Comments 152

Re: Rumour: Even Gears of War Is Reportedly in Talks to Come to PlayStation


If Microsoft left the console making business and became a publisher, I wonder what will happen to gamespass. Sony are not going to let them release other third party games on it as it would eat their sales commission and with no xbox economy, I don't think publishers will want their games on their if its not reaching the required console audience. Would Microsoft only gamespass be enticing? Love to know the attach rate of ea access on playstaion as that's the only other ganes subscription on playstation at moment

Re: Video: Why Sony Will Never Make the PS Vita 2


I.dont want Sony to waste resources on another handheld. They didn't support the last one after the initial year, and they now have VR that is a secondary device to concentrate on and spreading the games thin. Also as much as I liked the vita and I am assuming this is the same for the psp, the vita was bloody uncomfortable to hold and play without getting hand cramps. I invested in controller grips but the stupid back touch pad was just ridiculous and awkward to use, and you realise how much you rely on L3 and R3 when they are not there. The Portal feels awesome. It feels natural, it plays brilliantly and the screen shows a lot of detail I didn't even see on my 4k TV. As internet gets better, this will be the natural progression for consoles.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a PS Portal?


Answered used it now and then because using backbone/kishi2 is crap with a phone because of the interruptions of you know, it being a phone and people texting, emails coming in and calls. Having used the Portal yesterday, I will use remote play a hell of a lot now. It was great, detail is great and colours pop. I couldn't feel lag

Re: Poll: Are You Buying a PS5 'Slim'?


No not getting another PS5 unless it's the Pro. However my PS Portal is coming Wednesday which makes far more sense for me to splash the cash on, because I would only buy a second PS5 to play in second room if main tv is being used, and that is a far cheaper option

Re: Interest in Destiny 2 Reportedly at an All-Time Low


I think all trust has gone since the vaulted content everyone paid for has not been put back into cycle like they suggested. Never mind the fact that you need that vaulted content to make sense of the story. I don't know why they release story content now the continuity has gone and can only be read anoit

Re: Marvel's Avengers Is Dirt Cheap Ahead of Getting Thanos Snapped Later This Month


I swear people moaning about the price haven't actually played it. If it had been a single player own game (the campaign) with the multilayer elements removed then everyone would have rated it like guardians of the galaxy, which is a one and done game. I don't do multiplayer but played this for the campaign and it was worth the price of any other normal single player experience. Just choose not to play the multi player like I do for cod and battlefield etc

Re: Rumour: Info on Immortals Fenyx Rising Sequel Will Make You Wish It Wasn't Cancelled


Personally, I love most Ubisoft games. They have an addicting behaviour that fits my psyche of collecting stuff. However, it sounds like what made Immortals different (cartoon graphics, the narration and puzzles) from AC being stripped makes it more of an AC title (which I love). Therefore I would be glad its even cancelled as it is not the game I would want it to be. Its a shame the premise for the dlc was not made into a proper full fledge sequel instead.

Re: 18 More Games Join PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week


Love the sniper elite series, but I have a rule nowadays, never buy brand new, and only purchase when a game drops below 20 pound in the online sales. Guess being a gaming dad, with less time and massive back catalogue allows me to be a bit more savy. I get great games at cheap prices or I get them through ps plus premium. Whichever comes first.

Re: Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for November 2022?


Own all of the games, so that actually tells me, that it is a good selection, otherwise I wouldn't have bought them. It's a great service for the casual market or those new to playstation or gaming in general. There is such a varied choice. You would never need to buy games if you are new to gaming, with the ps collection and the ps plus. The casuals would not necessarily be buying lots of games.

Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Available to Download Now


Effin gutted. Was doing the terminator resistance infiltrator dlc last night. Which is a no save mission. I did every target on it and before I knew it was time for bed, with have to get up for work just over 5hrs later. I thought I would do the final two trophies when I got home tonight. So I put it in rest mode, to find this bloody update has closed the game and lost all the progress. Waste of a good hour.

Re: Talking Point: We Need to Discuss This Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remaster


At least if they are going to choose from their catalogue, they should remaster remake the killzone series including the vita game (I know it was a subsidiary that did that game but assets are definitely from 2 and 3). They could remake number 1 completely so it falls in line with number 2 and number 3 was a direct sequel of 2, so that would way more interesting.
Long live the Helghast

Re: Bungie No Longer Removing Destiny 2 Expansions People Paid For


I loved Destiny but once they took away content paid for and yes I did play it, as I don't have time for raids etc, I have not bought any new expansions. I still will not buy any content until they return the content paid for. However if they are stating no more vault then I think its highly unlikely we will see that content again. I think they will have some top lawyers on them now because they did promise content would be rotated back in. However if non is going out then there is no rotation, then can only add back in and they have not said they will do this.

Re: Next Assassin's Creed Game Delayed, Is Reportedly 'Far Behind Schedule'


I love ubisoft games but maybe they have learned that they cannot launch multiple open world games so close to each other. Remember we had valhala, fenyx and wd legion nearly all at the same time, and fenyx was then overlooked and is probably the best of the three. Plus because all their games are open world including the crew so you find yourselves skimming through or skipping games.