Comments 887

Re: Dragon Quest 12 Will Shape the Future of the Series, Says Square Enix Boss


@Orpheus79V Uh...healthy restocks WHERE?! Seriously even if you try to buy a console online as soon as a restock is announced, it's already sold out within literal seconds...Also there aren't many people who can afford sitting in front of their computer for weeks waiting for a restock for an instant add to cart before it sells out 15 seconds later. 😫

Re: Dragon Quest 12 Will Shape the Future of the Series, Says Square Enix Boss


@Abeedo Uh...every FF through XII had a fantasy setting, but that is NOT the issue with the newer FF games, the garbo story and or gameplay are the offenders...

FF VII Remake is the only exception and Squeenix buggered that up by screwing PS4 owners by only releasing the first part on PS4 and expecting people to miraculously find a mythical PS5 to play the future parts. Btw most of us aren't rich enough to pay $1,000+ for a scalped PS5, which Squeenix apparently didn't get that memo...

Re: Ubisoft Claims It Won't Abandon PS4 Version of Far Cry 6


@truerbluer Also most of the best localized Japanese games release after the point in which the PS4 is at in the life-cycle of a console. Most of the best Japanese series wouldn't exist outside of Japan if there were expectations of the publishers and devs to stop localizing more games in the west on the previous generation's hardware, the second a new generation began...

Re: Sony Backtracks PS3, PS Vita Online Store Closures


@Culjoseth I still play my PS3 and Vita. I always see two or three of my friends on PS3 daily and at least eight or nine playing Vita everyday. It's a much larger group than you realize because if someone remote plays PS4 on their Vita is considers them online on PS4 instead of Vita.

Re: Sony Backtracks PS3, PS Vita Online Store Closures


@danlk1ng Super Slim PS3's seldom get YLoD, disc read errors are the main issues with those, but if you have a mostly digital collection that isn't a problem.

The real issue is the lack of decent controllers for the console since official controllers are nowhere to be found and quality third party controllers are as rare as unicorn poop lol. 😂

Re: Sony Officially Confirms Re-Organisation of Japan Studio


@dark_knightmare2 You do realize that us fans on this website are the people that bought their games. I get sick of people strolling in saying crap like you did like true fans that browse these communities are at fault. No, it's the CoD and Fortnite Brodudes that caused this which typically couldn't give two poops about gaming communities...