Comments 117

Re: Poll: Do PS Plus Premium's Classic Games Need Trophies for You to Play Them?


I play games for their gameplay. Not to tick off a checklist … unless that is the game.

Trophies are fun but at this point I have so many they’re meaningless. I’ve not checked a friends profile since the PS3. It’s a shame they’re not something more useful like a profile icon so I could show them off. I get that some people enjoy chasing them and they can extend the game, but to not play a game because it doesn’t have any, especially one that was made before they existed, well you’re just doing yourself a disservice there.

Re: Hands On: Sifu's New Difficulty Settings are a Superb Addition


@JB_Whiting You've already beaten the game on the regular difficulty the easier difficulty is not for you.

Adding options to make the game less difficult is a matter of accessibility first and foremost. Yes some people just prefer an easier game or don't have the time to master a tough game so they benefit from things like this too (as does the studio who will get more sales). But there are people who are physically unable to do certain things many of us take from granted in games. It's not a case of getting good, practicing or even grinding levels, they physically cannot do certain things. Easier difficulties are not the sole solution, but they are able to alleviate a lot of the issues for many.

Re: Unfortunately, Ubisoft Isn't Also Abandoning NFTs


@Lup Please watch at least the first 20 mins of this documentary on NFTs and crypto as a whole:

Ideally watch the entire 2 hours (it weirdly doesn't feel that long), but at least the first 20 mins should give you an idea of why crypto is very bad indeed and why we should not be supporting it from the likes of Ubisoft.

It's waaaaaay worse than microtransactions and loot boxes.

Re: Unfortunately, Ubisoft Isn't Also Abandoning NFTs


@Korgon "Which story do you want before bed son?"

"The one about how you blew my college fund on items with unique barcodes on that were too small to even see and had zero impact on anybody during play, in that game that nobody liked and ultimately failed because you were tricked into thinking it was some kind of revolutionary tech and not a zero-sum, ponzi scheme"

Re: Rumour: PS Plus PS5, PS4 Games for April 2022 Leaked Early


I might give Slay the Spire a go, honestly I've heard nothing but praise but I've not been able to get past it's visuals. I'll maybe use this as a demo and if I like it, buy it on Switch.

I'm actually excited to give Spongebob a go! Never played the original and sometimes I like a nice light-hearted platformer. honestly PS+ caters to the 'serious' and 'grown up' all the time, it's actually nice to have some variety there.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Sifu on PS5, PS4?


I was excited for it until I heard about the difficulty. I don't have the time for that anymore, I'd rather enjoy it at my own pace and be impressed at other people completing it on super-ultra-turbo-hard mode with a blindfold on and using only the Donkey Konga Bongos.

It is a lot of work to balance such things, but it makes the game much more accessible and doesn't take away from the default hard mode. If they do an accessibility patch with it in, I'll probably pick it up.

Re: These Are the Franchises PS5, PS4 May Lose to Activision Blizzard Buyout


So many of these have been dead so long it seems weird to list them.

It's like saying if you don't buy a Switch you could be missing out on F-Zero, Geist, Chibi Robo, Kururin, Doshin the Giant, Sin & Punishment.

Or more on topic maybe, if you don't buy a Sony console you'll be missing out on Patapon, Loco Roco, Jak and Daxter, Vib Ribbon, Ape Escape, WipEout (ok maaaybe that one?).

Maybe Xbox will bring some back. I doubt it though. Honestly I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they auctioned some off.

Re: Poll: Would You Still Buy PlayStation Consoles Without Activision Blizzard Games?


CoD - don't care
Overwatch - oh well
Diablo - a shame but I didn't buy a PS for it
Crash Bandicoot - well Activision killed Toys For Bob and made them CoD support. I wouldn't not buy a PS without Crash, but I might buy an Xbox for it as well, eventually.

I fully expect all these to be timed exclusives anyway. Personally I don't actually want game pass. Like I actively do not want it. I have a huge backlog of games that I already feel bad for not playing I don't need all the flipping games giving me that. I'd rather just actually buy the ones I'm interested in, when I'm interested in them and play them at my own leisure.

Re: Random: Love or PlayStation, This Viral TikTok Asks


Would be interesting to see a not staged version, not during a continuing global pandemic, where you have to show some love to earn a Playstation.

I mean really if this weren't staged who is going to take some "love" from a random man in the street who may or may not have Covid. Reminds me of the end of the comic con where all the people would stand with 'free hugs' signs as people walk past avoiding eye contact. I'll never know why they didn't just hug each other.

Re: Video: Is KartRider: Drift PlayStation's Answer to Mario Kart?


It looks cute and fun, I'd give it a go but it's no Mario Kart killer.

Mario Kart has the known and loved characters and environments, now from a whole bunch of Nintendo IP. It's also on a system that's cheaper and more family friendly. Any game that tries to take it on is immediately up against those two major hurdles. And if they're on a Nintendo system, thus negating the second hurdle, all they actually do is replace it with the much bigger hurdle of "well, why wouldn't I just buy / why would I get this when I already have Mario Kart?". Not saying they're all doomed to fail, just they can't take the crown, it's unreachable.

This all being said, I echo every sentiment here of bring back Modnation Racers! I loved that game and on PS5 the loading times shouldn't be an issue anymore!

Re: EA Believes Blockchain Based Games May Be Industry's Future


You can make play-to-earn games (if you really must) right now without any blockchain or NFT nonsense.

They’re seeing an unregulated market and new revenue source is all. Dollar bills for pupils and all that. It’s nothing to do with innovation or new ways to play, just greed.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for November 2021?


I don't own PSVR so half the games are not for me. I thought Knockout City was free to play anyway but it turns out not! Might give that one a go. Kingdoms of Amalur looks maybe more fun if you played it the first time around? And I already have Among Us to fill the gap First Class Trouble sits in.

But it's ok because the Animal Crossing update is out this month so I won't have time to play any of it anyway!

Re: Studio Led by Amy Hennig Making a Marvel Game


An Ant-Man & The Wasp game where you could grow and shrink at will would be amazing! Though realistically you’d probably have to be much more restricted in your use of that power or it’d be utter chaos. Commanding ants would also be fun.

Re: Feature: The Best Super Smash Bros. Clones on PlayStation


Adding a game you gave 2/10 to the 'Best Smash Clones on Playstation' list? Is it even worth adding that "out of politeness"?

I've not played the Nickelodeon one, it looks solid but I've not that attached or excited by the characters, even though Toph just got announced. PASBR I also skipped, mainly because half the roster were not that appealing to me as characters in this sort of game. I mean I love Nate but he's not an exciting prospect in a fighting game for me.

Brawlhalla I just found the main issue with was all the characters were samey, not helped by them all having the same base rig. Though it was well made and by no means a bad game at all. I'd happily play it with friends who wanted too, I just wouldn't pick it myself.

Brawlout was pretty solid! It's the only one that came close for me it's just a lot smaller in scale.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Kena: Bridge of Spirits?


I’m waiting for the physical release as my PS5 is basically out of storage and I have a big backlog as it is. Granted it’d jump to the top of that but I’m trying to take the time to clear it out a little.

Re: Poll: Do You Want Even More PS5 Marvel Games from Sony?


All that matter is if the games are fun and varied. I think there are certainly some more Marvel characters that could be very fun to play as.
Ant Man's size abilities could be amazing fun, but potential for utter chaos that might have to be reigned in, which might then prove frustrating? But a good dev could do it proud! Black Panther could be great fun especially set in Wakanda. And I seem to be in the minority but Hawkeye with all his trick shots and special arrows, I think that has huge potential!

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Deathloop?


Man the snark and grump on the site are getting tiring. Video games are awesome and fun enjoy them!

I’ll be getting Deathloop as soon as I finish the two games I’m currently playing.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


Huh, I thought it was pretty good! I know a lot of the games we already knew of in some context (personally I'll never get tired of seeing Deathloop trailers, it's stylish as flip!) but I feel like most expanded on what we know about them nicely.

All the stuff I wasn't excited for was because it wasn't really my kind of game (Space Clancy, Gran Turismo, Star Wars), but it all looked decent. I guess the only thing I'd have personally liked to have seen was maybe more bright and family friendly stuff. I'm not going to ask for another Ratchet & Clank so soon but I would have been nice to have more than just Tchia in that vein. I swear Sony used to have a lot more of that and it's mostly been dropped for older audiences, which is fine I like them too but Sackboy, Astrobot and Ratchet just show how well they can do those games as well!

Re: Poll: Are You Happy With Your PS Plus Games for September 2021?


I've no interest in Predator and have played Overcooked all the way through on Switch so I don't need that again (although I can now actually get the bonus content that only came with the All you Can Eat bundle I guess).

Hitman isn't a series I've ever given much attention, but I might give this one a go now.

Re: Best PS4 Kids Games


Yeah there’s something really condescending about calling these “kids games” rather than family friendly or games suitable for kids. It implies they’re made for kids, not for adults as well, when most of these are made with both in mind.

But I don’t think that’s how the article intends it so no harm! It’s a good list on the whole!

Re: Relaxing City Builder Islanders: Console Edition Puts Down Roots on PS5, PS4 This Month


I've been playing this on Switch and I'm really enjoying the general mechanics and pacing of the game. It's pretty chill.

My only gripe is the controls feel very poorly mapped to the gamepad and there appears to be no way to remap or edit them, and I assume they will be the same for Playstation.
Some of them are fine, the main issue is the sticks. My brain expects the camera movement and the item placement to be one and the same on the left stick, with the item I'm placing stuck in the middle of the screen. However the camera movement is on the left stick, whilst the item placement is on the right stick and the two move independently. It sounds more flexible but it's not really and means there is no way to tilt the camera for a more top-down view as the right stick is taken, which feels restrictive. It also means rotating the island is now on the triggers, which means that zooming in and out is mapped to the d-pad. It all works, it's just never when your brain expects it to be.

It also means that rotating the camera causes things you've lined up to place, to move about the island as you rotate. As the rotation point is the centre of the screen but the item I'm building is off-centre though keeps it's position relative to the screen not the island, so the island rotates underneath it. If that makes sense?

I'm slowly getting used to it but it does make an otherwise super chill game occasionally and unnecessarily, mildly frustrating. Hopefully they will patch in alternative inputs or input mapping.