Comments 44

Re: Random: Sony Shoehorns PS5 Ad into Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Trailer


The people who want Spider-Man to 'not be taken hostage' simply don't understand business in any way. Look at the sales for the non-Insomniac Spider-Man games and compare them with Insomniac's. There - that alone is reason enough to keep them with the developer and that's before we even talk about quality.

People will fondly be talking about Insomniac's Spider-Man games for years to come - who will look back on Activision's Amazing Spider-Man games and say 'wow, what a couple of absolute classics! They don't make them like they used to'? No-one, obviously.

I just want the best games to be made - if that means Spider-Man is 'held hostage', so be it.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 454


It took me 41 hours to finish God of War: Ragnarok, but I'm definitely not ready to move on until I get the platinum. All the collectibles are surprisingly fun to get, they aren't a chore at all! I tried briefly going back to Ghost of Tsushima, but I was too used to the God of War controls and ended up getting killed instantly, so I'll put that on hold for now 😅

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Will Have a Different Harry Osborn on PS5


Gee, thanks, Push Square. I've already (much to my frustration) been forced to rush through the story for Ragnarok. I wanted to take my time with it, I waited 4 and a half years to see how the story would end, after all. I decided to not read any articles about, or reviews for, the game to avoid any spoilers and then you throw that line in there! I should have known that character would be in the game, but I'd have liked to have found that out for myself.

I'm gonna go all Game of Thrones on your *ss with my shame bell!

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Has a Full New Game+ Mode, Story and Hardcore Difficulty Settings


@Shepherd_Tallon I absolutely agree with everything you're saying 👌 I think both types of fight systems are great - I like that turn-based gives me time to strategise, but I also love the frenetic energy of action role-playing combat.

Funnily enough, I think the developers of Dragon Quest said they were gonna overhaul the battle system this time, so you might just get exactly what you want 😄

Re: PSVR2 Launches 22nd February 2023, Costs $550


@naruball I was glad to finally see their account get banned. Criticism is a good thing, but that person would only ever criticise and flame and was always suspiciously quiet for positive news. That sort of behaviour is obnoxious and deserves to be called out. I just hope Ion doesn't create alt accounts and start spamming again or I might just leave this website for good.

Anyways, on topic again: I'm not really a VR guy, but I can admire Sony for sticking with their guns and putting their best foot forward with VR2 - the tech is great even if the price is a bit too steep for the vast majority.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is a PS5 Exclusive to Ensure 'Comfortable' Travel Across a 'Vast World'


I would have really liked them to just make a straightforward remake of the original, but I'm interested (and terrified) to see what they do with Rebirth.

It's gonna be great to see the world beyond Midgar - I just wanna see a Midgar Zolom. I hope they keep the horrifying scene with the impaled one, that really showed how much of a force of nature Sephiroth was. We definitely need to still have some of these iconic scenes even if they deviate in other places.

Re: Ape Escape (PS1) - Monkeying Around in 3D Platforming Pioneer Is Still a Blast


Ape Escape was one of my first gaming experiences - even now, it remains on of the most unique and incredible games I've ever played. It's just a pure joy from start to finish. Likewise with the second game - I never played the third, sadly. That said, I need an Ape Escape 4 on PS5 like yesterday please and thank you.

Could you imagine using the different gotcha gadgets and actually feeling them with the Dualsense?! The catapult, the dash ring, the lightsaber (I know it wasn't a light saber, but it also totally was)!

Re: Dig Deeper in This New Systems Trailer for Made in Abyss


@HotGoomba Ahahaha! Thanks for the laugh - I was really getting tired of reading that guy's repetitive comments 😅

Also, it's good to see an anime game that isn't an arena fighter - not sure if Made in Abyss lends itself to that genre, but still, I wouldn't have been surprised to see them go down that route! I won't be buying the game cos the clips I've seen from the show freaked me out, but I'm happy for the fans!

Re: 18 Minutes of One Piece Odyssey Gameplay Debuted at Anime Expo 2022


I don't know anything about One Piece, but this honestly looks like it could potentially be pretty decent. The animations definitely are weird tho - really not digging the jump in particular.

That said, it's a turn-based JRPG, so they have my curiosity. I hope they release a demo because, while this game may look similar to Ni No Kuni and Dragon Quest XI, it really lacks their polish; I'll need to try before I buy on this one.

Re: Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (PS4) - Another Delicious Serving of Hard-As-Nails Action


I really wanna try this one out, but I never beat the base game. I got halfway through the second isle and had to press pause on the game for a while. The clown and the dragon bosses will haunt my nightmares forever.

I did manage to get an A-rank on all the bosses in the first isle, though, so I feel like maybe I'm not actually the worst gamer ever, even if Cuphead makes me constantly feel that way!