Comments 1,132

Re: Review: PS5 Pro - An Impressive Yet Inconsistent Upgrade


@SrpskaArtilerija I have my trusty old PS2 hooked up as well for occasional playthroughs of GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas. CMOS battery died and I tried replacing it but it didnt work, but it doesnt matter that much lol
Never played halflife on Playstation though

Re: Review: PS5 Pro - An Impressive Yet Inconsistent Upgrade


I got a PS4 Pro eventually, and even fitted a SSD which it amazingly lacked.., because at some point I really felt like the base model couldnt keep up with the demands of new releases. I sold my base model for a reasonable price which went into financing the Pro and eventually even sold my pro to finance the 5. So upgrading is not just sunk cost either. But at this point in time I have zero urge to upgrade. To be fair this year I switched to PC as well and my PS5 isnt getting a lot of use.

Re: PS5 Pro Announced, Costs $700 and Out in November


I got a ps5 but also went the pc route, which was about 1500 euro, because that gives you a crazy amount of options. Especially when youre into sim racing. Not sure why you'd spent 800 to play the same games at marginally better performance?

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


@DonkeyFantasy so what my partner and I do, is that we split our spendable income evenly between us. What she does, and what I believe most women do, is that she spends it on a thousand tiny things. And I, like most men, spend it on a single very expensive item once a year maybe. Either way is fine though and we never have to justify our spending to eachother

Re: Soapbox: This Is Why Physical Games Are Still Important to Me


I voted 'sometimes but only when it's cheaper', but for me it's more like I only buy digital if it's much cheaper than disc. I like owning discs for several reasons, one of them being the resell value that a digital product simply doesnt have.
The argument that it saves time changing discs doesnt fly with me. I mean, how lazy can you be. Only for pick up and play indie games I can understand this a bit if you just have 10 minutes to play a game.

Re: Two Shadow Gambit DLC Packs, Free Content Out for PS5, PS4 Today


Really really bummed to hear they're quitting as a studio. Thoroughly enjoyed Shadow Tactics and Desperados 3. Completed Shadow Tactics twice and I'm currently doing my second playthrough of Desperados to get some more badges. Genuinely great games made with a lot of care.

Didnt try shadow gambit yet but I'll probably get it at some point. The style doesnt appeal to me that much but I'm sure they make up for it with a great game underneath.

Re: Three New PS Plus Essential Games Can Be Downloaded Now


I can understand people being underwhelmed as this isnt exactly AAA material. But honestly powerwash simulator looks like fun and Sable was on my radar for a while as well. For me a good month is when I'll play at least one of the free games and it looks like this month it'll be 2.

Re: Poll: Will You Be Muting Your PS5's Beep?


I have mixed emotions about it
It does give some feedback when pressing the on button, so it would feel weird without it. It also triggers this Pavlov effect that lets your brain know its time to sit down and play some video games and enjoy yourself.
On the other hand its unnecessarely loud and attracts unwanted attention from other house members. I think the Pavlov effect on my wife is that she checks if there is some household jobs to do for me XD

Re: GTA 6 Team 'Seeking Perfection' with Long-Awaited PS5 Sequel


I'll probably play it at some point if reviews are good but I'm not excited about it like I was 10-15 years ago for a new GTA.
Maybe if they did something crazy like GTA Bangkok or something but we already know that's not the case.
And like others have said, I hope they do something about the crime system with cops spawning randomly in the desert. Or shooting your body armor while driving a car, etc.

Re: PS Plus Premium Gets Another Full Game Trial on PS5, PS4


@ROTTIEMAN16 I remember back in the 90's you had these shareware discs you could buy and they contained only demo's. So technically it's not new..
But yeah, I agree it's ridiculous that it's supposed to be some kind of privilige to try a game before you buy it. Especially with the sorry technical state a lot of games nowadays release in and the practically non-existent refund policy from Sony..

Re: Preview: Dead Island 2 Makes Up for Lost Time with Fun


looking forward to this. Good point about the looting. I really think the looting system is a gameplay mechanic that needs to be modernized. I suppose it's there for reasons like the change of pace but honestly I just find it annoying in most games. The Outer Words, Cyberpunk, Witcher, Dying Light 2, Division 2, it feels like all you are doing is looting all the time.
Surely there are other ways of doing this to make it less tedious. For example automatically scooping up loot, or pick up as 'junk' option like the Divison does, no weight limits or just for weapons.. etc etc

Re: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Crash-Lands in Nine Minutes of New Gameplay


I enjoyed the last game but for some reason I very suddenly fell off it about 2/3 of the way through. Because its a skill based game tthat progressively gets harder but its balanced as you learn more enemy routines, I feel a huge barrier to pick it up again. Maybe I should just lower the difficulty untill my muscle memory for this game returns. I am curious how it ends