Good move having Focus highlight ledges. That’s one of my pet peeves in games with climbing as it really breaks the immersion. The new Tomb Raider games were particularly bad for it with their painted boards in locations supposedly not inhabited for centuries.
Absolute tosh from my perspective. I don’t have a ps5, can’t stand UFC as a sport, and have very little interest in a piece of glorified DLC for a series I’ve never played. I’d say roll on March but it’ll mostly be the tosh then too.
If it did happen I’d imagine it would be post PS5 tbh. Given the current split in models it’s odds on that this will be the last gen with a disc drive, so that combined with PS Now and the PS/MS cloud agreement suggests steaming will play a significantly bigger roll next gen. In this light PS compatibility with Gamepass might be a non-issue.
I also think it’s highly unlikely Sony haven’t been aware of MS’s Activision intentions for some time. These things just don’t occur in a vacuum. So they’ll have been planning a response for a while, which is perhaps partly behind the move to get exclusives into PCs, along with leveraging their IPs in other media (Uncharted movie and TLOU show etc).
Wow. Without knocking any of those titles, there’s not a single one on there I have any interest in.
That said, to say that this means I don’t think this is a problem for Sony would be foolish. I’ve read similar comments from others, in particular that they only care about Sony first party exclusives, but what they don’t seem to realise is how the huge drop in revenue this deal poses will affect the budgets available to first party studios. It seems a distinct possibility that as dev costs increase the scope and scale of PS exclusives will likely decline. Maybe the new revenue from PC ports will fill the shortfall, maybe not.
If the standard subscription remains as is and at the same cost then it’s not really addressing the complaints folks have had for a good while now. Adding extra tiers with additional charges is simply adding extra tiers with additional charges. So my guess would be that the standard level is either bolstered with something extra or gets a hefty price cut in tandem with current benefits being removed (most likely the monthly games), leaving just online, cloud saves and store discounts.
Yup. RDRO’s world, gameplay and player base are much more my speed than GTA’s, and it’s pretty much the only online I do with friends, so the paltry updates, when they do materialise, are hugely frustrating.
@milktastrophe Can’t say I understand your logic there. It is a great single player game. And removing online would have literally no impact on that. I’m curious to know why you think it would, though 🤔
"If you’re coming back to Los Santos for the first time in years, then it is borderline impenetrable"
Yeah this is a major thing for me and why Red Dead Online is my R* multiplayer of choice. It doesn't get even a fraction of the updates and has plenty of its own issues, but I can go back to it after months and still have a good time, not spend it dying ad nauseum.
Sad news. To this day the game over screen of Shadow of the Beast remains one of my most emotive gaming memories, and not just because I found myself there so often (still never completed it without cheat codes!).
@MyThoughts31 Hahaha! Are you crazy? It's terrible! I couldn't take my eyes off it, a soaring firework of confusion and ineptitude. There are simply too many things wrong with it to list here, but at the core of them all is how it constantly strains to explain and justify its logic only to repell and undermine it at every turn. I just have no idea what was going on in that man's head when he made it. Just incredible 😂
@4kgk2 Yeah agreed. Bloodborne's the only From game I've gotten into and completed, largely because I far prefer that gothic style to the fantasy one of Souls and Elden Ring. Fingers crossed!
I’d say the worst thing about this is the effect it’ll have green-lighting a RDR ‘remaster’, but if this is the kind of job we can expect it’s probably better being left alone!
@Johnnycide While I’m no fan of Wahlberg, I think what you’re saying’s a bit unfair, as well as inaccurate. The guy you’re talking about wasn’t blinded by him in that fight but by a grenade long before. He’s also publicly forgiven Wahlberg, who was 16 at the time, went to prison for a bit, and resolved to change his ways as a result.
None of that forgives the lack of a moustache, of course. There’s just no escaping that.
a) Holland doesn't project Drake's cockiness whatsoever b) Sully's moustache is being given its own end-of-credits scene and c) It's hilarious that Zeppelin went from refusing to let their songs be used in films for decades to allowing all manner of terrible remixes all over the place.
Looks like a decent enough Friday night flick, that all said. But HBO's TLOU seem way more promising.
I'm probably reading too much into it, but it's interesting the statement reads "Starting in November". Suggests they'll be giving exta vr titles for more than just that one month.
Sounds good. Haven't played a Far Cry since 3 personally, so the overused template Shouldn't effect me too badly. That said, I'll probably wait until I join the PS5 club next year sometime.
At that price I wouldn't touch this without overhauled visuals, improved controls and fully re-licensed music. I very much doubt all that has been implemented, though, so I'm anticipating giving this a miss.
Been considering picking up Judgement lately so that would be a ace if it popped up. Or the final season of TT's Walking Dead since it's the only one I haven't played but equally don't have enough of a desire to fork out more than a couple of squid for.
Is there a straight forward media app yet? I don't have a 5 yet but playing movies etc off usb storage is a must for me and I remember it being ages before one was added to the 4.
Comments 559
Re: Horizon Forbidden West Makes Plenty of Quality of Life Improvements Over the Original
Good move having Focus highlight ledges. That’s one of my pet peeves in games with climbing as it really breaks the immersion. The new Tomb Raider games were particularly bad for it with their painted boards in locations supposedly not inhabited for centuries.
Re: Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection (PS5) - Still the Best Cinematic Action You'll Find on PlayStation
I replayed them all in order last year and still enjoyed Lost Legacy more than 4, so I humbly disagree it feels stale if played after ✌🏻
Re: PS Plus February 2022 PS5, PS4 Games Announced
Absolute tosh from my perspective. I don’t have a ps5, can’t stand UFC as a sport, and have very little interest in a piece of glorified DLC for a series I’ve never played. I’d say roll on March but it’ll mostly be the tosh then too.
Re: Talking Point: What PS Plus Games for February 2022 Do You Want?
Disco Elysium or Judgement would be pretty stellar.
Re: Talking Point: In Theory, Could Xbox Game Pass Come to PS5, PS4?
If it did happen I’d imagine it would be post PS5 tbh. Given the current split in models it’s odds on that this will be the last gen with a disc drive, so that combined with PS Now and the PS/MS cloud agreement suggests steaming will play a significantly bigger roll next gen. In this light PS compatibility with Gamepass might be a non-issue.
I also think it’s highly unlikely Sony haven’t been aware of MS’s Activision intentions for some time. These things just don’t occur in a vacuum. So they’ll have been planning a response for a while, which is perhaps partly behind the move to get exclusives into PCs, along with leveraging their IPs in other media (Uncharted movie and TLOU show etc).
Re: These Are the Franchises PS5, PS4 May Lose to Activision Blizzard Buyout
Wow. Without knocking any of those titles, there’s not a single one on there I have any interest in.
That said, to say that this means I don’t think this is a problem for Sony would be foolish. I’ve read similar comments from others, in particular that they only care about Sony first party exclusives, but what they don’t seem to realise is how the huge drop in revenue this deal poses will affect the budgets available to first party studios. It seems a distinct possibility that as dev costs increase the scope and scale of PS exclusives will likely decline. Maybe the new revenue from PC ports will fill the shortfall, maybe not.
Re: Poll: What's the Best Uncharted Game?
2 be honest it’s difficult 2 say which is my favourite without sounding 2 much like an obsessive with 2 much time on my hands.
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Realistically Expect from PS5, PS4's Game Pass Inspired PS Plus Reboot?
If the standard subscription remains as is and at the same cost then it’s not really addressing the complaints folks have had for a good while now. Adding extra tiers with additional charges is simply adding extra tiers with additional charges. So my guess would be that the standard level is either bolstered with something extra or gets a hefty price cut in tandem with current benefits being removed (most likely the monthly games), leaving just online, cloud saves and store discounts.
Re: Red Dead Online's Paltry PS4 Updates Continue to Frustrate Fans
Yup. RDRO’s world, gameplay and player base are much more my speed than GTA’s, and it’s pretty much the only online I do with friends, so the paltry updates, when they do materialise, are hugely frustrating.
@milktastrophe Can’t say I understand your logic there. It is a great single player game. And removing online would have literally no impact on that. I’m curious to know why you think it would, though 🤔
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408
@The_Moose Yeah, as a huge Dead Space fan 3 was such a disappointment.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408
@munkholt 😂 Well that’s just, like, so whatever 😉
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 408
Grabbed Oxenfree for 79p the other day so been playing through that. I like it, but my goodness if the characters aren’t all complete knobheads 😂
Re: Game of the Year: Video Liam's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2021
@Weebleman I don’t think it is, is it? I’m also not a rogue-lite/like fan. I was under the impression this is more Zelda-esque exploration, though…
Re: Game of the Year: Video Liam's Top 5 PS5, PS4 Games of 2021
“ corvid colleagues as they work away on their miniature typewriters”
I’m sure I can’t be the only one who read this as covid colleagues 😂
Re: The Wolf Among Us 2 Still Alive, News Next Year
@liamcroft I believe The Expanse is an Amazon show rather than Netflix.
OT, this is great news. Wolf Among Us was my favourite TT game by a country mile.
Re: Talking Point: What PS Plus Games for January 2022 Do You Want?
I imagine it’s probably worth changing the headline of these posts to “What PS Plus Leaks Do You Want?” at this point 😉
On topic, something like Judgement or Disco Elysium would get my baubles glinting.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 407
Snake on a Nokia 8210.
Re: PS5, PS4 Users Are Still the Biggest W*nkers in Gaming
And there was me thinking joystick waggling died out with the Amiga ¯(ツ)/¯
Re: Hands On: GTA Online's The Contract Adds More Compelling Content to a Creaking Classic
"If you’re coming back to Los Santos for the first time in years, then it is borderline impenetrable"
Yeah this is a major thing for me and why Red Dead Online is my R* multiplayer of choice. It doesn't get even a fraction of the updates and has plenty of its own issues, but I can go back to it after months and still have a good time, not spend it dying ad nauseum.
Re: One of the Key Figures Behind the Launch of PlayStation Has Passed Away
Sad news. To this day the game over screen of Shadow of the Beast remains one of my most emotive gaming memories, and not just because I found myself there so often (still never completed it without cheat codes!).
Re: Sony Reveals Uncharted Movie Poster
Banderas looks more like Sully than Wahlberg does! Lol
Re: Splinter Cell Remake Officially Announced, Not Open World
Hurrah! Particularly the non-open world part.
And yes, bring ol' Mikey Ironside back, which would be especially brilliant if they do end up recasting Sam's gender.
Re: PS Plus Members Get Free Fortnite Skin, Harvesting Tool
@rjejr "PlayStation. For the Mohels"
@WolfyTn Sincere apologies 😂
Re: PS Plus Members Get Free Fortnite Skin, Harvesting Tool
@rjejr Or worse - 'Foreskin harvesting tool'.
Re: Coin-Op Management Sim Arcade Paradise Teases Minigames in PS5, PS4 Trailer
@hypnotoad 100%. The 80s arcade rat in me feels the pull like a tractor beam.
Re: Movie Review: Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City - Reshuffled Reboot Misses the Mark
@MyThoughts31 Hahaha! Are you crazy? It's terrible! I couldn't take my eyes off it, a soaring firework of confusion and ineptitude. There are simply too many things wrong with it to list here, but at the core of them all is how it constantly strains to explain and justify its logic only to repell and undermine it at every turn. I just have no idea what was going on in that man's head when he made it. Just incredible 😂
Re: Movie Review: Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City - Reshuffled Reboot Misses the Mark
Well I watched The Happening the other night, so this sounds like an Oscar contender by comparison 😂
Re: New PS5 Firmware Update Is Available for Download Now
@hypnotoad Fear not, boyo, we’re a strong if dwindling tribe! Keep fighting the good fight and resist the coffee oppression to your last sip-aaaah!
Re: Rumour: PS Plus December 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Leaked Early
Mortal Shell looks cool, so happy about that. Couldn't be less interested in Godawful, though.
Re: Thymesia Is a Bit Like Bloodborne with Backflips, Coming to PS5 in 2022
@MFTWrecks The half with his pecker I guess...
Re: Best PS3 Games
Glad to see Dead Space made the cut. An absolute masterpiece of survival horror.
Re: Hands On: FromSoftware Puts Its All into Elden Ring
@4kgk2 Yeah agreed. Bloodborne's the only From game I've gotten into and completed, largely because I far prefer that gothic style to the fantasy one of Souls and Elden Ring. Fingers crossed!
Re: GTA Trilogy's Rain Is Giving Fans a Headache
I’d say the worst thing about this is the effect it’ll have green-lighting a RDR ‘remaster’, but if this is the kind of job we can expect it’s probably better being left alone!
Re: New PS Store Sale Throws PS4 Games in the Bargain Bin
I've already got the original Catherine but might have to pip for Full Body at that price. Excellent puzzle game.
Re: PS Plus November 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced
@Jacko11 Your monthly entitlement comments are more tiresome than the complaints tbh
Re: Talking Point: Did You Enjoy Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream?
Little Devil Inside looks brilliant.
We Are OFK made me want to scoop out my eyes and tear off my ears.
Re: Rumour: Mafia: Definitive Edition, Celeste Coming to PS Now
Was just mulling over the PS Now offer and I’ve never played the first Mafia, so given the likelihood of this being true I think I’ll give it a whirl.
Re: Talking Point: State of Play - What Do You Want to See?
Highly unlikely, but I’d love to see an update of some sort on The Callisto Protocol.
Re: Mini Review: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes (PS5) - The Best Game in the Series So Far
@johncalmc Genuinely grade-A wordplay, man 😆 If it was the only thing you wrote all year I’d still say you’ve earned yourself a raise!
Re: Mini Review: The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes (PS5) - The Best Game in the Series So Far
Haven’t read the review yet, but that is an outstanding sub-header. Bravo 👏🏻👏🏻
Re: The Uncharted Movie Trailer Is Finally Here
@Johnnycide While I’m no fan of Wahlberg, I think what you’re saying’s a bit unfair, as well as inaccurate. The guy you’re talking about wasn’t blinded by him in that fight but by a grenade long before. He’s also publicly forgiven Wahlberg, who was 16 at the time, went to prison for a bit, and resolved to change his ways as a result.
None of that forgives the lack of a moustache, of course. There’s just no escaping that.
Re: The Uncharted Movie Trailer Is Finally Here
My main takeaways:
a) Holland doesn't project Drake's cockiness whatsoever
b) Sully's moustache is being given its own end-of-credits scene
and c) It's hilarious that Zeppelin went from refusing to let their songs be used in films for decades to allowing all manner of terrible remixes all over the place.
Looks like a decent enough Friday night flick, that all said. But HBO's TLOU seem way more promising.
Re: PS Plus November 2021 Lineup Will Include Three Bonus PSVR Games
@Milktastrophe Ah, that's a good point. Most likely that, yeah.
Re: PS Plus November 2021 Lineup Will Include Three Bonus PSVR Games
I'm probably reading too much into it, but it's interesting the statement reads "Starting in November". Suggests they'll be giving exta vr titles for more than just that one month.
Re: Far Cry 6 (PS5) - The Best Game in the Series, Sort Of
Sounds good. Haven't played a Far Cry since 3 personally, so the overused template Shouldn't effect me too badly. That said, I'll probably wait until I join the PS5 club next year sometime.
Re: GTA Trilogy Could Be Pretty Pricey on PS5, PS4
At that price I wouldn't touch this without overhauled visuals, improved controls and fully re-licensed music. I very much doubt all that has been implemented, though, so I'm anticipating giving this a miss.
Re: Mini Review: Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (PS5) - Featuring Absolutely No Trace of Doug
I'll have the Doug theme running around my head all day now...
Which is ace!
Re: Jim Ryan to Discuss PlayStation's Past and Gaming's Future in Fireside Chat
@JustPlainLoco I have seen him do all of these things. And while blithely drinking Snapple to boot. Disgraceful.
Re: Talking Point: What PS Plus Games for October 2021 Do You Want?
Been considering picking up Judgement lately so that would be a ace if it popped up. Or the final season of TT's Walking Dead since it's the only one I haven't played but equally don't have enough of a desire to fork out more than a couple of squid for.
Re: Sony Has a Long List of 'Interesting, Exciting, Fantastic Ideas' for Future PS5 Firmware Updates
Is there a straight forward media app yet? I don't have a 5 yet but playing movies etc off usb storage is a must for me and I remember it being ages before one was added to the 4.