Comments 705

Re: Gone Home Fumbles for the PS4 Front Door Key in Europe Next Week


@SuperCat did you play Everbody's Gone to the Rapture? All you do is walk around and listen to a story that's told bit by bit. Sounds boring right? Well it's not. It's a brilliant game. Sometimes I like the change of pace. All of the running and gunning, killing, fast-paced gameplay that seems to be in every game these days can wear on me after a while. I loved Fallout 4. It's probably my 2015 GOTY but EGTTR is in the top 5 for me. Incredible story, beautiful environment, and a slow pace were a welcomed change for me

Re: Feature: The Best Games on PS4 - Winter 2016 Edition


@get2sammyb yea I understand. And that's what I love about this site. Most of the time it's people talking and debating in a civilized manner. I love it. As for a top 20, that might be tough for me. I don't know if I've played enough games to make a list that big, but here's my top 5:
5. Madden
4. Journey
3. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
2. Rocket League
1. Fallout 4 (I'm a huge fallout fan so this game hit the right notes for me)

Re: Feature: The Best Games on PS4 - Winter 2016 Edition


@get2sammyb what I find humorous is that people are getting butthurt over your list when it's clearly YOUR opinion. Obviously some people aren't going to feel the same way about Journey as you did (even though I did. A masterpiece), but people still have to complain that this list is SO wrong. If this list bothers anyone they need to go create their own PlayStation news website and make their own. But it's easier and more lazy to just blast someone for their opinion. Keep up the great work and keep the lists and opinions coming. I appreciate them!

End of rant

Re: Poll: How Well Is Fallout 4 Running on Your PS4?


I've only come across one hiccup. I was walking through rubble and got stuck. I tried everything to get my guy out including throwing a grenade at my feet and couldn't get out. So I had to reload my last save file. Not a big deal but it's something I guess

Re: Rumour: Is Sony Preparing a Shock No Man's Sky Release?


It makes sense in a way. What if Sony knew NMS was gonna be special so they told the guys not to stress about a release date, and that they would do something special for them like releasing it in an "Out Now" kind of way? That might be why we haven't even heard of a potential release date and the game has been known to exist for quite some time

Re: Feature: Five Things Fallout 4 Needs to Get Right on PS4


The one thing that threw me off about the previous 2 titles was that you couldn't continue your game after the main story was completed. I'm glad Bethesda decided to let us continue exploring once we complete the story because there's no way you're gonna come close to finding everything your first time around. Let me experience the story first then explore anything that I want without starting over. I'm content

Re: No Man's Sky Still Looks Like One of PS4's Most Exciting Games


That could be the thing that really helps to propel PSVR. If they just bundled tech demos with it and expected people to just be excited for what's to come, I think it would flop. Bundling it with No Man Sky would be the perfect bundle deal. Not only is it a full game, but it looks incredible. I wouldn't be surprised if they delayed PSVR just because No Man Sky needed more time to be adapted to it

Re: This Journey Collector's Edition Trailer Features Your Favourite PlayStation Website


@Volcanox wow I'm surprised you think that about this game. I know different people have different reactions to stuff, and I'm one of the people who was left in awe after the game ended. If you pay attention to the story and really let it soak in you realize that there's much more to it than climbing a mountain and dancing with scarves. Following the narrative was absolutely amazing to me and the fact that it deviates from the normal "score the best score" format most games use was a great change of pace. But it really is all about the deep narrative.