Comments 576

Re: Saints Row May Be Free on PS Plus Soon, But Its Developer Is No More


Hope everyone falls on their feet here but honestly, a studio worthy of death.

Hopefully we'll get some insider scoops at some point, assuming a poorly managed teams of talented individuals.

They've legitimately never made a game better than a 7/10 (Saints 2, Saints 3), their lows are low (agents of mayhem and gat out of hell are straight trash).

Saints 4 and Gat out of hell I found insulting. Lazily made games exploiting old assets and maps to try and spin a quick buck.

Not tried the reboot but assuming it was the straw that broke the camels back, not the whole reason

Re: When Is Gamescom Opening Night Live?


Think this will just be a promo reel for announced games for Holiday 2023, and announcement dates for any existing titles that will launch in the window and havent had day and dates established yet.

Love to be surprised by something cool though but I just dont see it happening

Re: All of a Sudden, High on Life Is Out Now on PS5, PS4


@Vorflynn suspect this is the reason. I think sometimes you can skirt controversy fairly without a big pushback but is studio made the game, he wrote it and he's voicing a significant amount of the characters also. Just hard to promote it without tacitly mentioning his role in it. A shadow drop is the correct move

Re: Preview: Ignore the Snark, Foamstars Is Good



These games will struggle to find an audience it seems, even if they're good.

You have to:
1. Drag players away from their current live service, which they may have been playing for years at this point
2. Get them to even think yours is worth trying, as on first glance a lot of them look identical.