Comments 3,335

Re: Final Fantasy XVI: The Rising Tide (PS5) - A Fantastic Sendoff for Square's Action RPG


@PinderSchloss Come on man you're not even trying to make a good argument here. Lol "This feels like punishment for not waiting to buy the complete edition for the same price"

Once again personal problem, no one else's fault but yours because you're impatient for... whatever reason despite knowing that devs have done complete editions for how long? More than a decade that's for sure.

"But go ahead and get screwed over by greedy companies if that's your thing"

Sounds like that's already your thing judging by this particular statement, "but apparently I had to pay 95€ for another 10 hours of ‘follow the marker and tap square’"

When exactly were you ever told you "had" buy the DLC? Neither of the DLCs affect the story, ending, nor do they even affect any of the gameplay.

Re: Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide DLC Is Designed to Be More Challenging


@Nem No I can't make it a call for every player but considering that the majority of players in both FF16 and Dragon's Dogma 2 are pointing out the difficulty is too easy(And even CBU 3 calls it out that they made FF16 too easy) in their games shows that the most players like a challenging experience and that an easy experience will make it boring.

Re: Final Fantasy 16: The Rising Tide DLC Is Designed to Be More Challenging


@Nem If a game wasn't challenging it wouldn't be fun. It would be very boring as that would not encourage players to try different abilities, try different loadouts, try to actually learn the enemy's movesets. Like look at Dragon's Dogma 2 once you get to around rank 30, you're destroying most of the enemies without much effort. I don't care to change anything about my loadout unless it's a new weapon and that's it because I'm killing every mob I see in one or two hits.

Re: Despite Hype, Analyst Says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth 'Underperforming'


@B0udoir Yeah that's definitely an issue that needs to be resolved. If games actually go up a $100 in a few more gens just for a game to last 10 to 20 hours then they're gonna lose a lot of money. I don't want these super highly graphical games(Not that I care much about graphics anyways) if prices are to go up more and more.

Re: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Expected to Release Around 2027, Says Square Enix


@NEStalgia You sure are one big negative nancy making an issue out of nothing other than impatience. If they were really trying to milk it they would've gone and made it into 5 or 10 parts but no because they knew the rule of 3. Also it is not like Square Enix doesn't have multiple teams working on Final Fantasy games which is how we got FF16 from CBU 3.