Comments 1,800

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Demands Always Online Internet Connection, Campaign Included


@Flaming_Kaiser i can agree with that. Especially since it fits your play style. Nothing wrong with it. I play a little less games these days, mainly cause everything is a Soul’s game, Rogue, or battle royal, all of which i have no interest in playing. But i don’t let the tech get in the way of my purchases if i really want to play the game and enjoy it. I have been all digital since the start of PS4 and Xbox One, so physical does nothing for me but i am happy it’s around for those that still like it. Even tho Sony and MS are slowly phasing it out. I like some retro stuff, but i find PS to be lacking more than MS and Nintendo there. Once they get it more figured out it will be nice to have great older titles on all 3 platforms. 😀

Re: Oh Right, We Need to Write About Sea of Thieves Now


@Bagwag82 Yeah day and date for some titles i don’t think happens, but if it did, then i would say the person would buy the console with the controller they like, games they have (BC). Maybe services etc etc. it wouldn’t crush them is my point. Most console buyers aren’t’ fanboys online. They just buy a console and play games. 😀

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Demands Always Online Internet Connection, Campaign Included


@Flaming_Kaiser it’s a big file size every year for sure. As for the online, devs stopped caring about the 10% or less that whine about online games while always being online. If it helps the game and it normally does, they are going to do it. I for one don’t even turn on my PS or Xbox if the internet is down. To me they are always online machines. I understand that don’t work for some people but again 90% or more don’t see it a problem or complain. The whole world runs on Wi-Fi these days.

Re: Oh Right, We Need to Write About Sea of Thieves Now


@Bagwag82 considering on PS and Xbox the exclusives only sell to around 10% at best for most of them. I’d say ask the other 90% of people why they buy what console they do. Now Nintendo is the odd one here cause Mario Kart sells 60 million so i think we know which exclusives matter and which don’t. Plus i ain’t saying all of them should be day and date. But what would a Last of us Part 1 hurt coming to Xbox now? It’s been on 3 PS consoles. Whoever wanted it has it. The show is red hot so likely it sells a million if not millions on Xbox and Sony get’s a nice sum of cash to produce something else newer and keep it to their platform. Don’t bring the next God of War day and date to Xbox. Let your fan base have that. But God of War 2018 would again sell millions on Xbox. Ask yourself this question. Would you stop buying a PS console if their games came to PC and Xbox? Unlikely… so why would very many else?

Re: Oh Right, We Need to Write About Sea of Thieves Now


@AdamNovice source on that. Cause if it’s just rumors there are rumors saying Gears of War, South of Midnight, and many others are staying exclsuvie to the platform. With age of empires coming to PS5. Honestly i wish all the games would come out on all platforms and allow devs to make loads more money and have player lobbies full. We aren’t there quite yet.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Demands Always Online Internet Connection, Campaign Included


@MrMagic @Platinum-Bucket im going to assume yall didn’t read into it. It’s 309GB now for the beta as they continue to remove modern warfare’s from it. They said in the same article it would go down in size for launch. There is no way some of you should be commenting on article if you aren’t reading the info. Cause you got people thinking stuff thats not true and it says it in ENGLISH in the article.

Re: Xbox Really Wasn't Happy with PlayStation's Call of Duty Marketing Deal


@Mustoe yeah makes sense. Consoles have their pro’s and con’s like anything. But PC just looks better and better these days. The main reason for me is console just can’t get the CPU side of gaming right. I do love my PS5 and Series X for what they are. But it would be nice to just get a PC and i am sure i would add a Steam Deck 2 whenever that is a thing.

Re: Xbox Really Wasn't Happy with PlayStation's Call of Duty Marketing Deal


@Mustoe PC is starting to even gain more of my attention. I mean Sony and MS are now both 3rd party PC supporters. I can have all my games in one place and run them at max settings. I can’t say when i will leave console but the fact i am saying i will leave at all is a huge change for me. Console warriors are so insanely bad for the industry and bring zero value to the industry.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says DOOM Franchise Is Something That 'Everyone Deserves to Play'


@themightyant Thanks, i thought it was a great interview and it answered some needed questions. Here is why i disagree with ya on Sony. If and when gaming see’s it next big shift away from the console more and more and it is happening slowly. Younger kids aren’t asking for consoles and the ones that are want games that can be bought once and played every where and have their saves and data move with them. If cloud takes off more in the future for casuals which it will, Sony will have to move away from the older console model and when they do that they will be looking up at a 3-4 headed monster in MS, cause they will have those customers, games, tech and software running a 3-4 platform ecosystem. I am not saying all this happens tomorrow, it’s out slowly building towards the future of tech and where players want to be. Sony is smart to pick up some extra cash on the PC, but they need to also do more with their software and services. Again great show yesterday, i do believe in the current state all 3 are doing well and gaming is getting back to being fun again. I hope Nintendo has a few surprises for us. 😀

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says DOOM Franchise Is Something That 'Everyone Deserves to Play'


@MrMagic I’ll give a bonus point i thought was well needed. Phil said, 8 years ago when i said games are coming to Xbox and PC the internet said this would hurt us and now we have a STRONG business on the PC and it’s growing and when you buy a PC game you get the Xbox version as well and when you buy the Xbox version you get a PC copy. Giving players choices of where to play has been the goal. I am not sure how that is not reviewed as a great thing. Furthermore I’d like to add Sony needs to do this. It would grow them on PC a lot as well which in the future might just be necessary revenue.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Says DOOM Franchise Is Something That 'Everyone Deserves to Play'


@MrMagic true, however and more importantly to me was when he said. GP is not teaching people to not buy games, and over the last few years sales of games on Xbox are way up to an all time high, GP is a choice and so is buying games and they are choices for the players to make. SO….. for all the stay a home CEO’s online that say’s GP is the push and that it is crushing MS into losing money. I would listen to that section of the interview cause that just got squashed. I found the interview really fun and informative. I think it’s safe to say all 3 consoles are alive and well and gaming will get out of this reshape it’s seen this year and continue to be the best form of story telling entertainment in the world.

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


@Mustoe i agree. I think it’s funny on this site that they think Xbox is leaving the hardware game cause they are putting games on more screens, umm no they are going to be the richest publisher in all of gaming and use that money to continue to buy and build tomorrows future. They know the console space no matter how many units are sold isn’t enough to combat cost. Sony is showing that now with PC focus and they will continue to go towards PC and others in the future if they can’t get their 4% profit margins up. Console alone simply isn’t enough in today’s software world.

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


@Mustoe when cloud is good enough for 70-90% of the console casual player base in lets say 20 years or less, it will all be an app and just on the TV. Sony can’t afford to make a console that don’t sell near or over 100 million units. You are seeing console now not being enough to keep up with cost for anyone not named Nintendo. The push is to cloud but it’s not ready yet. But when it is console is down to what say 25-30 million hardcore players?

Also great Quake logo, i so want I.d to do a quake reboot for Xbox/PC like they did for Doom. Maybe after Doom this year they will show a new Quake at the 2025 Xbox showcase. There was a rumor of a new game with single player story and multiplayer.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Has Six Action-Packed Modes at Launch


If this isn’t DOA i will have enough crow to eat to last me a year. I’ll do it cause i have integrity to my words and actions. Unlike everyone else in social media world that just likes to say things and never take the L. But this game just don’t strike me as something that will stand out in the crowd. Could there be something more to it, maybe after playing it i will see and feel the magic of it. But i am sticking to DOA. Just didn’t seem to wow many as the game is trending so low online right now it should almost be delayed.

Re: Halo 1 Remaster Being Considered for PS5, New Report Claims


@Mikey856 @HonestHick

Here is a statement being leaked again a rumor about plans for MS software plans.

“Nothing is set in stone for Project Latitude until its close to release, and games that are earmarked for the project can sometimes shift..."
"Microsoft isn’t planning to go fully multiplatform and not have Xbox exclusives..."

Re: Halo 1 Remaster Being Considered for PS5, New Report Claims


@Mikey856 its a rumor. The same type of rumor that COD wouldn’t come to GP. That changed to GP will jump in price and add a new tier for COD. Only to have both of those shut down cause MS said it’s coming and no new tiers. Not saying this won’t happen, i think MCC would and should come. Those games are 18 plus years old.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@NEStalgia Again i know this to be true. Certain PC gamers will wait for a game to leave the epic store and come to steam. I think they will wait for Last of us 3 or whatever Sony title. Also i don’t think that will make enough money for Sony in the long haul and around PS6 they will be day and date on PC anyways. I’ve seen many PC gamers say thats what they think will happen and they have no problem waiting. So i ain’t sure it’s a good strategy but i understand Sony wanting to go in slow on it. Even tho they see the cash MS makes being day and date on PC. Lots more changes coming to the industry as it shifts into this new world of cost and changing customer buying habits.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@Grumblevolcano or they use Xbox cloud streaming for a few months to play GTA6 and wait for the better PC version a year later. It won’t run as well but it’s an option. I know a few friends that have a Xbox and PC and i always thought would would you have both but they do. Now that PS games are coming to PC and all of their state of play minus one game was multiplat, they are in the Xbox camp now of how bad do i need the hardware.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@NEStalgia for sure Nintendo has it right for them just not us. I mean i love their games but never in the 7 years of Switch did i buy a 3rd party game on it. It’s 100% an exclusive machine for me. It works for me and i got my money and time worth out of it. MS will be the one making all the money cause they have the software to do it now with ABK and others and they aren’t afraid to be on every and all screens. PS is hurting themselves in the long run if they continue to pay Marvel and be more closed off with their software. It’s funny to see some on here saying what Phil did and not even realize it or acknowledge it. But it’s true consoles aren’t growing and haven’t been in a long time. Costs are insane and not looking to come down anytime soon. Like you well explained there just isn’t a solution to it at the moment.

Re: The Last of Us 2 PC Port Wrapped Up Development More Than Six Months Ago, Report Claims


@Grumblevolcano it’s the same way MS is saying we will bring Gears of War collection to PS5 along with Halo MCC to get players excited for the new installments that will only be on Xbox and PC. That ain’t going to work and nether is this. PC gamers wait, they don’t care to pay for online and buy a weaker box. Heck they even wait for games to leave the epic games store and come to Steam. This strategy is DOA and within a few years Sony will be day and date on PC. Can’t blame them for just dipping their toes in. But i remember the days on this site when people said Sony won’t do PC. Now they have trophies and games coming all the time. Exclusives outside of Nintendo are almost dead and we ain’t even to the 10th gen where i said everything will be on PC. Consoles simply don’t sell enough games at the full $70 to make back costs.

Re: PlayStation Fans Are Losing Their Heads Over an Iffy Portable PS4 Rumour


@UltimateOtaku91 Xbox handheld would limited windows issues. I know seems like it would double down on them. But Phil has hinted at windows being an issue on those handhelds. Going as far as saying he wants a TV like Ui on the Xbox handheld so that in itself beats all PC handhelds. Steam deck can’t play COD. Another area Xbox Handheld has an advantage. Not saying it will sell gangbusters but it has a space. Sony Handheld has its space as well but i can’t see it selling huge either. The only thing i do see is Sony and MS could kill off everything not named Steam Deck. The others would suffer and die off i would believe.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game from State of Play?


Astro Bot! The only game that wasn’t multi platform. Make fun of Xbox and MS all you want. But Sony is now 3rd party. Timed albeit. But they are no longer an exclusive brand. $100 bucks in a few years, 2-3 they have day and date PC. This was to save face for PS. But in the end money talks.

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@Flaming_Kaiser this years COD is set to have it’s biggest open world campaign. So we have to wait and see. Last years COD was a short one cause it was rushed to be put together. Black Op’s 6 has been in development longer than any COD in a long time. I think it will be really good with Raven doing the campaign. Halo MCC is rumored to come to PS5. So it might be that you get both.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for May 2024?


@NEStalgia yeah i know VR means something to you. They do need to support it better or just pull out of it vs the one toe in one toe out it feels like now.

We have talked about this before. Remember i trusted your opinion and in depth review to buy an Edge controller. Agreed 100% the tension is way too high on PS controllers. Plus i highly dislike convex or concave. To me that makes a huge difference. Elite controllers had a tension tool years ago. It’s part of the pro experience not a one size fits all. Worst Pro controller on the market in some ways.

Yeah i don’t see the PC crowd jumping all over concord. Plus PC players aren’t in love with Sony policies on PC at the moment. I don’t have an opinion on that as i don’t own a PC. None of my business. If Concord is a highly successful game i will eat my extra Edge thumb sticks i don’t use.

Re: Latest State of Play Is One of the Worst-Received PS5 Shows Yet


It did nothing for me, so to me it was boring. But to someone else it could have been great. It’s all subjective. But i really only buy a PS for God of War, Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank and then surprises i didn’t know i wanted. Astro Bot will be awesome and at the Xbox Showcase many games could be announced to be coming to PS5 so that rounds out the year more. Sounds like the new Doom, Gears of War collection and Halo MCC are coming to PS5 soon. But next year Sony needs a showcase that brings some games that define the generation for them like they have done in the past. We knew going in this wasn’t what this years show was going to be.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for May 2024?


@NEStalgia PSVR2 is dead dead dead! This was the show to support that with more surprises since the core console is not getting a lot of love this year. I think the Pro is coming cause it’s rumored that dev’s already have the kits. But i agree Sony is looking at MS going early and getting a start with next gen. Then Sony comes out with a little better specs leaving MS the room to do a Pro and surpass them in power. But thats the way it flip flopped this gen. At this point i am not sure i need a PS5 Pro. There is no games on PS i want to play that i can’t play on my Series X. That SOP was awful, concord looks like junk to me and i play shooters. Overwatch 2 has its issues but it’s a clever game underneath it all. Nothing looked great about Concord to me. I think concord and destruction all stars will be sharing a grave together. Unless the PC crowd carries it which i am not so sure they will. Astro is cool and all and i want to play it. But not a day one for me. I will get to it later at some point. Not buying a pro for it. Was nice to see they used the dual sense as a air glider. God knows it’s big enough to be a flying vehicle. Damn thing hurts my hands. Slim it down Sony and you got a winner.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Livestreams Are No Longer Speaking to the Fans Who Built the Brand


@get2sammyb and yet when games do go every where the story becomes that company is leaving the hardware business even tho they said more hardware is coming instead of celebrating more games coming to all platforms. If we as an industry asked for games to be on all screens and put some hype instead of doom and gloom behind it maybe more players would jump on board. Kind of hard to predict when a $3 trillion dollar company will say they aren’t making more hardware when they are telling the public they are making more.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for May 2024?


@NEStalgia HAHAHHA Bingo!

Yeah those Fortnite skins make a lot of money for all platforms. But Sony needs to have a great 2025 and Ghost of mushrooms 2 and a Marvel game ain’t going to move the needle for me. The Pro i still think is coming at some point, maybe the moved it to the 2025 window but i think if they did show it here and come out in October or November like rumored. They are killing sales and excitement of the slim for 3-4 months? However the Pro consoles are for the hardcore user base that already has a PS5. So i am torn on why no Pro details at this show. Switch Pro was real we found out, it was just downsized to the Switch Oled cause of the chip shortage. Man Concord looks so generic that i am surprised Sony bought that studio and more surprised that Bungie didn’t cancel that project. I mean if Bungie said no to the last of Us multiplayer and yes to this, how bad what the cancelled game? Astro looks cool but it’s not a $70 dollar game but most of us will pay it cause thats all there is to buy this year. My PSN online ends in 17 days and thats a hard no renewal for me. PS had made no money from me in 2024 and once i bill them for waste 30 mins of my life, i actually made money off Sony in 2024 HAHA

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for May 2024?


@NEStalgia i am billing Sony for stealing my time with this SOP. It was bad bad! Concord looking like…. What do they call games like this on this site, Game pass filler. That was not AAA on point tech. Concord is DOA for me. Astro is cool and all. But man Santa Monica and Naughty Dog better be cooking up something great otherwise my PS5 is just my Xbox with a worse controller for me. All i would play on it is 3rd party and Gears of War. Yes i still think Gears of war is coming to PS. HAHA.

But in closing, this wasn’t good and Spider-man 2 did nothing for me last year so i am on a drought a long drought at that for killer titles on PS that aren’t 3rd party. Come on Naughty Dog 2025!

Re: Concord Is Sony's Answer to Overwatch, Launches August, Beta Test in July


@Jay767 i have to agree with you on this. I want more variety on PS. To many single player action adventure games during PS4 for me. I don’t think this looked great but i bet it’s fun to play. The overall show wasn’t strong but Sony said this is a year in which they didn’t have huge AAA to announce. Better hope half the Xbox game show is PS5 releases cause they will for sure have the bigger games this year anyhow. Can’t remember when i last said that and it was true. Anyhow I’ll give concord a spin. But Doom, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Gears of War, Fable, and many others are just a better lineup no matter how much you bleed blue. Don’t worry many of them will be on PS. This show gets a 5/10 for me.

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@GamingFan4Lyf i 100% agree. I have been a 3 console owner since the start. Well 2 in the SNES/Genesis days. But i agree with the sports idea and thats ok. But then don’t go on here and say all those poor people losing their jobs and then want MS to cut all its hardware personal. Like you can’t have it both ways. I get mad fun of on here cause the only consistent bad thing i say about PS is i don’t love their controller designs. They are just ok. Yet i still support the platform and sure i play a little more on Xbox cause i love the controller. But that don’t make me a fan boy. It was the same with the N64, i only used that controller for the exclusive games. I didn’t want to play other games on it. Didn’t mean i hate Nintendo. Controllers are a big big thing to me. It makes or breaks the console right up there with the games for me. If that makes sense. You got the right attitude and always have. I just appreciate you and what you do to support the industry and im here to bounce ideas off of or have fun anytime my friend. 😊

Re: Xbox Games Are Selling Gangbusters on PS5


@GeeForce makes sense and yeah it wouldn’t be a good look but imagine a world where even just 8-12% of players knew they could do that and made the switch. Sony ain’t trying to have a dip in sales. Tho putting games on PC can lead to that.