Comments 3,335

Re: Slitterhead Dated for 8th November on PS5, PS4 in First Gameplay Trailer


@PuppetMaster I've played and finished 1 and some of 2. Gravity Rush is a lot more fluid animations in comparison to this. Some jank is fine but this has a lot in its combat which isn't good. When I'm playing an action game I do not want it to feel stiff and weightless. Im hoping by the time it comes out it will be somewhat more polished.

Re: Slitterhead Dated for 8th November on PS5, PS4 in First Gameplay Trailer


@PuppetMaster No, I've played Gravity Rush and it was definitely more fluid than this. Just delay it and improve upon the janky parts of the game. Also just because this is a unique game doesn't mean it's somehow devoid of criticism. The mind jacking looks interesting and cool and the monster designs look awesome, but those animations need to be more polished especially when it is an action game.

Re: Concord PS5, PC Will Reportedly Require a PSN Account to Play


@trev666 I was slightly interested in this game because before, the teaser trailer looked like it was gonna be its own No Man's Sky and man was I incredibly disappointed after finding out what it really was in the reveal trailer. A crappy 5v5 hero shooter with generic quirky Marvel humor.

Re: Monster Hunter Wilds Gets First Gameplay, Looks Like the Evolution of World


@arsmolinarc I don't mind open world if it's done right like Dragon's Dogma 2 and Elden Ring, but unfortunately not a whole lot are like that where it is icons all over the map and in game. I don't think this will be a open world game though. They never mention open world a single time here and in the trailer we can see the hunter using an SOS flare which probably means that we still have a hub to go back to. The only things that do sound like it is is seamless quest starting, surprises around every corner, and it being dynamic. For right now we will just have to wait until it is possibly confirmed in the Summer Game Fest.

Re: Stellar Blade PS5 Quietly Adds Uncensored New Costumes in Controversy Aftermath


@wiiware It's just how are you gonna say that unironically when we have outfits that are more revealing than those outfits, especially when we have the skin suit, Racer outfit, and even some of dresses that shows Eve's bare ass? Your logic is just weird. Lets not forget about the female guards that you fight that arguably have much more revealing cleavage than Eve's outfits. If Sony was out to censor this game they would've done it with every single outfit and never give you a way to actually see it by moving the camera around. It's pretty clear that the "censorship" was just stylistic choices and not forced.