Comments 237

Re: Rumour: Ubisoft Live Service Shooter XDefiant on Brink of Being Shut Down


Although I don’t play any of these Live Service games, I know that there are several modern-military themed games of this genre that have been on the market for years and established themselves (any many that haven’t).

Based on that, just what in the name Captain Cookie’s left bum-cheek did they think this one would fare any better? Did they honestly think people who had invested possibility a muck-ton of time and money into another still running title would just drop it for this one or do anything more than a cursory glance and trial run?

Heck if they had added the ability to ride armoured Velociraptors into battle or something left field at least it would have stood out. Wouldn’t guarantee success but at least may have given it a chance.

Re: EA Sports College Football 25 Sells 2.2 Million Copies for $100


I can only consider this disingenuous if the game has a competitive multiplayer aspect, because then it’s basically giving people a 3-day head start. Not sure if that’s a big deal though as I play neither sports games or multiplayer games.

I guess we can only wait and see if more publishers decide to follow this.

Re: Reaction: What Is Happening to the Video Games Industry and Why Are There So Many Layoffs?


Whilst development costs have risen (alongside almost everything else) it feels that many developers (possibly influenced by publishers) attempt to overcome this purely through “brute force” by chasing larger returns via “bigger” games rather than being smart and chasing admittedly smaller markets with more affordable yet unique games. Gaming has seen a substantial growth over the years but it seems we may have reached the ceiling and yet many publisher’s “plans” were all based around that ceiling continuing to rise and grabbing a market share that technically doesn’t exist. That and these periods of “rapid growth” seemingly suffer from “short-sightedness” where the “fat” is trimmed in the future of things don’t work out rather than implementing sound, long term plans.

This may be why I’m getting nostalgic for the 6th Generation where I have most of my greatest gaming memories.

Re: Readers Vote Gears of War Above Halo as Their Most Wanted Xbox Series on PlayStation


On the one hand, everyone has their own tastes and preferences and the data is both interesting and eye opening to what Microsoft has in its pockets.

On the other, I can’t think of a series more mundane, uninspiring and dull as the Gears games. Played through the campaigns of the original trilogy more out of an obligation than actual desire. Used to either rent the games from Blockbuster or wait till I found second hand copies for a Fiver or less.

Re: Game of the Year: #9 - The Last of Us: Part I


This game is for me the perfect piece of evidence that people can have wildly contrasting opinions. Many people liked it and it’s characters, I found it about as enjoyable as sandpaper toilet paper and it’s characters about as pleasant as a pair of Auschwitz guards who’s old flames ran off with their home town Rabbis.

We really are spoilt for choice these days.

Re: Once Considered a PlayStation Competitor, Google Stadia Is Shutting Down


The moment I saw the prices and the titles being offered I felt this had a low chance success. People already we’re unconvinced about streaming video games and the prices and offerings meant few were likely to actually try it.

They should have tried a subscription only model with complete library access at the lowest possible prices to at least give people the willingness to try it. Then again, I doubt many had the internet speeds truly required.

Re: Random: Marvel's Spider-Man in First-Person Is Sick, Will Make You Sick


First off all, props to Spiderman for being able to hold his lunch down, cos the first 10 seconds of swinging made my head hurt.

Secondly, impressive from a technical standpoint but needs a lot of work before being in any truly playable state.

Thirdly, an interesting concept from a technical standpoint, yet its existence just makes me worried about an overarching desire by so many people to have everything in first-person. Honestly, nothing makes a game more restrictive and less appealing to me than to have a game in 1st person (with the exception of fast-paced shooters like Doom and arguably even CoD). It seems that ever since CoD4 lit the sales charts on fire like a well placed HIMARS barrage on an ammo dump (or a misplaced cigarette butt), it felt like there was a shift to 1st-personify everything, even if just as an experiment.

Or maybe I just don’t like the fact that this mode would make the customisable outfits redundant despite it being one of my fave parts of the game.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us: Part I?


Playing through it once on the PS3 was enough to last me a lifetime. I can only see the worthwhile-ness of this release of you’re a Last of Us Superfan or you really want to have 2 equally sized disc cases for the 2 parts next to each other (although you’d have to mix console collections).

Re: Resident Evil 4 Remake Gameplay Reveals a Pretty Big Mechanical Change from the Original


I need more info but I do have some slight nervousness from what was shown.

The darker lighting and setting suggests a shift to a more “horror” influence like the early Res Evil games but it could result in the game loosing its action-campiness that made the original so enjoyable for me.

As for the ability to “shoot & scoot”, I do feel the original added to the tension and helped you save your ammo by forcing you to aim. I don’t mind the change as long as they tweak the game to make up for it like faster enemies or even larger groups, plus limiting ammunition so you can’t just “run & gun”.

Re: Persona 3 Portable, Persona 4 Golden Confirmed for PS5


Not surprised they eventually made their way to more modern home consoles, but I still hope for Switch releases in the future. I feel the Persona gameplay is perfect for a hybrid console. Plus P3P & P4G are hardly system sellers for the PS5.

The alternative is release on PS4 with cross-saves / cross-play for Vita; which lets be honest, Sony is more likely to announce a Day 1 release on Xbox Gamepass of the future Ghost of Tsushima sequel than that happening.

Re: HBO's The Last of Us TV Show Reveals Key Set Photos


May watch at as a curiosity at some point. I may even find it more enjoyable as a tv show than a game.

That screenshot of the surgery room brings back memories. I stood there for 20 min hoping for an alternate ending where the doctor would just get on with the procedure and ended on a positive note. Sadly no dice.

Re: PS5 Stock Issues Could Last Into 2024 as Chip Shortages Continue


I’m sure by then the console will have enough true exclusives to make it worth buying for me. Hopefully may even have a price drop and redesign. I started playing Miles Morales on PS4 last weekend and it still looks great. The loading time improvements would be nice but if given the choice I’d rather spend £460 squids on an assortment of games.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Horizon Forbidden West?


Have only played a smidgen of the 1st game (just after that Smilodon-like machine). Didn’t really grab me and I kept on wishing I could attack with the staff more than the bow & arrow. Also the primitive look wasn’t all too appealing.

With all the hype of the second game though, I’ll probably try to go back to it; even though I’ll probably wait once again for the sequel to drop to £5 if I ever intend to buy it.

Re: Rumour: The Last of Us Remake Almost Complete, Out This Year


This is gonna be interesting. I mean the game clearly resonates with people if they feel its already worthy of a remake but it almost feels like this could be the equivalent to the Star Wars Special Edition movies where the game is remade to align with the “original vision”. And we all know how that went.

Am I gonna play this if its true? Of course not. I came out of the first game despising Ellie so much I spent most of the time imagining I could cave the little cretin’s head in with every brick I found. Playing this possible new version is likely to make me upgrade to breeze blocks and I may even damage something in the real world.

Hey, maybe they’ll delist the previous releases and say this is the “true game” and thus cause prices of the original discs to increase slightly! Then again I traded in my copy before the end credits barely had a chance to start.

Re: EA Believes Blockchain Based Games May Be Industry's Future


This just sounds like a move towards gaming becoming more like a job than something for entertainment. Something you undertake at selected times, with specified tasks and with remuneration.

Sounds fulfilling………I think I’d find flattening the worm castings in the garden more rewarding.

Re: Naughty Dog Marks 10 Years of Uncharted 3 with Special Blog Post


Probably my least-memorable Uncharted game, although may have been that I rented from Blockbuster and rushed through it to make sure I finished before returning. Also the final boss was full. I really should replay it, think I got it as a free download during a pricing hiccup years back.

2nd game remains the highlight though, only one I ever replayed.

Re: Apple Music Confirmed for PS5, Out Today


At least I don’t need to buy a Bluetooth receiver for my sound bar now.

EDIT: Somehow I misread this, I thought it had come to PS4 as well. Guess the Bluetooth receiver goes back on the wishlist; cheaper and of more value than a PS5 anyways.

Re: Apple Music Could Be Coming to PS5


I just hope they also add it to PS4. I prefer Apple Music over Spotify, but it’s annoying that it’s not on the PS4 which is connected to the sound bar. Would also save me from buying a Bluetooth receiver.

Re: Talking Point: Did PlayStation Showcase 2021 Deliver on the Hype?


Some surprises, some expecteds, some “mehs” and some “what the cauliflower cheese?”.

One thing that does disappoint me is how the art styles of many of the games shown is so similar, that when the quick fire summary video at the end is shown so many mould into each other you’d think it was all one big series bar a few.

Re: Sony Will Make You Pay Extra to Upgrade Horizon Forbidden West from PS4 to PS5


I can’t understand how in the space of a year this whole “Free Upgrade” thing has transitioned from “nice to have” to an “unquestionable essential”. I don’t recall free PS4 upgrades for all those PS3 games also released on PS4 during the last generational overlap. This “no excuse” position that Push Square seems intent on pushing is a pile of BS the size of Olympus Mons and screams of Entitlement. You want an excuse? They don’t want to, they don’t have to, they’re not obligated to give it to you, I could go on and on. You have the option to buy for whichever platform you want it for or you’re welcome to wait if you don’t have access to a PS5 yet.

The fact they seemingly originally promised a free upgrade and then changed course, is frustrating at most.

Oh and the No Disc in Collectors Editions is tone deaf stupidity. Can’t wait to hear their excuse for that one as I need a good laugh. Probably to make it appeal to their all-digital PS5 buyers.

Re: Sony Investing in External Japanese Development Group


The big question for me is did all these Japanese-developed games actually sell badly, or did they not reach incredibly high sales expectations? The Tomb Raider reboot was deemed a “failure” by Square Enix last gen for “only” selling 3.4 million copies in the first 4 weeks. I was always a bigger fan of the smaller “b-tier” games that publishers released in between their flagship titles as they tended to experiment more and less inclined to follow customer expectations (I.e. must have crafting, must have open world, must have stealth and open combat, etc).

I will reserve judgement on this statement until tangible examples become reality.

Re: Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut Is Superb, But Sony Shouldn't Be Charging Extra for PS5 Upgrade


This really be an opinion / soapbox piece; otherwise it has no right using the words “should/shouldn’t” as it’s driven totally be the author’s viewpoint.

It’s a complex argument; on the one hand publishers have been reselling upgraded releases of previous-gen games for years and you could argue that if you are creating an enhanced product, then you have every right to sell it for a price if you desire.

What has happened in this case is that other publishers have set a precedent of expectations by offering free updates. It seems Sony decided on a different path. Some see it as being greedy, others seeing as common sense business. At the end of the day, opinions and views are going to differ, but there is no “right or wrong way”.

Re: Development Takes Off on a New Ace Combat Game


AC7 felt like the shot in the arm in the series needed. Although I still feel the series’ golden era remains the PS2 era titles. Still surprises me they were never all rereleased when such collection releases were so popular.

Looking forward to the remaining AC7 DLC and the new title. Just hoping by the time it comes out the PS5 will have undergone a redesign and a price cut.