 Pro Could Help Pave the Way to PS6


@OldGamer999 i always loved my Sony TV’s, i would have gotten 2 of them if they would have had 4 HDMI 2.1 slots. But they didn’t so i now have a 65 and 55 inch LG Oled, a C1 and C2. Love them. But yes Sony has great imagine processing, and i am sure at some point i will move back to their TV’s but for the love of tech Sony, just include four 2.1’s. Every other TV does that.

Re: Tech Experts Reckon PS5 Pro Could Help Pave the Way to PS6


@cuttlefishjones @themightyant you say MS is no threat but Sony wrote a whole book worth of their concerns to the courts about what MS is planning. Sure MS isn’t going to out sell PS consoles worldwide. Never, the same Sony isn’t going to outsell Nintendo in Japan. However with the ABK and Bethesda deals MS now has opened doors to mobile and PC revenue they never had access to. The same mobile and PC money Sony wrote about them not having and how much a disadvantage they will be in if the courts allow the merger. MS is now making a mobile game storefront, along with counting money from COD and Minecraft and others. Someting Sony is again showing how important that kind of revenue stream is by going all in on live service games. Sony having a 2-1 install base of consoles but not making more money than MS going forward is competition to Sony as they stated cause that is money they can’t have. While i am brining up court cases, Sony along with many others are headed to court, cause they want to lower the 30% cut platform holders get for hosting software on their platforms. If that get’s cut to say 10-15%, Sony will be the sisters of the poor with PS. So before you go out and claim the 3 trillion dollar company with more revenue streams and IP’s is just walking away, i would say read the public records Sony not me, not a fanboy, or even a gamer on YouTube has said but Sony themselves about the landscape from 2027 and onward. I think you will see it a much different way. MS and Sony will be making loads of money still but not in the ways we are used to seeing it from. As a 3 console owner, this is good to see as i don’t want any of the big 3 to leave. All their efforts are good or learning experiences for a better industry.

Edit: I included you to expand upon your reply Mighty, the gaming landscape is far different than what the average gamer is looking at. Sony is aware of what the future is and what they do and don’t have for it. They are not feeling nearly as good about their position after the Bethesda and ABK deal. They said so themselves. They know cloud and PC and Mobile and live service is where the younger players are, and who has the games and infrastructure in place for that future?

Re: Tech Experts Reckon PS5 Pro Could Help Pave the Way to PS6


@OldGamer999 this is the exact point. Well said buddy. DLSS had its growing pains and continued to update it as will PSSR. By PS6 they will have many updates to it and have it running even better. Which is a win for everyone. AI upscaling is the future for both PC and console. This is a great starting point for Sony as PSSR even in its early stages is looking very good and capable. Sony is very good with image processing. I think they will get this to a point of great gains for the hardware and software.

Re: Bickering Begins Over PS5 Pro's Inability to Sell Out


I have seen online a lot of people canceled their pre order. Not sure how true all that is. I am keeping mine. I really love Pro consoles. Both the PS4 Pro and One X were awesome. Looking forward to the PS5 Pro. That was my birthday gift to myself. Sell my base PS5 and the upgrade will be complete until the next Xbox and PS6 come out. Of course I’ll sell my Switch for a Switch 2 also

Re: All PS5 Pro Enhanced Games


@torquex Gosh dang i love that game so much. Why RockStar, why won’t you update it? Maybe someday. I have 1000’s of hours into RDR2 but with a huge update to it i would play more. Especially 60fps. That would be such a nice upgrade.

Re: Random: Xbox Boss Complains About X Button After Being Handed PS5 Pad


I game on all 3 consoles and for some reason i don’t have an issue with the buttons. The only button that is hard to press is the PS symbol home button, that touchpad makes me dislike the PS controllers, they would be so much better without. 99% of the games i own only use that pad as a button. It’s so underused even articles on tech sites ask why they have it. Otherwise i like all the consoles controllers. This was funny with Phil and i am glad he and other kids are having fun, after all this is all this is intended for is fun. Not arguments and all the extra people be doing online.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Looks Sublime on PS5


@SilentBluntman yeah that would be amazing, but he is off doing his thing and seems happy. So no telling if that happens. But it would be good. This game is looking strong. I have it on my wishlist. I plan to get it. It will look great on the Pro. Unreal Engine 5 can handle all the power you can throw at it. So i am excited.

Re: All PS5 Pro Enhanced Games


@torquex as my favorite video game of all time. It saddens me to agree with you. I just don’t see it happening. I agree just the 60fps alone would be fine. But i hold out that maybe next gen they will do a remastered version with better graphics and textures, 60 fps, enhanced lighting etc etc and resell it for $70. I would buy it in a second.

Re: Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Looks Sublime on PS5


@SilentBluntman it’s on Unreal Engine 5 so i would think you could throw some power at it and it would eat it up. If i can find a PS5 Pro in time i will get this on there. If not i may get it for Series X. Either way i am playing this. But yeah i would love to see how you could run it on PC. Should look insane if you got the rig.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for September 2024?


@LastSaneManOnEarth Sony has to listen to its fans and its fan’s want more and more PS4 sequels. I myself got so bored of the PS4 formula. Some PS fans want more variety in the software but most are happy with what the PS4 games were and just want more of that. To me it get’s boring fast. However it’s better than Concord so thats a plus.

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for September 2024?


I feel like the PS5 Pro should be $649 now since Sony should give us a $50 dollar credit for watching that State of Play. I kid i kid. I don’t care for horror games nor Ghost so it did nothing for me. But i knew there wouldn’t be much for me in there. However i am glad to know Metal Gear is Pro enhanced. I do want to play that. I am sure that will look killer on the Pro.

Re: Sony Appears to Leak Many Games from State of Play


@OldGamer999 i have GPU, i do like the Dual Sense, it just don’t like me in certain ways. Left thumb just hurts near the base of my hand after about 30 mins. I also wish Sony would loosen the Tension on the sticks a bit and they need to be concave vs convex for me. I would love for them to make an official 1st party controller with off set sticks. I would buy that at any price. Heck i bought the Edge and rarely ever use it. Haha

Re: What Time Is PlayStation's State of Play?


@Titntin i mean this would be a great time and event to have a small tease of GOT 2! It’s Tokyo game show, what better tease than GOT2 is coming! I just don’t see them doing it, but i think that would make a little buzz for them in a positive way.

Re: Sony Appears to Leak Many Games from State of Play


@NEStalgia the Concord strategy you ask. Well i am going to give you the full breakdown on how i feel on that. No shortcuts here HAHA, i have taken my share of criticism on this page for what i am about to repeat. But my wisdom then is starting to display indisputable facts. SONY DOES NOT KNOW ONLINE GAMING!
I have said this before Microsoft took the PS2 and PS3 kicking and screaming against online until Sony left Japan and went Cali and built the PS4. Sony has never had a talent pool nor the infrastructure to be in the online competitive market. Hence they threw all the money they could at COD and called it a day, made exclusive skins and kept the beta’s. Killzone was fun, not the Halo Killer, Resistance and MAG fun games but not mainstream success’s. NES they really thought Concord was going to be a cash cow title. They made a controller for it, we found out Herman thought it to be the future of PS and some around Sony saying it would be their Star Wars, now how out of touch in that Genre is Sony to not see what a 15 year old kid on YouTube seen. A bland boring dead in the water title? There is no more out of touch than that, however there is cause they did a knee jerk reaction to MS buying ABK and gave Bungie more money than it was worth to do what? They said teach them and help them build up tools and infrastructure for this type of game. Something i said they didn’t have 12 years ago and kept saying it only to be called a Xbox fanboy cause no one one here wanted to hear or believe Sony had zero talent in a area of the video game world.well to any of them reading this now, how does my words from past feel now? Sony is stuck making some single player games for the rest of PS5 to please that audience, but Sony knows that model can’t continue. Those games barely pay back the investments. Meanwhile MS with half the console sales will have more active players buying more skins and maps and making more money than Sony for years to come with the ABK deal and others. Last point while I’m on my soapbox. Sony doubled down by saying they will make PC gamers wait for the single player titles. That won’t work. Thats leaving money on the table. Look at all the top 10 most played and profitable games, they are on every device that can run them. You can’t be this out of touch and lose money to this extent when you are worth less that what MS spends on Christmas employee parties. They need a new strategy badly. Cause the money is about to get real tight. Unless all these remasters sell big numbers.

Re: Sony Appears to Leak Many Games from State of Play


@OldGamer999 i played and beat Astro Bot and that controller from Sony still makes my left thumb a little sore. So i am keeping my PS as it has been since launch of PS3 and that is exclusives only. I did however loved Astro Bot. Really fun game and well made. But Metal Gear Snake Eater and others i will be playing on Xbox, simply cause that controller lay out fits me better. As it has since 360. Truthfully the smaller OG Xbox controller and on really. Now i know some that love the sticks in line, and that isn’t so much my problem as it is the reach it makes my thumb do. Some reason it don’t bother my right thumb, or not enough to notice. Even with all that said i will be selling or trading my PS5 for a PS5 Pro. I plan to enjoy what exclusives take full advantage of it. But Series X will get all my 3rd party and MS title money.

Re: Sony Appears to Leak Many Games from State of Play


@OldGamer999 Remember Sony has said publicly to expect nothing from their in house studio until Spring of 2025. So i wouldn’t expect anything here at the smaller State of Plays. They have had so many working on live service projects that are now cancelled or delisted. That most of what they have is too early to show would be my guess. Instead of showing it early and having the project take criticism, they will make sure it’s deep enough along to be shown in a good way.

Re: What Time Is PlayStation's State of Play?


@Bionic-Spencer @Titntin remember early in the year.Sony said they had nothing planned to be shown until spring of 2025. So this show is likely the 2 remasters, Lego Horizon needs its release date so i expect that. Now the surprise title could be Metal Gear Snake Eater. As it is rumored to be a 2024 title. Further rumors are the game is a good example of the PS5 Pro power using Unreal Engine 5. So maybe those titles and some VR and thats it. Sony is sticking to their Spring 2025 guns it appears. Remasters and 3rd party deals have to carry us over until 1st party content is closer.

Re: State of Play Confirmed for Tomorrow, 20+ PS5, PSVR2 Games Included


@Savage_Joe yeah but it won’t be titles from big first party. Those games are still new in development as they were all working on live service games for Jimmy boy. So it could be a while before we see what the big studios are on. However shouldn’t Bluepoint maybe have something worth showing? That could be really cool.

Re: A Massive 75% of UK Game Sales Were Digital Last Month


@LowDefAl i agree the Pro is a niche machine for sure. But in the beginning the disc PS5 was the one selling more as people thought thats what they wanted. However in terms of games sold the numbers show those disc drives aren’t being used in those numbers. The software sales are far more digital. I bought the digital PS5 cause i knew i would never use the drive.

Re: A Massive 75% of UK Game Sales Were Digital Last Month


@astro911 yeah I understand your point. But i think they had to make a disc drive to start the gen but as it continues and of course covid lockdowns having more and more gamers go digital. I think going forward with this high of a digital to physical number this is the strategy going forward. Disc drives being an add on. That the player takes the expense for.

Re: A Massive 75% of UK Game Sales Were Digital Last Month


This is why the Pro is selling the disc drive separately. Why should they eat the cost for something most gamers aren’t using. Their numbers show they aren’t using them. You want physical media, you will pay for it as it’s not mainstream no more. I like that they sell an option for those that want it. I am not saying physical media is bad for those that like it. It’s just some thing in today’s market you will have to accept you will pay extra for and the company won’t. Plus many games may in the future skip a physical release. This is just where we are.

Re: Concord Dev Could Close After Director of PS5, PC Disaster Steps Down


@NEStalgia it does fail every single time. They have to do thinking how do we make back some of that Concord money? Well instead of charging stuipd prices on the hardware and such, make some smaller titles that will sell a lot. They have a ton of those. They ain’t getting back all that concord money over night.

I will say tho, i see why they want to make a profit off the Pro. The base units sells a lot and they will make their software money on those so it can sell at razor thin profits. The Pro is likely already a PS5 user and they are upgrading (ME) so they add in their profit on the console to make the 12-15 million pro’s they sell profitable. I understand that angle if that’s their logic. but i was still hoping for $600 with 1TB storage. Classic Sony is back and a lot of its user base won’t like it.

Re: Concord Dev Could Close After Director of PS5, PC Disaster Steps Down


@NEStalgia yeah Herman is a problem it appears as well. I am not a Horizon fan very much so his baby project getting a remaster does nothing for me. I played and beat the first one and still think anyone that can fully follow the story is a 2-3X my comprehension skill set. You know it’s funny you bring the TV’s from Sony up. I was at work yesterday thinking of the 30th anniversary products going dang Sony is turning PS into what they did to their TV’s. I see that more and more. The pricing of the 30th editions are going to be rude. Now i happen to love the look of them. I have been on record saying many many times that I LOVE the PS1 design language. Always did. But the price and how very limited they are making them is just to much. Think the Pro is only 12,000 units. Or maybe that was the slim and Pro combined i am not sure. I just heard 12,000 and thought yeah no way i will be able to get one of these. I can likely find a Dual Sense, so i can hurt my left thumb with a better color scheme! Sounds fun huh?

Yeah FF16 is poorly optimized. Flat out. Not even sure the Pro will iron out much for that game. Outside of making it look prettier. Forget 60fps tho, unless they know some magic that is unknown to the rest of the tech world.

Re: Concord Dev Could Close After Director of PS5, PC Disaster Steps Down


@NEStalgia ole Jimbo special here. He took all the live service products he could and then took his own teams and had them working on them only to be canceled. So this is the reason we don’t have a roadmap for Sony’s games, cause they are only a few years into development. We might not see any big titles until the end of the PS5 life cycle. Jimbo is to Sony what Don Mattrick was to Xbox. Only PS is popular enough to continue to sell hardware. I just can’t see where 400 million went on this game. It looked so basic to me. I can at least see where the money goes when i see a Spider-Man or Last of Us game, but Concord at 400 million? Thats a shock to me.

PS on a side note you got the FF16 maybe not running great on PC either right. Likely it’s a bad port. But so much for 4K 60. Even the 4090 is struggling with it. Square needs some big time patch work. I remember you being skeptical of this games performance.

Re: Jaw-Dropping 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro Console and Accessories Will Bankrupt You


I do not give 10 out of 10’s easy. In fact off the top of my head. My only few 10’s has been Super Mario 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Zelda ocarina of time. There could be 2 maybe 3 others all time. This collection is a 10 for me. I think from the USB C cable attention to detail to the packaging, to it all. This looks amazing and is made with a care that truthfully not even Nintendo gives to us on their anniversary’s and never mind mentioning Xbox. If i can get my hands on one of any of these i will buy them. But this is Sony at its A game. Maybe….. maybe a bit bias but the PS1 is my favorite PlayStation of all time. My profile on this site say’s my favorite consoles of all time, are Super Nes, Xbox 360 and PS1. I just want 2 of all these, one to use and one to sell in 20 years for an insane amount of money!!

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@OldGamer999 the only digital consoles from Xbox and Sony are coming. Sony will continue to sell an add on into the future is my guess. I could be wrong but i think they will give that option for a little longer still. Xbox i would be shocked to see them not just go digital, Nintendo will keep the carts. They seem to be working well for them. But it is going to be a secondary option, the consoles design is going to center around digital. Even with all the games Sony sells on PS, 80% of their revenue is digital, when that hit’s 90-95% i think it’s over for discs.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@NEStalgia yeah AMD can’t touch Nvidia, and i don’t think PSSR is DLSS. But it’s clearly going to be good and a huge boost. They have time to improve it over the years. I believe Pro will show some nice gains in the coming months and many dev’s once they get it will start to use it really well and it’s all at $100 dollars more than the new limited edition 2TB series X. I mean that really is a stretch in price to me. Xbox is going backwards with tech, while Sony is giving me performance, even if at a cost i think they should have gotten to $600, but with Wi-Fi 7 and 2TB cost aside they did actually. Cause the extra storage for sure is a bump in cost. Xbox uses Wi-Fi 4. So Sony tries, they ain’t perfect. I am a hard critic on them but man Xbox is just dropping the ball all over the place. I will get the Xbox Handheld and it better be the start to better things from them or Sony is going to eat their lunch even more.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@NEStalgia @Northern_munkey @Puppetmaster

I am not the smartest PC builder in the world as focus on Apple products. But i do like to read about gaming PC’s. So i know a little. Far far far less than NES and Munkey. But i want to double and triple down on this cause it’s a fact.

You can not right now get a RDNA 4 chip with AI upscaling and Ray tracing with a 2 TB SSD at those speeds for $700. Moores law is dead is saying there is no AMD chip for PC with this feature set. This is a AMD Sony hybrid that only exist on PS5 Pro and it is POWERFUL. So much so it took FF to near Max settings running a locked 60. To me and again i know thats subjective but to me thats worth $700 dollars when you factor it all in. Also outside of GTA and a few other titles that are CPU bound games, 98% of the games made right now and in development are GPU bound games. Meaning the Pro even with only a 10% bump to the CPU is going to run games at a locked 60 with great settings. As a console gamer, this is what i want and am willing to pay for. Again for those that would take that money and add more to get a PC, I understand, especially if that is a device you really want to play on and maintain and all the such. When i log off my work computer i am so happy to be away from windows, the updates, the freezes etc etc. it’s back to Apple and consoles for me and they just work. I think Sony is in great position to have a Pro console cause they have a base console that is selling and has a good size user base. MS is struggling to sell what they have now, so a $700 dollar pro Xbox does them very little and i will end on all this banter about the PS6 will be $700, that is non sense. Sony knows they sell more base units and have a market there that is willing to pay up to $500 for a large marketshare of users and they won’t just give that away. But i expect we will see a PS6 Pro and oh the price of that, who knows. Just know I respect the heck out of you guys, i am just kicking the can around enjoying your company. In no way am i trying to sell you on a device nor say the one you choose isn’t good or right for you. I have learned so much talking to NES and others, this is enjoyable to me. So again enjoy your device and i hope we get some killers games soon to enjoy them on. Cause the hardware is a means to a end, it’s the games that count and how you want to experience them.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@OldGamer999 yeah i could care less about a disc drive, i haven’t used one of those in any device in over 10 years. For those that do it does suck it’s an extra cost. But physical collectors are slowly but surely losing advantages by the year. It’s not going to be long that consoles join the rest of the consumer electronics market and be disc less.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@NEStalgia yeah i am staying with Apple computers for sure that wouldn’t change even if i did build a gaming PC. Windows is trash to me. I mean i work on it enough to know it’s bad. Windows 11 is laughable.

Sure if PC is what the player wants then it’s a different class with different abilities and rules entirely. I say go for it for those that want that. Heck when MS announced all their games where coming day and date to PC, this very site said all they needed this gen was a PS5 and a PC and here we are again the same people on the fence for PC. But i digress, we all knew they weren’t’ going to build a rig.

For the consoles players such as myself, dating back to the Super Nes beginning days, consoles are not 15 year investment and i am glad, i enjoy the process of buying into the next generation with all new features and whistles. However to your point i hate having to pay for online play. That one i have nothing but hate for. Rumor is the next Xbox is going away from online paywall. Believe it when i see it. But i am really happy with the specs and what PS5 Pro will be able to achieve. It’s a good fit for me. I am looking forward to it and my Dual Sense Edge will finally get some use. Haha

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@jrt87 i am keeping my Series X as i still really like the console and Gears of War E Day is my most wanted title ever. I am a HUGE gears fan. So if that don’t come to PS i would be highly upset i didn’t have a Xbox, so i ain’t doing that. I will just pay the price from swapping out PS5 to Pro. 😊

But i mean yeah if you ain’t using it that is more funds for you to use on something you would better enjoy!

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@OldGamer999 yeah buddy i am going to try and get it pre ordered i have been talking about the PS5 Pro and the lack of a pro from MS for a year it feels like. I said i wanted a console that could preform to higher quality levels. Sony built a monster, the RDNA 3/4 hybrid is really nice with the PSSR, we are finally getting 4K 60 and i ain’t going to let the money get in my way. Sell or trade my PS5 and pay the difference and get to enjoy the experience i want. 😊

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@OldGamer999 i just seen a report from JeZ saying moral at Xbox is low right now with another 650 people let go. He also let on that many of the dev’s don’t know the future of GP or the Xbox console. We all know they are going to do another gen, likely 2026, but plans after that aren’t great around the halls at MS the report says. I hate that they backed themselves into the GP or bust corner and with the PS5 Pro even i won’t be buying any multi plats on Xbox no more and anyone on here knows I bought 90% of my 3rd party titles on Xbox cause i like the controller more. They need to get a clear plan and be open with the public with it soon, when GTA 6 comes out PS5 is going to really pile it on Xbox.

Re: Sony Boss Says 'PCs Are Difficult to Set Up', Firm Will Focus on PS5


@Dragon83 Thank you for saying that. I have tried my best to tell people you can not match consoles at their price point in performance with PC. Sure $700 is high for a console and making people jump around saying untrue things. Show me a $700 PC with Ray tracing and RDNA3/4 hybrid with a 2TB SSD and i will buy 3 of them and resell them. Thanks for spreading the word. You are not going to get this tech in any machine $700 or under. Is it a little high maybe, but is the tech inside really good and will make the PS5 and Series console looking weak in a year or 2, yes I believe so and thats why i am getting a PRO.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


@viktorcode no way for real? I didn’t even look at control options as i wanted to play it with the design team’s vision first. But thank you for letting me know that. It’s such a fun game, i am talking my time and collecting all the bots before moving on so i haven’t beat it yet. But i am enjoying it a lot. 😊

Thanks again for the tip!!!

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


@MrMagic we will know the real numbers in time, but it’s not looking great which again is upsetting cause it’s such a well made game. Plus i would love to see more of it or Sly Cooper. But we sadly might not and it’s cause not enough people buy the games they ask for. I thought for sure the hardcore Sony fans would have snagged this early and it would have has a solid first week or two in sales.

Re: Japan Sales Charts: Astro Bot Barely Registers at Retail, PS5 Numbers Plummet After Price Hike


@MrMagic yeah but Astro launched with far many more PS5 units sold then when Ratchet came out. So i am not sure that say’s anything really. Sadly i think this game is going to be mediocre at best in sales even tho it’s such a fun game and really well made. I am enjoying it a lot. However i loved Ratchet on Ps5 also. I was always told on here that PS owners buy games and the exclusives matter but Astro is not getting that love.

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


@OldGamer999 Yeah I agree. I was shocked they did it that way, the only thing i could think of is Disney wanted it to be hyped for PS5 as well instead of just dropping it on PS5. I mean they own the IP and i am sure have a lot of say over it and where it goes. I am not sure. But what i am sure about is more titles will hit PS5, it’s just a matter of when and which ones at this point.

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


@OldGamer999 i mean in fairness PS has only gotten 4 games from MS so far. Mostly smaller ones. Sure Doom is coming but that was kind of a giving. Now when we start to see Forza, Halo and Gears and Fable, it’s a wrap there would be little reason to need a Xbox, i don’t think they give those up right away. I could see State of Decay and Starfield making its way to PS5 at some point tho.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


I am going 9/10 and only because i don’t love the use of motion controls at times even tho they are mostly well done here. Also a few difficulty spikes that are a little rude. But overall this is a great game that didn’t need a load of patches to get it working day 1. GOTY so far for me and should likely win it.