Comments 190

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev CD Projekt RED Suffers Cyber Attack, Some Internal Systems Compromised


@Playstation I actually read most of that, but it's not going to change my stance. I think creators of any art form, be it film, music, drawings, theater, books, photography, games or whatever can create their universe the way they want it to be, as long as their goal isn't to offend anyone on purpose.

It's up to us to agree or disagree, play or ignore, and having and voicing an opinion is perfectly fine.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 362


Played some Destruction All-Stars yesterday, but I really can't see myself going back anymore. I think it's not a good game at all, honestly.

I've been diving into the PS+ Collection on PS5 recently, and discovered the marvel that Ratchet and Clank really is, so I'll be switching between that and God of War, another great title I missed out on last generation.

Re: Game of the Year: Sammy's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2020


Nice list. The Last of Us: Part II has been sitting on my shelf far too long now. Bought it together with Persona 5 Royal, which I just couldn't put down until the platinum trophy popped, and then PS5 happened...

I also love Cyberpunk to death, but the tricks it pulls on us poor players are just astonishing. Last night it auto-uninstalled for no reason at all (even not a crash). Luckily I could just re-install and my save files are ok. Maybe CDPR hacked into our brains and is messing with our perception of reality through this peculiar peace of software.

Re: Poll: Did You Request a Cyberpunk 2077 Refund on PS5, PS4?


No, I didn't. As much as I disapprove of the way CDPR has (not) handled the situation, I don't see why you'd request a refund for a game you enjoy and we all know will get fixed in the end, other than sending a strong message to the industry as a whole. I remember having to cope with similar issues with The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Fallout 3, amongst others.

That being said, I'd much prefer having to wait for a game until it's ready. As a long time Nintendo fan, I'm quite used to this. Imagine the Zelda BOTW sequel being released in an unfinished state. People would just eat Shuntaro Furukawa alive...

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 353


@KidBoruto I consider myself a JRPG fan, and this was my first Persona game as well. Nothing to be ashamed of; there's so many great games out there and you can't play them all.

I've really fallen in love with the great cast of characters. Take your time and listen to / read all conversations. The developers put a lot of love into this gem. I hear / read people rushing through the game, which isn't how this was meant to be played. It's a long game, but worth every minute of your time. Enjoy!