Comments 1,800

Re: Xbox Games Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, Pentiment, Grounded All Confirmed for PS5, PS4


@Intr1n5ic the second richest company in the world (Apple) but i get what you mean there. But i think the Apple’s, Microsoft’s googles and amazons of the world are just going to get bigger bigger and more control over our lifetime. Not disagreeing with you that it could be bad. As for the 1900 people that lost their jobs, there has been layoffs in all tech sectors across the world. Mostly due to over hiring during covid. However the MS & ABK layoffs were all but certain as they don’t need 2 people doing a one person job. The good thing is new studios pop up all the time in this industry and those people could get back into something like that and who knows be the next big person at a new studio, or go on to make indie stuff. But the narrative of MS is going to buy Sony out of the market and be greedy with these IP’s is over blown tho i think it’s fair to say that could still happen. We don’t know yet, but signs are pointing to MS being legit on every screen is a Xbox and exclusives are something they would like to see go away. Time will tell 😊

Re: Xbox Game Hi-Fi Rush Announced for PS5, Out Next Month


@Fiendish-Beaver right, and i agree with you. However Sony can’t continue to make $300 million dollar single player games only to make some money back on it. Investors don’t see this as sustainable. Throw in the fact the younger generation of players care very little for where they can play games like Fortnite and COD only that they have access to them with their friends. Console sales are slowing and peaking as there is just endless ways to play games and that will only continue to grow. While i agree Sony will and largely should keep their big system seller to themselves to push hardware, i think it makes perfect sense for them to bring their non single player games to as many places as they can. If you look at HD2 that game is nearly half sold on PC. Otherwise that becomes another lower margin game for PS. Sony needs the money and the future of game development won’t get cheaper. I think the walls of what an exclusive is is slowing falling down for some titles while i agree and fully expect Single player games and existing story IP’s to remain locked to one box. Your thoughts on that? Am i still dreaming or is the shift slowly happening right in front of us?

Re: Xbox Game Hi-Fi Rush Announced for PS5, Out Next Month


I’m happy to see games not sticking to one platform and hope more of this continues and not just Xbox games on Nintendo and PS, but some PS smaller titles coming to Xbox. There is money to be made this way. Make fun of Xbox all you want but Xbox players love and play shooters. HD2 would make good money on Xbox. Sony is looking to expand to more places (PC) for the moment. But in the future it would be nice to be able to play some titles on whatever console you want. That is not me saying i think Mario and God of War should or would come to Xbox. But titles that make sense should. I have a Series X and PS5 so there is no worry i will miss out, but as someone that played these titles already, i am happy to see people be able to play them on the platform they choose and not be locked out on fun.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Helldivers 2?


I see a lot of 9’s when all i heard was Sony all we want is single player games. Quit with the live service junk. Good to see people give this a try and realize it’s not only fun but a game that stands out and is different from what most Sony studios have released. Hope Sony continues a nice balance of live service games and single player.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Has Considered Microsoft Flight Simulator, Gears of War, and DOOM for PS5


For a site that say’s Xbox has no games, there sure is a lot of articles asking which games could come to PS. I would love to see smaller size exclusives go away. Sure God of War should stick to Sony, sure Mario and Zelda to Nintendo and Halo and Gears to Xbox. But i am good with games that don’t sell in the 15-25 million mark coming out to other platforms. Say like Ratchet and Clank on Xbox, that would be extra revenue for an amazing game that just isn’t going to crack 12-15 million in sales. I’m sure it won’t happen, but Sony made it clear this week, they intend to grow using multi platform. I am sure for now that is just more and quicker PC releases, but could become even more in the future and that is a good thing for all gamers.

Re: Microsoft Allegedly Told Employees 'Every Screen Is an Xbox' Ahead of PS5 Port Speculation


@Americansamurai1 for sure and something to consider and some of us talk about it on here from time to time. PC is just to hard to ignore for developers. Throw in cloud, console, PC and it’s becoming more about a platform and not just one box. Sony is seeing this and has been for years from others doing it. Sure Sony enjoys putting their titles on PS to move consoles and thats smart and clearly works well for them. But with games hitting $300 million to make, ship and advertise, there is no way in the future you will keep that game to just one box that takes 6-7 years to hit 100 million sales. When you can access 100’s of millions of players day and date. Again i don’t want this to come across as MS strategy is the best and Sony is copying. But in some ways as i have said on here for 2 years Sony will not ignore what MS is doing and the money they are making as a platform and not just a console.

Re: Microsoft Allegedly Told Employees 'Every Screen Is an Xbox' Ahead of PS5 Port Speculation


One thing kind of being glossed over is Sony yesterday saying they want to grow the PS business with multi platform releases. Mentioning the PC. Which with HD2 doing well right now on PC and PS5, thats all we need to see and hear. PS will be looking at some of Microsoft’s strategies with PC being a much bigger player and much quicker release times. I am not yet willing to say from what was said from Sony yesterday that it confirms day and date with PC and PS5. Tho one could hear it that way. Exclusives are slowing being molded into a new meaning for the developers and players. PS games will not be locked down to just PS consoles in the future and that was confirmed yesterday by Sony themselves.

Re: Former Call of Duty Dev Says Decisions Made by Bobby Kotick 'Made Our Games Worse'


This is something I’ve been saying for a long long time. Blizzard was and still is my favorite gaming company ever. But when they became part of ABK. Bobby made sure they were no longer a gameplay focused company. They had to make games that made money and i ain’t talking sales, i am talking micro transactions and cheap skins and pay for power etc etc. this nearly killed Blizzard as talent left and they were no longer looked at as a gaming powerhouse. Now i do think Diablo 4 is the best game blizzard has made in years and under MS and not having to find ways to sell stuff it will only get better. At least it don’t have pay for power. But Bobby was awful and he made franchises worse and i know this is a Sony PS site and it’s “wrong” to say anything good about MS. But i know for a fact they are going to let Blizzard be Blizzard again and they will start to dazzle their gameplay magic that made the studio a legend. So glad he is gone and gone for good.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@gaston it’s a feeling thing is all i can say. I do like both for different games. But for shooters i struggle more with the PS setup vs the Xbox setup. Both controllers this gen are very good tho as i didn’t like Sony controllers in the past. I am looking forward to the refresh Xbox pad with haptics and lift to wake etc etc. on the side i want to mention i like the flat button on PS a little better than the rounded ones on Xbox. Over time i feel like they are nicer to the touch.

Re: Beware! Marvel's Wolverine PS5 Assets Are Beginning to Appear Online


After what i just played with Spider-man and Spider-man 2 this game is going to be of the charts good. I said for years i had little interest in Marvel games. I knew they were made well cause Insomniac is a killer studio. But i don’t tend to be a huge Marvel or DC fan and the little i do like them I’d just watch the movie. But i picked up Spider-Man remastered digital on the Black Friday sale for $25 and i need 3 more trophies for the platinum and bought Spider-Man 2 and playing it now. Outstanding games and i was wrong to brush them off and say they weren’t for me. They are made even better than I thought they were. Wolverine will be pre ordered the moment it hit’s the PSN store. Sorry to see the leaks tho, that is so wrong on so many levels but that’s one of the million downsides to the internet. For all it does good it does 1-2 things bad.

Re: Stare Wistfully at The Last of Us Online PS5 Multiplayer Menu Screen


Wow i wanted this game more than anything else that was announced for PS5. This one hurts to see it canceled. I love the Last of Us and pre ordered Part 2 for PS5. But this one is a gut punch. Hope Sony lands a few awesome multiplayer games soon. I love the single player games but i am a huge online player also. Plus something more competitive will give me reason to use my Dual sense Edge.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@OldGamer999 PS4 was the odd PS for me. While i know i should like it a lot. I only found myself mildly happy with it. The controller wasn’t for me. Found that to be the start of Sony lacking that variety within first party games. Everything felt like an action/Adventure third person game. While God of War and a few others were absolutely awesome. I just found myself more on my Xbox one, especially the One X. For me the PS5 is trying to add variety even tho some are not happy with the titles and genre they have chosen. The controller while not my favorite on the market works well enough and i like the overall hardware a lot. Throw in the fact we are 3 years into Xbox Series X and there isn’t much in the way of killer must have first party titles. Lot’s of great 3rd party games that i think look and perform best on Series X, but wow 3 years and nothing much yet for 1st party is feeling like been here see that again. As for Sony as an overall company, i used to use their TV’s exclusively and had 3 in the house, i am now down to just 1 and 2 LG Oled’s. Sony didn’t have HDMI 2.1 when i was in the market for one of my Oled’s and they had no game features built into the TV’s, outside of TV’s Sony don’t have much in the way of what i use or need. PS is a large chunk of the companies revenue and they need PS to overall have success in some ways. So i know what you mean by that comment. They are turned their TV market in luxury branding and price it accordingly. I would be willing to bet only 15-20% of the PS users on here have a Sony TV. I did buy the Sony Inzone H9 headphones for PS5 and find them really good. You are very knowledgeable and passionate about the industry and I enjoy your feedback and takes on the current market. Things are going to get wild with PS5 Pro, Switch 2 and this 2026 new Xbox. Good times ahead friend.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@OldGamer999 they better know consoles are true gamers. I have been on console since the Super NES. I’ve ever only owned 1 PC laptop in my life and hated it and never gamed on it. Then been with Mac and Apple products since around the launch of the iPod. I did buy and run Diablo 3 on my MacBook Pro and surprisingly it ran really well. I just never cared much for the PC controls when Diablo 3 came out on 360. Yes i do think the happy spot for Xbox is around 50 million to 60 million and they will need to grow from there. There are far too many people deep into the Nintendo and PS ecosystem’s to just leave. My eyes are set on what Gears 6, Blade and Fable do. If those are AAA must play well designed and coded games then i will be plenty happy. But PS5 these last few months has won a lot of points back with me and i find myself turning it on more and more. This is my favorite PS since the PS1 & PS2. Sony really did a great job with PS5, well besides the design. Still think it’s a little ugly. Otherwise it’s really good and i can’t wait for PS5 Pro and Switch 2 or whatever Nintendo calls it. Console gaming for now at least is alive and well and that makes me happy.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@OldGamer999 yeah i have been sayin for a while they need Banjo and other type of characters that kids look towards. They have always done well with the older hardcore crowd. But they need to expand and get games that appeal to players that normally wouldn’t look at Xbox. I could even say the same for Sony, i would love for them to bring back Sly and make him more a face of the PS brand. Not maybe as important as a Mario, but Sly is a great Sony mascot in my mind. They slightly tried to make Sackboy into that but i just never felt those games had mass appeal. They were successful to a point and fun but it don’t have mass appeal look and feel to me like Sly could. Overall gaming is in such good shape. MS bringing up the rear is still sell 50 plus million units a generation and making money. Nintendo and Sony are crushing it. We don’t seem to have any Wii U’s or Saturns or Dreamcast’s on our hands these days. Not saying those weren’t fun cause they were but ask any of those if they would be happy with 50 plus million units in sales. With some great games and marketing as you pointed out there is no reason MS couldn’t grow Xbox to 70-80 million a generation and while that isn’t Sony or Nintendo numbers, it alongside PC is a strong enough position that no one would question if they are in this to stay.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@OldGamer999 they have a lot of work to do and it’s all just games related. The hardware and services and features are all great. But without must have titles it’s all for nothing. They get that figured out and they will be fine, but they haven’t done that much in the last 11 years and it’s getting more than worrying. I’ve lost a lot of trust but a few killer titles can turn that around.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


@OldGamer999 i agree and seen that video the thing is Rockstar has yet to start optimizing the game. The trailer is going to show off the best footage they have at present time. Now if in early 2025 or even late 2024 if we see more 1440P coverage i would be concerned. But i am sure it will start to get optimized for consoles soon, and at the very least it will still be in it’s best form on the PS5 Pro and thats all the push a company as popular as PS needs. PS don’t need more advantages to selling their console and yet they created yet another one. MS has to understand the console space and what drives consumers to them better.

Re: Preview: Tekken 8 Could Be One of the Best Tekken Games Ever


I’m old school and still have Tekken Tag for PS2 as my favorite ever. Me and my friends played that for hours on end. It looked like an arcade game for its time also which made it seem so much cooler. Always liked the series, hoping this is the best one ever, but until i play it. I got Tekken Tag still at number 1.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@gaston for me it’s cause i have the reach of the buttons and triggers so much closer with the thumb stick up high vs down low on the PS. I can use both and i still think some games feel better on one Vs the other. But for shooters I really struggle with PS controllers. I buy all my shooters for Xbox. However for Street fighter 6 i bought it on PS5 cause the controller worked better for me. So it’s all very subjective. But even Nintendo pro controllers use offset. Which I hope they make a Pro 2 controller for Switch 2 and make it even better. However long story short PS5 is widely successful and i really enjoy mine. Tho i enjoy my Series X also even tho it isn’t selling as well. 😊

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Targeting September 2024, Will Have Proprietary Upscaling Tech


I seen a lot of why they are using Zen 2 and it makes sense.BC, cheaper and should have higher yields. On top of that Zen 2 will be able to shrink to 4nm and save loads of space. This Pro won’t cost Sony much money at all as it’s mainly using the existing parts. But the extra 30% rumored power will get those 30fps to 60fps and it’s smart to just target 4K, no one is asking Sony to build a 8K machine and it would cost them so much and work to make it BC with PS4 and PS5. So this is a really smart move by Sony’s hardware team and i will for sure day 1 buy it. Can’t wait to see it, i hope they show it off soon.

Re: PS5 Sales Absolutely Explode in Europe as Sony Single-Handedly Drives Industry Up


@Jamesblob off set sticks are insanely popular on PC, Switch and many other devices. I prefer off set but can use both. Off set was designed around 3D gaming and Sony’s was designed for 2D gaming, neither is right or wrong and i like both depending on the game, as i game on both Xbox and PS. But PS is the biggest name in gaming and for many good reasons. Mostly their games and lack of making to many big mistakes that set it back. I am happy to see consoles thriving and selling so well. If Xbox thought this holiday was tough against a 7 year old switch and a 3 year old PS5, just wait until next year when the PS5 Pro is out and Switch 2. They are really going to take a bath next season.

Re: The Last of Us Multiplayer Project Is Officially Cancelled


NOOOOOO!! ... this was one of the big titles i was excited about from Sony’s live service push. i agree with many of you that i am sure it’s for the best but i wish it could have worked out. It’s a game i would have lost 100’s of hours in. Sony needs some live service games bringing in continued big money to fund raising costs of game development. As i have seen many on here say they beat Spider-Man 2 and traded it in and don’t plan to play it again. Single player games as fun as they can be just don’t make enough money most of the time. I am sure Sony still has a few great titles for live service in the pipeline but i am sad to hear this one is now officially canned.

Re: Harry Potter Spin-Off Hogwarts Legacy Has a Shot at Dethroning Call of Duty's Dominance


Next year they will release Black Op’s Gulf war and it will blow the doors off sales wise and review well. Black Op games always do huge numbers. We really only have one more year to compare sales of games anyway, cause in 2025 GTA 6 will likely outsell the top 10 games combined. Outside of COD if you release a game near GTA 6 you will be in the bargain bin 3 months later. ( Half sarcasm, half being serious)

Re: Disney Doesn't Think It Was 'Overly Exclusionary' to Cut Planned PS5 Version of Indiana Jones


Could care less as i own both consoles, but i will say it’s about time MS starts trying to get exclusive content. Sony will be just fine without it and MS will get some Sub’s and sales from it and then on to the next game. I still see people getting the Xbox exclusives need PS console sales to make money mistake. If MS only released the game day and date on Xbox then yes, but there are far more Xbox’s plus PC’s in the world then there is PS5’s. PC has widely been said to be the main sales platform for a few dev’s and look no further to even Capcom and others from Japan releasing on PC early and often. Xbox could sell 50 million consoles a generation and be fine with the support of PC. Meanwhile until Sony supports PC day and date they are limited to how many PS5’s sell and then later get the PC money. Neither strategy is wrong really, but in the end neither is going to leave the PC money on the table.

Re: November 2023 Circana: PS5 Is Still in First, Call of Duty Sells Best


This is the best COD multiplayer in a few years. The movement is fast, the added life so gun shootouts are a thing and of course seeing 2009 maps remade in today’s tech glory has made for a lot of fun, i got around 35 hours in on the multiplayer and not slowing down yet. Plus season 1 just dropped with new maps and even they are good. Sure the campaign left room for improvement. But the thing people are missing is there was a time when shooters and COD released with no campaign and still sold well. Throw in Zombies and this is more of a complete package than many are claiming it to be. I will admit as someone that prefers shooters on a Xbox controller, this is probably the last time i buy a COD if it goes to GP in 2024 and beyond.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


@OldGamer999 i agree. It could work or not depending on what they have to offer. Sony fan’s now have PS4 and PS5 digital libraries built up. So the best MS could hope for in that sense is GP has enough content that new players would by into that and that would be their collection of games. But yeah i see the PS5 Pro as a smart business move on Sony’s part. I mean i love the Series X hardware but there is little to no chance of GTA 6 running 60fps on it unless they really scale it back. The rumored PS5 Pro specs would give it to us with bells and whistles. That is a power play card to have up your sleeve. That is how you win in the console space and until MS wants to get more serious about the console, they are going to keep losing big to PS. Now before everyone reads this and thinks MS is dead in the water, no they are playing a different strategy. They leverage the millions and millions of PC players day and date. So if Xbox only sells 55 million consoles, that don’t matter cause the games aren’t going to only 55 million players. PS games only go to PS owners day and date so Sony needs that number to be high. Long story short i will get the PS5 Pro as soon as i can and i really look forward to it and think it’s a very very smart move and again on that Sony don’t even need to do since they have people buying the base in record numbers, so i actually thank Sony even that much more for doing it.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


@OldGamer999 i don’t believe Xbox will cause Phil said they do not, however it seems like the play at hand for MS is to come out with the next gen Xbox in 2026 and rumor has it that Sony was planning 2028 but now could try and do 2027 to not give MS as much time alone selling next gen hardware. It did work out well for the 360 and i think most people know MS is going to try and launch with elder scrolls 6 as an exclusive. So thats the play i see playing out for MS. Sony has already won this generation and will sell a ton of GTA 6. However look at what Sony has done this generation for a gamer like me. I was Nintendo and PS console exclusives only and everything else was played on my Xbox and I’ve been doing that since the 360. I can count how many 3rd party titles I’ve bought for PS on one hand since PS3 and now that is starting to flip. So Sony has done a lot right this generation for my gaming needs.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


@OldGamer999 agreed, i mean consoles release out of date compared to PC and i am fine with that as we are only paying $500 for hardware and a controller. But i do think either A the console generations need to go back to 5 years like they used to be and not 7-8 or B then if they are going to be 8 years we need a Pro console in the middle of it.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


@Rob_230 while i agree we are not seeing all of what the PS5 can do, we have seen enough from the dev’s to know 4K/60 on unreal 5 is going to need more power. 4K/30 is becoming the baseline on Series X and PS5. Sony know’s this internally and is giving the extra power and i couldn’t be more happy. This is an easy pick up for me as i have no interest in PC’s.

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


@Ravix we speak the same console language. I have no interest in a gaming PC. I have the money to build a top of the line one. But i am an Apple user of around 18 years now. I own all 3 consoles and do all my gaming there. I am not into learning driver support and tweaking settings all night to find the sweet spot. However i have 2 high end TV’s, one upstairs in a media room and one in the downstairs living room. So i want the best output a console can give me. So a pro PS5 or a Series X pro would be an easy purchase for me. I agree go big with it Sony, but at the bare minimum make sure no game can’t be at least 4K/60

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Specs Could Leak Very Soon as Dev Kits Go Out to Studios


Yes yes and yes. I love the pro consoles. I will pre order this if i can and hope they all don’t get scalped. Cause we know those people never sleep on release days. But this will be great to have 4K/60 on everything. Sony is smart for this move even tho they don’t need it as they are selling the base console at an alarming rates around the world. This is going to be good and the console is going to be large haha

Re: Could Marvel's Blade Come to PS5? Bethesda Declines to Comment


@ThaBEN but MS brings it games to PC day and date and there is way more PC’s than PS5’s. So MS will have to work a deal out that benefits both them and marvel. But i don’t think it or any game has to come to PS5 for money when you included PC and cloud i your release date. However it’s just good to see more marvel games coming and good games coming out in general. Exclusive or not it was a good announcement for gamers.

Re: Poll: Was The Game Awards 2023 Worth Watching?


@ShogunRok agreed, i voted ok cause of length and times of just waiting to see the bigger stuff. However it’s a time for some of those smaller titles to get some shine as other events they get lost in by all the AAA games. So not sure whats right or wrong. But the length is a touch long.

Re: Sony Reversing PSN Account Bans, Still Hasn't Offered an Explanation


@naruball i agree wholeheartedly. Most people on this site know i am a slightly bigger Xbox fan than PlayStation. I would say my time is spilt 60% Xbox, 40% PS. Mainly to do with the controller and style of games i play on controllers. I prefer the Xbox controls. However i love a good single player Sony exclusive. I think both do plenty well and plenty wrong to have fair criticisms and compliments for both. But i know some on here do their best to take cheap shots at MS and plenty on other sites to take cheap shots to PS and i always just viewed that as petty and a knock to the industry more than that company. Something i would like to see less of but i know that will likely never happen and stands to probably get worse. Happy to see your view as i respect it cause it’s fair. Sorry i am on one of my favorite rants. It’s kind of like the blind taste test, most say they like and only drink coke. But Pepsi beat them in the blind taste test and those same people went back to drinking coke. If you are that bias and not going to give the competition one cent or minute of your time then why even use any time bashing something you have zero intend to try? Sorry i could rant on this all day cause it’s one of the few things that just plagues the internet.

Re: Sony Reversing PSN Account Bans, Still Hasn't Offered an Explanation


@naruball have to admit i have largely quit Nintendo outside of Mario games the hardware is just to in the way for me. But i do insult MS and Sony cause i give them loads of my money and time. Now i don’t do it to be ugly i do it cause i genuinely really like both and want to see them be better in key area’s. But it’s not an insult for the sake of just stirring the pot. Both my Series X and PS5 have highs and lows and i think it’s fair to be honest so they know how to improve for the player bases they have.

Re: Sony Reversing PSN Account Bans, Still Hasn't Offered an Explanation


@IOI @nomither6 @TrickyDicky99 i mean i can’t help but comment on this. I have been saying things like this for a while now and i get blasted since i own a PS5 and Series X 🙄

Oh and i prefer my Series X cause of the controller, but back to the points made. It’s true in the sense that based on Sony’s past and insane casual player base they are free of criticism most of the time. However i will play some devils advocate and say these forums lately have had a lot of people concerned for gaas and the lack of a road map for first party games that aren’t remaster’s. I think they still make excellent games but they get a pass more than they deserve. Today i seen a few asking for Sony to take over Bungie and keep the games exclusive and off Xbox. Sony fan’s don’t normally want competition and even with competition they got their PSN plan’s increased by 30% imagine if Xbox wasn’t a thing and it went up 50% and we got nothing different for it and wolverine is the only game they knew was coming. It’s good to be good as they say.