Comments 83

Re: Helldivers 2 PSN Requirement Backtracked on PC After Brutal Review Bombing Campaign


@11001100110zero These people who play on PC, treat the platform as a way of living, most of them don't play for fun, they play on PC because they think is a way to be a superior human being. I play on the console for fun after a long day of work, most of PC players are on reddit telling others how their $2000 machine is better than a $499 console.

I'm more invested than many of them, so why couldn't I? Just because I play on consoles? I love videogames too, being playing for more than 25 years. This *****, we should stop treating PC players are superior human beings.

I can't wait for the future when no one will need to spend $2000 on a PC just to play videogames.

Re: Rumour: Resident Evil 9 Reveal and Release Imminent, Out in January


Village was a good horror game, but a bad Resident Evil game. It lacks a lot of lore, the dlcs are terrible too. I hope RE9 turns out to be good and not a nonsense mess. Ofc for casuals and not so fan of franchise people, they will love it

But I'm glad Capcom is still remaking the old ones, they are much better than the current main games.

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