Comments 1,800

Re: Hermen Hulst, Hideaki Nishino Replace Jim Ryan As PlayStation CEOs


@PuppetMaster maybe a Co-op shooter, a RPG, heck even another action adventure game using the same tools but with just a new setting and world. Sony has said they have new Ip’s coming and may i remind you Sony every generation creates new Ip’s, thats why they were never labeled the Halo, Gears and Forza, or Mario, Zelda machine. They took risks with new Ip’s. Thats what the fan’s loved and made their games so exciting. So from now to the end of PS6, should we just have Spider-man, Horizon and GOW? That could get old in a hurry. Not to mention HD2 just out sold all of those titles and became one of Sony’s all time best sellers. Shooters sell if done right. Sure Killzone wasn’t the Halo Killer in the PS3 days. But they learned what worked and didn’t work on that game by now. There was a rumor of Socom coming back for PS and i can’t remember if GUR was mentioned to be part of it. That could be really fun. The PS5 Pro game rumored to be at the showcase is Horizon Zero Dawn Remaser (zzzzzz) Yawn…. I suppose. If it makes money go for it. But i am entitled to my opinions of what i would like to see studios make. Don’t mean they are listeening. Tho i get some of your points and they are valid in most cases, but they are playing it safe until one day players don’t want to play Horizon anymore and it’s sales drop off then after losing sales they will adopt my idea of something new and take all those risks you alluded too. Does that make more sense? I don’t know.

Re: Hermen Hulst, Hideaki Nishino Replace Jim Ryan As PlayStation CEOs


@PuppetMaster i didn’t hate it, but it didn’t wow me outside of the graphics. Why would i want that, it’s simple i like that studio a lot and would like to see them do something different. It’s been 7 years. They produce great graphics and could use a little variety to their portfolio. The same with insomniac, all they do now is Marvel. I miss their other games. that’s another great team that we don’t have to guess what they are working on… Marvel and Horizon.

Re: Crossplay in Ghost of Tsushima Co-Op on PC Starts as a Beta


@Mikey856 i love my Xbox library so thats not a bad thing for me. Same with my PS library, it’s smaller than my Xbox but I would still get a PS handheld. I have been a Mac user for PC for 18 years, so I have zero games on windows and Steam obviously. But i have been eyeing building a gaming PC. If Sony goes day and date and with Square announcement yesterday. PC is looking better and better for me. If i did that then a Steam deck for sure. I like to keep my options open, but i do prefer Xbox and PS over PC gaming at least for a little while longer.

Re: Crossplay in Ghost of Tsushima Co-Op on PC Starts as a Beta


Now we just need day and date and all gamers are winning. More games to more screens for the win. Not getting a Steam Deck unless i build a PC. Want to wait and see if Sony or Microsoft builds a handheld also. Looks like Xbox Handheld is all but confirmed, rumors of a PS one were floating around.

Re: Sony Committed to Better First-Party Games, 'Richer' Experiences, More PS5 Users


@Pistolega HD2 would like to say otherwise. It just outsold GOWR. Moving up the later as one of the best selling PS games of all time. Now again i want to see variety. So i want to see plenty of Single player story games, RPG’s, Co-op games, etc etc. but PS4 was so much action/Adventure 3rd person. I was so bored with it all. But i am liking the direction it seems Sony is going. Good days ahead.

Re: Sony Committed to Better First-Party Games, 'Richer' Experiences, More PS5 Users


I am probably the least fan of most Sony first party games. Most of them just aren’t my play style. That said i respect all of them. They rarely if ever have game breaking bugs. Graphics are always great. Audio is top notch, and they mostly sell well. So not sure what the next level they can go from here but i am excited. If they do more shooters and online games i will be all over them. Otherwise i will stick to Ratchet and Clank and god of War and Last of us. I believe the future is bright for them tho and am really excited to see what Santa Monica and naughty dog are working on.

Re: Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, More Closed in Brutal Bethesda Restructure


@Flaming_Kaiser i have been saying that since the day GP launched. I was hoping games would go the way of say a comic book, the story is broken up over smaller chunks. Say the first 15 hours comes out first and then the other half comes out later down the line. Not sure we are going to get that cause i am sure gamers would complain and just want the whole experience up front.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation


@RaZieLDaNtE yeah i agree they need more variety. PS4 started to get a little to much same same for me. Sony is just like all the others tho they have to make money and if they think there isn’t enough money in those IP’s we miss then they are not getting any love. Sad tho cause those are some of my favorite games.

Re: Sony Attracting More PSN Users Year-on-Year Despite Quarterly Dip


@breakneck the big rumor at the Xbox showcase is that the new COD black ops will be only on PS5, Series and PC. That will move some users off the PS4, Xbox One. Then GTA6 and we should have most players that are going to upgrade upgraded. Every thing else important wise is still on last gen. No reason for the causals to upgrade yet. COD will. Hope that rumor is true.

Re: Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fail to Meet Expectations on PS5


@Flaming_Kaiser yeah those two bombed for sure. Not sure they will try any more titles like that for a while. I love FF16, i think it’s a great game. But i am sure it was expensive to make and needed closer to 5 million in sales. Which they likely could have done if they hit all 3 platforms at launch. Still not sure why FF7 isn’t doing so well. That game looks beautiful, i didn’t play it as it’s not my thing. But 16 was a great experience for me. I need to pick up the DLC.

Re: Hermen Hulst, Hideaki Nishino Replace Jim Ryan As PlayStation CEOs


@get2sammyb I want to say i am looking forward to them, but it needs to get a facelift. It can’t be more of the same. Now i will admit they both launched in a window with bigger games and i am sure that didn’t help them. But man if the rumor of Horzon Zero dawn remaster for PS5 pro at the Sony showcase is real. Sorry can’t say that moves the needle for the series much. I’d like to be wrong cause I enjoy to see success for games i don’t play. But thats a stretch.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation


@Kraaatos you sold me, give us HD3. Just stay the heck away from more horizon! Not sure motorstrom was a flop tho. Had 3 titles quickly and i see fans asking for its return. Maybe not. I loved it and this is coming from someone that hated the PS3 controller so much i only played games I thought were worth playing with that trash pad.

Re: Hermen Hulst, Hideaki Nishino Replace Jim Ryan As PlayStation CEOs


@get2sammyb call of duty is a annual release that makes the industry stay open for all platforms, Horizon is climb only on the yellow blocks and a story that i almost tried drugs to understand. Horizon is played out and needs a break, good game mostly, but needs a break. Look only to HD2, one of PS most profitable titles in the history of PS. People don’t buy climb on yellow bricks they buy and play shooters with updating content. Numbers don’t lie.

Re: Sony: The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation


I like this duo. I just really wish we would see games like resistance, Socom, Sly, Motorstrom etc etc. i love my PS, sure i like the Xbox controller better, but i love me some PS. But i grew insanely tired of PS4 action adventure climb here only, quick time event games. Sure they are good too, but need some variety. Deliver that and rumors of MS bringing over legacy titles and collections to older games and PS is setup great even if i think they are losing players slowly to PC, as all consoles maybe outside of Nintendo are seeing PC surge forward. Wish these 2 the best of luck and they are some nice picks.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Colt22 not saying you said Sony shouldn’t. But i think we all can agree this strategy they have is not the best. Until they go day and date on PC like HD2 we might not see much sales. Also single player games at $70 on PC are going to be a mixed bag. Again HD2 is a smallish to medium size success game if it were just PS5. Throw in the PC sales on top of PS5 sales and HD2 is leading the charts. See the difference? So it is a boon after all.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Colt22 i love PS and Xbox. I ain’t trolling i am trolling Sony for not knowing how to run their PC business but not PS consoles. I am saying there is money on the PC that Sony needs. They are running a 4% profit margin at the moment. Excluding players on the PC seems like something they might not be able to afford and yet here they are. Thats the reason i am on this thread.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Colt22 thats just the thing, you don’t need an insanely expensive PC and gamers are starting to figure that out. Are they more than a console, in most cases yes. But they do more and more people need a PC for other non gaming applications and so it’s worth a little extra to them. Throw in PC handhelds and we are seeing more and more head that way and the revenue is showing devs that.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@DennisReynolds I see your account was created just today. Interesting you spent it so far trolling, attacking others and lying.

You think so too. I got called a lair and i need to get it in my head. I’m like dude if i am lying then so is the 10 YouTube videos showing these metrics and having these conversations. I could care less where a game sells most at as i own everything but a PC and soon i might just go to PC, cause Sony and MS are giving me less and less reasons to believe they are running their platforms right for my gaming tastes. Keep your head up, you’re one of the better ones on here. I read your posts all the time 😊

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Kevw2006 Correct it is monthly active users. Which is what i am getting at that is the metric used these days from devs just as much as sales. Cause sales could mean yes they bought the game but maybe traded it in or aren’t playing it and buying MTX etc etc. i merely said COD is bigger on PC than console, not which COD cause that doesn’t matter and i got called a lair. I am not lying that a game is more popular on a platform that i watched videos saying it is.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Colt22 it is the chart from Bobby Kotick that every video talking about COD coming to GP is using. That is what i said and the numbers add up. At the very least i am not a lair is my point. Also PC is eating into consoles software sales no matter how much certain gamers want to spin it. PC and mobile are now the cash cows over consoles. That isn’t good for me as i own all 3 consoles. But next gen i think i am going to PC and so i am following what is happening in that space more. It’s ok you go around and call people lairs and then insult the charts and links used that came from the CEO of the company. Makes sense in the world of video game banter. Oh i see today that Square is coming to PC now, wonder why?

Re: Vague Sly Cooper PS5 Game Rumours Debunked


@NEStalgia Yeah i think the pro will be $599.99- $649.99 anything more than that in this economy will sit on shelves and that will hurt the pro as the pro is already a niche system in sales and excitement level for the casual crowd. I will trade in my digital PS5 for the Pro. I think if the rumor of the Switch 2 in docked mode is a Series S that will be nice place to play for some casuals. I am still unsure where all this is headed. I think MS needs to address what their plan is at the June showcase. Which they won’t. But PC is something we know that is only going to continue to grow and eat the console sales away a few gamers at a time, at some point cloud will eat into the causals and console we be in a odd place for devs.

Re: Vague Sly Cooper PS5 Game Rumours Debunked


@NEStalgia im going to continue to support all 3 consoles as along as they are around. Unless…. MS releases a few games i really care about and they stink or and this would show how bad MS is at running Xbox and thats if those games not only come to PS5 say like Gears of War… but then MS doubles down and make those games run better on PS5 Pro. At that point i am only on Xbox cause i like the controller better and the Ui. Which is true but a ui and a controller won’t be enough if the games are bad or run better on Pro.

Yeah i am not sure what build i will buy but you know i like my high end stuff, even tho i am not high end money. Tho i have just enough to do it if i wanted too. But i want to see what PS5 Pro and Xbox do. It would be insane to spend all that money on a PC and have to wait to play GTA6.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Colt22 not lying, if my info is wrong thats one thing. But i just seen a graph showing the spilt when they were talking about if COD is coming to GP this year. It showed PC sales of COD higher on PC than PS5 and Xbox combined. Not sure how accurate that chart was but it was on a site talking about how much money MS would be giving up if COD comes to GP day and date, then it went into talking about raises in GP price. Just watched it 3 days ago.

Re: Sony Delists Ghost of Tsushima PC from Steam Regions in Line with Helldivers 2


@Bionic-Spencer i agree outside of the fact they need the money. I know most gamers on here love to crap on Xbox and why not they deserve it from time to time. But when Microsoft went to PC day and date i seen how much money they were making on there and said at some point Sony is going to want some of that money they are leaving on the table. But this isn’t the way to do it. Look at call of Duty, it sells more on PC than PS5 and Xbox combined. PC has become a place dev’s can’t ignore, if they don’t do day and date they are for sure coming there at some point. Sony has to do it but they really need to rethink the strategy. This won’t work for PC players.

Re: Vague Sly Cooper PS5 Game Rumours Debunked


@MegaManX-7 I have a PS5 and Xbox Series X. Had them both at launch and across the two platforms. Only Ratchet and Clank and Forza Horizon 5 truly made me say wow this wouldn’t look and play this well on PS4 or Xbox One. Heck at this point 2018’s Red Dead 2 is more of a show piece over most games now. I give Ratchet credit every chance i get. I finished it 3 times and know the game front to back and it’s such a great experience. There is no way a Sly or Jak and Dexter game couldn’t be great on PS5.

Re: Vague Sly Cooper PS5 Game Rumours Debunked


@NEStalgia i have said for years now. I understand Sony and MS invest huge into software and need it to sell big to make it back. There’s a place for those titles, not saying stop making them. But a small team that works on a Sly game, let say make it around 8 hours long. Doesn’t need to be big and expensive. I actually like the idea of smaller game length for some titles. Anyways my point is Sony could make a Sly game and make its money back. Ok so they don’t want to do sly, Jax and Dexter could be around 8-10 hours with good graphics that don’t cost 150 million to make and sell good numbers. I fail to see why Sony doesn’t make any of these games just to give us another Horizon (Boooring) and more action adventure big titles. Trust me if PS5 Pro isn’t a beast which i think it will be and the games don’t start to excite me much from Xbox and PS. I will build a 4090 or 5090 built and just play whatever titles comes to PC. Sly Cooper to me is a console type game. Not a PC title. It’s another reason i like consoles. They used to get certain types of games that PC didn’t or wouldn’t play much. How times have changed for consoles.

Re: Xbox Pondering PS5 Port of Ninja Theory's Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2


@Jay767 its up there with a toy company with a GPU as strong as a iPhone 4 and a online network not as good as 20 year old OG Xbox with games running at 24fps pushed Sony to closed all their Japan studios and head to California.

Nah MS is simply beating themselves at this point and thats not a knock on PS. I don’t like MS as a company so some of this is fun to watch as a 20 year long Apple user. But i do like my Xbox mainly for the controller as I’ve said before and Gears of war. But Steve Jobs was right about MS and it’s starting to show more and more. At this point i wish MS would just go 3rd party and bring the controller out for PS. Be one less console to buy. 😊