Comments 1,800

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@__jamiie PlayStation Fans: Xbox has no games!
Also PlayStation Fans: Can we please have more Xbox games!

You better stop talking like me on here or you are going to get called out by i won’t name them, but they don’t take nicely to that kind of talk around here. Hahaha 😀

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@__jamiie @GamingFan4Lyf yeah i get what you are saying and i thought that too but man Sony don’t play around with giving up any edge that makes a gamer buy into PS. They are now that they are coming to PC more often. But yes i too agree that might just ruffle to many feathers for it’s own good. I’ll drop a small rant on you cause i know you are mature enough to understand where i am coming from and how bad i think it is for the industry. I included Jamie cause i know he feels similar without speaking for him.

I think it’s sad that this hobby has people in it that wish for the other companies to fail and quit, while acting like it’s bad when people lose their jobs. But wish for Xbox to stop making hardware.i fish and hunt as my outdoor hobbies and sure there is brand loyalty in rods reels and lures. But never online in chat forums and topic threads do i see other fisherman wish for other companies to go out of business. Heck even in PC gaming PC gamers don’t normally say i hope AMD goes under, cause they are mostly smart enough to know what Nvidia would do to them if that happened. But PS fan’s always want Sony to be the only one standing. Competition is good even from the other side you never intent to support. Then when gamers like us support them all we are trolls and fanboys. Sorry for the rant but none of that makes any logical sense in business or otherwise.

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@GeeForce it’s possible. Not sure if we will see that or not. But that would be really interesting and give a lot of choice to gamers. Exclusives wouldn’t be the main reason for why a person games somewhere for the first time maybe ever. I wonder if Sony could block that somehow? You know they ain’t about to just share with the competition. Unless they are down to their last 2 nickels.

Re: PS5 Sales Trend Ahead of PS4 in US, Leads Console Market By 'Significant Margin'


I will for sure sell my Digital PS5 for the PS5 Pro. I just wish i like the controller more and i would just use PS5 as my main console. Well and I’d like to see them use Dolby vision. Diablo 4 on Series X with Dolby vision looks so much better than the PS5. Yes i have both. Overall good sales from PS hardware and that don’t surprise me but they will need to get that 4% profit margin up to really please the investors. Hardware sales won’t work on investors anymore, they want to see the cash. Imagine if Sony could hit a cash cow like Fortnite or Minecraft. I think they are going to try. Maybe Concord is going to be a great live service game. Time will tell.

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@LifeGirl cause the plan is they can turn Xbox into a console/PC hybrid and have it licensed out to HP, Dell and Asus. Then MS is making a handheld. So in a lot of ways it’s the opposite of MS leaving the hardware business. They are actually rumored to maybe bring more options to the hardware space. They will be the largest 3rd party software publisher across all platforms and be a 3rd party hardware maker. If that comes true, they will be swimming in cash and we all know MS will follow the wallets. They ain’t worth 3 trillion dollars cause they keep a closed ecosystem. They even brought all their software to the Mac and iPhone, making a killing on that customer base. 😀

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@twitchtvpat i am a HUGE gears of war fan. It’s in my top 3 all time franchises. I follow and know a lot about it. It’s basically been confirmed the Marcus Fenix collection is coming out on PS5 and Series X/S and PC. That game across all those devices will sell in the millions. Those 3 games are insanely good and using Unreal Engine 5 will be insane. Gears 4-6 are also being looked at to come to PS5. But not much info floating around on that as much as the collection. I will be playing that on Series X or maybe even PC. But when it goes on sale on PS5 later down the line i will likely double dip it. Enjoy!!!

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@BAMozzy yeah i don’t know what the future holds for consoles. I mean Sony and Nintendo are safe. But even tho safe they might have to adopt to certain things or at the very least find ways to keep software cost in check. MS now holds a huge amount of the money makers in the business on the software side, but struggle to move enough hardware and even if they sold as many consoles as Sony would they still want to leave all that money on the table not bringing games to PS? I don’t know. There is a reason they are worth 3 trillion dollars. They go were the money is and aren’t afraid to leave a business behind or change it to chase that money. Apple, Sony, Nintendo and a few others stick to their ecosystems and do well there but rarely chase other wallets outside. Neither is better or worse it’s just what they do. Sony coming to PC is smart and i knew they would do it. I even said on here PS games will be day and date by or shortly after the launch of PS6. I may still have to eat crow on that but it’s inching closer by the year. I love all 3 consoles a lot. But my main problem with making Sony my main platform and just leaving Xbox or supporting them lightly is i don’t love the PS controllers dating all the way back to PS1. PS4 controller was ok for me… Dual sense is the best they have had yet for my hands but it’s large and hurts my hands, finger and wrist when playing shooters or something fast like my Diablo 4 binges. So I am kind of stuck at the moment haha , your a smart guy you know this industry well. What do i do.? 😀

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@BAMozzy yeah Halo is rumored to be having a new game using UE5 and i think that would look really good. Plus it would be easier to make content for, something infinite struggled with. Infinite is a really good game, it just didn’t have content to keep players interested. id tech is the most impressive thing MS bought in my opinion, it’s so well optimized and they just get it right. Anything coming from them should be a win. Gaming is about to get really good again after all the bad news, delays and cancelled projects. We have a lot of stuff to look forward to, i hope Sony has something great to show at the state of play and i think the Xbox Showcase is about to be insanely good. Plus we still have new Nintendo hardware to look forward to at some point in the near distant future. 😊

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@BAMozzy Well its the Same Price to 'own' on Xbox too and of course both require a Subscription to play 'online'. So if you don't have 'Game Pass', its exactly the same for both Xbox and PS gamers.

That was kind of my point bud. GP ultimate for a year isn’t as expensive as it looks. I agree with what you are saying, i am merely pointing out it’s not so lopsided to pay for GP for a year as it sounds like just buying the game and getting online to play. The industry could really use some heavy hitting games that aren’t supporting last gen to move players forward to the new hardware. That will help both Sony and MS, plus the dev’s can start to make sure Unreal Engine 5 and others are the go to.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@MrMagic yeah i think the early access stuff is here to stay for a lot of big games. Most of Starfield sales were on the early access pack. Not a scam to the players that are willing to pay to play early plus it is a little easier on the servers. Now if only we could get a price hike to GP with no extra benefits added yeah!

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@BAMozzy i was just adding in the game at $70 and online fee of $80 a year to play online. As most COD players don’t care to much about other games.i agree it’s always the best value to play where you want. I game on all 3 so i ain’t locked out of a great game. But i don’t like Sony controllers for competitive shooters, so i get those on Xbox. 😊

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@BAMozzy it’s $180 on GP or it’s $150 on PS with no extra games. So there is value there. But console players aren’t going to sell their PS5’s to go to GP. However after the annoucement of COD to GP Xbox series X sales went up 220% on amazon. Not sure if that was cause of it or not. That was a few weeks ago and at that point it was only a rumor. As long as the market can get healthy and keep people employed i don’t care who has the marketshare. I like all 3 but Sony’s controllers and me don’t get along for FPS games.

Re: Sony Seems to Have Broken the PS5's Game Time Tracker, Again


@KilloWertz thanks buddy, i try and keep it fair. I own all 3 consoles. Been made fun on here for saying i do… somehow!
I use my Xbox more and it’s my daily driver mainly cause i prefer the controller. But i love me some Nintendo and Sony exclusives. If Sony had a controller i loved more than Xbox i might jump ship. But 5 generations in that hasn’t been the case for me and my play style. I’m looking forward to seeing what Sony shows this month, and yes i am a PS5 Pro guy.i will trade in my older PS5 towards a Pro. Never plan not to support them just don’t agree with they should have no competition.

Re: Sony Seems to Have Broken the PS5's Game Time Tracker, Again


@KilloWertz i agree haha the Graig’s list comment got me.

You see why console gamers like myself say things to people on here that wish Xbox would leave the hardware market. Cause with MS on the market this is the Sony we get, imagine when they have no competition in that space? One thing i will give the PC gamer is even tho they are loyal fanboys to Nvida or AMD, I rarely to ever see them say they wish the other one would go out of business. Cause they know what will happen if they do. But PS5 gamers don’t want a Xbox that PS outsells handily to even exist. I take a lot of issue with that and i do my best to call it out when i can.

For the record I am not saying you do this. I am just saying your point you made is valid and it would be worse with competition. Sorry to have ranted at you buddy 😊

Re: Soapbox: Once a PS4 Console Exclusive, PS5 Players Are Missing a Visual Stunner in Hellblade 2


@NEStalgia do you ever wonder if all those plastic fake burgers people eat from McDonald’s makes the brain say and do things it normally wouldn’t?

Cause i could have sore i just read on here that HB2 is a walking sim, yet Death Stranding and DS2 are some of the most beloved PS games. I mean for real?

I don’t play either of those games cause i think they are boring but I’ll be here in the comments section for when DS2 comes out.

Re: Sony Seems to Have Broken the PS5's Game Time Tracker, Again


Sony is not a Software company. They should really make their UI’s less and get a few things right then try and add a lot of stuff and it sometimes works or is useful. I thought the card system was a waste of resources. I don’t dislike the Ui but there are things on it that i don’t use and the ones i do aren’t always very accurate. This is an area i like my Xbox Ui way more in. I love the Switch Ui for how clean it is.

Re: Ubisoft's Free-to-Play Shooter XDefiant Has No Platinum in Pretty Weak PS5 Trophy List


Speaking of trophies, i still wish there was an option to permanently delete games off your profile you didn’t like but popped an early bronze on. Sure this is just OCD stuff, so i expect not to get much love from this. But i like my profile to be clean and well over 60% on every game i like and want to keep. If i tried out a new game and finished the tutorial and it gives me a bronze trophy it’s on my list forever and i didn’t even play more than a hour or two past the tutorial. If Xbox or PS did this to their systems i would be all over that. I don’t mind giving up a few Bronze trophies to clean up my profile. But i have wanted this feature since the PS3 days and don’t think I’ll ever see it. It’s to much work for them and worry that someone would hack your info and delete your data. Oh and this game has around 5 months to live before COD comes out and destroys its player count.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


@chesheer the rumor is that at the Xbox Showcase there will be the big call of duty show after the main show and this years game is coming to PS5, PC and Series only. Not on Xbox One or PS4 this year. The rumor right behind that is for COD in the holiday MS will have a $199 Series S bundled with the new COD. So thats going to be interesting to see all the XBO and PS4 users having to upgrade if it turns out to be true.

Re: Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fail to Meet Expectations on PS5


@Vaako007 i agree well said. We need competition in all things in the world or companies will get lazy and hike the price up. Xbox will be around in some form for a while still. PS is for sure the worldwide popular brand but Xbox could do a little better if they stopped making dumb decisions and release great game after great games. Time will tell. I am looking forward to the PS and Xbox showcases coming up. We should start to see what these console can do. Shouldn’t be much cross gen games left.

Re: GTA 6 PS5 Release Window Narrowed to Fall 2025


This game is going to wreck the sales charts. Funny thing is Mario Kart 8 will still be in the top 5. But man i wouldn’t release a game anywhere near this title. Pretty sure i am getting it for PS5 Pro, maybe Series X, but likely Pro. Can’t wait, just wish it was Red Dead 3.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@tangyzesty i really appericate that buddy. Hey this is just like talking sports at the barber shop for me. We all have our favorites and others we enjoy and then some we don’t like. People just need to keep it classy and be nice out it and i find these conversations to be fun and educational towards the industry. I don’t do all that console war this and that crap. I enjoy gaming as i know you do as well. Really appreciate ya friend! 😊

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@MFTWrecks COD and Candy Crush alone make billions a year. See that is a mistake i see on here and Pure Xbox sites. They forget MS bought ABK for K. King mobile and COD mobile. They want in on mobile and they have a mobile store coming in July this year and they are waiting for cloud to replace console (10-15) years or so away and have the hardcore on PC. MS threw in towel on consoles as they don’t sell enough of them and they see Sony selling double then them making 4% profit margin and have to go to PC. MS isn’t as dumb as they look and sound and that is coming from a Apple fanatic. Haven’t used windows in 18 years. Diablo 4 sold 10-11 million copies in a record time, becoming the fastest selling blizzard title ever. Thats not peanuts. World of Warcraft isn’t peanuts. So again this is a long term investment and a mobile store front investment by having Candy Crush, COD and Minecraft. It’s not as doom and gloom as it looks. Sure Xbox consoles are just now a 40-50 million seller, which isn’t peanuts in profits either, but they want the big money and the big money is Mobile and PC. ABK is a Mobile and PC monster in revenue. As for your it will take YEEEEEEARS. Well i don’t disagree, thats what a investment is but when you are nearly now worth not 1…not 2… but 3 TRILLLLLLON dollars. You can take that chance and if it pays off thats how you become a 4, 5, 6 trillion dollar company.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@tangyzesty i don’t disagree with you about PC gaming. Tho i am starting to think about leaving consoles and go there. Have to wait and see what Sony’s PC plans are first. But i could make the case when cloud is strong enough to be where causals play, it will be easy to turn on your smart tv, ht a button or 3 and your in a game. No updates needed as they will be server side. No need to worry about saves as they will be cloud based, no need to up your storage drive etc etc. this is the marketing behind newer tech. It becomes more intuitive and less hassle, it does the work for you. Cloud and PC and Mobile is the future. For us console players as Jim Ryan said we benefit from console hardware while countries and companies update their infrastructures, and they are. In my town for $70 bucks i have 1000mbps speed. 4 years ago it was $50 for 200mbps.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@MFTWrecks sort of right. But MS will be making loads of money either way. They own IP’s that sell in the millions. So they could leave the hardware business tomorrow and they will rake in cash on Nintendo, Sony and PC with those Ip’s. Sure they will be gone from Hardware but they will be at the mountain top in software sales. So it’s not a bad investment, it’s just no one wants to play their games on their Hardware as the Xbox brand was ruined during the Xbox One and Series isn’t doing much better as most have moved onto PS4-PS5 and not looking back.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


@breakneck not sure what else Phil could do. He can’t buy everyone a Series console. The brand isn’t as popular as PS, never was even tho 360 was close. In America it was bigger than PS. But after the Xbox one mess i am not sure what else Phil could do to stir up excitement for the brand. Tried lot’s of really good things, things even PS brought into their business models. The Series S rumor of holiday $199 bundled with COD should move units as you can bet not to many people will spend the money for the Series X. This is a solid play as the rumor leads into this years COD not coming to PS4 and Xbox One should players will have to upgrade and a $199 box with COD in today’s economy is as good as a try as they can muster. But PS5 will still outsell it. Phil isn’t not doing his job. It’s just PS5 is the better buy for gamers alongside Nintendo.

Re: Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fail to Meet Expectations on PS5


@Vaako007 agreed! MS can’t run a business to save its life. If half the companies were smart and had the money they would switch to Mac OS and never come back to malware buggy haven windows. Even the VPN on windows is broken. Haha

I’m glad to see you say they could keep their Ip’s, many wouldn’t. Most gamers just cheer for their platform to spend money for games and keep them away from other platforms. I like to see games played by more players on the screens they care to own. So i am torn cause on one hand i understand the importance of exclusives but do like to see games on more platforms for players. Time will tell but I believe the PC space is too big for Sony to ignore and they will be bring all games to the PC soon.

Re: Microsoft Leadership Reportedly Want No 'Red Line' Stopping Xbox Games Coming to PS5


I follow Gears of War news like crazy as it’s in my top 3 gaming franchises ever. From a few guys that cover Gears that i trust. They said the Collection 1-3 using unreal engine 5 is coming to PS5 and Series consoles. Should be announced during the showcase and that Gears 6 is being touted by people that seen it as the best looking video game ever made graphics wise. Have to wait and see but June isn’t to far away.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


@NEStalgia Yeah Jimbo did have a way with his words. PC would be a huge shift for me. Still not sure if i do it or not. I for sure trade my PS5 or better yet sell it for a little more and pay the rest for the Pro so not a huge investment there for me. I would buy the handhelds for PS and Xbox. More Xbox cause thats where all my games are at from 3rd party. I’m excited to hear and see what Sony has for us in a few weeks. I think they will show the Pro there, but you never know. Concord I suppose should get a look and of course the rumored PS5 Pro enhanced titles from Sony, Horizion Zero Dawn. The game i beat front to back and couldn’t understand and follow the story at all. Pretty graphics tho.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


@NEStalgia Phil isn’t liked here cause most of what he was doing Sony did a year or so later. It was like a window of whats to come to PS. Sony adopts a lot of MS’s way, thankfully not the bad messaging part or lack of 1st party releases. I do think Phil took heat for saying exclusives are dying and not sustainable. There isn’t much to nit pick over Sony being the popular console. They earned in more than others. But with that comes the headache of how do we get our player base to buy more than free to play and GTA and COD, while producing 300 million dollar single player games that gamers buy and trade in and sales sharply fall. Thats hard to do in today’s market. Can they figure it out, maybe. They have great teams and good software in the pipeline. But i do think they made a mistake in raising the PSN price to $80. That turned off a lot of subscribers. Also with HD2 there is no way their investors will stand back for long and not ask why everything isn’t coming to PC, cause investors don’t understand what games do well or not on PC. They just want to see the whole catalog there. Overall i think Sony will struggle a bit but they will have enough success’s to continue to do their thing. But the PS4 day’s of all their games being single player is likely over. Sure we seen a lot of service games canceled by Bungie. But they have to have a few more in early development. I will get my PS5 Pro and enjoy the exclusives that i like much like i did in the PS4 era and avoid the controller as much as i can for 3rd party games. Nothing much has changed for me. They get just enough money out of me to make me a worthwhile customer for them.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


@NEStalgia 100% it includes King’s money. That was the whole reason for the ABK purchase. Mobile money is more than anything. Crushes consoles and beats PC. Well yeah i mean just look at this site, they were up in arms when Jimbo was saying gaas games. I was talking on here yesterday with a “friendly” fellow and i said there needs to be balance in Sony’s approach to 1st party games. I think they will do that by the way. They can’t be the PS4 this gen and make 4% profit in return. Meaning sure have some of those killer single player games fan’s know and love but have HD2 and others make the real money. Again i am on record saying i trust Sony will attempt that and of course include PC. I have said GTA6 will lose other companies a lot of money starting in 2025. That will be a game someone buy’s a PS or Xbox for and that game and maybe 1-2 sports games and thats it. It would be insanely stupid for anyone not COD to release a game around the month of GTA6.

Re: Sony Increasingly Focused on PS5 Playtime Alongside Hardware Sales


@NEStalgia completely agree. Both for Nintendo and PS the hardware numbers are probably significantly padded by non-uers, and I think that's a big factor in why so many games have been over-budgeting, is they're overestimating their real installable market based on that.

You ready for me to get slammed on here worse than our pal Jimbo? What you just said above shows something i wasn’t going to bring up. PS has a 2-1 hardware lead on Xbox. But Software sales were XBOX 7.11 Billion and Sony 7 billion. Last i checked hardware sales makes pennies if that and the money is in software. Sony has to see that and say HOW? Then they look at the PC sales and the ABK deal and realize they need to go to PC more aggressively and have more online games cause single player games and the casuals that buy PS5’s to play Madden and FIFA aren’t all that profitable.

Boarding up my windows now, the rocks will be flying at the Hicks house LOL!

Re: Hermen Hulst, Hideaki Nishino Replace Jim Ryan As PlayStation CEOs


@PuppetMaster i don’t want them to just make shooters cause of HD2, but i think Sony should stop listening to the “fan’s” of sites like this who whined and cried about online games, i only buy a PS for it’s single player games and went HD2 the first shooter from Sony in a long while is kicking butt and taking names. Something i hope Sony remembers and has a few in its lineup. That isn’t saying don’t make single player. I said variety, which PS4 lacked and was the reason the PS4 was my least favorite PS console.

I know what the other studios are working on and i am excited to see some of that. I am talking about Guerilla and insomniac no longer making new Ip’s or going back to say infamous, Resistance and others. You clearly want to argue or you don’t respect others opinions of what they would like to play. Typical!