Comments 140

Re: Reaction: Sony Flubs First Proper PS5 Presentation in Over 18 Months


There was so much hype leading up to this showcase, I don’t think it was ever going to live up to that hype. We need to give companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo a break. It’s taking so much longer to get these games out. There were rumored listings of what they were going to show. Gamers read the lists and it built up their hype even more. It’s okay for us to be disappointed. I didn’t think it was a terrible show, but I kept my expectations within reason. There’s more showcases coming up. Some of which sony is expected to make an appearance, they might show off more games. Give it some time. There’s still plenty of this generation to come.

Re: American Senators Continue to Target Sony Over PS5, PS4 Timed Exclusives


I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion on here as it seems you have to pick a side, but both Sony and Microsoft are to blame for this. Ever since the announcement of the ABK, both companies have been acting like children. Running around behind each other’s backs and snitching on the other. Telling tales of the other while some are true, some are exaggerated. Neither company is making themselves look good. They are trying to play a victim, my own kids do the same to the other. Neither one of them is a victim. It’s time to put on their grownup pants and start acting like it. Now US senators are getting involved. Whether Microsoft paid them or not to look into behind the scene deals, I can’t say I’m surprised. They are both guilty. They were both caught with their pants down. I’m hoping this acquisition is over soon, but they both have already tarnished their reputations. Both companies are probably going to be further investigated even after the merger and they have nobody else to blame but themselves.

Re: Poll: What Game Should Capcom Remake Next?


If they continue with the RE remakes, I’d like them to remake Code Veronica or the original one next. They had shut down some fan remakes of those so there’s rumors they did that because they were remaking them themselves. I wouldn’t even mind RE 0. I would like to see them do something with Dino Crisis or Dead Rising. Capcom has been on a roll lately. I’m hoping they continue to bring us some great games to come.

Re: Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse (PS5) - A Warts and All Survival Horror Remaster


@Arnna there’s a huge difference between those two games. RE2 remake was made from the ground up. They made it modern to fit in with today’s games and it was a brilliant remake. Mask of the Lunar Eclipse is a remaster. A coat of paint to make it look nicer, but it’s still very much a 2008 game. You can’t really compare the two, they are 11 years apart and the hardware has changed so much since then. Mask of the Lunar Eclipse was slow due to the system is was on. Had to give the Wii time to load the next room. Believe me, I know it’s not for everybody. There’s a lot of gamers out there that try this series and hate it. I can respect that, but I personally love it. I love the RE series and I love the PZ/FF series. Both so different from each other. For me, this series is much deeper when it comes to the story. The rituals, characters, locations, spirits, camera are all so carefully crafted. The series is much creepier than RE. When I’m in the mood for something a little faster, I’m with ya, I love the RE 2 remake. If I want something creepy, though I love RE, it doesn’t cut it like PZFF.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for March and April 2023


I already preordered Fatal Frame (Project Zero) Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. I’ll be busy with that on the 9th when it comes out. Then I’ll be picking up RE4 later on in the month. Always thought October was supposed to be the month of horror games but March is holding its own.

Re: Beyond Good & Evil 2 Reportedly Loses Studio Head, French Labor Investigation Begins


Loved the original, was looking forward to the sequel when it was first announced. Now, I’d rather they just scrap it. All these years and it’s still not even in “full production.” They’ve been overthinking how to go about the sequel. I remember hearing part of the problem with the original was they put too many genres together into one game and it confused gamers. Stealth, action, driving, platforming… if they simplified what they wanted to do for the sequel, it should have been an easier time coming up with an outline and creating the game. Instead they’ve wanted to take the game in so many different directions over all these years. No wonder it’s a mess over there.

Re: You Won't Be Waiting Too Long for Silent Hill 2 on PS5


I didn’t think it was that close to being complete. I thought if it was in the “final stages” that we would have seen more gameplay but maybe the next reveal will show that off. I’m hopeful for the game but keeping my expectations low so I’m not disappointed.

For me, James’ face is not an issue. Yes he looks different from the original but he still looks disturbed. However, if enough people complain about it, they might change his look. There’s been quite a few other games where characters were changed before released including the character in Silent Hill Homecoming.

Re: No 'Concrete Plans' for Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake


@Bez87 I do remember them talking about how Veronica was supposed to be 3 and then they decided to make Nemesis into 3 to have a trilogy on a single system.

I think a remake of Veronica will sell well. So many people played the remake of 2 and a lot of them were new players and didn’t play 2 originally. They would finally be able to see what happens with Clair and Chris if the Veronica remake was to happen. Who knows, Capcom could currently be working on it. They aren’t going to tell us ahead of time before it’s announcement.

Re: No 'Concrete Plans' for Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake


I personally find that sad if they don’t as I LOVE Code Veronica, but even if they were working on it, they aren’t going to tell us yet. Rumors were going around about them remaking RE4 for some time before it was officially announced and they wouldn’t confirm anything then either. Who knows what else they are currently working on.

Re: Try Resident Evil Village in Third-Person on PS5, PS4 with New Demo


Love that I’ll finally get to play village in third person. Just my preference and glad they are making it possible. Also curious of Rose’s story and how she ends up at the castle. Spoiler for anybody who hasn’t beaten Village, but like most RE titles, I thought everything blew up at the end. Maybe the castle was too far from the blast or it’s a dream?

Re: Hands On: Resident Evil 4 PS5 Makes a Masterpiece Even Better


I’m glad to see a preview for the game with a good amount of gameplay. Though I’m a huge RE fan, I wasn’t excited for the RE4 remake. I thought it was too soon and I was upset Veronica wasn’t getting the remake treatment. After seeing the video, I’m looking forward to playing this. They’ve made it darker and a bit grittier. I want to see what else they have come up with for this remake.

Re: Gallery: Silent Hill 2 Remake Shines in Official PS5 Screenshots


I’m hopeful for this game but to remake SH2, those are big shoes to fill. I can understand everybody’s skepticism on Bloober Team. They aren’t exactly known for action, many of their games don’t have any combat at all. They are a young team and have a few games under their belt now. I’m hoping they got some tips on how to handle this game and bring in some combat, but SH wasn’t known for its combat. The hardest part of SH was being brave enough to get through the game. Bloober does really well with environmental elements and that was a large part of SH. This might surprise many of us and turn out well.

Re: Resident Evil 4's PS5, PS4 Remake Headlines RE Showcase Just One Day After Silent Hill Stream


@KidBoruto with Resident Evil, I think it will mostly be on 4 and the DLC for Village. We already know about both and they’ve shown them off. There is an advertisement for this event and they mention those two games and “more.” I don’t know what the more is. Maybe it’s another show or movie. Maybe they are working on Code Veronica remake…. I don’t know yet but I’m excited for the event.

With SH, it’s been rumored that there are three games in the works. I don’t think they’ll announce all three, but I do think we will hear something on at least one. I think they’ll also do something stupid like a tv show or another pachinko machine. Maybe we will also hear about that SH: The Short Message if it really is a demo and when it’s coming out. I’m more excited for the SH event because it’s been too long since our last game from them, but I think the RE games will be better in the long run.