Comments 188

Re: ANTHEM Trailer Causes Controversy with Mocked PlayStation Prompts


I'm not really interested in watching it if it's not running on the PS4 because if you have seen it already via the Xbox E3 showcase then you have seen it already, it's pointless. When it's showcased running on PS4 hardware then I'll check it out. It's misleading in that it has been posted on a Playstation channel yet it is not representative of what to expect on the PS4, anyway the game looks like it has potential and personally the only thing that caught my eye from the Xbox E3 showcase. Hopefully we get some genuine PS4 footage soon.

Re: Sony: Our Exclusives Are Big on Character and Story


One of the many reasons I have been playing on the playstation consoles since PS1, 2, 3 and now 4, the games have matured with me and have kept me interested by offering me intelligent and entertaining experiences. If you want to play mindless games where you just run around blowing stuff up then the other companies/platforms have plenty of that, I won't call any names. I'm not 9 years old anymore, one the best things sony did was make the dualshock controller bigger, it fits so much better in your hands.

I played through Horizon Zero Dawn with no fath or fuss, no connection errors, didn't have to wait for friends to log on and help me with missions, nothing like that to worry about I just enjoyed the game, felt like the good old days of gaming.

Re: Review: Get Even (PS4)


@LiamCroft ''The soundtrack is another area where it’s clear that some thought was spent, but to the point where the audio can actually become overwhelming. It does a good job of creating tension and a foreboding atmosphere, but all too often it actually takes things too far and bleeds too many sounds into an auditory mess.'' Well it was mixed and designed in Auro3D for Auro3D sound systems, where you can have hundreds of audio objects operating at any given time. You won't get the audio separation originally intended on a stereo system (2 speakers)

Re: Lara Croft's Latest Game Shadow of the Tomb Raider Seemingly Leaked


I don't know why but Microsoft always pulls that crap with titles I grew up playing and have a connection with. Ace Combat 6 (which never released anywhere else) and then Tomb Raider for a whole year! Played Ace Combat 2,3,4,5 & zero on PS1 & PS2 and was having a blast, along comes Microsoft and the fun is over! Still haven't played Ace Combat 6 to this day. Please go and invest in some new first party studios and leave my favorite games alone Microsoft! lol

Re: E3 2017: Take Off with 10 Minutes of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown


I would expect no less from Project Aces and Unreal Engine, they have always pushed the envelope with each release of the original Ace Combat games. This title is at the top of my to play list. It's crazy and beautiful how far the game has come visually from what I remember from Ace Combat 2 on PS1 and the other titles.

Re: E3 2017: Sony Actually Went and Made Knack Good


@Enuo Exactly, it's a classic style game, brought back memories of playing PS1 & PS2 games. Everyone is so consumed by the current standards of games that they forget their roots. One of the goals for the game was to make players reminisce about the good old days of PS1 & PS2 games and it does just that. Not many games offer local co-op these days, my wife and I enjoyed it!!!

Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X


@BAMozzy lol true, my atmos setup is catching dust that's all lol especially with Atmos and DTS X skipping many Blurays in favor of their UHD Bluray counterparts and just slapping a regular and FREE DTS-HD 7.1 audio track on the regular Bluray disc. Games are the ultimate and perfect platform for this technology though because of how dynamic game audio is. Microsoft has seen the potential of these audio technologies and have capitalized on them, Sony seem like they could care less at the moment.

Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X


@kyleforrester87 It's not about power it's about keeping up with current technologies such as Dolby Atmos and UHD Bluray. those two things have nothing to do with running at 60FPS or textures. If you are not a audiophile or movie enthusiast you wouldn't understand but I can appreciate that most gamers don't think about the audio, they are mostly focused on graphics but I like to appreciate the entire gaming experience as a whole.

Re: E3 2017: Sony Welcomes the Arrival of Xbox One X


From a technology stand point, it's almost like the Xbox and PS4 consoles are taking turns at sucking. Sony had it's ''fun in the sun'' now it's Microsoft's turn. Just my personal opinion. Even if 50% of gamers don't care about playing UHD BLURAY movies, all gamers should care about a great /superior audio experience or at least I should hope so, sound is 50% of the experience after all and visuals are the other 50%.

If you can't hear or see anything their is no gameplay, no story ect... at the very least Sony needs to match Xbox with object based audio support for games via Dolby Atmos or DTS X. I'm not a big fan of gaming headphones, I prefer a home cinema setup but this is something that will enhance the gaming experience for everyone regardless of if they are using headphones are a AVR system.

Re: Poll: Has Xbox One X Left You Feeling Green with Envy?


Still no new and interesting exclusives with deep narratives, especially for more mature gamers. They have shot them selves in the foot by having the ''exclusives'' available on PC as well, it defeats the entire purpose of attracting interest in a specific product. The only game that looked interesting was Anthem but looking closely it's not doing anything extra special graphically. PS4 will still hold it's own. They mentioned Dolby Atmos but did not go into detail about it or mention what games will support it lol i don't know....

Re: PS4 Firmware Update 4.70 Is Available to Download Now


Media Player updates to support DTS, DTS-HD and DOLBY TrueHD multi-channel audio as well as DSD music support. Realtime audio & video bitrate info at the top of the screen like how it was on PS3 along with being able to read AVCHD folder structures, ISO backups of Blurays with full menu support. The ability to select the audio track on a video for videos that have two or more audio tracks. I know this next one is a bit of a long shot but a gamer can dream lol... Firmware update removing error correction code and thus allowing the Bluray Drive to read UHD Blurays. I know sony has said it's not something they can do blah blah but big companies have reputations of saying it's impossible then doing it.

Re: There's One Xbox Scorpio Feature PS4 Pro Needs to Steal Soon


I'm only kidding myself, as big of an audiophile as I am when it comes to sound mixing in movies, games and music I would not jump ship (PS4) and buy an xbox, they simply don't make exclusives that appeal to me. At the core of everything games need to be fun, captivating and immersive, in every way. Can't even justify a move like that based on the 4K UHD Bluray drive.

Re: There's One Xbox Scorpio Feature PS4 Pro Needs to Steal Soon


@get2sammyb Yeah I got a bit carried away lol but seriously if a product doesn't have the features a consumer wants they will go elsewhere to get said features, Just look at the initial stark differences between PS4 & XboxOne sales. I want to see sony continue to do well and continue making the exclusives I like.

Re: There's One Xbox Scorpio Feature PS4 Pro Needs to Steal Soon


Those aren't the only things they should be looking to steal, Dolby Atmos support for games would be well received in the Home Cinema Gaming community. Also DTS: X support, another object based 3D audio solution. Both of these solutions also work with any pair of headphones. Come on sony, you better have the best E3 ever planned, no pressure....

Re: PlayStation VR Can Act as a Screen for All of Your PS4 Games


I wonder what screen sizes will be available for the cinematic mode, 120 inches or a IMAX sized screen? and will it be compatible with the PS4 media player?... Hopefully they will have virtual rooms available of different sizes, colors and design themes with varying screen sizes and customizable options available. A Home Cinema VR space and a larger public Cinema VR space.

Re: Soapbox: Why PlayStation VR Has Me Cautiously Optimistic


If you are watching a film in a VR Cinema the screen will be bigger than any screen you have in your house already (think IMAX size) due to space limitations in the real world, whether it's a 80'' TV or Projector the image can only be as big as your wall allows. You will be able to watch 2D and 3D movies. Stop being such negative idiots and just try it for your self. Use your imagination in a positive way and have some vision for crying out loud.... Also 360 movies would be amazing, having the freedom to look where you want rather than being forced to look where the Director wants you to look. VR can give you the sensation of travelling at high speeds, standing at great heights, being upside down ect.. all while being sat perfectly still in the real world. You get all of that for probably £249 - £299 No 4K TV or Projector will be able to give you that, I rest my case.

Re: Ace Combat 7's Going to Look, Er, Ace on PS4


All the naysayers here obviously never played Ace Combat 2,3,4,5 or zero. Assault Horizon is not what traditional Ace Combat is about or feels like; Ace Combat 7 seems to be taking the series back to it's roots. Unreal Engine and a few other graphics engines such as the Cry Engine have been optimized for VR so don't worry about the graphics, watch the trailer and see for your self.