Comments 26

Re: Epic Games May Be Sony's Most Important Partner Right Now


"so please ignore those who clearly come to the site to moan at stuff."
Not me, I come to the site as I rate it one of the best PlayStation portals on the net... which is why reading such a non informative article is disappointing. There is nothing in this article we already didn't know, or has any relevance to a current PlayStation 'situation'.

Re: Hi-Fi Rush Director 'Emotional' As Xbox Shutters Acclaimed Tango Gameworks Team


@Godot25 "PR wins won't bring you revenue."

And yet the very definition of good PR is...
A strong PR campaign can provide both short-term and long-term results. In the short term, PR can help to generate media attention, build brand awareness, and create a positive reputation. These results can lead to increased sales, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and improved employee morale.
Obviously not in every case... but never ever heard someone say good PR won't bring you revenue, or be good for the brand.

Re: Hi-Fi Rush Director 'Emotional' As Xbox Shutters Acclaimed Tango Gameworks Team



Also, only a few posts above you say "No. I'm not making excuses. It's ridiculous that 3 trillion dollar company can't spare few millions for two studios to continue to exist."
Then you say "Sony is also trimming fat in their studios and you want them to invest in a studio that haven't produce true commercial hit since their first game?" - and yet that's exactly what you said in your first statement... that it was ridiculous that MS couldn't spare a few million. So, are Tango fat that needs trimming or not - make your mind up?

Re: Poll: How Much Do You Care About 60fps on PS5?


In this day in age games need to be 60fps. I've done my time with 30 over the years. Bottom line is if PS5 consistently targeted 30 fps, I'd be off to PC exclusively in a shot (I do have a decent PC at present, but just prefer the PS eco system). So, 60fps I'll stay with PS, 30 fps I'll go completely PC.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


I have been thinking the same as a few others in this thread regarding the CPU & FPS dilemma.
Thing is, what with all the custom tweaks in the Pro, you might find that it all comes together to reduce overall taxation on the system in order to free up enough resources to push for 60fps. I know the CPU only had an additional 10%, but with PSSR and a few other tricks, the system may very well claw back the extra required to push game X to 60fps at a decent resolution.
Thing we have to remember is Mark Cerny is a system master.

Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About the PS5 Pro?


I'll definitely get a Pro.
Not sure why so many people are against having a more powerful option - the only thing I can think of is because they don't want to be left with the weaker model after spending all that money on it. If Sony said they would exchange your standard 5 for a Pro, no-one would complain or have issue... So it basically comes down to defending your investment. When new GPUs/CPUs come out, you don't hear people complaining in the PC space - asking why there's a need for faster components.

Re: PS Portal Sells Out In Just a Couple of Days


@riceNpea It's the same reason I left the Eurogamer community after being around for the majority of it's existence. Apparently feedback is only constructive if it aligns with what the higher ups want to hear. Remember back in the day when freedom of speech and opinion was a thing on community forums/message boards. Sigh

Re: Deals: Top PS5 Products Reduced to Black Friday-Level Prices in Sony Summer Sale (UK)


@lightningbolt79 I know where you're coming from in relation to the want for more games (the more the merrier) - but as you say the hardware / software teams are completely separate.
Having a Pro version of the PS5 won't impact software development by much, as was seen with the PS4/PS4 Pro. The Pro normally just had a higher resolution and more stable framerate - this is something that would happen automatically (without much dev input) by nature of the machine being beefier. Another way to look at it is a PS5 Pro could actually extend / bring increased focus to the PS5 standard itself. Why? If there was no Pro then Sony would just be working towards the PS6 (which they obvs are anyway) thus making all devs wonder how long a life the PS5 will have. If you introduce a Pro, then the PS5 'line' of consoles would be extended to a later date, thus presenting the devs with additional development time & confidence that the 5 will be around longer. Heck, you could even say the Pro might help devs with the eventual transition to the PS6, thus improving software quality & quantity.
Finally, bear in mind that the PC is now, more than ever, a competing platform for us gamers time & money. This is one reason that Sony obvs got into releasing games for the PC, but as is always the way, PCs will continue to evolve at a pace that is hard to keep up with - therefore a Pro can have the effect of keeping potential platform hoppers to a minimum.