Comments 887

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@nedbvai do realize that Switch has just as many M-Rated games as PS5, and they aren't censored up the wazzoo like they are on Sony consoles...sure they might not be as "realistic", but there's plenty of M-Rated stuff on there, and tons of T-Rated stuff too.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


@MightyDemon82 I'll likely get a Switch 2 at some point, but I imagine that'll be $450 minimum which will be at the top-range of what I can afford, so I might be done with Switch 2, or at least done paying full price for consoles. I imagine I could still get a Switch 3 for $500 on Black Friday, but that's WAY in the future and assuming climate change hasn't rendered half of the planet uninhabitable at that point...

Re: PS5's Lack of Tentpole Exclusives Isn't Hurting Engagement, Says Sony


@tangyzesty Switch arguably has a WAY better lineup of upcoming games. You've got to remember for a lot of us gamers in the 30+ age group we don't care about games having the best visuals, as long as they're fun. We grew up in the 8-16-bit era so we're used to playing games like that. Plus already owning a PS4 means you have access to most new releases anyways.

Re: Jeanne d'Arc (PSP) - Long Awaited Strategy RPG Remains Divine


@anubisvel @CGesange Bear in mind that Joan of Arc was from a time period where it was a no-no for a woman to be anything, but a housewife and baby maker. Her fighting in combat "if she did" would have been buried by threatened men in that time period who were EXTREMELY bigoted. I'm a dude myself so I'm saying this more as an observer, but I've seen the way bigoted guys in modern times treat women and imagine that during Joan of Arc's time it was a multitude of times worse since women had zero rights in that era...

Re: PlayStation Likely to Go All-Digital By PS7, Analyst Predicts


@IntrepidWombat Not hyperbole. The entire state of Arizona has crap internet and I'm sure many other areas in the US do. I live 30 miles from Phoenix in a city with over 125,000 population and our internet drops every few minutes and bounces between a few thousand BPS and 1 GBPS. It doesn't matter where you are in the state, the internet is just as unstable and bad...

Re: PlayStation Likely to Go All-Digital By PS7, Analyst Predicts


@Stragen8 There IS a downside! Aside from places like NYC/LA NOWHERE in the US even has the internet speeds to stream modern games with ANY sort of reliability. You do that and suddenly there would be maybe 1-2 million gamers left in the US that can ACTUALLY use the new hardware. The infrastructure has barely improved here in 20 years so I doubt our market "the biggest market in the globe for the industry" will be ready to stream all games in 10-12 years.

PS+ style that also allows for downloads would be MUCH more feasible than streaming only...

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


@jorel262 I would be likely to buy a PS5 at some point if they did at least and have the sense to realize that it wouldn't be wrong for devs to drop PS4 support at this point. Unfortunately, at this point being likely past the halfway point in the PS5's life-cycle, it's seeming likely I'll skip PlayStation altogether this generation which is sad since I've purchased PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PSP 2000/PSTV over the years, with a traditional Vita being the only system I skipped on since I could play most Vita games "on the big screen no less" that I had interest in on my PSTV.

It's just too late for PS5 to get a good number of exclusives compared to whatever the Switch's successor will be released before the PS6 releases in 2026-2028. Switch's successor will also likely be in-line with PS4 Pro visually with the CPU and RAM being closer in-line with the Series S from what we know of the confirmed chip-set that has been leaked so once that happens Nintendo will likely get all of the major next-gen third party games until the PS6 launches making it a more attractive short to middle-term investment. Sorry for the wall of text btw lol. 🤣

Re: New PS2 Emulator Appears to Be Imminent on PS5, PS4


Hopefully this means PS4 will eventually get Wild Arms: Alter Code F, Wild Arms 4, Wild Arms 5, Grandia Extreme, Grandia III, Gungriffon Blaze, and Sylpheed: The Lost Planet courtesy of this emulation since Wild Arms are second party titles, and Game Arts & Media Vision actually supported the PS3 pretty well with PSOne and PS2 Classics!