Comments 140

Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Pitch Images Leak, May Be a Timed PlayStation Exclusive


@Beerheadgamer82 I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Doing a SH 2 remake before the original SH seems off. I think it has to do with popularity and sales. The first two games are the best selling out of the franchise. The second game is considered the best and one of the most iconic horror games of all time. It looks like Bloober realizes that which might be why they started with 2 instead of 1.

Id also say that’s very similar with the point you brought up with Capcom and RE 4 before Veronica. Though I agree Veronica needs the remake treatment more than 4, it didn’t sell as well as 4. The 4th game is the fan favorite, companies want to make money so they skip the ones they feel won’t make as much.

As for RE 3 being treated like crap compared to RE 2 remake, I think that also had to do with sales. RE 2 sold better than 3 back in the day. Since they already remade 2 and had some of the locations done, I think that’s why we got an RE 3 remake. They probably looked at it as a quick way to make money as part of the work is done after RE 2. If the locations weren’t done, I think Capcom would have skipped 3 and went right to 4. Not saying any of this is okay or right, just my own personal thoughts and theories on this.

Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake Pitch Images Leak, May Be a Timed PlayStation Exclusive


I want a Silent Hill game but this has me very nervous. Silent Hill 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. Though I think Bloober Team is a young talented studio that’s still learning, I don’t know if they were ready to tackle a SH 2 remake. They do really well with environments and atmosphere. I’d say their downfall is storytelling (which the story is done for them, they just need to follow what’s already done.) and combat. Many of their games, there’s zero combat. If they are working with another company or team that can do the combat for them, this might turn out to be really good. I’m just not getting my hope up.

Re: Japanese Gamers Aren't Impressed with PS5's Price Hike


I think these big corporations eventually lose grasp of reality when it comes to consumers and what they want. It takes the consumers to show these companies through their wallets that their company has lost touch. Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, and Sony have all been through it before in the past. Sony is going through it again. They’ll figure it out when consumers jump ship and go to their competitors. It’s what makes companies and competition better.

Re: Why the PS5's Price Hasn't Changed in USA


I don’t know if I agree with the sales tax theory. I think it has more to do with history in the US on consoles. It doesn’t always happen, but most generations, the higher priced console didn’t perform as well. Just going through the list of generations in my head, I remember price was a big factor for many here in the US. Playstation 5 has so much great hype, I still think they would have been fine had they raised it in the US, but it definitely would have opened the door for Microsoft and the Xbox series.

Re: PS5 Price Increase Confirmed for UK, Europe, Japan, Canada, and More


I shouldn’t have been surprised by this move but I was. I thought back to before the consoles were released, both Sony and Microsoft were waiting to give the price of their system to see what the other was going to price theirs at. They waited so close to the release to finally reveal their price so they can match their competitor. I think this is a bad move on Sony’s half, though the PS5 is doing so well, it might not hurt them one bit.

Re: Sony Sounds Shook by Xbox's Activision Buyout, Says Call of Duty Has No Rival


When your number one, the only way to go from there is down. That applies to both PlayStation and COD. Either one can fall from their throne at any point.

I can see PlayStation’s concern, COD is massive. Having it go right into gamepass can be tempting to players. That can take away PS5 sales and potential first party sales. Sony will be fine. They are not going anywhere.

Re: In-Depth The Last of Us Remake Comparison Deep Dives PS5 Improvements


@NEStalgia I agree that it’s going to make a profit for them and probably very quickly. PC players will want to play as soon as it comes out. Even if it makes a profit and PS players still hold out, I think it will still send a message to those higher up that 70 dollars for a remake this fast with content cut from it is not okay. Though I doubt PlayStation players will stay away from this one. Gamers will complain online and then run out and buy. So no lesson learned for Sony.

Re: In-Depth The Last of Us Remake Comparison Deep Dives PS5 Improvements


Gamers can make their voices heard so much more with the power of their wallet. If you disagree with the 70 dollar price for this game, do not buy it. That’s going to speak volumes to PlayStation. It will show them what the expectations are from them as gamers. It’s going to sell, but I don’t know if it’s going to put up the numbers that Sony is expecting. If it doesn’t hit those numbers and customers continue to not buy it, the price will come down. You as the gamer have the power, and it’s your money that’s going to show them that.

Re: Mini Review: Resident Evil 3 (PS5) - Disappointing Remake Looks and Runs Much Better


@__jamiie I really hope Code Veronica gets a remake. Since it picks up after the events of 2, and let’s those new to the series what was next for both Clair and Chris. I want this remade, I’m not as excited for 4 remake. I’ll play it but there were others I wanted to get the RE remake treatment first. Code Veronica, zero, and the original again. By then, 4 would have been a bit older and I would have been more welcome to it getting remade.

Re: Sonic Frontiers Combat Is Looking Rough in New Gameplay Video


I’m not really liking what I see at the moment. Sonic was about speed. The environments and enemies were often colorful and vibrant. Older sonic games were just cool… Theres nothing here that makes it feel like a sonic game. It’s just sonic in a 3D world that he doesn’t seem to belong in. It just isn’t working for me, maybe getting to play it will change my mind. As a huge Sega fan, I’m not looking forward to this one.

Re: As Silent Hill Rumours Swirl, Bloober Team's Keeping Quiet


Well of course they cannot say anything. There’s contracts that are signed and can lead to some big lawsuits. I am torn on this rumor. Part of me is hoping it’s true, part of me is hoping it’s not. I want Silent Hill’s return. I want it to return to be the greatness it once was. I worry about Bloober remaking SH2. It was my favorite in the series and possibly my favorite game of all time. I think Bloober does a great job with atmosphere, I just worry about their gameplay. Maybe somebody else will help them out with the combat. Here’s hoping SH does return and is a horror masterpiece once again.

Re: Silent Hill 2 Remake from Bloober Team Reportedly in Development


Not sure if I want 2 remade. I absolutely loved that game back in the day. I was obsessed with it, unlocking every ending in the game. The game was perfect. I can see by today’s standards where it has aged, but I think it still holds up. A remake can really ruin its legacy if not done right. Capcom did a nice job with RE 2 but they don’t always turn out that well. Bloober Team is a talented studio, but to nail SH2…. Not so sure.