Comments 104

Re: The Last of Us Season 2 Debuts in 2025, Here's Your First Look


I’d be down with most of the changes they made but Bella is terribly miscast. It just ruins it for me. It’s like if you ordered fillet steak in a restaurant and they served you liver. I’ve seen Bella in a few different things and they were fine. But not this.

Cailee Spaeny would have been a better choice. At least she vaguely resembles the character from the games.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced During Sony's State of Play Livestream for September 2024?


Happy about Ghost but these State of Plays are the same thing every time… Weird indie games, check. Retro/Megadrive-looking games, check. PSVR games, check. Medieval/fantasy games, check. JRPG’s, check. One good game at the end that people actually want, check. I suppose we have a Remasters category now too, check.

I know they’re trying to cover all of their bases but I could do without the Retro games and PSVR games every time.

It all just feels very stale.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS5 Pro Way Too Expensive?


£700 to play slightly better versions of the games we played on the base PS4. There certainly isn’t anything of note of the PS5 so far.

Sony don’t deserve our support anymore. They’ve truly failed to bring the goods this gen. Instead, wasting money and resources on failed projects like PSVR2 and the many Live Service disasters. They are completely out of touch in every way.

I just hope MS have something up their sleeve to shake things up (unlikely). Sony only seem to be innovative when they’re struggling financially and facing fierce competition.

Re: Star Wars Outlaws' Instant Fail Stealth Sections Will Be Reworked in Upcoming PS5 Patch


I was mad yesterday because I lost 2 hours of progress (because the game failed to auto save and wouldn’t allow me to manual save). I’ve fell through the ground a couple of times too, annoyingly.

I’ve caught up now and progressed to a point where the game is letting me manual save. It’s a good game but things like this shouldn’t make it to launch.

The stealth mechanics are one of the things I’m enjoying the most tbh.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Star Wars Outlaws?


I was going to give it an 8 but I’ve just lost 2 hours of completing side content because the game doesn’t auto save at all between missions and the manual save option is always greyed out. Fuming. I was enjoying it until then. I’m so mad rn.

Edit: and now the bloody game is broken because the slicer doesn’t disable energy fields. Seriously F this game.

Re: Soapbox: Astro's Playroom PS5 Did Live Service and You Didn't Even Notice


They wouldn’t have done this if there wasn’t a new game to sell. I would consider this good marketing rather than live service. And I have nothing against live service. I love Fortnite and have played every season since C2S4.

The problem Sony have is that there’s no room for another live service game. Certainly not one that will last more than a few months.

It feels like how everyone jumped on the bandwagon when Nintendo wii blew up. Sony went all in with the PS Move and MS with Kinect. They were too late to the party. And that’s what this live service drive feels like.

They see games like Fortnite brining in millions and they want a piece of the pie. The pie is gone. As long as games like Fortnite continue to thrive, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to have another big hit. No one is going to abandon a game they have invested years into for the desperate, wannabe, new kid on the block.

I hope Sony realise this before they waste even more time and resources.

Re: Soapbox: Astro Bot PS5 Is Not a Graveyard, It's a Joyful Demonstration of Sony's Unique Ability to Reinvent Itself


I haven’t played the new game (until tomorrow 😁) but Astro’s Playroom absolutely felt like a celebration of PlayStation. I completed the game 100% and it was magical.

Sony have made some mistakes this gen but that doesn’t mean their glory days are behind them. If they focus on giving us the single player, story-driven games we want, they can turn things around. Personally I would also like some colourful 3D platformers like Sly, Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter. They don’t need to be big budget releases. Just stop wasting money and resources on multiplayer and live service games.

This gen has been a complete bust but next gen could be great if they get their act together. Hopefully Concord will be the disaster they needed to open their eyes.

Re: Jennifer Hale Says AI Is Coming for All of Us


Im a huge supporter of AI. I heard an AI Mariah Carey cover of Justin Timberlake’s ‘Selfish’ and it sounded exactly like her. It was amazing. Most singers don’t even sing live these days anyway. If it’s already fake, why not cut out the middle man? Imagine a new album by AI-my Winehouse or Whitn-AI Houston. So many opportunities.

Same applies to the gaming industry. Let the AI do the crunch if it means we get new games on time.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Needs to Take a Long, Hard Look at Itself


I don’t need flashy graphics for every game. Give me some PS2 era Ratchet & Clank games and I’ll buy them all.

Sony waste so much time, effort and resources trying to hunt a white whale they’re never going to catch. They’ve lost their creative drive and imagination.

This gen has been an absolute bust. Astrobot is the only decent game to come out of it.

Re: PS5, PC Shooter Concord Dead on Arrival, Is Being Taken Offline This Week as Dev 'Explores Options'


Chasing the live service money train is mad when there are already insanely popular (and free) live service games that people have invested in heavily for years. No one is going to abandon games like Fortnite for the new kid on the block. Especially when these new games never last more than a few months. People have realised it’s a bad investment.

The big name live service games have already dominated the market. There isn’t space for any more. And them not being F2P at launch means they’re DOA.

You can’t ask players to pay full price for the game and then expect them to spend hundreds on cosmetics. It’s like they want to have their cake and eat it too. Pure greed and delusion.

Re: Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Made Remedy Any Royalties, But Work Is Underway on Max Payne's PS5 Remakes


I wrote this game off without a physical release. I might get it when the physical version releases in October, or I might wait a few more months for a price drop. I’ve waited long enough already, so a few more months won’t kill me. If they don’t support the fans who wanted a physical release at launch, why should we support them now? They’re giving us a physical release now but only because they realised they F’d up.

Re: Sexy Lara Croft Posters Will Return in Next Tomb Raider Remastered Patch


The pictures aren’t a big deal really but I wish they would stop trying to sanitise her character. So what if her character is sexualised? Lara can use her sexuality to exploit her enemies if she wants to, she can steal artefacts from other countries to fund her extravagant lifestyle (better safe in her vault than to fall into the wrong hands), she can kill without remorse. Why does she need to be a saint? The reason Lara stayed relevant all these years is because she’s a flawed character. She does what she does because she enjoys it and occasionally she saves the world.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


Nah, I’d be all over it if there were ANY stellar games this gen. But so far all we have are spruced up PS4 games.

Sony are especially guilty of releasing the same old (safe) open world games, with the same in-game collectibles, boring side quests and average plots. There’s only so many times you can play the exact same game with a different skin before the excitement wears off.

So what’s the point in having a PS5 Pro? So we can play slightly better versions of PS5 games that are slightly better versions of games that are/were available on PS4?

I keep hearing that the golden age of gaming is over. And judging by the games we’ve seen so far this gen, I’d have to agree.

PS5 Pro? I’m still waiting for the PS5 to do something (anything) that’s genuinely impressive. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen this year…

Re: Ancient Greece's Pantheon of Gods Leap into Fortnite's Latest Season on PS5, PS4


@LifeGirl it was just an expression of disappointment, not meant to be taken literally. I didn’t mean to cause any offence, honestly. I just REALLY dislike the Anime skins (in Fortnite). Nothing against Anime generally, if that’s what you’re into. But this is the secret skin and they’re usually top tier. It’s disappointing to most Fortnite players from what I’ve seen online.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 517


Tomb Raider I-III Remastered and with a few tweaks to the modern controls, this is Tomb Raider at its best.

Playing these remasters made me realise how much Tomb Raider shaped the gaming industry we know today. And how each game that followed raised the bar even further. They really were groundbreaking for their time.

I read that sales have been good, so hopefully we’ll get a second collection for IV and V.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League?


@Jammsbro I like ‘good’ live service games and I like SP games. I support both. There’s room for both.

I don’t like Sports games or COD, both of which are insanely popular. But I’m not going to vote 1/10 on their polls because I’m worried their insane popularity is going to ruin the gaming industry. That’s silly.

Live service games aren’t ruining the industry. There are as many bad live service games as there are good ones. Suicide Squad is one of the good ones and doesn’t deserve the blind hate or hysteria.

Fair enough if you don’t like live service games but just ignore it and move on 🤷

Re: Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Starring Lara Croft (PS5) - The New Standard for PS1 Re-Releases


I pre-ordered this last month and I never pre-order anything. The original Tomb Raider games are some of my all time favourite games so I’ll be staying up until midnight to finally replay these classics in all their remastered glory.

I hope we get another collection down the line, with The Last Revelation and Chronicles being remastered in the same way.

I’d love the original Resident Evil trilogy to be remastered too. Keeping the OG movement and camera but updating the visuals.

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


More games on PlayStation is always good.

I had an XB1 for about a year but I barely used it - I just didn’t have the time to juggle two consoles. And because PlayStation will always be my preferred console, I sold the XB1.

There aren’t many Xbox games that scream ‘must play!’ But I don’t stay up to date with Xbox releases tbf.

Sunset Overdrive was great though, I hope they release this on PS5 at some point.