Comments 48

Re: Americans Earn the Fewest Platinum Trophies for PS5, PS4


I’m from the u.k and personally when I play a game I never do it to earn trophies, maybe more because I’m geared towards big rpgs so I just like gameplay, story, and environment. I don’t think I’ve ever once thought “I really want to get the platinum trophy for quirkiest kill’ etc so I personally never understood the whole challenge yourself for faster times and such But again for certain games I.e racing, sports it maybe of value to people. Also very few games I ever play more then once, even things like red dead 2 I played once but I spent so much time in it…the only way I feel some games would be re playable is I wish they had a feature where the second play through was totally different to the first story wise.

Re: Best Horror Games on PS5


I swear if I could make a game I would make such a sprawling epic of a horror. It would have everything! The first thing I’d master is the environment, photo realistic with the most amazing weather physics, rain, snow, thunder storms, even the occasional typhoon! But I’d make it so that the world is soooo immersive that you can interact with everything, to the point where if you played pool at a bar it would play as a proper pool game that you may see on the store sold as a stand alone game. Real world physics in every possible sense and then build a story of horror so intense. I’m not talking crappy human serial killers, but real eerie , psychological scares. I honestly think the next big thing in gaming will be something similar to what I just said, I think a game will come along that is so close to a real world simulator where you interact with the world how you want and it molds round your choices. So many games claim something similar but nowhere near the degree I’m envisioning. I think it can be done now but it’s just that the game itself maybe like 1 terabyte in size lol But I kind of feel I’ve been waiting all my life for that one true horror masterpiece as I don’t think it’s been done yet.

Re: Get a Sneak Peek at Hogwarts Legacy's Character Creation, and a Cinematic Snippet


@Would_you_kindly haha lol I thought it was something to do with something about the game that got some people riled up! Oh ok, yeah I don’t get about stuff like that people are free to believe what they want, I just hope it’s as good as it looks. All the way down to able to play the sports game they play at hogwarts. Anyway thanks for the reply appreciated as I don’t keep up with stuff like that so thanks

Re: Get a Sneak Peek at Hogwarts Legacy's Character Creation, and a Cinematic Snippet


@Northern_munkey lol I personally don’t have a clue what this is about, I don’t keep up with media news in any way shape or form but I’m a little intrigued what’s it’s about? So is this controversy anything to do with the game being supposedly bad? From what I’ve seen it looks great; I like the HP movies but I’m not a big fan I just find them cozy to watch in the holidays which is what I hope this game captures, that gloomy aesthetic of hog warts.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 437


@RaZieLDaNtE I’m totally get lost in it on my ps5, I’m glad others see it for wha it is. I find the best games are experiences, and I got so immersed in this game that I would just enjoy riding around. I like games that have this vibe, i had this with state of decay 1 which is another reason I enjoyed it so much. But to me it’s up there with the best looking games on ps5 .

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 437


Playing the awesome “Days Gone”
I’m actually sad that this game didn’t get the praise it deserved. It’s so beautiful and immersive, the weather and environment is fantastically done. Also the unbelievable potential this game had was to me higher then any other game. It’s tragic they won’t release a sequel, because there are so many mechanics they could add to this but we will now probably never see it happen. But yeah, this is my second play through and I’m enjoying it even more then ever.

Re: Best Horror Games on PS5


I’ve heard good things about a horror called visage? I’m waiting for it to go on a sale as I love horror games but so very few devs get it right for my own personal taste that I’ve ended up regretting many day one purchases.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part 1 Really a 'Cash Grab'?


@Gamer83 I said the same thing but some people on here seem to read everything in their own context. Reading and comprehending for some people on here seems too difficult. It is a cash grab, and it’s not a bad thing for the company but you right it is unnecessary.

Re: Poll: Is The Last of Us: Part 1 Really a 'Cash Grab'?


@naruball it is absolutely in the actual meaning of the word “cash grab” a “cash grab”
Because they simply remastered a remaster even more for the latest gen with a premium price tag when it is not actually necessary. It’s definitely a nice upgrade for some but overall I personally feel they could be doing better things? But cash grab carries negative connotations but business wise it’s a good thing it makes money for the company. I’ve personally never played either game and don’t know much about it, but I’m not that into games where I have to play as a little girl which is why I won’t play the 2nd one the story just does not grasp me at all. It’s like any game where I have to play as a female like horizon I just don’t find that immersive.

Re: Kojima Productions Threatens Legal Action After Hideo Kojima Is Falsely Identified as Japanese Gunman


@ATaco I don’t personally think it has anything to do with being desensitised, it’s got everything to do with the anonymous safety net that social media brings. You get people saying things they would never say in public scenarios yet behind a screen with fake names they say the most nastiest things. It brings detachment, a trait and double edged sword that is social media.

Re: Soapbox: I Tried So Hard to Like Elden Ring, But I Just Couldn’t Do It


@nessisonett yeah I’ve made this mistake by playing Elden first now demon souls is so easy and sucks ass in comparison even though it’s a good game lol I like to think even people who don’t like this style if they played Elden as much as this writer did they would have learned it’s mechanics and the pattern of it’s gameplay, but to get no joy like this guy sheesh I can imagine that his taste in anything is below par

Re: Elden Ring's Second Live-Action Trailer Is Just as Awkward as the First


@TastyChef honestly it’s nowhere near as hard as it’s made out to be. It’s easy to get overpowered to where the game is easy but it’s vast immersive splendour is easy to get lost in. With the harder enemies, they just have a pattern that you see through after multiple deaths so you end up overcoming them which always feels great. Maybe because I’ve played the dark souls series but i feel a lot of it is exaggerated. It’s only a few bosses that are really a pain and they are optional.

Re: Evil Dead: The Game (PS5) - This Cult Camp Horror Shows Its Groovy Side


Personally I can’t stand games with online multiplayer on all its forms. It’s true I don’t have any friends to play online to see what the fuss is about but I feel even if I did it’s not for me. It may be fun for an or so but I only like single player campaign open world games as I like to treat my games like a good book. So immersion is so important, and for some reason online seems to ruin that for me.

Re: Konami Just Had Its Most Profitable Year Ever


@Santifa do you know what I also find depressing apart from that is just the sheer lack of good survival horror games. I wish I could make games as I feel I could make a masterpiece for horror. I want a fully open world horror game dripping with immersion, with weather cycles from spring to autumn with ray tracing, open wilderness, to old villages and ancient ruins tied in with a real psychological horror experience.

Re: Talking Point: Does Sony Need a Big Summer Showcase?


Honestly personally speaking, I don’t feel they have anything that big to announce? The things mentioned in this article like god of war, final fantasy etc are well known and there’s been a lot said about them. If they are going to do a big showcase they need some unknown big announcements to generate interest for sales especially being nearly at the mid year mark already. If it was just what’s in the article I personally would not bother watching it, I only watch when I know there are going to big announcements or surprise footage of games in development.