Comments 122

Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?


Spider-Man 2 aside, in regards to first-party releases, this presentation was a big fat nothing-burger. Sorry, but wasn't this supposed to "fill PlayStation fans in on the next era of PS5", or something to that effect? Damn, I don't even have a PS5 and that was depressing to watch.

Re: Sony Won't Back Down on PC Ports, But PS5 Is the Priority


Even as someone who plays solely on PC, I'm happy to wait 2-3 years for PS5 exclusives to make their way to PC. I transitioned from console to PC to give myself access to the biggest pool of games (basically anything that isn't Nintendo) possible without the need to own multiple machines. If I have to wait a while to play some of those games, that's fine; it's not like there's nothing else to do. As long as the ports are good, Sony can take its time.

Re: Horizon Vocalist Receives Abuse Over the Use of Her Voice


Love is love, no matter your gender or sexual orientation. But in all seriousness, how dare this vocalist with neither influence over nor power to change the plot of this game ruin the Horizon series? 🙄

These sorts of people just continue to prove that there's no such thing as an intelligent bigot 👍

Re: Another Game as a Service on PS5 Is Being Abandoned


@AFCC don't be so quick to celebrate the death of live service games. Games as a service is only the latest in a long line of (potentially) scummy initiatives for publishers to squeeze more money out of consumers (and to cripple the used game market before that). Over the years we've had online multiplayer passes, DLC season passes, battle passes, microtransactions, loot boxes, games as a service... If games as a service dies out completely (which I don't think it will), something equally as - or more - predatory and scummy is 100% guaranteed to replace it.

Re: Oh No, the Bloodborne Remake Rumours Have Returned


I would assume that if this is true (which it probably isn't), it'd be Bluepoint who'd be tasked with making it happen? I'd definitely be down for Bloodborne remake, but part of me can't help but hold out hope that Sony lets Bluepoint loose on a potential Bloodborne 2.

Re: Fans Begin to Debate Which PlayStation Franchise Could Be Getting an Anime


Gravity Rush would be cool.

However, Bloodborne or we riot.

@Majed there was supposed to be a Sly Cooper CG animated film a good few years ago. There was even a teaser trailer for it, but the film never materialised.

@Edmilson6 Soul Sacrifice! I'd forgotten all about that. I put hundreds of hours into the vanilla game and Delta. This would definitely be my second choice.

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


@GADG3Tx87 bought expansions/content for Destiny on one platform don't transfer to other platforms. Saves/characters do.

If anyone's taking anything hostage already, it's Sony; demanding contracts and assurances way beyond the typical third party publisher agreement.

What Jim fails to see is that of course MS will keep renewing the COD contract with PlayStation. It's a massive franchise that they'll continue to see revenue from; this is why MS hasn't revoked PlayStation players' access to things like Minecraft, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 76, etc, because they'll see a constant revenue stream from them even if it's on a rival platform.

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


@GADG3Tx87 that's different. In Microsoft's defence, they've left all existing games that they now own on PlayStation; games with pre-existing communities. What you're saying is: pull a pre-existing game that people are already playing and have paid money for from a rival console, which isn't comparable to potentially making future Call of Duty games exclusive.

Re: PlayStation Bites Back At 'Inadequate' Call of Duty Offer from Microsoft


I would expect the usual contract between Sony and Activision Blizzard is to put Call of Duty games on PlayStation for three years, then after that three years the contract gets looked at again and renewed. What Jim Ryan is scared of is that Microsoft won't renew the contract when the time comes, and he's essentially angling for Microsoft to put in writing that Call of Duty will remain on PlayStation consoles indefinitely. But I guarantee no other contract between a platform holder and third party publisher works that way.