Comments 539

Re: Sony Wants to Conquer the Anime World Next


Sony censor a bunch of anime games, so good luck with that.

I only support censoring that 1 game where you got buffs and rewards for diddling underage girls. No surprise the Nintendrones were championing Nintendo for allowing that to be uncensored on Switch.

Everything else censored was unneeded.

Re: Reaction: Sony Wants PS5 to Be the Best Place to Play, And It'll Open Its Wallet to Achieve It


@anon42 Your comment to @Ralizah sums it up perfectly. This is exactly why PC gamers hate the EGS. They have brought a closed system console practice that consoles have done for years, nigh on decades, to the open PC platform. Sony and Microsoft have been doing it for years, people were just purposely ignoring it because it benefitted them or were just not paying attention.

Re: More Rumours of 'Major' Third Party PS5 Exclusives Return


I'm gonna be taking names.of all you supporters and calling out your hypocrisy when you complain about Microsoft does it.

On topic: I won't be fooled again. FF7R taught me to wait, no matter the game. That was probably the #1 "cannot wait" timed exclusive. And it burned me bad.

Re: Don't Expect to Play The Gunk on PS5


@Redman35 @djlard The whole "exclusive" terminology has become a disaster because of the mental gymnastics companies have employed to try get any type of marketing 1 up on the other company.

Xbox doesn't have any exclusives anymore, because they're either on several Xbox systems (and PC) or on a single Xbox + PC as well. It's the same with "console exclusive". An attempt to salvage something from nothing for marketing purposes. Persona 5 isn't an exclusive game, because it's on PS3 as well. Horizon Zero Dawn is another example, PS4 and PC, no exclusivity there.

"Sony exclusive" or "Nintendo exclusive" is just as bad. Breath Of The Wild isn't a Switch exclusive.

It's either on 1 platform (aka exclusive) or it's not. Fanboy mental gymnastics and defending corporate damage control lines be damned!

Re: Xbox Sure Did Announce a Lot of Timed Exclusives This Week


I personally don't care if they speak out about it and do the opposite, or not. Simply engaging in the practice is enough to annoy me and the crux of the matter.

Quick side note that also annoys me are the fanboys that will praise (Sony website so we're using that as an example) Sony for securing timed exclusives but then turn around and complain when Microsoft do the same thing.

Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Will Probably Come to PS5, Eventually


@theheadofabroom Since it's coming to PC at the same time, I doubt it'll be stuck on the windows 10 store only. Not even Microsoft's games launch only on there now. Almost all the other games for Xbox/PC (except 1, which is still a beta) after the Steam announcement have come to Steam.