Comments 1,800

Re: Sea of Thieves Reportedly a 'Key Test' for More Xbox Games on PS5


@get2sammyb well exclusives only hit around 10% of the console player base so even on Xbox that would be 2.5-3 million copies of HD2. That’s nothing to sneeze at money wise and it offset’s what Marvel takes from Sony to license Spider-Man. We seen Sony come out and say they are struggling with profit and thats with a size able PS5 player base. As for Halo and Starfield on PS5, if i am going from how many on this site claim those games to be awful i am not sure they would sell that well on PS5. Granted both Halo and HD2 are tapping into PC and that install base is way larger than PS5 and sure it’s helping them both but HD2 way more than the criticized Halo that does have a nice Meta score. Last point is Shooter sell well in the USA, the difference in install base between PS5 and Series consoles in America is only 5 million units. So again seems hard to ignore and just say we don’t need it, but i understand why Sony don’t do it. The negative PR they would get and the internet going into a panic that more PS games will come to Xbox would be something Sony wouldn’t want. At least thats my opinion of it. But for sure one thing that is true, change is coming to AAA gaming and consoles. MS was ahead of this curve in many ways and Sony is slowing jumping on board little by little.

Re: Sea of Thieves Reportedly a 'Key Test' for More Xbox Games on PS5


@DennisReynolds not sure it will matter as most players online say SF is trash and Bethesda is old news. So why would that game get any attention outside of a small user base on PS5? Now Gears of War on PS5 would be industry wide huge news that would have players like myself sell my Xbox. It’s the reason i fell in love with the 360 and kept buying Xbox’s. Not a buggy RPG game at 30fps.

Re: Sea of Thieves Reportedly a 'Key Test' for More Xbox Games on PS5


@Grumblevolcano if they release the Marcus Fenix collection day and date on PS5. I will sell my Xbox and go PS5 Pro as my main console. I am a huge Gears of War fan but outside of that and Forza Horizon which i see as the best racing game in the industry. Again my opinion, after that there isn’t much that moves the needle for Xbox anymore. Don’t get me wrong Halo Infinite is really good and i think get’s unfair criticism at times. It has its faults but it’s really good still. All their smaller titles are ok in their own right but not system sellers. We still have little idea as to what Sony has in store for us. But with Naughty Dog still due and Santa Monica still looking to release a PS5 hit, i think PS with a Gears of War is just to much to ever catch up to outside of Nintendo doing what they will do. Again my opinion and i am known on this site as a Xbox Fanboy just cause i have said i like their controller size and layout better.

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


As someone with both a Series X and PS5 and soon to be a PS5 Pro i do care about performance. I ain’t going to say a target frame rate for all games. But for shooters i do prefer as much frames per second as i can have. It’s not a game to stop and look at the attention to details. As for a game like FF16, which i am really enjoying. I hope it get’s a 60fps patch and updates with the Pro. Performance matters. So much so if MS or Sony made a $800-$1000 dollar PC like console i would buy it. This Gen has just been so slow and behind on promises that i am looking forward to next gen or maybe taking a plunge into PC gaming. Which as a near 20 year Apple user, i am not happy to have to run windows for anything outside of work.

Re: PS Plus Classic Resistance: Retribution Gets Infected Mode and More in Upcoming Update


My dream remasters would be Gears of War 1-3 and Resistance 1-3 on unreal engine 5. I loved both those series enemies and worlds so much. Yes i am somewhat known as the guy that dislikes Sony controllers. But i enjoyed Resistance so much i battled past the PS3 controllers that at the time were my least favorite controllers on the market. I barely remember the PSP game, maybe i need to play this.

Re: Older Live Service Titles Take Up Over 60% of Overall Playtime, Report Says


This is why i constantly say all the arguing done online about who has the better exclusives doesn’t really matter cause they only sell a fraction to the consoles user base. Hence i think we will see them all on PC sooner and sooner in the future to expand there reach. GTA6 and hopefully a few others will shake this list up some in the future. Otherwise this is just gen is just a last gen refresh to last gen games and that will be a big waste for a lot of us that expects more and doesn’t want to play Fortnite at any frame rate or ray tracing improvements.

Re: Jim Ryan Leaves PlayStation as PS5 Set to Become Its 'Most Successful Console Ever'


@lacerz not so sure console exclusives will all the way go away. But as we are seeing consoles need the PC to get to profitability. So in a sense they already ended. I would love to see Sony and MS share some titles once they are older and made their sales and impact. Think of the Last of Us part one coming to Xbox. It wouldn’t make a single PS user sell their PS4 or PS5’s but it would make naughty dog and Sony a nice bit of cash for Last of Us 3 or whatever they are working on next, same with Halo Master Chief Collection, it has done it’s money and impact on Xbox, bring it over to PS. Before everyone say’s well just buy a PC if you want that, well clearly people are and that’s why we are seeing console sales not grow and we are seeing the need of PC sales from publishers. I am trying to give a solution that helps console gaming vs hurting it.

Re: Jim Ryan Leaves PlayStation as PS5 Set to Become Its 'Most Successful Console Ever'


With as many games canceled as released i am not sure this would be top of the game. Considering PS2 and PS4 were putting out much more. Outside of the Dual sense cramping my hands i really like the PS5. Wish there were more games by now. But they will get here at some point. I will trade or sell my PS5 and get the Pro and then on to PS6 which i hope starts faster and stronger.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 Agreed! I like Halo infinite actually. The gameplay was really solid and if not for going months on end with no content added i think it would have done much better. It’s the only reason i stopped playing online was there was no new maps coming. Yeah Sony and Nintendo will hit some big ones next year. I have no doubt about it. I am just a little tired of Sony leaning so hard on Marvel games.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 Mario Galaxy and Zelda Wind Waker would be my switch happy place. I still Indiana Jones and Avowed will be good games. Not system sellers, but solid fun would be my guess. PS5 cancelled the game i wanted in Last of Us online. So i don’t know what to be excited for with PS now. Guess I’ll have to wait for them to announce what’s coming.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 all very good points. I’m hopeful for something out of Nintendo. I know they will have a good lineup to launch Switch 2 tho. But for the end of the year i hope they have a good or two that will give me a farewell to the Switch. There’s next to nothing for me on PS5 this year, and who knows what I’ll get on Xbox. Been an odd generation so far.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 yeah i am disappointed that the Switch 2 slipped to 2025. I was also leaning on it to have some killer launch games to make the year more fun. I get why they delayed it. Just hope Nintendo put enough effort in making it feel like a true leap forward.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 yeah this gen hasn’t been very fun at all and thats with me owning all 3 consoles. GTA 6 could slip for sure. If it does and i were anyone not named Rockstar games, i would launch my games then and now. Cause again when that hits that will be most people time and money for gaming for a while.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@VaultGuy415 i mean for comparison.

PS5 Pro CPU Speed 3.85ghz

Xbox Series X CPU Speed 3.80 ghz

Yeah no way GTA 6 being a CPU intensive open world is moving it at 60fps on console unless there is some secret magic we don’t know about. 😀

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


@OldGamer999 and let’s be honest in April 2025 it’s not the best time of the year to release your best games. So we might not see a big AAA from Sony until closer to October of 2025. Then the 300,000 pound gorilla might be let out of its gage named GTA6 and good luck releasing any game around its launch and selling good numbers.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


@Intr1n5ic that is my hope as well and why i am buying it. You know me well. You know i prefer Xbox mainly for the controller but above all i like power and performance and PS5 Pro will have the edge until the next gen starts. I will trade in or sell my base PS5 and gladly pay the difference for the extra horsepower. Didn’t DF also say if they went to much on the CPU it could effect backwards compatibility? So it seems like with Pro models all they can do is overclock some and not replace the whole CPU. So this isn’t like Sony short changed us, it’s part of keeping it all working correctly if i followed the videos info right.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


@Intr1n5ic i will buy it on day one as well. But i can’t help but already feel disappointed a tad that the CPU is going to be weak and not get us 60fps. PS5 Pro CPU 3.85ghz Xbox Series X CPU 3.80ghz. So unless there is magic in that box we don’t know about 30fps as digital foundry has said is with us until next gen.

Re: Next Final Fantasy 16 Patch Makes Side Quests Quicker, Adds Ability Loadouts, and More


@fabio78 thats true but with the PS5 Pro 5 more times than not the CPU and Ram will be why we don’t see most games at 60fps with all the other stuff going on like ray tracing. But for everyone that is saying Sony should have went with a better CPU. They can’t really cause it would harm backwards compatibility for future consoles alongside making it harder for devs to make for PS5 base. So Sony did the right thing sticking to the cores in the base PS5. I will be selling my base PS5 and getting a PS5 Pro and whatever added advantages i get from it i will be happy. I am one of the few that like Pro models. 😊

Re: Next Final Fantasy 16 Patch Makes Side Quests Quicker, Adds Ability Loadouts, and More


@Jayslow i was thinking the same thing. But if the rumored spec leaks are legit. The PS5 Pro won’t be getting games to 60fps. They have a 10% increased CPU. Bringing them to 3.85 compared to the Series X 3.80 for reference. So neither machine is a 60fps beast and that is just the sad part of console vs PC gaming. The CPU’s in both PS4 and Xbox one and now PS5 and Series X just isn’t cutting it.

Re: Rumour: GTA 6 Could Slip as Far Back as 2026 Due to Development Issues


@NEStalgia there went that PS5 Pro vs Series X/S GTA6 comparison talk. If this game slips into 2026. I would not be surprised to see MS have the next gen ready and be the better performing place for GTA6 until it hits PC. In my mind i always thought this would get delayed as Rockstar does that a lot and its so important to get it right out the gate.

Re: Larian Studios' Swen Vincke Blames Mass Layoffs on Publisher Greed


@Northern_munkey yeah i miss Resistance and Motorstorm. Sony relied on call of duty to be the only shooter for PS4 and then of course Fortnite. But Sony themselves have a lot of good shooter franchises. Maybe HD2 is showing them to try some more. But with insomniac being the new Marvel studio, i am not sure who would make a resistance game. Don’t even get me started on how much I’d like a Sly Cooper reboot. 😊

Re: Larian Studios' Swen Vincke Blames Mass Layoffs on Publisher Greed


To his point and i know i won’t be popular for saying this, this is an issue i have with Sony at the moment. I love me some Sony first party games but since PS4 they all seem the same and to be chasing the money. Take Spider-Man for instance, great game in many ways but if you know how to do 2-3 missions you can beat the rest of the 1st game and mainly second game as they are copy/paste copy/paste on all of it including the DLC. People on here say WOW insomniac is holding down the PS, how can they make all these games, well it’s cause they are cashing in on highly reconditioned characters in the marvel universe with copy and paste gameplay. The industry needs more innovation at the moment and less chasing the money and marketing games to be more ambitious than the actual gameplay is. I know i will wake up to people attacking me for saying bad about insomniac, but they are a marvel mill to make Sony standout when the games could and should be way better and more expensive than the same mission over and over.

Re: Larian Studios' Swen Vincke Blames Mass Layoffs on Publisher Greed


That really is the most valuable tweet I’ve seen in gaming in a long long time if not ever. Improve the art of the medium and the money will likely find you. Not trying to rip every dollar out of a consumer’s hand on a broken game. I am not a BG fan but the team at hand for making it has my respect ten fold and i hope all of yours as well.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5) - This Could Be the Apex of RPG Adventuring


@Americansamurai1 @Chaotic_Goat @captainsandman PS5 Pro is CPU restrained. The best the PS5 pro is clocked at is 3.85GHZ and the Series X is 3.80 GHZ. So while the PS5 Pro will be an awesome visual console. The FPS will be nearly the same as Series X and PS5. Sadly cause that would have made it the killer console all the way around.

Re: Temporary PS5 Price Cuts Target Europe As Sony Makes Final Push for Goal


@Deljo well the Pro will give players with the budget and interest in performance a system that will hit locked 60 and more ray tracing and that is exciting to me. But yeah we haven’t seen many next gen games. But when we do the question is do we want to play them at 30 or 60 fps? Plus this gives Sony great marketing opportunities with GTA6 which will for sure be the biggest game release of all time. I look forward to the pro and really wish the Xbox was doing one as well. But as the internet goes most people won’t buy the Pro but will make fun of Xbox for not having one.

Re: Timed PS5 Exclusive Final Fantasy 16 Is Almost Ready for Primetime on PC


@TheCollector316 For sure! I really enjoy FF16. At the $40 i got it for you could argue it’s one of the best purchases i made in 2023. I read reviews of course and i tend to block out most of the negative chatter online cause i know someone will always have something bad to say about any game or platform. Not sure Square will go back to action based anytime soon after hearing the negative reaction, but it scored well meta wise and I would for sure buy another one if made the same. Turn based games just aren’t my thing, wish i did like them cause there are a ton of them that are really really great games.

Re: Smooth Sailing for Xbox Exclusive Sea of Thieves As It Tops PS5 Pre-Order Charts


Funny how MS ruined Rare and now it is climbing the charts on the PS5 preorder list. Not trying to be nasty with that comment but since no one takes accountability for just saying rude and largely untrue comments about devs and console platforms I thought it would be good to have it there to remind people there are great games on all 3 platform’s and while Sony and Nintendo for sure have more than Xbox, it’s just not true to say Xbox has no games or none worth playing. Gears and Forza Horizon alone would sell gangbusters on PS5.

Re: Timed PS5 Exclusive Final Fantasy 16 Is Almost Ready for Primetime on PC


@TheCollector316 @ShogunRok i have to eat some crow on this one. I always look at FF as a series i respect but don’t play. Haven’t bought a FF game since the PS2 days. But the stories, music and just creative vision the series has has always earned my respect, but i wasn’t doing a long turn based game. When FF16 got announced as an action game, i took the bait of all the players that were negative about it. But during a Black Friday sale i bit and bought FF16 for $40 and boy am i happy i did. I think it is so good. Only 30 % through it but just started playing it about 4 weeks ago and been busy. I would LOVE to see this game get a massive PS5 Pro update. I think the Pro would run this game to awesome levels above the base console. Sorry for the long reply but not many players on here say they were wrong and i was wrong to nearly dismiss this game.

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


I am finishing up FF16 on PS5 then i will buy last of us part 2. Never played it. Beat the first one around 4 times now between all the releases. Love it. Think it’s one of the top 10 best games ever made. Part 2 was me bored with PS4 and just held off. Was happy to see the PS5 version and will 100% buy it and beat it. I am normally not a JRPG turn base guy. But i have a lot of love and respect for what FF is and represents. So when i heard FF16 was action and not turn based. I snagged it on Black Friday for $40 and so far i am really enjoying it. Rebirth is probably not in the cards for me but again i have respect for it cause i know it’s great. Glad to see you are enjoying it and no matter how long it takes you to finish it the journey is to enjoy it along the way. 😊

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


@twitchtvpat yeah thats a good point. They are trying to show it and release it much sooner than they did last gen. Which is cool. I know they have some great stuff in the pipeline. Just not sure when we will see it. Wolverine will be really good i am sure. Other than that i suppose we can expect to see the Last of Us 3 sometime before the PS6. Not sure what else really.

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


@twitchtvpat i agree that most PS fans will be happy to hear less online games. I for one was excited to finally get something that wasn’t a 3rd person action adventure title. The PS4 got boring to me with its lack of variety. But yes die hard PS fans will be happy with this news once the games come. But… when are they coming? How much time did these cancelled live service games take away from some of the bigger titles thats not Marvel? My only issue is i have said for years on here that single player gaming isn’t dead but it’s not as profitable as one would hope or think. I got blasted by people with look at all the sales numbers for these titles. This is kind of me flexing on saying the money wasn’t as right all along as one would think. Look at MS poor first party output last gen and most of this gen, lagged behind PS in sales 2-1, 3-1 and yet the money wasn’t that far of a gap. Cause of games like Minecraft and others. I think Sony should still try here and there at a big money making online game. Just my 2 cents and i could be wrong, but these numbers are speaking to what i have been saying for a while. Btw I’m an accountant in life. Numbers and money are my thing 😊

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


@Sanquine for sure they can. I think Sony will get it figured out. They have known of these issues for a long time. The thing is their fan base wants big AAA single player games. Which is fine but Sony is going to need some sort of service game that makes constant money. They wanted to take a try at that and i think are realizing they don’t have the talent that makes those types of games. They have the attention to detail story telling talent in house. They went to get Bungie as help with online gaming and so far i think that hasn’t played out the way they wished.

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


@Sanquine i agree google is an odd choice if Sony ever teamed up with them as google loves to start a project and then axe it within 2 years if it ain’t making loads of money. However PS is a worldwide known seller and has mindshare. Apple i think would love to be in gaming but not have to build it from the ground up as the big 3 are just to established. Apple does well enough with mobile games and are starting to see a few AAA games come to them. So they are a wild card if they would be willing to back a PS and go all in on gaming. MS also has thin margins and let’s be honest is great and shooting them selves in the foot. However they have the money to recover from their bullets to their toes. Sony is just know after all this time of doing it right starting to aim rounds into their feet and they don’t have the capital to afford such mistakes. That alone makes me think this year and beyond could get even more interesting if things don’t change for the better soon.

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


@Dr_ENT yeah Nintendo sure does get away with premium pricing on hardware that is pennies on the dollar compared to the competitors. But man is it working out well for them at the moment. I am sure Switch 2 might change their profit level a little in the beginning but not by much. This is how Nintendo continues to sit back and let Sony and MS go to battle and them have the marketshare and money to themselves.

Re: Horizon Dev Reportedly Loses 10% of Staff After PlayStation Layoffs


Sony is a game or two away from needing to reach out to Apple or Google and asking for some money. Profits this small with PS5 is only going to get worse with PS6. Clearly PS6 titles will be expensive to make with all the more attention to detail from dev’s. Single player games are hard to profit from after the initial release. Maybe PS6 goes all digital to kill off second hand game use, but not sure even that would be enough to offset their profits as most PS5 games are sold digitally now. Interesting times ahead. But they are on thin ice and have to get all the upcoming PS5 releases right. Which they are capable of. This year is about to get wild some more i think.

Re: Rumour: Live-Service Twisted Metal One of the Games Cancelled by Sony


Dang. Between Last of Us online and now Twisted metal. That is 2 of my most wanted games on PS5 that are cancelled and not coming out. Thats not to say there still won’t be plenty of stuff to play on PS5 for me. But i play and buy all my 3rd party title on Xbox. My PS and Nintendo hardware are just for the exclusives. Hate to see so many of these games being canned but if it means people working on other projects that will be better, then I guess that is the message i need to take from this. I have faith in Sony to get this generation right, but they are starting to run out of time.

Re: Xbox Games Hi-Fi Rush, Sea of Thieves, Pentiment, Grounded All Confirmed for PS5, PS4


@Intr1n5ic they did but after 1-2 days they redid the numbers and Apple was on top again. Those 2 are so close it goes back and forth almost weekly. MS has the advantage of being a software company as it is high profit netting, and yet Apple is so good with hardware an obviously lower profit margin and yet they still take them out. I love it, Apple is king in my house.

I agree with your take on the 1900, just don’t merge and all if not most are needed and still employed. But we don’t live in a perfect world and we know big money get’s in the way of our livable wage jobs. Sucks really, but google, amazon and many others had massive layoffs as well and didn’t acquire anyone. I’m torn but certainly don’t like to see anyone be out of work.

Last point, i think MS is going to be a maverick in the games industry but more in a good way then bad if they continue to carry out there promises. I’m sorry i have been called everything in the book for liking Xbox a hair better than my PS consoles due to controller preference. But i don’t see the bad in bringing games to more platforms and having an infrastructure that supports it. Imagine buying a Sony Blu-ray player and it only playing Sony studio movies? Game consoles are the last consumer hardware out there supporting disc drives and exclusive content in ways that most physical hardware doesn’t today. I am not sold on saying if it’s good or bad, but i am sold on more players getting to play what they want where they want as a good thing. Exclusivity and gaming is in a slow turn of events right now. It’s the start of something if MS has their way. To be continued……