Comments 140

Re: Poll: Will the Switch 2 Compete with PS5?


I don’t think they are trying to compete with PlayStation. I think Nintendo is staying in their lane and working on doing what they do best. Family entertainment in the living room or on the go. Could it take away from PlayStation? I don’t think it would. You may get the occasional person here or there that will choose Switch 2 over PlayStation and vice versa, but in the grand scheme of things, I think there’s enough room and space for both to exist and thrive.

Re: PS5 Tipped to Top Switch 2 Sales in the US This Year


It’s hard to say if the Switch 2 could outsell the PS5 when there’s still not much we know about the Switch 2. Sure there have been some leaks of the system and joy-cons, but we don’t know everything about it yet. The article mentioned variables like cost, release date, and how many units Nintendo can manufacture. There are other variables as well like launch games, games that will continue to come out later in 2025, if Nintendo has a new gimmick in this system…. There’s a lot of “if’s” that can’t be answered because we don’t know anything about it yet. It’s all a guessing game which system will sell more.

If Nintendo prices it right, gets it out early in the year, has a great launch lineup, shows off a few upcoming must haves, is able to manufacture enough…. It “could” be the top selling system. Again, it’s all “if’s.” I’ll wait till there’s at least a full reveal before making my own predictions.

Re: Friday the 13th: The Game Fans Sadly Dance as Servers Severed for Good


I played this game on day one and I played on its final day. Yes, it was buggy. Yes, it had issues, but I had a blast playing it! So many fond memories playing this game. It wasn’t for everybody but I am so sad to see it go. Right now I’m having the same feeling when a loved one dies which is stupid because it’s just a game, but it’s how I’m feeling. Farewell F13. How I miss you already. 🥺

Re: Reaction: The Problem with PlayStation Right Now


It does seem PlayStation has had issues getting their first party games out lately. I know they were shooting for so many live service games and some were canceled so it’ll take time for those companies to create new games, and that Sony just laid off a lot of people. This is hitting many across the industry. It’s sad to see.

I think many of these companies need to start making more AA titles. They might not be as polished as the AAA titles, but they can be just as fun and not cost as much to make.

Doing a quick google search on the best selling games of all time, Sony and Xbox only had one first party game on that list. The rest were either all multi platform or on a Nintendo system. This makes me wonder if this really could be the reason Sony fought so hard during the ABK acquisition? The PlayStation systems sell well, but there’s got to be a good portion of the base that don’t buy the first party titles. Probably just the CoDs and GTAs. The AAA single player games on PS are great but they need to find where to trim some of the fat. It’s not sustainable.

Re: Microsoft Has Apparently Been Stocking Up on PS5 Devkits as Xbox Pivots


I’m amazed by many of the responses here. I don’t get into the whole console war argument and most of what has been reported is rumored at the moment, but those cheering Xbox gets out of the whole “console war” might want to rethink that thought.

I want to start off by saying we don’t know if it’s a few games or a whole list of games that will be coming to PlayStation. I personally am guessing it’s just a few older games sprinkled in with a few newer AA games, and Xbox will still be around, but for those who are wishing for Xbox to fail and leave the console behind…. Then what? It’s not a win for the consumer in the long run. Nintendo isn’t competing against Sony the same way Xbox is. (Yes I know Nintendo sells a lot more systems and games than Xbox, but as we saw in the ABK mess, neither Xbox or Sony view them as competition.) Once you lose your competition, you become a monopoly. Game prices will rise. The next PlayStation console will rise in price. Online service will rise. First party games will lower in quality. And why? Because there’s no competition to keep a balance. There’s no competition for consumers to choose between. You’re stuck having to choose the console with the monopoly. You the consumer don’t benefit from that. Again, I’m not in the console war, I own all three systems. I enjoy them all and hope for all three to have a healthy market share, but those hoping for the failure of Xbox so Sony “wins” should really be careful what they are wishing for because it could just happen and you won’t like the end result.

Re: Konami PS5 Remakes Silent Hill 2 and Snake Eater Scheduled for 2024, Says Sony


@twitchtvpat yes, the Silent Hill franchise wasn’t about combat. I’m hopeful for the remake. I want it to be good. Bloober Team does well at atmosphere. They are a young team and they are getting experience under their belt, but I feel they weren’t ready to take on this remake yet. Hopefully I'm wrong. I’m just preparing myself for it to be bad in case it is. Then I won’t be let down.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - Marvel's Spider-Man 2


For me, it was a good game, but it’s definitely not my top game on PS5 this year. Even my youngest who is a HUGE Spider-Man fan liked the game but referred to many of the challenges in the game as “boring.” I think it was a good game, but not my number 1 for the year.

Re: GTA 6 Hacker Ruled a High Risk to the Public, Sentenced to Life in Hospital


I personally find that sentencing too much. I can’t help think like a parent. I have an 18 year old and I automatically think of him. Though at 18 you’re considered an adult by society, I think that should be changed. Your brain isn’t fully developed till the age 25. They clearly are making an example out of this kid. Yes he’s done things wrong and should face some sort of consequence, but these are beyond the penalty he deserves.

Re: Original Jet Set Radio Creators Involved in PS5 Revival


@Nem I’m sure Japanese developers want to bring their games to their home audience, but belmont does make a good point about JSR’s past with Xbox. SEGA and Microsoft have seemed pretty close lately, I wouldn’t be surprised if that game was exclusive. Sometimes a big bag of cash sways one’s mind. My guess is all the games are multi plat, but time will tell.

Re: Could Marvel's Blade Come to PS5? Bethesda Declines to Comment


I personally think Bethesda didn’t answer the question due to the FTC is still digging around in Microsoft’s backyard. I think Xbox is trying to lay low and since a good amount of what went on in the courts was arguing “Xbox will make everything exclusive,” I think they decided not to attach the console(s) yet. It’s not Xbox’s IP so announcing exclusivity would give the FTC more to argue about.

Re: Kratos Voice Actor Underfire for Roasting New Call of Duty Campaign


Hosts and presenters tell jokes at award shows. This is nothing new. I understand it wasn’t the team’s fault to release it as a full blown game when they were originally told it was going to be DLC. They should be more mad at management for changing the plans than the joke. The joke didn’t bash CoD, it was just about the length and he was also poking fun at himself.

Re: Just One Day Later, Microsoft Has 'No Plans to Bring Game Pass' to PS5, PS4


The last report of Microsoft wanting to bring Xbox gamepass to PlayStation and Nintendo, I never bought that story. It never made sense. Spend 70 billion dollars to put all your games on competing platforms. They’ll still put some of their games on PlayStation and Nintendo’s next system, but I never thought for a second they were trying to bring gamepass to those systems. Phil Spencer has a different approach to those at top at PlayStation and Nintendo, but he is turning things around over there. I want to see all three of the console manufacturers do well.

Re: Talking Point: Is Bungie Really the Right Developer to Aid Sony's Live-Service Push?


I think it’s still a little early to tell. I don’t think Bungie was a bad purchase as some have suggested. Live service games hit or mostly miss. Even some that didn’t do well at the start can turn things around. Bungie is having a bit of a hard patch. I think Sony trying so many live service games is a huge gamble. Knowing Bungie’s experience, I would want their opinions, but I wouldn’t take it as a final word.

Re: US Children Want Subscriptions and Currencies for Christmas, Not Games


I would say this is spot on with my youngest. He wants online currency and the ability to play online/subscription service. He wasn’t in a rush for a new system when the new ones came out a few years ago. He was happy with the PS4/Xbox one at that time. He mostly wanted to spend money in Fortnight.

The younger generation is very different from mine, but there wasn’t the option to play online back then. You had to go over to their house to play a game with your friends. Games also didn’t update to keep you coming back. So we wanted a new game when the current one got old. Updates and in game purchases keep the kids coming back over and over.

Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain


I know this isn't going to be a popular opinion on here and I know there will be trolls and keyboard warriors constantly bickering and arguing, and as a owner of all three of the consoles, I'm very disappointed in some of the writers on this site.

@get2sammyb I will not troll you, I will not bash you, but the article you wrote is triggering people. This isn't the first time you have done it either. It would be different if this was a Playstation website that had no affiliation to anything else, but you have sister sites for other said consoles. As a writer for this site, it is your job to promote healthy conversation. You're putting PS/Xbox fanboys against each other. There's already a lot of negativity out there. There are ways to write the article above without triggering and baiting people. If your goal is get get a bunch of comments for your article, congratulations you did it, but at the end of the day, you are responsible for baiting and triggering people here in the comment section.

Re: PS5 Is Now Above PS4 in USA, While Its New-Gen Rival Flounders


As an owner of all three of the major console manufacturers, I don’t want to see any of the three “just go away and become 3rd party” as many in the comment section have implied. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but you have to really think what consequences this could cause? Prices for both consoles and games went up during a pandemic. They went up during a global recession. What would they raise them to outside of a recession? None of the three are more guilty or innocent than the next. If you take one or two of them away, you’ll be left buying the next console for over 1000 dollars/pounds. You’ll be left buying each game 100+ dollars/pounds. You really want its competition going away, think again.

And I’m disappointed in these sites that punch down while on top. I get it that there will be console wars and keyboard warriors, but the writers for these sites have a responsibility to not egg it on. A site dedicated to the PlayStation brand should be focused on that. Over half the article written above is about the Xbox. I know this isn’t going to be a popular opinion on here, but while on top, you should never punch down. If you have a PS5/4, then enjoy your console. If you have a Xbox Series or a Nintendo Switch, then enjoy your console. Absolutely report and boast the PlayStation brand, but don’t have half or the majority of the article about how the competition isn’t doing as well. It’s cheap and uncalled for especially when the market share in some areas is close to 90 percent in favor for your top console choice. Sammy do better next time.

Re: Reaction: What Happens to PlayStation if Microsoft Buys Activision Blizzard?


I personally don’t think much will happen to PlayStation from this acquisition. The article mentions a lot of “what ifs” and they are fair to be cautious, but I think highly unlikely to happen. Yes, Xbox might make some of the games exclusive in time. I don’t think Call of Duty will be exclusive after 10 years, but even if it does, who’s to say COD will still have the impact like it does today? The PlayStation brand is strong. If you have a PS4 or PS5 and love it, I’d be content with that. PlayStation isn’t going away because of this. If anything, PlayStation will make their games better so they can still compete and remain on top. I don’t look at this as a loss for Sony. Even Jim Ryan said PlayStation will be fine.

Re: After Initial Concerns, Sony Now in Talks with Roblox for PlayStation Version


I respect not wanting younger kids to be buying all the micro transactions, I wish more felt the same way. But kids find a way. They’ll play it somewhere else or play something else with micro transactions. My youngest got big into fortnight and constantly wants to buy skins for his character. It’s my job as a parent to pull him back and tell him no. He may want it, he’s not getting it though.

Re: Indiana Jones Game Deal Amended to Exclude PS5, PS4


I’m not surprised it’s now Xbox exclusive. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I can see both sides arguments. I would have liked to of seen it come out multi platform and I feel bad for all PlayStation/Switch players. More people would have gotten a chance to play and enjoy it, but I’m not mad at Xbox either, at the end of the day it’s business. I think the other console makers would have done the same. You can disagree and that’s okay. I’m not trying to start an argument or change anybody else’s mind. Just my view on the subject.