Comments 981

Re: Sony Confirms Spider-Man PS5 Remaster Is Not a Free Upgrade


This new direction they are taking is almost definitely why the better than Jim execs left imo. Imagine being in charge and steering the Sony ship to greatness with (almost) every move and then having every ounce of good will you'd built up get just thrown in the ***** in a few short weeks.

Re: Microsoft Ponders More Video Game Company Acquisitions


Sony, and certainly PlayStation as a brand are not going anywhere. The consoles may stop production eventually (it's almost an inevitably at this point that somewhere in the future they won't be console based, maybe an OS or store front only) but certainly not anything to be concerned about for at the very least this generation. They also have enough studios under their umbrella to churn out games almost constantly through the years. Just because Ms are opening their wallets doesn't mean ps has too much to worry about. I say good. Competition is good for consumers.

Re: Reaction: Bethesda Acquisition Is a Kick in the Balls for PS5, But Sony's Goals Won't Change


@InsertUsername whether you play the games or not, the fact of the matter is that xbox and especially the game pass model are exceptional value, even more so with the zenimax acquisition and the ea library on top of everything else. I realise this is a PlayStation centric site but people are allowed to recognise pro consumer moves. And to say people aren't getting excited for it is wrong considering the fact that all series X and S have sold out in a similar time frame to ps5 did, not forgetting the 737% increase of x sales. If Sony did this move most people on here would be jerking in the streets.

Re: Soapbox: Screw Sony's PS5 Game Pricing, I'll Just Wait for Sales


Games will still be bug riddled messes that require multiple patches post launch, will still have bits cut out and sold back to you as dlc, and will still have micro transactions. Despite the gaming industry making more than the film and music industries COMBINED. Yes games cost more to make now, but they're also selling more, and peoples' wages haven't matched up with the inflation rates.
As per, it's corporate greed and all it's doing is enabling the CEO's and shareholders to jack themselves off whilst bathing in the multiple million dollar bonuses.

Re: Sony Considered Xbox Series S-Style PS5, Doesn't Think Lower Spec Models Have Had Success


@TheFrenchiestFry That's definitely me. My pc is 2.8ghz i7, a gtx 970 and a 2tb hdd (not even ssd). For me to upgrade that to match the specs of a seX (not including monitor upgrades etc), it would cost much, much more, than just buying an xbox. I will have 3 months game pass ultimate free just from using bing searches, and presumably there will be some more in the box, whether that be a month or 3 or 6 or whatever. No brainer for me.

I am definitely holding off on the ps5 though.

Re: Poll: Will You Buy a PS5?


Consider me very much whelmed.
Will be waiting for the slim (the redesign of this behemoth is going to be interesting) and a bundle of top tier games.

Re: PS5 Showcase Event Confirmed for This Wednesday


@playstation1995 I will be holding your digital hand in anticipation of a Syphon Filter remake getting a release. I'm not holding my breath though.
Having said that, if it doesn't get an announce, Tombi/a, Legacy Of kain or Nightmare Creatures (what with the success of Bloodborne) will suffice.