Comments 152

Re: 14 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games Announced for June 2024


Ffs - I just bought Monster Hunter Rise in the sale last week. Mind you it was with the expansion and I'm guessing this version doesn't have the dlc. I am hoping it don't otherwise thats 16.59 wasted

Serves me right, up until last week, I had stopped buying ps4 and ps5 games due to the backlog and the fact those on my wishlist ended up on plus in one way or another.

I will stick to buying ps3 games and build up my digital collection as the dvd drive is a little dodgy now after 14 years

Happy about Daxter though, just hope secret agent clank is next.

Re: PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show


I live and breathe playstation but damn, today's xbox show really showed up sony marketing department. I will not jump ship especially with my backlog of smash hits to play (i literally just added 5 more ps3 gamws to it) but I need the excitement of what is to come for the ps5. I don't even need games, I just want the ability to play streamed games on portal (even if they restrict to owned games) but I wished they would just emulate ps3 software so I can play my collection

Re: Poll: Was Summer Game Fest 2024 Great or a Letdown?


Return of the cgi trailers again. And more updates on the same sort of fps hero shooter or world creating / cooking games. It completely kills the excitement, as we are not seeing anything truly new. I am so glad I have amassed a back catalogue of over 150 games over ps3 / ps4 / ps5, not to mention the games added to ps plus extra and premium. I actually get excited for starrtng new old games.

Re: Yooka-Laylee Remaster Confirmed as Yooka-Replaylee, PS5 Version Likely


I dont bloody believe this. Never thought this would get a remake. I am currently doing this as part of my backlog, its a great game but it is tough in areas, especially with the poor camera and fps making simple things hard. I am just currently finding the last of the leafs and those bloody carts before I finish the last boss so.i can get the platinum. not starting this over agian

Re: Poll: What Did You Think of Sony's State of Play for May 2024?


Can't believe I was excited for this show. Will get Astro Bot, really got hyped at the start for concorde and it just turned out to be a reskinned destiny deathwatch, gutted, because if it had been a full on reskinned pve destiny with that story I would love it. Silent Hill looks bad remake. And we are just getting killed with soulslike games, they all are blurring into one now.

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


If everyone jumped on board the xbox train for this, it would devastate the industry. Think about it, if ps players currently whether it be ps4 or ps5, jumped to xbox and gamepass, then not only would cod sales fall through the roof, but all the third party releases be it day one or older sales would also fall through the rood because of then being on gamepass. There would not be enough income to support all these games being available on a single prescription, as both ea play and ubisoft are already part of gamepass. Sony wouldn't be able to compete and most of its studios would be closed or sold off, meaning lots of ip disappearing. Dont want to be bringer of bad news but/that's is what will happen. Note I don't want xbox to leave the industry either.

Re: Microsoft Commits to Next Call of Duty Game on Xbox Game Pass, New Report Says


I would be interested to know what is the most played feature on COD. Is it the old school multilayer and zombies, or is it now tur f2p warzone. If its the latter, then I can't see any new subscribers to gamepass, as those who play warzone already have it. UNLESS they create a new tier of Game Pass for COD. So they don't put up the prices of current gp bit introduce a new tier so technically its keeping promise.
I just can't see someone forking out for new xbox just to pay gamepass just to play cod. If that was the case, the would butcher their own xbox sales for anything they plan to release on ps as it would be free on game pass. This would also then pee off third parties, because if ps players moved to xbox for cod, they would get a lot of third party games for free and therefore massive loss of sales.

Re: Best God of War Games


How can the first collection be lower than both of the games in said collection. I know the versions singularly are ps2 vrs ps3 collection but the collections were hd up and nothing else different? Therefore bring superior

Re: Poll: Years Later, How Do You Feel About PlayStation's PC Strategy?


I couldn't care less where games get released now. In the 90s and early 2000s most consoles were unique and you very rarely has the same game on different consoles. Even 3rd party games were either different versions altogether or different additions. Nowadays third parties are pretty much parity just resolution differences. And once I committed to a digital library and trophy hunting I wouldn't move ecosystem. I am playstation by habit, but I do love the habit. I won't everyone to experience the games so we can talk about them. I miss some games like halo back in the day, so if they come across, the better

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for May 2024 Announced


Knew I shouldn't have bought ea fc24 last month when it was cheap. Especially as I haven't played it yet. I didn't take the gamble on destiny so at least I have benefited there. Haven't played first ghost runner yet but will definitely try it out. Good month really

Re: Rumour: Watch Dogs Is Dead, and Legion Reportedly Killed It


Think ubisoft better leave the England setting alone, keeps killing off the franchises and requires a reboot, ac syndicate and watch dog legions. Do they dare do ghost recon, far cry or division in an English setting. Even though ac valhalla did well it caused a lot of fatigue foe ac rpgs

Re: Bungie Might Be Making Destiny 3, Its Fanbase Speculates


They need to find a way to release the content vault now that they know the THE FINAL SHAPE is the end of the campaigns. They physically know the final size of the game in total. Plus they promised they would have the content come back and to my knowledge nothing has so far.
I loved the game but that killed it for me.

Re: PlayStation Fans Torn on Prospect of PS5 Pro


In fairness, the same polling audience said they weren't interested in the Portal, and it was a sellout. Same people bugged up the PSVR2 and that sold badly. Same in reality for PSVita and TV and they sold relatively bad. Point being never trust the polls

Re: PS Plus Essential Games for March 2024 Announced


Was hoping it would be last years destiny expansion. I know it got panned but I'd play it for free on this service. I had previously bought all expansions but finally stopped at the last one.
However as I have always bought destiny expansions, I have always wondered when they put the expansion on, what you actually get. Is it the new base game (as they stole all red campaign from us) and the expansion, or is it every expansion released up to the expansion they are giving out (again minus the ones they stole from us)

Re: Nintendo 3DS' Monster Hunter Stories Retells Its Tale on PS4 This Summer


@tabris95 thanks for the clarification. I am not into turn based games so this would rule it out for me, but that is just my preference. I can't get on with the new yakuza games because of that change. I am not a big MHW combat fan either although I have seen you have to slog it out and then it finally clicks. I will try to get back in, but they are big time sink games and if your not really enjoying the immediate play, then I would rather jump onto something else

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


@__jamiie it has not affected first party games although I think it probably has also kept cross gen development going and that's because it has forced most third party developers to have to develop for a machine that specs wise is last gen.
This has caused an underwhelming feeling this generation. Dont get me wrong, there is some great games out there and I really enjoy playing current and back catalogs of games. But you have to admit that nothing has screamed next generation because we are having the same experience as ps4. So indont want to encourage xbox to make another disjointed next generation with a lesser machine being released.

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


@Savage_Joe not really. Releasing on xbix series s, you have to get to it running and at a decent performance. To do this, you have to conpromise the game/vision. Steam Deck owners have to lower settings as much as possible to get it to run and with advances in pc gaming which steam was primarily targeted for, the steam deck will soon be outdated and not run more modern games. Thats the risk you run with an open system as opposed to closed console systems. Companies are not releasing games for steam deck, they are releasing for steam. Hope that makes sense in what I am saying

Re: Xbox Fans Petitioning for Helldivers 2 to Launch on Xbox


I think Sony should allow it on one condition only. That it only releases on the Series X. This would put the cat amongst the pigeons. And sony could say its only serving its lower common denominator which is ps5 specs. Then xbox would have to lump it or leave it.
If they lump it, then other developers will follow suit and we will soon be rid of the parasite xbox series s

Re: Xbox Is Bringing Four Exclusives to PS5, But It Won't Say Which


Have to be honest, if the four games is what everyone is saying, then these games are definitely not something I am instantly interested in. I wouldn't put these on my psn wishlist, which I do once I have seen previews of other third party games. Thats not being salty or disingenuous, but I would personally originally only purchase an xbox to play gears and halo, but those were never enough for me to do so. Now they have Bethesda and Activision there would be more of an incentive to get one if their games are exclusive because they are games that have been taken away as such from the playstation ecosystem I bought into. But to reiterate I would not buy the 4 games mentioned had they been normal third party games and would not even get them in a sale, I would only try if they were on plus.

Re: 13 More Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium This Month


Get in, I held off need for speed as nearly everyone has come to plus at some point. AC Valhala saves me inserting disc when I start it and this is probably permanent addition now as its probably linked to ubisoft plus permanent titles.
Outer worlds was another ps4 boxed game I had so now I can just download the ps5 version and start that.
Have to say I feel more pressurised to play plus games before they are withdrawn rather than triple A games I purchased to play. Which is just wrong.

Re: Rumour: Call of Duty Games Will Feature Open World Campaigns Starting This Year


I bet they are doing this to elongate the story time playthrough. They will be stating its the biggest game in the franchise yet at over 20hrs of single player content. However, half of those will either be fetch quests or driving back and forth between locations to complete a mission. I stopped buying battlefield when they dropped the story mode, and I would stop buying (well waiting years for a sale) of call of duty if the campaign is a bloated mess. I really enjoy the campaigns and don't do anything else with the titles