Comments 1,800

Re: It Really Sounds Like the Next Glut of Big PS5 Reveals Is Coming Soon


@Slippship almost all of them on the CPU side and sadly that is not what is upgrading in the Pro. So i guess we get better lighting and textures. Now if the CPU was getting a huge lift I would be all over it. But at the moment the PS5 and Series X are showing the CPU yet again like last gen is just to weak to handle the fidelity on screen.

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@Flaming_Kaiser @NEStalgia i see y’all’s points. But just a week ago Sony was selling a game to 100 countries without PSN but yet wanted that to be a requirement. The amount of money these companies invest and want back are insane amounts of money. Remember gaming does more than movies and music combined. So their eyes go green with cash opportunities and when it don’t go well they start trimming everywhere they think they can. Again Sony closed many European and Japanese studios. With the rumor of Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 remaster at their showcase, my guess it’s to show off ray tracing for PS5 Pro. It’s not as if every one isn’t trying to play it safe right now. Gaming is down a lot right now and it’s rumored already today by Tom Warren more cuts and closures are coming but didn’t say from which companies or company. Just a sad sad time in the industry. But i don’t focus on the negative for long as all this could lead to greater tomorrow’s. Gamers are some of the weakest backbone hobbyists I’ve ever seen. You could have 8 great stories and 2 bad ones and all that gamers will do is complain about the bad and forget all the good. We have to remember AI is about to lay off tons of dev’s from Sony and MS and my last point is who’s to say Tango wanted to make another Hi-Fi Rush game on top of their leadership left and create his own studio which you know he will cheery pick some of these dev’s that are now unemployed.

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@Flaming_Kaiser not making excuses for nobody. We are seeing the reshape of the industry and right now outside of Nintendo it isn’t looking great for the high end market leaders. I hate to see any one lose a job without having another one to go to. But i don’t get in my feelings much about business. I am an accountant and i understand no one or thing outside of money isn’t replaceable as ugly as it is.

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@NEStalgia well i see what your asking, but i don’t think turning 2 studios into support studios and letting 1 good and 1 not so good one go results into we are going to screw people out of BC. Those don’t line up for me. I don’t want to sound corporate here. But i do think MS is trimming the fat and trying to get the best talent for the games they want to release (AAA) into the right spots to speed up some games and have a clear focus on what it is they are doing. I think they want to turn Bethesda into more Fallout, Elder scrolls etc etc then have a studio all the way in Japan that now has no leader. I could make a case for why the ones were let go in the states. Again not trying to sugar coat it, not trying to sugar coat the ones Sony closed. But the industry is trying to keep the talent they need and simply aren’t keep the ones they don’t see a direct need for. If this means a leaner more focused effort from other studios than great. If not then i have a problem.

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@NEStalgia well let’s not forget Sony just closed up the doors on some studios this year also. Sad to see it across the board but it’s happening. Arkane Austin after Redfall won’t be missed much if any. The others are becoming support studios so we can get bigger games faster. So i can see that, but the Tango one seems a little odd. My guess is they didn’t have a leader for it after he left to create his own studio and decided to let it go. Not making excuses, that is just how i am looking at the news. Some of it i understand and others i don’t. I just don’t like the Dual sense much more than the dual shocks when it comes to shooters and other games i play the most of. We have had this discuss before so i will save you the details, but i would be Sony all the way if they had a Xbox controller with the PS symbols for buttons. Now i do like Xbox Ui better. But i can live with the PS ui. Somehow and i know you will throw a rock at me for it, i like the PS5 ui better than PS4. I think they knew they had to get this news out and let it simmer before the June showcase which i believe will be a banger, if it’s not then they just need to sell Xbox to Amazon and be done HAHA j/k

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@NEStalgia i am right there with you in not liking the big wigs of MS, Phil lost his vision when MS cut the checks for Bethesda and then ABK. But Phil had no choice, he took over a company that had 5 studios and was lacking behind two monsters in the console space in Nintendo and PlayStation. For sure now that they have spent that much on Xbox they are for sure pulling strings and they aren’t the kind of strings i think Phil wants to go along for but here we are. As for Sony being my or your main platform thats up to you they will have a decent upgrade in the Pro so multi platform games should be great there. But for me and i have said this on here for years now and i get roasted for it every time (not sure why) for as much respect i have for the PS brand and their single player games. I can not and will not main that controller layout. So much so i am starting to put together plans for a $4000 dollar PC and grab a Switch 2 and that will carry me off into the sunset. Console gaming is starting to show the cracks in it that has been discussed a little to early from the executives. Such as cost, not growing, weaker hardware etc etc. i am not saying console gaming is dead, but it is and has to change. I seen a thing yesterday that Sony went from it’s all time low 7% profit margin to 4% now. They have to fix that. Be that smaller games or take a 40 hour game and sell the first half of it to you for $40 and the second half for $40 in 20 hour sizes. Games can’t take 7-8 years to make and sustain the industry. You do whats best for you. I am not a rich kid but i can save up for a top tier PC rig and here you never would have thought a Apple guy would go windows all for the fact that Sony has some of the worst controllers (PS3) in the history of gaming for my hands and play style HAHA.

Re: Many, Many More Xbox Ports Plotted for PS5, New Speculation Suggests


@Ken_Kaniff oh for sure. I am super excited for the Gears of war announcement. I hope to see some gameplay from Fable and Perfect Dark. Of course we will see Avowed and COD.

For the Sony show. I would guess we will see the PS5 Pro which is exciting for me. There are heavy rumors of the Horizon Zero Dawn remaster which i think is kind of strange seeing as that game still looks and runs well on backwards compatibility. But it seems Sony is in remaster mode until their new heavy hitters are ready.

Re: Many, Many More Xbox Ports Plotted for PS5, New Speculation Suggests


@Ken_Kaniff i mean it’s possible, but i could easily say it’s a reach to think at a Xbox event they are going to go on stage and promote PS. Thats not to say some more games might not swing over to PS5. But i doubt in front of its fans they are going to say oh and day and date on PS also. Remember this is the first time in history ABK, MS and Bethesda are all under the same show together. I would like to think it’s going to be to build excitement around that and not PS. I could be wrong. It’s easier to be wrong in this industry than right. 😊

But we know COD is getting a huge showing at this show and that is for sure day one on PS. June can’t get here fast enough. I’m ready to see some games, and games running on UE5 at that.

Re: Feature: Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass Review: Is It Worth Buying?


@ShogunRok @NEStalgia i don’t like DLC. The idea of it just never grabbed me for most games. So i own very little DLC. FF16 will be one of the first games i buy DLC for in a long time. Mostly cause i love the game but secondly cause nothing else is out at the moment taking my time away from it. Well minus my grind time on Diablo 4. But that will be going on for years. Now if we got a rush of games i cared for i am sure i would put the DLC off.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@cragis0001 absolutely, the choice we have across all platforms right now is truly great. There is something out there for everyone. I use GP as a way to find games i normally wouldn’t and i digitally buy all my must have titles. I have bought a little more for my PS5 this year than Xbox. But with the slew of titles they have coming up that will likely change. Options for all is never a bad thing and of course i take a beating on this site for speaking of it. 😊

Re: Feature: Final Fantasy 16 Expansion Pass Review: Is It Worth Buying?


I haven’t gotten the DLC yet. Love the base game. Was hoping Square will release a complete edition for PS5, Xbox/PC. I will double dip the game seeing as i only paid $40 for it on the PSN sale. This has been my surprise game of this gen so far. Liked it far more than i had thought i would. PS5 Pro enhancements would be a huge welcome.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@cburg thanks friend. These sites and the gaming community is something i lean into during the good times and even the bad. I value the community and conversations in a way that is hard to explain all the time. But i wanted to share a little with you since you gave me a really nice compliment and again thank you!

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@tangyzesty it’s all good buddy! 😀
Being invested into sound is nerdy but it has some cool perks. When my buddies come to my place and we play a game or watch a movie they are amazed at what sound is there that they never experienced before. I find some joy in that. Otherwise it’s just a personal passion of mine as I’ve said. 😊

Re: Upcoming PS5 Update Will Allow New Ways for Players to Connect


@nomither6 well you got me there buddy. I do not use any of them on PC. But i do stand by my statement on mobile the PS app is simply cleaner, easier to use and has the store easily available to me. I think it’s beyond solid. However I must conclude you are right about me not owning a PC haha! 😀

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 @cragis0001 your new PlayStation boss said the opposite to your statement. If I remember correctly he said the average PlayStation user buys 2-4 games a year.

Well wait a second, let’s go with the middle and say 3 that would be $210 a year vs $180 from those no good non game buying Xbox players spending $180 a year on GP.

It’s all good for a change the industry now has all 3 gaming platforms doing something different. Nintendo is well Nintendo they are on top. PS is doing well chasing the traditional old console model and Xbox is chasing subscribers and screens/ player accounts. Seems as if we might just be in the best option for us in gaming console history. I say this and i still buy all my games digital. So what do i know. But it seems like there is a lot of choice and i don’t see any of the 3 breaking from this soon.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@GamingFan4Lyf thanks, yeah i have tried that and i admit it got better around late 2022-2023ish. I think certain games to my ear still have a slight delay. It’s better than in 2020 at launch, wow that was bad. But i think it could use some more work. However audio is second fiddle to graphics the same way frame rate is to graphics. Red Dead 2 sounds so life like on my setup that i can hear animals in the background as if they were real. So sound has come a long long way. 😊
EARC is no joke. I have heard some sound bars that punch above their weight in sound to dollars.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@tangyzesty since asinine is a word of your choice would you find it asinine that when i got divorced i left my city and moved to Nashville Tennessee to be around sound engineers? Graphics are great and all they for sure immerse us into the experience but it’s sound that makes media stand out. Most players play on cheap headphones or their TV and thats more than ok. But when you invest into sound you hear things you didn’t even know they programed in. The attention to detail in gaming audio and effects since around PS4 is insane to experience. Thanks for the comment tho. If you took it as bragging… i need to do a better job at describing passion.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@tangyzesty i was in school at a early age for sound engineering. Music and gaming audio is my life. Well life i wasn’t able to make a career of. I have a 7.1 Dolby atmos system with in ceiling rears. I ain’t bragging bud, i am saying i have high end gear in my media room. Some days i would like to turn on one box and have it all just work without all the extra. Since you like to assume, I’ll give you a hint at what console sounds best? A second hint would be that same console has some lag in Dolby atmos that i really hope get patched MS…. Oops!

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@cburg really doesn’t sound like it. Tone it down man. People like different things and that is ok.

Hey i just want to say something into the open with you. I am going through a rough time family wise right now. Hurting me and causing depression. Gaming is my love and outlet, i think you know that. Saying what you said about me, helped me through this day. Never forget treating people well has impacts beyond what we know of the situation. I will be mailing you a Christmas card this year. I never forget anyone in this community and months and weeks and even days like i am going through is why i love this site and people so much. I have had so many people roast me on here cause i don’t bend the knee to Sony. I love my PS but to say it’s without its fault cause it sells more is like saying a president or ruler is perfect cause he won the vote. THANK YOU!

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 it’s all gaming I love friendly debates.

And it is all gaming, i played both my Xbox and PS today, but before you say friendly, i would recommend not labeling people something that you don’t know anything about them cause they said something that you may deem against your plastic box of choice. Cause remember now i will go to MS and tell them to void that COD contract and you won’t have a PS. HAHA JK 😀

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 Jay i hate to break it to you bud MS don’t care what you want and neither does the 30-50 million Xbox gamers. Thats not how it works. What if a Xbox guy said i don’t want Sony here to make dad simulators and controllers with 6 hour battery life. Is he right? NO…. Opinions are cool and all, but MS much like Sony make a lot of money in this business and they ain’t leaving. Better yet what if a Nintendo fan told you Sony should leave cause they don’t have games that sell 60 million units and are Japans biggest company. None of that make sense my friend. Options are in the industry for a reason. I see you say 2-1, how will it feel that MS will out gross Sony 2-1 while losing 2-1 in hardware?

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 @cburg

Cburg, i truly bottom of the heart appreciate that. Push and Pure is the best website for talking the industry and i love you all. Jay767 likes what he likes and there’s no bad blood, he labeling me a Xbox fanboy is silly cause i have owned every PS. God of War… what else can i say. One of the best. But i don’t mind attacking the weakness of PS cause they have many. Attacking Xbox is common place. Of course it is, they are backed by a 3 trillion dollar company that just now decided to compete. I get it. But to get this back on track, most games need to be in more places to be successful these days. MS isn’t wrong about that. Sony’s intern CEO said it. I mean it’s another MS strategy that Sony is coming onto late. They will be PC day and date before or at the start of PS6. But my main main point is everybody wins with this. Devs get more money, players get more options and the industry can get past being rivals and dissing on each other and playing more games. Again how i am wrong here?

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 “i didn’t say he can’t like Xbox i just said Xbox isn’t doing well right now”

Brother no one is doing well right now outside of Mobile and Nintendo. That was my whole point. Is PS doing better than Xbox depends on what question you ask. On hardware sales yes. On revenue and profit? It’s impossible for Sony to beat what MS just bought. ABK and Bethesda and MS studios. That is software money that is insane. If MS leaves hardware to give attention to this silly narrative, they will be the largest money maker in the business software wise. That leaves Sony footing the bill for Hardware, online servers, cloud saves etc etc. you know what they will have to charge you for that? Thats not a good thing for us gamers. We need the balance. You just argue, only credit i can give you is you do it with me and not your wife or boss. Thats smart my friend. 😀

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@GamingFan4Lyf hey my brother, thank you for coming to shed some rescue for me here. I am drowning in Sony ponies that think Sony is running so smooth cause they outsell Xbox. You and me been on here a long time. You know i am all for gaming first brands second. But i have to say, i am 41 years old or young as i say. I am tired of owning 3-4 platforms and buying some games twice to support the dev, or play with certain friends, yes Sony used to block cross play. PC is just starting to grow on me from the idea of all games in one place. Now if anyone on here wants to call me a fanboy, they need to get it right and thats Apple. I love Apple, 20 years exclusive with a PC user i am not. Out of all the exclusive games i can not live without it’s Gears of War, God of War, and maybe like 2 others. To play that i need 2-3 boxes under my tv, multiple service subscriptions, controllers, etc etc. i have the money. Not bragging but i have a $2000 dollar Tv and $4000 surround sound. I want convenience and choice. Cause tech has reached that point. It wasn’t that way with Sega Vs Nintendo. But you know saying these things grabs all types of internet Slag words and somehow i am the problem. Thanks for the comment my friend. 😊

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 that didn’t exactly tell me they have had the talent nor ability since Ps4-Ps5. Now i do hope some of those stick and give me something others than action adventure games. I wish i knew more about concord. But again Sony isn’t the go to place for multiplayer nor has it ever been…. Maybe some on the PS2 and PS3, but Killzone wasn’t it, Socom died, and my favorite Resistance has been shelved for 1.5 decades. Now i give credit to any live service game that try’s as it’s a tough market to enter and have success. Maybe rare did do something right with Sea of Thieves after all eh?

Re: Square Enix Game Cancellations Likely as Publisher Records $140 Million Loss in 'Content Disposal'


@Radekbejbl1 Yeah i wish the FF series and Square well in the future cause i like the story, art and music they provide. I am just saying to take advantage of gamers on as many platforms as possible cause cash is king in today’s market. There are a lot of games people play now on all types of platforms and it’s not wise to not be there. Like i said i fully plan to double dip FF16. I really enjoy that game. But you are right that this isn’t the PS1-PS2 days and i think it’s best they take a different approach going forward and i think they will.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 i like HD2 and Sony should buy that studio cause they are working circles around everyone at the moment. Oh Sony has good online multiplayer devs? The PS4 and PS5 so far say otherwise. When yall were on here crying about live service, it was me saying yes yes yes, this is the Sony i want to see. Then all we got was cancelled, cancelled, cancelled. Show me anything from PS4-PS5 outside of HD2 which they don’t at the moment own the studio that has been a successful online or service game. You just told me they have one. Not to mention i don’t care or take offense that you think i am a Xbox guy. I don’t hide from saying i love Xbox. However i don’t not say that Xbox don’t know what they are doing sometimes. My true colors are good games and thats why i own all 3. However you are one contract (COD, 10 years) away from not having a console you enjoy. So be nice to MS will ya? 😊

Re: Square Enix Game Cancellations Likely as Publisher Records $140 Million Loss in 'Content Disposal'


@Radekbejbl1 well if they spend that much then simply make sure it get’s to more platforms was my point. Japan is turning into mobile and PC. But with the PC launch of FF coming who knows when is my point. Take advantage of the launch window excitement on as many platforms as possible and numbers would be up. I love FF16, bought it for PS5 and plan to buy it on Xbox when it comes out after the June deal with Sony. Sure it might only move the FF normal on Xbox which is around 1-1.5 million copies but thats decent money for all that production you speak of. Throw in PC and we should be seeing decent profit returns. Unlike the story of Square losing $140 million dollars.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 wrong again it’s PC, then PS then Xbox when it comes to ABK money. And i didn’t even throw in mobile yet. Look dude ain’t no one saying PS sucks here. I play mine almost every day. But to say everything is running smooth and happy over there is just not true. They have issues to figure out also. I didn’t even mention they have zero talent in house to make online games. They gave Bungie 3 Billion dollars to come in and cancel games and release a dud of a DLC.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 @Deityjester Thank you Jester for seeing my points. When or if those games come to PS they will make up the money lost being on just 2 platforms instead of 3 which means we all win including the dev’s time and cost. PS fan’s are some of the biggest whiners in the industry cause they think supporting all screens makes you less of a gamer then playing games and enjoying them regardless of the console or platform you choose. I ain’t saying we won’t have exclusives for a time period any more, cause that does help sell your console in the launch of the title. But how much money could Sony make bringing 3-4 year old titles to PC and Xbox? A lot as we are seeing with SOT and others. Sony is a mid money making company outside of PS, so i don’t want to hear they don’t need the money and it will hurt PS. PS is going to sell with their games going to PC or other places. It’s just a win for the industry and the dev’s , this isn’t taking up for MS not selling more hardware. The next Sony CEO will have some decisions to make and they might not be what some on here expect.

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 i can see your here to argue and show aggression towards Xbox owners or in my case all 3 console owners. So i will try once more to show the business angle of this. I have been playing since Super NES. I am to the age now where it would be nice to have all my games or most of them in one place. Hence i am still considering selling my consoles and getting a PC. But ever since Steam got popular i have wanted that style for my games. Heck if MS said every game was coming day and date to the PS, i would be happy cause i would sell my Xbox and be down to two. But we all know that ain’t happening. As for FF rebirth being one example. Brother i could go back to the Vita days, i could go to even many more PS4 and PS5 titles that under performed on PS. Hence they have closed most of those studios and milk Marvel licensing now instead of making Sly Cooper, ICO, Dreams and little big planet. I get it… you’re loyal to PS and why not they have been largely successful with every thing they put out, it’s why i have owned them all. Well outside of the trash VR stuff. But again i would love to have all my non Nintendo games on one box someday and PC is looking really good even tho i have been a console guy for 3 decades. I think certain exclusives do sell consoles they are called Mario and Zelda and Mario Kart. Those all sold over 25 million copies. God of War and Halo can’t even begin to dream of those number's. What sell’s Xbox and PS is fortnite and FIFA outside of the 10-15 million of us hardcore that buy the exclusives. Good luck paying the bills with those numbers is my whole point.