Comments 3,335

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Dragon's Dogma 2?


Definitely an 8 out of 10 for me. Beside the performance issues the story just falls apart as we get to battahl and the characters are practically never given any time to develop. The gameplay on the other hand is some of the best I have ever played, traveling, fighting bosses, mix and matching your pawns, this game does journeys better than any other game out there. The limiting of fast traveling and the loss gauge really helped with this and I know people will whine about that because, "I hate that I can't fast travel all the time."

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


@DennisReynolds Yeah I can agree on that a little, but it's just you encounter them practically every 10 seconds where if the enemy encounters were spread out more I don't think people would nearly have this much talk about the lack of enemy variety. Although I am surprised that there is not a single bear out in anywhere in Vermond.

Re: Not Everyone Is in Love with Dragon's Dogma 2 on PS5


@DennisReynolds Thank you for letting me know. There are flaws for sure though, like they could easily lower the enemy density a bit, it's gotten to the point where sometimes enemies will literally pop in front of my face. And the story is just... okay? I like the choice making so far but it hasn't really wowed me with its narrative and there is no character in the game besides maybe Sven that I really cared about. Other than that I love the game, I have been playing the crap out of it and just got to the ending fight.

Re: Documentary Details the Creation of PS5's Critically Acclaimed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


@add286 An 8/10 is still a great score, don't see what there is to complain about. For me it's lower because the ubisoft checklist open world and the mandatory mini games got tedious and unfun to the point where I took a break at Chapter 11 because I didn't want to go back to the Golden Saucer. Playing Dragon's Dogma 2 after it and I am actually having fun exploring an open world game again and have been binging the hell out of it.

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 Players Discover Working Trebuchets, Secret Areas


The creepiest thing in this game is the dragons talking to you. I had one moment where I saw one sitting and was pretty close, but I needed to get back to Vermund. One moment later of walking away and I hear "You are on the right path Arisen" or "You cannot escape your fate" and I got so scared because I thought that there was a drake on top of me.

Re: Capcom Responds to Dragon's Dogma 2 Microtransaction, Performance Backlash


@TruestoryYep The only major issue I encountered was NPCs popping in front of me and some low dips here and there. That wasn't enough for it to ruin my experience or make it unplayable because I am genuinely having a lot of fun with the game. Something like the launch of Cyberpunk on the other hand would be an entirely different experience though(And I bought it at launch too) missing features, basic mechanics, broken promises such as dynamic events, and buggy mess for console. That was a game that was not worthy of being GOTY no matter what.

For microtransactions no one is really "defending" it it's just that everything in the store is so quick and easy to obtain in game that you quickly forget that it is there. Should they be there? Absolutely not, it is a single player game.

Re: Capcom Responds to Dragon's Dogma 2 Microtransaction, Performance Backlash


The microtransactions are whatever, couldn't give a crap less about it. Like seriously everything you see in microtransactions can be obtained within less than 3 hours of the game. The performance on PC on the other hand is unforgivable. I was watching a stream of Critikal playing it and it would rarely get past the character customization screen before crashing numerous times. Im playing on PS5 and the only performance issue is just seeing npcs in cities pop directly in front of you which I don't even understand how that got past testing. Besides that though DD2 is so far GOTY for me, incredibly immersive, practically no hand holding, and the closest I'm gonna get to having a next gen Capcom Monster Hunter game until Wilds is here.

Re: Next Final Fantasy 16 Patch Makes Side Quests Quicker, Adds Ability Loadouts, and More


@Bloodeye Anything can sound like the worst thing ever when you oversimplify it to its very basics. For example: All you do in FF7 Rebirth is walk around in the open world and just do mini games and watch cutscenes, this game is just a mini game simulator and is the worst FF game ever. See?
I'm not saying FF16 doesn't have flaws, but there are better ways of giving criticism such as side quests needing to have much more variation or the game needing to be harder than it currently is. FF16 is fantastic to me because of its focus on its fun and simple action combat system, its cinematic eikon bossfights, and heavy focus on story that it does incredibly well.