Comments 286

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)



Lazy devs:
Hey, PC guy, how's DH looking? All good amigo.

XB1, how we doing? 10 for 10 hombre.

PS$, what's happening? Waiting for LVG to be sacked, but er, yeah.

It's a disgrace that anything releases in this state of greatness on any platform, never mind PS4.

(How ironic that the $ is 4)

@Drawfull: Watch the language please -Tasuki-

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 118


Caved with the PSN sale and picked up inFamous SS (never played any of the series) and Divinity for a total saving of £60 apparently. So, I'll probably ignore them and get back to UC on crushing. Or TLOUr on which I have made no further progress.

In an ideal world though, it would be Hyper Sports, as my old cab finally arrived a couple of weeks ago, but it's stuck in the garage and we're struggling to get it up and into the house

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Open World Is Mighty Impressive in New Trailer


@Mega-Gazz Exactly, but you've got it backwards in my opinion. The combat was a means to an end. You could make the game artificially difficult, but the combat just got you from A to B. If I have to concentrate on button combos, I'd prefer to be playing something else. I'd rather be grinding levels, finding and modding equipment, unlocking new spells that I can pick by highlighting the spell itself than frantically whipping the camera around to see if I can 'warp' to somewhere to give me an advantage.
Final Fantasy has always (even 13, 13-2) been about using tactics to defeat the enemies efficiently. real time combat is a completely different kettle made out of fish. They are going to alienate many fans.

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Open World Is Mighty Impressive in New Trailer


@shosbu the problem is that they're too bothered what the action looks like. I don't think they've dropped the ball on the stories (what should be FF stories, I'm not expecting TLOU of UC game detail here), they've lost the plot with control. Because we play this series for the story, for the RNG mechanics, for the customisation, exploration and wonder. The game should just work. It doesn't need 'modern' combat, it doesn't need 'real time' action - we can all get that elsewhere.

It's like they said (with a little reference to FFXIII Lightning Returns), "We're selling all these games, but imagine how many players will buy it if it's real time combat", without thinking about how many fans they'll rile up by getting rid of the one constant in the series.

Re: Final Fantasy XV's Open World Is Mighty Impressive in New Trailer


@rjejr I hate the combat as it is from the demos. But it does look good. I hope they sort the frame rate out too, it was jerky as hell in the main demo.

I love FF, I have them all, multiple times on every format (bar NES) pretty much but I'm just not feeling it with this. It's still on pre-order, obv, along with 7R, but I dunno. Just a bit meh.

Re: Poll: Are You Enjoying Uncharted 4 on PS4?


Chapter 20 is amazing, stand out for me. I only finished it on normal and it's significantly easier than TLOU on the same difficulty IMO (as a hopeless gamer).

Gonna give it a few days and play through the next hardest and concentrate more on collectibles. I missed a lot cos whenever I needed to press L3 it broke the game's camera more often than not, requiring a restart of the checkpoint - has no-one else had this?

Re: People Are Already Playing Uncharted 4 on PS4


@Rook909 Ah, thanks. The shipping the states will ruin it for me: I have prime on my Spanish and UK Amazon and they both tend to ship from the same distribution hubs so I order from whichever is the cheapest.

Never know though, hopefully I'll wake up to a nice dispatched email!

Re: How Does Final Fantasy X HD Look on the PlayStation Vita?


Picked this up on vita on Boxing Day and ps3 when I got home on the 27th from visiting family. The vita version of x looks good, and because of the smaller screen arguably better than the ps3. It's a shame that there are still quite a lot of low res textures on the ps3 version of x (check the al bhed that tidus meets in the ruins near the start of the game).

Other than that, it does look much better overall and is refreshing to play in full HD. Not played x-2 yet other than making sure it installed ok on the vita.

And not sure whether this is surprising, but so far, mechanically, it's identical to the original.