Comments 44

Re: Rumour: Concord Cost $400 Million, Sony Believed It Was the 'Future of PlayStation'


It’s unbelievable that Sony is heading towards disaster. I wish for a second gaming crash at this point, as only Nintendo is still doing what they always knew (constant stream of good games). Microsoft and Sony fatcats are too greedy and busy snorting whatever fairy dust they have in their lavish offices, while destroying gaming.
I’d say that I don’t even think of buying another PlayStation in the future, as I thought that getting a PS5 early on in its life would mean benefiting from the next-gen games. However after 3 years I feel heavily burnt out. I bought more games for Switch or retro consoles (PS1 & PS2) than for PS5, because the output is not very appealing to me

Re: 25 Years Ago, Square Released the Best Final Fantasy Game


While I appreciate Square’s overambition when producing Final Fantasy VIII, in terms of storytelling, nice graphics and the CGI cutscenes (which I believe they still hold up nicely, especially the intro and the waltz scene), the gameplay stands in its way towards greatness. Not to say that I don’t understand the Junction/GF system, but whenever I try to advance a bit more into the story, the constant magic drawing is enough to make me want to play another game.
Final Fantasy VIII deserves a remake more than any other entry

Re: Rumour: PS5 Pro Design Seemingly Leaked


Never thought that having a 4K Ultra-HD Blu-ray and DVD drive is considered a feature for peasants only, as PS5 Pro seems to not have it at all.
Besides that, PS5’s potential hasn’t been truly shown yet, so having a Pro model would be a waste for me.
However, I am sure that Sony would not be doomed, because, just like with PS Portal, there will be millions of casual morons who will purchase any expensive half-baked device, which will always justify them to release useless midgen consoles instead of making true leaps from one generation to another.
Thus, I’m anxiously waiting for PS6, PS6 Pro Max, PS6 Mini and PS6 Air

Re: PS5 Packaging No Longer Mentions 8K, Some Fans Accuse Sony of False Advertising


I think that Sony overestimated way too much the market. I believe that even if it weren’t for the pandemic and the actual worldwide economic quagmire, the 8K boom would still have never come. I mean, even 10 years after I first saw 4K TVs on the market, I still don’t see too many adopters around. Heck, I still use a 1080p TV for my PS5/Switch combo, as I don’t have enough space for a decently-sized 4K one.
I think PS5 is capable on paper to output 8K, but not for games (at least not for huge AAA blockbusters) so it is kinda futureproof on that part.
I don’t think Sony is lying, like why would they keep advertising a feature that it is still years away from becoming something closer to mainstream?

8K or not, this gen is definitely the weakest in terms of great games lineup. It’s almost as bad as the Wii U days really

Re: Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster for PS5 Reportedly in Development


If anyone in their right mind thinks that HZD REAAALLY deserves a remaster/remake for PS5, either they haven’t played the enhanced version on PS5, which brings the game closer to Forbidden West in terms of graphics and framerate, or they just love to simp for big corporations like Sony.
All this stuff happens not only because of corporate big wigs. The main cause is YOU, the consoomer.

Re: Digital Foundry Tech Review Shows Just How Far The Last of Us: Part I Has Come


I will wait for a sale or pick up a SH copy as I never got to play TLOU a whole lot, only occasionaly on my friend's PS3 and later on PS4.
I still think it is pointless to remake (not remaster) a game that is not older than 10 years, not to mention the ridiculous 70 euro pricetag, but if this is a way for Naughty Dog to test modern tech for newer IPs on PS5, then it's all good

Re: Soviet Shooter Atomic Heart Still Exists, Still Looks Insane


I love how ignorant the entire West is when they have never been invaded by Russia, or had to directly deal with it, and love to talk sh*t about anyone who understands that this war is especially enabled by the regular civilians through direct support, or silence and outright ignorance.
Advance Wars is indefinitely postponed because of Russia, but games like this can be released just fine. And all of you call me ignorant?
I wish you’ll never have to lose your relatives or homes due to invaders. Enjoy your pastime, *****

Re: Soviet Shooter Atomic Heart Still Exists, Still Looks Insane


@RawnDawn I can’t recall buying games where US glorifies killing Syrians or Afghans. It’s not necessarily that the game is made by Russians, but the fact it is glorifying USSR at a time when crimes are committed against an independent country in the name of reviving the same evil empire. It’s like buying a game made by Germans where you play with Nazis after they won WW2 (although we all know that will never happen because, well, they learned their lesson after the War, unlike the Russians)
As a Romanian, with family members who lived under the terror of communism installed by those same so-called “anti-imperialistic” hypocrites, I am more than willing to express my concerns

Re: Soviet Shooter Atomic Heart Still Exists, Still Looks Insane


The game looks great, still I’ll boycott it due to the fact that the developers are Russians and they won’t even protest their idiotic invasion of Ukraine. The whole Soviet theme is even more insulting, knowing that Russians are killing civilians and destroy cities while proudly carrying the Soviet flag with them.
Buying this game would mean I’d indirectly finance terrorists.
I wish Stalker 2 would have released on PS5 instead of this…

Re: Sony Faces Lawsuit Over Supposed PS5 Crashing Defect


Only twice I encountered this issue, restarting my PS5 after a while spending in rest mode. Never considered it such a huge issue, maybe it’s more of a problem for those very early adopters. As for me, I got my PS5 in September last year, shortly after the first revision released (the one were they replaced the screw for its base).