Comments 291

Re: Surprise! Sony Isn't Working on First-Party Titles for PS Vita


I think Sony is stupid to quit supporting it. Even when they did support it, there was not one single "AAA" game that didn't have one or more tragic flaws. Every great game had huge issues. They never really tried. And there's no reason they can't revive the Vita. Most people don't even know what a Vita is! They could practically re-release it with heavy advertisement and people would actually think it was a new system. Sony is either lazy or just out of touch. Or both. Probably both.

Re: Sony: We Aren't Making Vita Games Because of Consumer Expectations


They're not making big-budget games because of consumers' high expectations? Do they not realize that expectations are not only imaginary, but can be redefined? And that high expectations are good? As a consumer myself, that's the single most insulting excuse yet. So it's OUR fault? We have high expectations for you, Sony, so you're just not gonna try? Why don't you just quit your jobs then? Thanks, Sony. I no longer have high expectations for you. I am SO sorry I helped put that kind of pressure on you. Please, EXCUSE ME. I expect the worst from you now, with good reason. You've lost me. And I hope you're happy- no pressure though.

Re: Opinion: How Reviews Can Colour a Game's Reception


I don't ever let reviews get to me. When I want to buy anything, I do as much research as possible so I know exactly what I'm getting into. I hate spending my money. So when I want a game, unless I know it will be good before it comes out(like Pokemon or Mario), I look at the review here, then on IGN, then I watch IGNs video review(I know it's the same thing), and then I look at a few walkthroughs with and without commentary. I read both sites' reviews beginning to end. Then if it looks good, I find a way to buy it at the lowest price possible. If more people were responsible and did their homework, they would have no reason to get angry at reviewers.

And by the way, have you guys ever got negative feedback from game makers when you gave their game a bad review?? I've always wondered.

Re: EA: Games Are Still Too Hard to Learn


This is true. I mean I can't remember the last time that a game's control scheme took much time for me to learn. OlliOlli took me the longest to learn in recent memory, and that was only like three minutes to get used to. But when I try to get my older cousins to play, they press every button with their index fingers and move the analogue sticks with their index fingers and they can't even do two of anything at once, yet they can type 200 words per minute at work. Some people just don't get this stuff.

Re: You're Not Sick of LEGO Games, Are You?


I love Lego games on home consoles, I never tire of those. What I AM sick of are the beyond-insultingly-awful portable adaptations. I can somewhat understand it if the 3DS version is scaled down- but the Vita version? Come on. That thing can run PS3-quality games. I mean look at Killzone or Uncharted. They're telling me that the Vita can't handle a dinky-ole Lego game? Lazy liars.

Re: PS Vita App Near Will Cease Searching for Game Goods Soon


I'm glad they're taking Maps out. It was totally useless unless you had the 3G Vita. The YouTube discontinuation's a shame, but I only watch YouTube on my laptop anyway. My brother's gonna be very mad though; he stays up till like 2am every night watching videos on his Vita. So is near being removed completely or is it just gonna keep sitting there?

Re: Review: Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (PlayStation Vita)


I never played the original games, so I bought this today. I love it! I'm no sexist but I find the misogyny and meat-head humor hilarious. My only issue with the game is that I was notified that my save file was corrupted somehow. I can still play, but there is one door that I am now unable to use. I open it, and instead of seeing beyond it, there is only blackness. If I walk into it, I bounce backward. It's not really a problem because there is a way around it, but I fear it may affect my game later on, and at the cost of my progress. The game also froze when I paused it and clicked 'exit game.'

Re: Talking Point: Post Pictures of Your PlayStation Pressies


Sorry no pic, but I got a white PS4 with Destiny, Far Cry 4, CoD Advanced Warfare, and Madden 15. FUNNY THING IS my SD TV is not compatible with the PS4's cable so it's just a useless white box until my dad reluctantly goes out to buy us an HD TV. Until then, at least I've got Resogun and my new skateboard to keep me company.