Comments 3,335

Re: New Elden Ring Patch 1.13 Buffs Skills and Summons, Weapon Types Better


@tangyzesty I've been having fun with it, but the rewards for exploring was definitely ruining my experience for me. Why am I still getting level 1 smithing stones when the DLC is near the end of the game. And as much as I like Elden Ring(I think it is amazing) it is making me miss the old games because I am so tired of getting crafting materials and cook books.

Re: The First Descendant Draws a Massive 10 Million Players in First Week


@FinneasGH Yeah whenever I played TFD I just felt like I could be playing Warframe that feels better to play. You have better mobility options, better melee options(And especially when it changes the way the combos work on each of the melee weapons depending on the mod that you get), and a more interesting story to it. Genuinely if the grappling hook for TFD actually had physics to it and let me around with it, shoot while grappling, while flying off of it I would've forgiven the lack of a slide and dive mechanic.

Re: The First Descendant (PS5) - A Mindless and Repetitive Grind


@Mortal Your comment reads as if you spent $20 bucks on the game and trying to justify through a very biased view. I've played enough of it to realize that it is a very dull, repetitive and straight up a worse version of Warframe. The loot never feels that special or different because you constantly get millions upon millions of the same weapons with just slightly higher stats.

Gameplay is very disappointing as you can't slide, the AI is pure trash, and the grappling hook that should to feel great to use feels like absolute garbage. You can't fly off of it, you can't shoot while you're using it, and you can't swing with it. The only thing you can do is grapple onto someone to melee them but even that feels like trash. Lets not even get started on the monetization that Nexon so DESPERATELY wants you to pay for as there's loads and loads of expensive and greedy monetization.

Re: The First Descendant (PS5) - A Mindless and Repetitive Grind


I gave up on it as soon as I noticed how bad the AI was. The AI will either walk very slowly towards you as they shoot at you or they will charge at you to melee you. The snipers won't even reposition when they are clearly being shot at, they will sit there trying to hit you. It got so boring that I was starting to fall asleep playing it. Genuinely makes me appreciate Destiny 2's AI more even though that one is still bad but at least they still put up a fight compared to this.

Re: Bleach: Rebirth of Souls Announced for PS5, PS4, and Yes, It's an Arena Fighter


2 negatives I have to say about it. One is that it is another arena fighter and two is the immensely disappointing lack of blood. An anime and manga that is known to be brutal(And especially in TYBW) the blood is just non existent here. Not very excited for this and especially when it looks like the developer behind the Naruto games and Kakarot isn't working on it.