Comments 122

Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain


@Sakai well said and yet gone after mere minutes.

@get2sammyb @DreamlandGem feedback isn't unconstructive just because you don't like what's being said. And if your issue is with the way it's being said, then perhaps reflect on that; the way something was said - by supposed professionals, no less - is why you received the feedback in the first place

Re: Sorry Xbox, But Even PS Portal Is Outselling You in Spain



Headline is a bit fanboy like surely? The facts may well be true, but I dunno maybe tone it back a little? Just going to encourage the usual console wars.

Good luck trying to get PS and PX to stop baiting arguments between fanboys. They're quite happy to fan the flames. It's either an SEO thing or they have a "banned for flaming/arguing" monthly quota they need to meet ðŸĪĢ

Re: Players Point Out Destiny 2's New Crossover Cosmetics Probably Cost More Than The Witcher 3 and All Its DLC


The madness won't end. Yes, us rational level-headed people would never even entertain the idea of paying ÂĢ17/$20 for an in-game cosmetic. However, the reason companies feel like they can get away with charging these sorts of prices for microtransactions is... well, they can. Enough people are obviously paying these prices on a regular enough basis, or the prices would go down.

It's not right, but it's the sad truth. As people more attuned to games we can vote with our wallets and not buy this stuff, but we're outnumbered exponentially by casual gamers - who maybe just play free-to-play live service games - who have no issue spending ridiculous amounts of money on cosmetic microtransactions.

Re: Xbox Almost Flashed Its Cash At Warner Bros, Sees Nintendo As the Holy Grail


@get2sammyb @x3King84

What’s the point of this article now.

My thoughts exactly. If Push Square is going to continue to publish this sort of article, maybe they shouldn't try and pass it off as "news"? Any news outlet worth a damn is supposed to be impartial and unbiased, not spout opinion and stoke fanboyish rallying for or against a specific company. Poor show, Push Square.

Edit: I'll just add, before anyone accuses me of anything, that Pure Xbox is just as bad, but in the opposite direction. Over there, they're simping over Phil Spencer and Xbox can do no wrong and everything Microsoft does is "fantastic for the industry".

Re: Yet Another Live Service Game Is Shutting Down After Just One Year


Live service games aren't inherently bad or without merit. The problem is that - as others have said - the grind and time investment required to get the most out of the vast majority of games is massive.

And your average person will not have the time to play and/or grind out more than one live service game at a time. I'm in this boat. I play Destiny 2, and it's a big time investment, plus there are other games (single-player or playing with Mrs. Markatron84) that I want to play, so I have avoided most other live service games not because they're bad but because I just don't have the time.

If you're not one of the big pre-established games/franchises, successfully breaking into and sustaining your position in the live service market is nigh-on impossible.

Re: Xbox Boss Wishy-Washy on Whether The Elder Scrolls 6 Will Come to PS6, PS5


Can we not all just accept that console exclusives exist? Companies do deals with other companies. Companies outright buy other companies. Microsoft does it. Sony does it. Everyone does it and has been doing it for decades. Playstation fans don't get Xbox exclusives. Xbox fans don't get Playstation exclusives. The absolute d*ckheadery that comes out of fans from both camps is legitimately insufferable - yes, you're mad you can't play a thing; deal with it - and both Pure Xbox and Push Square stoke the arguements and toxicity with their lopsided and pandering "reporting".

Re: When Is Ubisoft Forward 2023?


I have never had any interest in Avatar; I've not seen either of the films. However, after The Division and its sequel, I'm interested in Frontiers of Pandora purely based on the fact that Massive is developing it.