Comments 1,800

Re: State of Play Rumoured for This Month As Sony Looks Set to Skip PS Showcase in 2024


@OldGamer999 i mean in fairness PS has only gotten 4 games from MS so far. Mostly smaller ones. Sure Doom is coming but that was kind of a giving. Now when we start to see Forza, Halo and Gears and Fable, it’s a wrap there would be little reason to need a Xbox, i don’t think they give those up right away. I could see State of Decay and Starfield making its way to PS5 at some point tho.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Astro Bot?


I am going 9/10 and only because i don’t love the use of motion controls at times even tho they are mostly well done here. Also a few difficulty spikes that are a little rude. But overall this is a great game that didn’t need a load of patches to get it working day 1. GOTY so far for me and should likely win it.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Hugely Improved' on PS5 Pro, a 'Night and Day' Difference


@Intr1n5ic well i say do what makes you the happiest. I mean if you like the convenience of digital go for it. If you really like the cases and having the disc do that as long as they are sold and available. My thing is digital for things like Portal and others make it work the way it’s intended, and for me physical would just get in the way of that future. I agree with you on that, i haven’t bought a disc for PS or Xbox in over a decade but i still want physical to be there for those that like it or need it.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Hugely Improved' on PS5 Pro, a 'Night and Day' Difference


@Intr1n5ic fair enough. I don’t do physical media and haven’t for 10 years or longer. So it didn’t bother me as i own a Digital Ps5 and wanted the Digital Pro. For those that like physical media, i feel a little bad for you all. Cause that’s an extra cost. But physical buyers are now the small percentage and will likely have to pay more to have it and of course miss certain titles that don’t come out, like Alan Wake 2. I understand your point for sure tho. 😀

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Hugely Improved' on PS5 Pro, a 'Night and Day' Difference


@AgentGuapo PS5 Pro at $600 would have been a steal at $700 it is still packing a load of enhancements. Once dev’s start to better understand it and unlock all its power it is going to be really nice. Just knowing 60fps is going to be there for most of the big games and with great lighting, effects and graphics is going to be worth it for me. I can’t sell my PS5 and get the Pro fast enough. Wish it was coming in October.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Hugely Improved' on PS5 Pro, a 'Night and Day' Difference


@Intr1n5ic please say you are with me still on the PS5 Pro. I know i know $700 not $600 like i expected. But this console is going to be a monster. I want to try and pre order it day 1. It is going to be so good for all the GPU bound games which is like 9.5 out of every 10 games made. Only a few games are CPU bound. I can’t wait to get it and see the gamers reactions when games are running insane on it.

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


@LogicStrikesAgain The games will always do the talking. Sony has shown to be great at certain genres. MS has shown to be great at certain genres.Neither the same. Thats why i say it don’t hurt to support more than one platform. Sony has shown with Concord and others they don’t have the talent nor the infrastructure to host a great multiplayer structure. Xbox has given me little reason to believe they could make an action adventure game with the story and detail Sony’s single player games have been praised for. I understand some can’t own both nor want too and thats where the beauty of choice comes in. But talking trash against the other and wanting them to fail is where i come in. Thats dumb and lazy.

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


@LogicStrikesAgain Agreed! Very good point.

I would also say memory don’t favor what a copy cat league this industry is and can be. Sometimes being rich don’t create,

Cross game chat
Built in hard drives
Ethernet port on consoles
Etc etc , sometimes not being the “most” creative all the time and in certain ways that others don’t deem valuable. I would say support the ones that do what makes the experience most fun for you. Cause at the end of the day everyone’s work contributes to the overall industry in same way. 😀

Re: Lack of Competition from Xbox Partly Why PS5 Pro Is $700, Says Analyst


@Fiendish-Beaver @OldGamer999 @__jamiie @get2sammyb @GamingFan4Lyf @NEStalgia @Intr1n5ic

Video games analyst, and journalism is whats wrong here. Sony is never the bad guy for setting their price and profit margins. It’s MS fault? PS3 was $600 in a time when that was a lot. Now they are $700 on Pro and it’s MS fault? When we should be writing negativity about Sony and it’s pricing structure and praising MS for having 2 price points that are both fair for what you get. But Nope MS’s fault. Gamers say Xbox should leave the market, to get THIS? Careful what you wish for has been my motto on here countless time. Support as many platforms as you can not wish them to not exist cause of the logo on the box is what we should be passing on to the younger kids. Play everything. Don’t limit yourself if money and time allows. Passing the blame is weak. For the record i only tagged all of you cause of my respect level for your knowledge, commitment, and passion for the industry. It’s our job to stop the misleading and misinformation to make sure the industry is healthy for when we are old or gone so we have friendly healthy competition in the console space for future generation players. This should be tagged and labeled as wrong and accountability on Sony and if this is the right console for you, not blaming the competition. They make their own mistakes to write about. This one isn’t there’s and all of you know it and we need to make sure Sony and their players know that. I will be owning a PS5 Pro and Series X cause i support the industry and not allow articles to pass the blame and i will comment on all these types of posts until i am blue in the face. I ask for support!

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@NEStalgia i agree whole heartedly. Phil for the record knows his stuff and largely speaks logical. But hey fanboys fanboy, what can we say. Someone has to be the “bad” guy so the internet has someone to troll and yell about. I am a Phil guy. He has himself backed into a corner saving Xbox with MS money. He now owes the company 100 billion but hey, he did what he could. Thats my 2 cents.

Yeah the Sony model of making money on the backend has long gone been over largely. PS5.i think makes a few bucks the last i read but who knows how reliable that source of info was. I love consoles and just want them to be consoles. Run what you can from PC of course. But this isn’t a game of keep up with the jones. Look $700 is to much for the Pro, i will still get it but it better run GTA 6 and a few other titles i am looking forward to really well and i am sure it will but that is still a rude price. But that’s the cost of building something like that. Nintendo may hit with a steep price too if rumors are correct. So here we go, lot’s of money. Next Xbox will be expensive, and that’s before they let Asus and others build Xbox’s with same to higher specs. Those could hit $800-$1000 if they go bonkers with it. But i mean even a Steam Deck Oled is pretty expensive. The Series S is the best way into gaming if on a budget. Will black Op’s 6 and GTA 6 move some players to that? Time will tell.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


@Boxmonkey which plays into the hands of the MS. They want their games every where so they can continue to reach the gamers. Sony would then be forced down that same path. Tho i think Sony can sell 100 million units in their sleep. PS is a powerful worldwide brand. They would really have to mess it up but as we seen with PS3 it is possible and in todays world players have more options where a game can be played. PS5 base units will continue to sell just fine and the hardcore like me will snag a Pro. They will be fine but competition is needed for pricing and features.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@NEStalgia Yeah the Hardware game this gen has been odd to me. Especially since Xbox didn’t even upgrade the controller or the Ui. Making it really feel like a One X Pro.

I give Sony for making PS5 at least feel new. Now that’s good and bad in some ways pending who you ask. Outside of the Cards i like the PS5 Ui a tad more than PS4’s but i know that is subjective. I also like the Dual Sense much better than the Dual Shock 4.

Re: Don't Worry, You Can Add an Ultra HD Disc Drive to PS5 Pro


I have been saying this on here for a few weeks now and i will continue to say, careful what some of you wish for. You want Xbox to leave the Hardware space and have Sony all alone. This could be the price of the next PS6 without an Xbox. We need some competition even tho Xbox sells at a 2-1 rate less. Careful what you wish for. Companies take advantage of things. I will be getting a PS5 Pro after selling my PS5 but it is coming in $100 higher than i think it should be.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


The leakers and rumor men and women nailed it to a T! It was the exact specs i was hearing for months on months. The price is around $100 more than i was hopeful for. But i will preorder it for sure and sell my base model. Will be nice to have the frames and better graphics together. Can’t wait to see more games patch and of course GTA 6!!

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Coming Today, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@OldGamer999 it just feels like that is the idea. Then for Gears you release the Marcus Fenix collection and all platforms are caught up and on board. As for Halo it’s even easier just port the Master Chief collection and it’s all there. MS is easing into this. We aren’t going to see all the games come to PS5 overnight. It will be a slow trickle. I see games like Forza Horizon, Starfield, State of Decay 2 and another to be the next set of 4 titles to come. Again this is just a guess, but more are coming that has all been said.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Sales 'Aren't Huge' in UK, But There's Still Hope


This games is so good, i really hope it sells big and becomes a staple franchise for PS. As for the Physical sales. I wouldn’t look into that too much. Digital sales tower physical these days. Sony tells us all the time over 75% of its sales come from digital. Physical is soon to be gone when it’s no longer easy to get the parts for the drives and stores stop carrying discs which in some stores is already the case. I am having a blast with Astro Bot. It’s my game of the year and i really hope it sells big numbers and we see many more of them in the future. To have Astro and of course Mario, i couldn’t be happier.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@NEStalgia Series S is a good machine. Like you said sells well in the US. I do wish the Series X sales would pick up more tho. But next gen looks like a PC/Console with a new windows Ui. Rumored to be easier to port PC titles and then the handheld using the same windows Ui. That is a better lineup than Series in my opinion.

Moving on to the PS5 Pro today. Looks like that $5 increase to the controller is for something after all. Rumored to be shown or at least mentioned will be the new controller which adds a better battery and enhanced triggers. Not sure what to expect of that, maybe they don’t break as easy? I don’t know. But those two updates warrant $5 buck in my eyes. With most games this gen being GPU bound i think the Pro is going to look nice on a lot of games. As for PSSR that will take some time to see how it works and the gains games are getting from it. But console needs that cause they lack that at the moment. AMD’s just looks bad cause it is taking a low res imagine and making it even more blurry as to at least on PC it’s cutting a hi res imagine. The PS5 Pro should be able to do that. I think it’s gong to be good. Can’t wait to talk with you after the presentation.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Intr1n5ic i mean i have thought this same thing you just said. Push Gears back and give it the true power to take full advantage of Unreal Engine 5. Make that a launch game and that could be a huge start to next gen for Xbox. Now as for would MS bring those legacy titles over to PS? Gears and Halo, honestly i think yes. I think they are out to prove a point that games are going to be played every where and the platform isn’t going to get in the way for them. So i could see it. Especially cause i find it odd that the rumors of a reboot sort of of Halo and now we learned gears is back to the prequel. Sort of seems like they are trying to make it easy for new players to join in on those universes. Makes all the sense to start at the beginning and bring in PS players as well. Maybe i am looking more into that than needed, but two of their biggest franchises next titles are prequels and a reboot of the original? I don’t know buddy, that seems a little to coincidental.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Intr1n5ic im right there with you i want to see what it can do. My example to people that say well the PS5 hasn’t been used enough. Take a game like GT7, great looking in its own right. Now add RT power and 45% more GPU muscle to that game and wait to they see that. Ratchet and Clank for PS5, one of my favorites, beat it 3 times. That was leaked to been the example of what they tech is going to do. It’s exciting to me, while i know it’s not for everyone and thats ok. AMD is way behind Nvida in that space, so Sony is making someting better than AMD, i am good with that. Now if it turns out better and even easier to use then Nvidia now that will be a head turner. Tell you this now, cause you know me well enough, if Gears of War E day comes to PS5 Pro and it is shiny like diamond with better FPS, as much as i like the Xbox controller guess where i will be playing it at? So power does matter to me and i like what Mark has done with PS5. I am excited to see what he cooked up. Glad to hear you are as well.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@OldGamer999 I’m with you. I like the features in the DS. But the Xbox controller feels better in hand. Has the better triggers and stick layout. Again that’s subjective and just for me and my play style. But the DS is the best controller Sony’s ever had for me and if i had to use it as my daily driver i think i could. I couldn’t say that for PS3-PS4. Those didn’t win me over in anyway. I only played exclusives on them.

Re: Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More


@NEStalgia dang could we at least get better battery life? Dual Sense 2 needs to figure out battery and not have squared off edges. Please round it out like the Edge. That feels so much better. Ok ok I’ll stop before i go into a Sony controller history lesson you’ve heard a million times. I am set on controllers so this don’t bother me, but gaming sure is getting more and more expensive. That cheaper Series S might be looking better and better for Christmas gifts for people on a tight budget and hey it runs all the most played games really well. FIFA,COD, Fortnite and others. No one that don’t care will say it sucks cause it don’t run BG3 with spilt screen.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@Intr1n5ic The GPU upgrade is going to be huge, along with Sony’s in house upscale tech. PSSR did i get it right? Sure it sucks a little the CPU is limited and can’t see a 25% increase. So that will be the Pro’s limitations. But man the graphics and upscaling, the ray tracing. I mean you know me well, i don’t care much for Sony controllers, so i play a lot of Xbox, but this is a day 1 system for me. I’ll sell my base PS4 and happily pay the rest out of pocket. I think it’s going to shine for GTA6 which we know Rockstar is going to be bringing the visuals if RDR2 is anything to go by.

Re: PS5 Pro Showcase Set for Tomorrow, Hosted by Mark Cerny


@ShogunRok $800 dollars less in my savings account! Haha
I think it hit’s at $600 for the Digital which is the one i would get. I have zero use for a Physical drive in any product these days. But i also want to add and this isn’t gear to you but a lot of folks saying leakers don’t know anything and they always wrong. Y’all don’t give no flowers for when they right. They had this pegged all along heck they even said we would get a full Astro Bot game and we did. Give them rumor people their flowers people, it’s not easy what they do and sure some stuff changes. I am just happy to see the Pro has been a thing and soon we will have a monster of a console for those that like performance. Sign me up i want it day 1.

Re: Astro Bot PS5 Credits Indicate DLC Cameo Bots Could Be Inbound


This game is so much fun, it’s a 10/10 for me. I will put as much money into it as i can, cause i want a Astro Bot 2. I played it all weekend and just can’t say enough good things about it. It’s so polished too, like i haven’t seen any bugs or glitches to speak of. This is what gaming should be and a lot of dev’s need to look to this week of Concord and Astro Bot, there is a lot to learn there.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@NEStalgia i agree while i loved the 360. I have it tied with the Super Nes as my old time favorite console. It was for sure a drift away from the PC in box approach they had with the Xbox. I mean it worked in a lot of ways. They were still responsible for bringing PC titles that never used to be on console. So that was a great thing. Looks like the next Xbox will be just that, a skinned PC with PC storefronts.

PS right now is getting some love from me. Astro Bot is by far the best game i have played in a long long time on PS. It’s so well made it’s not even funny. I haven’t found a single thing wrong with it yet. I started playing it Saturday morning and i can’t stop saying this is how games should be. Fun and polished.

Yeah i believe Nintendo will have 60fps on their Switch 2 titles. They will have loads more tech and power in Switch 2 to take advantage with. Breathe of the Wild touched up for Switch 2 would be nice!!

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@NEStalgia i agree that the PC in a console box is a great concept. I really think the next Xbox will look more like the OG Xbox than what we have seen lately from 360- Series. Man if it loads steam and runs God of War. The internet will be going crazy wild with fan boy dumbness.

Sony lost their way some for sure. I freaking loved the PS1-PS2 minus the controller. Come on you knew i was going to say that. But PS4 bored me outside of God of War reboot. Disliked that controller also. PS5 right now is just ok if i didn’t have a Series X also. But with owning them both i just play on the more comfortable controller.

I agree at this point everyone is a PC gamer and it ain’t about to flip back to the Cell processors ever again. PC gaming is here to stay. It just now comes in a lot of different skins and forms. I mean i might look into the Steam Deck 2 whenever it comes out. Unless the Xbox handheld is just too good to pass up.

Then Nintendo is a mobile console with Nvidia. Man i hope the switch 2 uses some of its specs to focus on FPS. I mean Nintendo don’t care all that much about graphics, so put a little effort into performance and that thing will be a nice experience.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@NEStalgia it is crazy to think hardware now is easier. I remember watching that Mark C interview about hardware choices. Thats a good quote to bring back up. Not sure what their answer is . Sony just said today they don’t have enough IP or fresh idea’s. Seems odd to admit. They have a lot of unused IP that i think they think don’t sell enough to revisit. Interesting times ahead. Maybe they really don’t have many fresh new story idea’s. Could this mean the PS5 rides off with more remasters and remakes? Time will tell.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@NEStalgia lots of great points made as always and i largely agree with most of what you said. We know it’s vital to Sony to have PS remain the mainstream worldwide box for the 30%. I 100% agree. But lot’s of that money goes into development of hardware, software, networks, servers etc etc. cause Sony is a company that carries debt. So they are not cash friendly from project to project across their whole company. I still believe they must continue to diversify their portfolio of titles and live service must be one of the ones they do not give up on completely. I am not saying push out 4-5 at the expense of their bread and butter titles. Which Jimbo looked to be doing. But the cash cow that is a popular live service game would do them well. Plus make the console for players like me more interesting. PS4 started to bore me bad with action/adventure title after another after another. But yes you made some great points as i knew you would. I am hopeful we get to see what Sony studios have been working on cause we all need to see what the back half of this gen is going to look like for them.

Re: Internal Sony Fairgame$ Chatter Is Reportedly Quite Positive


They need this one to stick, hoping it does. I had a long winded post on why these games are important for Sony long term on the concord page. Plus i really just want to play a good game so of course i hope for that. Normally a good game results in money with live service. Here’s hoping, cause another failure is going to really hit the pocket book of Sony.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


@get2sammyb @NEStalgia im going to do my best to say this correctly. Something i think this site has ran with and not ran enough with is one Xbox is dying with it’s games coming to PS and the other being Sony running at 4% profit margin.

Let’s get the easy one out of the way. Xbox is not doomed cause they are bringing what would have been multi plat games to multi platforms. You want to talk about companies wanting and needing cash cows. How’s a list of Minecraft, COD, Diablo, WOW, DOOM, Overwatch look as just a few of the cash cows they have. Google makes Apps for iPhone and android, yet they still make a Google branded phone in the pixel. Sure it sells much less than the other phones. But in the consumer electronics field today it is hard to keep your services, apps, games etc etc locked to a walled garden. Unless your name is Apple or Nintendo. Now onto Sony. This site runs at times with Xbox is doomed and leaving the business, which would hurt Sony more than help it, and for SURE hurt its fan more than help them.

Sony running at 4% profit and having investors pull major investments into their projects is HUGE! Sony is not a 3 trillion dollar company that can afford to make the mistakes Xbox does. They have to get it right, cause they don’t make cheaper games like mobile and Nintendo. They can’t bet on the wrong horse like a concord more than 2-3 times before it impacts them greatly. However what they always can’t do is simply only cater to the fans that want 300 million dollar single player games that buy the game beat it and never play it again or loan it to a friend or trade it in. Spider-man 2’s sales number’s look much better than they are cause it was bundled with hardware during the holiday push. Marvel taking their cut further hurts. Sony needs a cash cow or 2 if not 3 to have a lot of monthly money coming in or they could find themselves needing other platforms and not 6 months to years later. I suspect that will change and soon, as in like before PS6 or shortly into its life span. I understand we want the games we want, but business wise Sony has taken it on the chin a few times now in the PS5 era. I don’t want to over exaggerate it, but with the lack of profits their first party is bringing in, they have to continue to the live service push. They can’t make Spider-man 12 and God of War Tokyo and expect investors to support games that makes back pennies on the dollar. They are in a tougher spot then the internet and journalists like to paint. Forget about Xbox leaving the gaming space and ask what does Sony have to do to get their profits up. My solution is to condition their fan’s that they might see single player games come in 2 waves. The first wave might be 10-12 hours at $40-$50 bucks and the second wave finishes the story at another $40-$50 bucks. Yes meaning $80-$100 dollar single player games but giving them that revenue up front in a shorter time to continue the project.

Sorry for the long reply, but things need to change for Sony and it’s been this way longer than just the failure of Concord. The push for live service must continue, but they need to find a person or team that can identify better in that genre, it also don’t help Sony that MS has largely bought up many of at the time available teams that make successful live service games. Leaving Sony in a spot that has them betting on a concord. Cause we know Epic ain’t selling Fortnite , so who does that leave Sony to secure?

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


@NEStalgia never more true words about Nintendo. Haha
I mean hey it’s good to be good they say. Nintendo just has that IT factor. Mario, Mario Kart, Zelda they are just going to sell. I seen somewhere were it said Nintendo has made more on the switch then all the other Nintendo consoles combined. Now i think they meant non handhelds. But yeah i could see that. So the logic move would be Siwtch 2 right?……… right? …… Haha

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


@NEStalgia hey it either says you think a lot about me to say that’s a good plan or you think that little of MS to do something nearly that smart haha.

I do think that would be the way for them going forward. I mean something people never seems to think about is. Google makes apps for the iPhone and android os’s but still have their own Pixel phones. Sure they don’t sell as much as iPhone or Galaxy’s but they sell enough to be made and support their apps and software. Why can’t that work for Xbox and MS? Let Sony and Nintendo be the Apple iPhone with the closed ecosystems and exclusive features and software. It makes sense to me and I’d like to think i know a thing or two. I don’t know everything and get it right all the time but hey, who does?

Yeah i sure hope Nintendo seen all that money they made with Switch and make a more powerful Switch 2. But never count on Nintendo to do the thing you think or want them too. Also expect the opposite. HAHA

Re: PlayStation Fans Think Hideo Kojima's Teasing PS5 Pro, But It's One Hell of a Reach


PS5 Pro will be a monster. Watched a lot of videos of Sony building it to push Unreal 5 much better. Wow i hope i can snag one at launch. GTA6 alone on it will be worth the price. I am interested to see how many players trade in their base PS5’s to upgrade tho. Numbers could be low seeing how expensive it’s rumored to be. Exciting times, i love new hardware in the console space. Then after this it’s all about the Switch 2. That too is going to be life changing see as the switch is aging bad and really needs the power upgrade,

Re: How Much Would You Pay for Your PS5 Games? Dev Says Industry Is Waiting for GTA 6 to Hike Prices


Speaking of spending more money and even tho it’s not going to happen. Just think if most of the people on this site got their wish that the competition left the industry, leaving Sony to itself. Hope you’ll enjoy controllers going up, console prices going up, online services going up, oh wait that already happened. Well up some more then. The old saying goes careful what you wish for.

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


@Northern_munkey well again i am sorry the way me and NES banter with each other let you down a little, cause i really enjoy your takes on here and think highly of you. Always have. But again that was just the want and wording of our conversation. NES is a very very close friend of mine and we talk a little more freely if you will then i do on just a normal post. For the record i don’t think Sony did sign a deal last min. I mean i don’t know that of course and nor do i care as i have no interest in that game at all. So i am not digging up all the facts but maybe if MS got it’s head out of it’s you know where they would have dev’s fighting harder to be on their platform is my thought to all of this. Again i am glad you found most of what i said to be decent and the part you didn’t like i can live with that, just know it’s not my intention to have good people like yourself be disappointed in me. 😊

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


@Northern_munkey it was in reference to his comment of Sony being shady or i think he said sleazy. I mean hey both MS and Sony do some shady stuff, if that upset’s you i apologize but it’s just what big business’s with loads of money on the line do. My favorite company in the world is Apple. But they do some shady business practices. It’s just part of business and i don’t mean it as an insult. As for thoughts i wanted NES’s thoughts on what I believe MS is doing. All this MS is laying down and leaving the game business talk i see online is so silly to me when i think it’s clear where they are going. They want all the money, and they don’t care where you play the game so long as your are buying their games. Throw in a more PC like console with steam and the such and it’s actually a brilliant move. For me it wasn’t as much as being level headed as it was just shooting the crap and talking a little industry with my best buddy NES. We talk games in a bit different manner as we have that connection. For the outsiders looking into my comments I never mean to be rude or offensive. And for the record i do want to double down yes Sony can be a bit shady at times, but you know what, more times than not it benefits their business and the PS gamers as a whole and i am ok with that. If they did do some deal to get a game exclusive and taken off Xbox, well shady or not it’s good business for them and people invested into PS. Nothing sad there sir.

Re: Dramatic Conflicts as Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Exclusivity with Black Myth: Wukong


@NEStalgia yeah i don’t know, i mean i do think Sony does play a little dirty pool at times. But in fairness, isn’t it a platform holders job to go out and make sure there is great games available to it’s platform and give it’s platform a reason to own? Meanwhile MS is buying 3rd party companies for the sole purpose of having those games in GP and the revenue but needing to bring them to other platforms cause well they were multi platform franchises. So it’s giving all these people a reason to say Xbox is going out of business and i am like but how? They weren’t going to have these games exclsuvie to their platform if they didn’t buy the company. It’s clear to me what MS’s plan is now. They don’t want to go to court again and be called a platform holder. Cause that raises flags within the FTC. However Tencent can buy whomever they want cause they aren’t a platform holder. So MS will build a PC/Console for next gen, license it out to ASUS and other hardware manufacturers and i believe try and buy many other studios and say we are no longer the platform holder. We make PC’s and put our games on Nintendo and Sony. The benefit to MS is they continue to grow the library of GP making it even that much more appealing to PC players. Grab all the sales off the other platforms and make so much money in gaming it will make peoples head hurt on these chat posts. Also MS is partnering up with G force Now. It used to be a separate thing you had to login into with your password all the time. No longer now it’s part of your login on Xbox Live. MS don’t give that out to to many companies. I am thinking they are going to drop Xcloud support and hand it over to G force now. Furthermore getting rid of another court loophole so they can buy more publishers. So my little rant here is, Sony is going to run out of software to control soon. That is the end game for MS. I believe in the not to distant MS has the ability to control 40% to maybe even as high as 60% of the software being played. They are just making sure before they try and buy say Sega they have no loopholes that tie it up in court. While also making sure they are making back the money they are spending in game development by supporting Nintendo and Sony. If this is the plan and i have thought this out correctly. Dude it’s actually a genius move by MS. They will have literally won the battle without selling the most consoles. Heck they will even have others making their hardware. Image a $800 dollar ASUS powerhouse PC XBox device that loads Steam, Epic and GP? That is bonkers!! Now tell me what i have missed or that i am crazy. But this is what my findings are showing me. I think they have a end game to beat all end games and be domaint in the space and much to what you said, it’s all about getting the Xbox back to a PC. Make the game for PC and it just works on a ‘console’ that is a Xbox skinned windows PC with a handheld that is a windows base skinned Xbox. Thoughts? Other than Sony is a bit shady hahaha

Re: Sony Accused of Signing Secret PS5 Console Exclusivity Agreement with Black Myth: Wukong


@NEStalgia call me dumb but i heard it was a testing issue. Of course on the MS side. Not so sure it was planned to skip Xbox at launch. But while i am on the subject. BG3 missed Xbox launch. For a console trying to win back players by the dozens after Xbox one, why does some of the biggest games miss the platform and it’s due to MS choices. Look we all know Sony loves to sign deals. We know Sony would Bury you 25 feet deep just to make sure. But i don’t see this being s Sony thing as much as a MS thing. MS is missing out on some of the biggest game of this gen and the PS5 slash Pro is going to be GTA6 land these stories don’t add up as the game sold les than 2 million on PS5.

Re: Players Complain of Lengthy PS5 Matchmaking Times As Concord Numbers Dwindle


@SlipperyFish well if 58% quit, then thats a cool 400K still playing on top of PC, and Xbox. I would call that a success. I think any game company would take that. Steam numbers for that game remain high after many many years on the market. Thats how you build a successful live game. Don’t look now but HD2 player numbers on steam have been nose diving. Not that i care, i think it’s a good game. But using your logic, it seems over 58% of players are leaving that game. Part of the live service journey. Just wait until the 624 players quit concord. HAHA literally 624 the last i checked.

and they bought that studio. They own them. They would have done better using that money on LOTR Gollum DLC.