Comments 984

Re: Lords of the Fallen PS5 Equips Performance, Quality Mode


@kungfumongoose I mean, I'm sure it's a nightmare to optimise any graphical mode for consoles. To make sure it's stable, to get the right graphical settings so it doesn't get under 30fps unless in exceptional situation (think something like : "Jim, should we set the particles to 12.9 or 13.2, it looks like the game is at 28fps on the second room within the waterfall temple when it's set at 14?").

So any extra mode is going to be a lot of work, and a lot of quality control. So unless you expect early buyers to do the majority of quality control (ahem...), this is time and money. All for a 40fps mode that concerns only a fraction of your player base.

It makes for great DF content, though, so that's good publicity.

Re: Next! Crash Team Racing Gets Unofficial 60fps Patch on PS5


People seem to not understand why companies don't do the thing 2 guys in their basement can do. It's simple economics.

Let's say you are a big manager at Activision Blizzard. You see engagement on social media about a potential 60fps update for CTR on PS5. (this is the first hurdle : will your social media managers report this to you, especially in a time where acquisition from Microsoft is going on... this could be seen as some kind of opposition to the buy-out from the employees...).

So now you know some fans would like it. So you put up to the task a planning manager or something : someone who will be able to give you a detailed plan of what should be done to make it happen.

In this plan there are :

  • marketing costs (if you do it, you have to advertise it - this will have a cost, even if it's a few post on social media and a press release to media outlets, with graphical design, content writing and so on)
  • development costs (how long will it take? which team will do it? what are the current devs of this team doing? is it going to be paid as extra hours or will the devs doing it be taken from their current jobs? all of this has a cost)
  • quality control costs (when 2 amateurs guys can do it on their own and don't care about the end results, Activision has to make sure the 60fps is constant, especially if there's not a toggle between 30fps and 60fps modes. If a toggle must be present because 60fps is unstable, that means more coding. So quality control has to be here and will take time... and money).
  • deployment costs (every update on the PSstore cost money, and not a small amount)

All of this will amount in minimum, I'd say, 10.000$ (and this is being veeeery optimistic!).

So then you ask the planning manager if this will result in an increase of sales of the game that could create profits. Most probably not. People interested in the update are generally fans who already own the game.

So unless you need some good publicity at the moment, or a new game in the franchise is coming soon, I see absolutely no reason for a publisher to do this.

I know it sucks, but we gamers back in the day always wanted our hobby to become big, now we pay the price of success with this kind of BS, and microtransactions, and season passes, and so on...

Re: Lords of the Fallen PS5 Equips Performance, Quality Mode


Every game really needs a 40fps mode. I know not everyone has a 120Hz tv, but these tvs are getting cheaper and more available. And really, the difference between 30fps and 40fps is huge!
I'll take 1440p40 over 2160p30 or 1080p60 at every opportunity! Especially if the 40fps mode maintains the bells and whistles of the "quality" modes.

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@GamingFan4Lyf Thanks for staying on the issue, really appreciated. But your results makes the situation even weirder to me.

For me it's :
TV passthrough -> Soundbar : "PCM" for every setting on PS5 (it's 5.1/7.1 surround PCM though - but the sound doesn't change at all when switching between settings)

TV Auto ->

  • PS5 LPCM -> Soundbar : "PCM" (albeit it's stereo)
  • PS5 Dolby/DTS -> Soundbar : "Dolby Surround multi-ch PCM" (which should mean it's due to Dolby MAT)

My take : the PS5 recognizes the Dolby MAT capacities of the soundbar when the tv is in passthrough and so send an audio formatted in PCM whatever the setting chosen. For the soundbar, it's all the same.
But when the tv is in Auto, the tv makes the audio stop to decode it. This is where the PS5 gets confused and send only stereo PCM for LPCM, and sends Dolby MAT signal for Dolby. It's now the tv that sends the signal to the soundbar which recognizes them a bit differently. This most probably, at the end, is only a naming difference between Sony, LG and JBL that causes all these issues...

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@GamingFan4Lyf Yeah, PushSquare really needs some kind of DM function for these situations! : )
But to come back to your question : yes, all my HDMI inputs are set to Bitstream.

I have another theory : can the PS5 output with an audio encoded in Dolby MAT? Maybe one of these "stability" update brought this. Or maybe an update on my soundbar brought compatibility with it, who knows. Apparently, this would make possible to get Dolby Surround, but also Atmos, while still in PCM. Could it be what is happening to my setup? This could explain why changing the output on the PS5 wouldn't change anything, as the PS5 would still procure Dolby MAT to the soundbar (via the TV's passthrough).

Or I am absolutely talking out of my a** and it's just a weird bug! : )

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@GamingFan4Lyf Wow, looking at this , I can now confirm the behavior of my tv is not normal : when set to passthrough, it shouldn't output PCM when the PS5 is set to Dolby. But it does output PCM 5.1 ...
That's seriously weird, and makes me think something odd is going on.

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@GamingFan4Lyf Wow thanks for this, much appreciated!

The JBL 9.1 is not HDMI 2.1 compatible, so connecting the PS5 is not an option.

As for when connecting it through the tv, here where I stand :
When I set the LG CX is set to passthrough, I get multichannel PCM on the soundbar, whatever option I select on the PS. Switching from LPCM to Dolby has no impact whatsoever. It's weird, but something along the PS5>LG CX>JBL is forcing the console to output multichannel PCM. In this case, I find the sound to be not as pleasant and balanced as in Dolby.

When I set the tv to Auto, if the PS5 is set to LPCM, I get Stereo PCM on the soundbar, and if the PS5 is set to Dolby or DTS, I get "Dolby Surround multi-ch PCM". The sound with Dolby is a lot better to my ears, and really makes the soundbar sing, but sadly there is a noticeable audio lag.

The audio sync of the tv and the soundbar doesn't allow for negative audio delay, and even it was the case, it would only increase the input lag.

I am confused by your claim that choosing Linear PCM on the PS5 gives the decoding duty to the tv. When set to passthrough, I'd guess the tv just let pass the sound as is.

My (wild) guess is that when the tv is set to passthrough, the PS5 recongizes the LPCM 5.1 capacities of the soundbar and outputs LPCM in every case, as it's the "most untouched, uncompressed" sound you can get. The issue is that "most untouched, uncompressed" does not mean it sounds better to the user as everyone has different audio expectations.

I guess I should just be happy with my soundbar outputting 5.1 LPCM without delay, it's not the case for everyone. But I really want to understand why the PS5 can't change its audio output format when the tv is set to passthrough, this is such an odd behavior and makes me dread something is wrong in the audio pipeline...

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@JohnnyShoulder I have eArc connection enabled. I've seen a few comments on forums sayig disabling eArc could help.
But I also have a PC > JBL 9.1 > LG CX setup that could get hurt by disabling eArc?
I don't know, I'll try... again... frankly it's disheartening to see al these wonderful advancements in video and audio but the mess that is the compatibility between devices. These companies really need to get everything sorted out.

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@VRjunky Got it, thx.
So there is no configuration where the PS5 is not doing the processing? No directly sending raw PCM to whatever audio device you have?
This could explain some weird instances I have of elevated voices if both the PS5 and the audio device are doing their own processing of the sound...

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


@JohnnyShoulder Got it. Is your PS5 connected to the tv or your audio device?

My setup is PS5 > LG CX > JBL 9.1

When I set the LG CX to passthrough, I can get PCM 5.1/7.1 without lag, but there is something weird with the sound where voices coming from the rear speakers are really too loud, it's weird. With these settings, I can't get Dolby (when I select it, the soundbar doesn't even acknowledges an audio output change).

When I set the LG CX to Auto, I get PCM stereo (PS5 set to LPCM) and I can get Dolby (the soundbar shows "Dolby Surround multi-ch PCM"). This actually sounds better, more balanced (I know purists will say Dolby is compressed and therefore worse than LPCM, but purists are going to be purists eh), but there is a noticeable audio lag.

I've seen countless posts on every forum about these issues, I'm just trying to make sure this "Atmos update" for the PS5 could solve them at least it this mode...

Re: PS5 Designer Mark Cerny Nerds Out About New Dolby Atmos Addition


3 things :

  • "the Tempest engine would render the information in the Ambisonic channels into headphones, stereo TV speakers, and 5.1 and 7.1 audio setups"
    Huh? So the PS5 doesn't do sound pass through when you don't select 3D audio? Every sound goes through the Tempest Engine? I thought it was only to give the 3D effect? That seems weird to me. Is this what causes audio delay with Dolby?
  • "also note the rendering latency for these new speaker setups is identical to what it has been in the past for stereo, 5.1 and 7.1"
    Seeing how many people have issue with audio delay when using Dolby on PS5, I hope he's not talking about the same kind of lag!
  • "they are ..."
    What? Why is this sentence cut off?
  • "It is true that the game teams could not test with these speakers setups but support should be automatic"
    That's a big "should" considering how many compatibility issues occur between modern devices. Let's hope for the best, I really want my Atmos system to make my games sound even better!

Re: Assassin's Creed Mirage Returns to Series Roots, But Won't Ditch Cosmetic Microtransactions


@MikeOrator You're welcome, I also have the sad tendency to write long comments on forums like this, to the annoyance of most, so I get you!

I don't disagree completely with "capitalism is the issue", but it's an easy shortcut. Capitalism itself is not an issue, but a tool. How to reign it and use it efficiently should be the goal. But let's not delve into a deep analysis of our economic system here on PushSquare, I'm pretty sure it's not the right place! : )

But to get back to our issue, even if video game marketing is just another symptom of the disease, it shouldn't stop us making evident to everyone how bad the symptom is. Finding a cure always start by exposing the symptoms. ; )

Re: Assassin's Creed Mirage Returns to Series Roots, But Won't Ditch Cosmetic Microtransactions


@MikeOrator Ok I'll bite :

1-Loot boxes are evil, I agree, in whatever form they come. So for example Reda's chests in AC Origins were just this.

2-You're underrepresenting the amount of grinding you need to get enough currency to even buy one cosmetics. And forgetting to say that some of the grinding can't be done over and over the same day. By giving you just a bit of currency, Ubisoft is just trying to push you to buy more.

3-Well, you acknowledged how you sound, so I won't push it too far, but a company has always the choice to not dabble in practices that are obviously against the customer. This is another marketing BS publishers are trying to sell us (like the "it's only cosmetics" one). So no, when you look at the money video games are racking up right now, companies don't "need" to put microtransactions in full priced games. They can do that in their free games.But where I'll concede a bit is that fiduciary duty on the ceo makes them obligated to pursue such tactics. Sad world indeed.

4-Come on, apples and oranges here! Arcade games in the 80s/90s and home console games today are really not the same thing, and the industry has transformed completely.

5-I personally consider season passes as evil as microtransactions. Monthly subs are something else, some models make sense... but since I don't play multiplayer games, so I can't really defend them too much.

6-On this we agree. Which makes these tactics even worse since the publishers are using the ignorance of most of their customers to earn even more profit. So making as much people as possible aware of what they're getting and why it's bad is a good thing on our part.

So no. ; )

Re: Assassin's Creed Mirage Returns to Series Roots, But Won't Ditch Cosmetic Microtransactions


@munkholt @Jettstyles @twitchtvpat @Korgon The "but it's only cosmetics, it doesn't impact gameplay" argument is one of the most incredible marketing BS that gamers have been gobbling up for 2 decades now.

Unlocking new cosmetic items by playing the game and setting challenges, and looking at your character with a sense of accomplishment is a big part of a good game. When you remove it (completely or part of it), you remove some of the value of the game, and some of the fun you can have with it.

Think about it just a moment : it's because cosmetics are an important part of how people enjoy their game that they sell it. If it was so meaningless, they wouldn't earn any money doing it...

Re: Diablo 4 Players Have Worked Out a Method to Avoid The Butcher's Cleaver


@djlard Sound is so important in games, and I often get the feeling it's not a major point of focus for the devs. Especially the mixing. I can't tell how many games I've played where sounds where not coming from the right place, where sounds from far away where louder than closer ones, where the music could not be heard or drowned everything.
And don't get me started on the "audio settings" in games that generally offer you no explanation as to what they do (tip : it's often just a difference in dynamic range). On that point, Ghost of Tsushima is a great example of sound implementation and explanation of the settings.

Re: Lies of P Goes Gold with September PS5, PS4 Launch Looming


@Cherip-the-Ripper If you go with FromSoftware :
Demon's Souls (remake) if you want something not too long and well organized
Elden Ring if you want something expansive in every way
Bloodborne of course, if you like quicker gameplay and gothic atmosphere
Some will vouch for Sekiro, but I just couldn't get into the flow of the gameplay, and the world didn't do it for it. But some will say it's the best FromSoft game, so who knows.
The Dark Souls series is seminal, especially the first one, but they are starting to feel dated, mainly because subsequent games have refined every aspects.

Other than FromSoft, here are a few games more or less from the same genre that I enjoyed :
Code Vein (as you said)
The Surge 2 (a lot bettter than the first, really well made, with interesting mechanics... just get a bit repetitive in the last third)
Ashen (open-world, minimalistic design, quite enjoyable but far from "great")
Steelrising (I liked the design anbd story, but being part French, I am biased, the gameplay was ok at best)
SINNER: Sacrifice for Redemption (very small game, only a few bosses, but very fun gameplay and design)
Salt and Sanctuary (a fantastic game, Dark Souls in 2D, but really, it's not just a marketing ploy)
Mortal Shell (the world design is really good, no doubt, but there's something in the weight of the gameplay that didn't click with me)
Some will say Nioh (1 and 2) but I really didn't like those games. Besides the Japanese yokai esthetic, which I don't like, it felt repetitive and boring. But some love them...

These are the ones that come to mind. I've tried other but they aren't worth mentioning in my opinion.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Lord Swen Vincke Unprepared for How Completely Viral That Bear Scene Went


@Fiendish-Beaver First, I don't think you're that older than me. At least I wouldn't consider myself young in any way! : )
But if we go with "lived experience" (how I hate this pleonasm!), I have almost 20 years of teaching experience in secondary school, and I can tell you there has been a normalization of certain sexual practices along kids due to porn access and pop culture in these years that are frightening. One good example is incest and Game of Thrones. Never before the series started would have I even imagined my students talking about incest in any positive way, but now it isn't as taboo or viewed as abhorrent (as you say) as before. Pop culture does influence how people, and especially young people, think and view some things. It's not a 1:1 influence, of course, but it's not nothing.
When you say "People speaking about it simply reaffirms the fact that the act is abhorrent.", I think you are being very optimistic. If the general reaction around this scene had been disgust, criticism, or even mockery, I would have agreed with you the scene wouldn't matter. But seeing the number of people lauding the boldness, the openness about sex of the devs, people going to great lengths to rationalize the scene ("it's not really a bear") irks me... a lot. The same way people rationalizing incest in Game of Thrones ("they're loving consenting adults") or underage sexualization in anime ("it's not a child, it's a 100 year old vampire") irks me. This makes me think it's not really about the "freedom of choice" the game gives its players....
Don't get me wrong, I love smut. I enjoy exploitation movies, violence and sex as much as any other man. But the point in these content is that you know you're watching something you shouldn't. You know the acts you see are terrible. My issue here is not about the inclusion of such a scene, but about the fact that the scene is viewed as something positive and that the devs thought it would be good marketing materials... and that they were apparently right, since people are seemingly ready to see these things as ok or, worse, good.
Of course this small scene in a 200 hour long RPG will not make society shift towards bestiality, I never said that. But shifts in cultural perception can happen slowly, and the fact this scene has been reported this much, and has garnered that much defenders shows that we should be careful about the way we include these things, and how we talk about it, especially around young ones.
And to end on a correction : I've never said this article "glorified" bestiality, I don't even get where you took that from. I get the sense you arguing a bit against someone else's views, I hope I'm wrong.

Re: Lies of P Goes Gold with September PS5, PS4 Launch Looming


@Neverwild Opinions, he! : )
I completely disagree with you and would put DS1, Bloodborne and Elden Ring on top, with both Niohs far far behind any FromSoft game, but that's why it's good more and more fantastic soulslike games are done : players will be able to find games that do appeal to their own specific tastes!

Re: Lies of P Goes Gold with September PS5, PS4 Launch Looming


@Cherip-the-Ripper I played and finish Code Vein. I liked it a lot for what it was, but it certainly wasn't on the level of FromSoft's games.
I haven't tried WoLong yet, just the demo, and to me, it's more of Nioh, and I don't like both games. While I appreciate the fighting mechanics, the rest of the game doesn't appeal to me.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Lord Swen Vincke Unprepared for How Completely Viral That Bear Scene Went


@Fiendish-Beaver At no point did I tell anyone what to think, I really can't even understand how you came to that conclusion... I say what I think, which I can, about a game, on a gaming forum, and specifically about a scene that is over-mediatised. You really see an issue with this, or is it simply because you disagree with me.

On the second part, you missed the point. The point is not that this specific scene will make people go crazy and corner every bear they see, but that the normalization of deviant sexual acts in mainstream media should be something we are careful about, since multiple studies show this can have negative effects, especially on young people. Now, I can't cite any study specifically about being subjected to content including bestiality, as I am pretty sure until now nobody even submitted it should be acceptable to present bestiality in any other way than deviant/disgusting/immoral. See the first episode of Black Mirror for example.

And if you honestly believe the way we depict sexual acts in media has no impact whatsoever on our sexual practices, well, "then I am afraid it says more about you as an individual than the rest of the civilised world"... ; )

Who told you I didn't reach Larian about it?

Again, I'm not telling anyone what to think about it, I'm expressing my thoughts about something that I deem concerning and that is being reported on and defended repeatedly these last weeks. Why should I "stay clear" of content I find objectionable? Isn't expressing your disagreement with something a legitimate way to engage in conversation? You obviously may and can disagree with my views, so what is exactly your issue with me expressing my thoughts here?

Also, may I know what exactly is your point here? Is it that I am misinterpreting the motivation of the devs or the people reacting positively to the scene? Is it that I am overestimating the impact of the depiction of such sexual acts in media? Is it that you think it's a good thing to depict such acts?

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Lord Swen Vincke Unprepared for How Completely Viral That Bear Scene Went


@Fiendish-Beaver Not again with the "it's not really a bear" argument, please. Larian knows exactly why they made this scene, why they marketed it heavily and people reacting positively also know why : because a guy has sex with a bear. Find the excuses you want, the essence of what makes this scene attractive/repulsive to people is the sexual act with a bear.

@StrawberryTurtle Some do jokes, some just enjoy the scene. The thing is when we allow sexual perversion to be included in mainstream media content, this has repercussions. And I prefer to say I oppose it as soon as I am aware than to come back 5 years later and notice I've been blind and silent to it.
And please, the effects of the depiction of violence and sexual acts on minds (especially young minds) have been extensively studied and it is not comparable. While watching depiction of fictional violence will generally not make someone violent if they didn't already have tendencies (I hope I don't have to provide sources for this, it has been debunked so many times), watching depiction of sexual acts that include immoral actions (violence, absence of consent, bestiality, incest, ...) has an impact on how these things are viewed, and how likely someone will be doing them.
Here are some studies :
So yes, the inclusion of bestiality depicted in an empathetic and positive way in a mainstream game should be questioned and it's quite normal that some of us don't think it's a good idea.

Re: Lies of P Goes Gold with September PS5, PS4 Launch Looming


@DennisReynolds I really want this and Lords of the Fallen to succeed. I love soulsborne games to death, but the genre has really been dominated by their creators, FromSoft. And to be honest, they have managed to make better games with (almost) every successive game.
But we need more competition in the genre. Steelrising didn't cut it for me, except on the design part. And The Surge 2 was good, but got repetitive after a while. While I really like a lot of things in Mortal Shell, there was something missing in the way the movement felt.
So hopefully this and LotF will stir up things a bit, before the Elden Ring DLC...

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Lord Swen Vincke Unprepared for How Completely Viral That Bear Scene Went


@StrawberryTurtle If people enjoy and applaud the inclusion of bestiality in a game they're waiting for, then yes, I take them at their word. At best, they find this inclusion outrageously sexy. At worst, they condone bestiality.
I'm curious, as you've been defending this scene multiple times now : what exactly do you support here? What do you think is good in the scene?
I'm just a bit confused as to what exactly your point is here. It seems to me you just want to oppose views you have deemed "close-minded" without really thinking it over, but maybe I'm wrong and you really are trying to make a point and to defend an interesting and progressive point of view.

Re: Baldur's Gate 3 Lord Swen Vincke Unprepared for How Completely Viral That Bear Scene Went


The sad part is that this cheap marketing tactic is garnering so much positive reaction, especially from the "journalistic" side of gaming.

Larian can put whatever they want in their game, and can decide to use whatever they want in their marketing. But the way people, and gaming news sites, just gobbled up the story, either for the shock value or because they thought it funny/sexy enough to warrant long articles, is depressing.

Sex sells, we know, and I have personally no issue with "sexy" (I even find it missing a bit too much from AAA games lately).. But if we have come to a point where bear sex is viewed as a positive addition to your 100 hour long RPG warranting its special marketing, maybe it's time to review some of the ways we approach sexual content... just a bit... to see where we stand.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Buying Red Dead Redemption on PS4?


@evan23 Yeah, they know exactly what they're doing.
And the worst part : for an extremely small budget, that will make a huge profit, since many many people will buy it, because :

  • they don't know it's just a port
  • they don't care it's just a port, they just wnat to be able to play RDR on their current console
  • they will buy anything RDR related

And Rockstar/Take Two know it... so they do it... it works... and the cycle continues...

Re: New PS5 Firmware Beta Starts Today, Bigger SSD and Dolby Atmos Support


@GamingFan4Lyf Wow, shame on me, I didn't look at the blogpost, trusting PushSquare to give the most important info in their article. But still, I should have done what I generally do : check the source.

So if I understand well, this is allowing any sound produced by the Tempest 3D Engine to output as Dolby Atmos. So in theory, any game should benefit from it (with various degrees of success). That's quite an achievement and, as you say, it must have been some big collaboration between Sony and Dolby to get this thing working!!!

Re: New PS5 Firmware Beta Starts Today, Bigger SSD and Dolby Atmos Support


@Perryg92 True Atmos does already work for UHD Blurays... So you may be right, it's maybe only for internal apps, which would be great for those using them.

But for the games, on Xbox there are few dozens of games that are Atmos compatible , and I would love to see them be so on PS5 too, but that would be a huge blow to the Tempest Engine, since Sony had promised it would come to soundbars and home theater systems after tvs...

I'll keep a very interested eye on this though, 3D surround sound can really be incredible for some games.

Re: PS5 Action RPG Atlas Fallen Has a Pleasingly Small File Size


@Damage99 Well, not exactly. I mean, pre-rendered cutscenes, diversity and complexity of set-pieces and environment, all of these will bring the GB count up.
So yes, it's not a direct link, but still, if a story based single player game is 100GB, you know it will have a longer campaign than a 20GB one.
Unless it is very poorly optimised...

Re: PS5 Action RPG Atlas Fallen Has a Pleasingly Small File Size


Good, this mean it won't be too long and won't overstay its welcome.
Based on what I've seen, it looks like fun, kinetic gameplay, but if all is in the desert, a 100 hour campaign would have been tedious.
Of course, there's still the possibility of it being not only too long, but with always the same assets used along the campaign... Let's hope not.

Re: Elden Ring Dev's Armored Core 6 Looks Sublime in PS5, PS4 Gameplay Showcase


Wow, that's a lot of grey here!!!

But seriously, I'm... not convinced. While I am a fervent admirer of FromSoft, this doesn't make me immediately play it. I'm afraid it looks repetitive in its gameplay and tedium with the micro management of the mechs. But I guess repetitive and tedium could be used to describe Soulsborne games and I love them so, who knows...

Re: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Returns to a Simpler Time with 'The 23rd World Tournament' DLC on PS5, PS4


@LifeGirl 100% agree. Of the 3 very long animes I have watched (Dragon ball, Naruto and Fairy Tail - I've passed Bleach and One Piece), Fairy Tail is the only one that managed to stay consistant until the end, mainly due to some huge revelations they kept until the end, but more importantly because the sense of camaraderie was still present.
Dragon Ball switches to "get a more powerful transformation = get the win" after Namek, and no one except Goku (and sometimes Vegeta or Gohan) really did anything...
Naruto went too filler-y after a while, with interesting designs, but a paper thin plot stretched over hundreds of episodes. It ended for me with Shikamaru vs Hidan, an incredible fight full of feels and smarts.