Comments 678

Re: We're Nearing a Year Since the Last Major PlayStation Press Conference


I know the journalists in the industry are desperate for a constant stream of click bait... bait and what's next info, but I've had a great year with the PS5 and I'm personally enjoying a bit of down time and the switch's turn to give out some new releases.

It would be nice to know more about new games, but with Metroid Dread, Advance Wars, No More Heroes 3 and Shin Megami Tensai 3, followed by Elden Ring in the new year, I don't really need to know anything else for the next six months at least.

Re: Rumour: Sony Planning More Expensive PS Plus Option That Could Include Crunchyroll


As someone who does like anime I have no interest in this unless it's added to the existing sub. How much time do they think people have? It's at a point where they'll be competing with themselves for our attention. I barely have enough time to play one of the + games every month alongside the games I buy on PS4/5 and Switch.

I think they would need to lower advertising to a more reasonable level in the free version for me to even consider spending some of my time on Crunchyroll.

Re: Upcoming PS5, PS4 Games for August and September 2021


It's all about the switch for the rest of 2021. It's crazy that Sony doesn't have anything on offer to look forward to for the holidays. Not that I'm complaining mind, I've got plenty to play and Deathloop should be about £20 24 hours after release.

Re: PS Plus August 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Leaked by Sony


Noticing these free to play online games are starting to creep in more often now. I'd rather they didn't bother to be honest.

I do wish Sony would offer a bigger selection over a year and let us pick a few games games each month or something. I just want a couple of small digital only indie games that look interesting, but I would never pay money for and I'd be happy.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony's Latest State of Play Livestream Any Good?


@Blackjay Have you played Demon's Souls? You have to go back to your body to pick up your stuff lost on death and you are invaded by another player trying to stop you beating the boss. Tightly designed areas that have unlocking shortcuts each time you play. Sound familiar?

I suppose to your credit it is more that the design has been lifted and not the mechanics, so I changed my original comment to express this.

Re: Death Stranding Director's Cut Dated for 24th September


Do they seriously expect us to buy every game again? This is really getting out of hand. Buying any game first time round seems like a mug's game now. I was about halfway through the PS4 version and looking forward to picking it up again on PS5, but now I just feel like an idiot for buying in the first time round.

Re: Mini Review: A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS5) - Rats a Good Next-Gen Upgrade


I enjoyed this game, the only thing that annoyed me was that you couldn't choose to have the French characters speak French and English ones speak English. It's either one or the other so either the heroes or villains are not speaking their native language. A minor nitpick really, but they've recorded the voices for both so it would be an easy option to add and would help the immersion a lot for me.

Re: State of Play Livestream Confirmed for Thursday, Featuring Deathloop


Poor old Deathloop, everyone knows it's going to be a good game, but we also know it'll be on sale for £20 in a few months too. It's funny, if they had waited to announce it and this presentation was the first time I'd heard or seen anything about the game I'd probably be more likely to buy it on release. As it is, it already feels like an old game that I'm a bit sick off hearing about.

Re: Reaction: Messy Ghost of Tsushima Upgrade Makes PS5 for the Payers


At this point just move on. I'm so tired of this constant desire to string out previous releases. It really doesn't affect me really cause I got my fill and don't want any more, but it's a shame to see them carry on dragging out every release with updates and extra bits and pieces. Meh, I'm getting old I think, I like a complete experience that starts and ends with the possibility of another complete sequel at some point that evolves and improves the original down the line.

Ghosts of Tsushima was good, but the last thing I want is just more of the same. That was the fundamental problem with the original release.

Re: PS Plus July 2021 PS5, PS4 Games Announced


I wish they'd stop chucking in Call of Duty games, I've got so many of them now and I'm not interested. Anyone who is buys them every year anyway, so it just feels like a papering over the cracks really. With the amount of microtransactions they should all be free anyway.

Re: Deal: Returnal, Demon's Souls, Spider-Man in PS5 Weekend Sale


@Titntin it's not so much that I care what others think, it's more that if it was to come up in conversation I would feel embarrassed to say that I'd spent this much money on a game. It makes me realise I've passed a point of what I think I should spend on a piece of entertainment.

Even my best mate who works as a designer at a fairly big studio is like "How much!" When I told him how much I paid for a Ratchet and Clank game and he works in the industry.

Re: Deal: Returnal, Demon's Souls, Spider-Man in PS5 Weekend Sale


Seems like Sony are creating a lot of bad vibes with their pricing this generation. I know they want more for each game, but the last thing you want when people buy your products is to feel like they've been done and constantly have how much they've spent at the back of their minds whilst using it.

I did enjoy Ratchet and Clank, but I spent the whole time playing it thinking "I've paid too much for this game." and that cost me £55 with some store credit applied. Even as someone who can afford games at these prices, I'm a little embarrassed about how much I've spent on some of them and would actually keep it a secret from a lot of people I know cause they would be shocked if I told them.

Re: PS5, PS4's Elden Ring Is 'Very Difficult But Can Be Handled'


Not this again, haha. The difficulty is built into Miyazaki's games. There has always been an 'easy' mode, calling friends for co-op, wearing certain armour, focusing on strength builds with high vitality etc.

When people ask for an easy option what they are really asking for is a win button or invincibility. At that point you might as well watch a play through on YouTube.

Re: Poll: Did E3 2021 Suck?


I was too busy enjoying Ratchet and Clank to notice it was even happening. Metroid 5 and Advance Wars reboot will be amazing though, very excited for them and Elden Ring of course.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Sony released a big title over the E3 weekend. Honestly, I'd much rather get a quality game to play while all the posturing goes on than sit through a bunch of CG trailers for games two years away then check out the highlights later on.

Re: All Five Shantae Games Are Hair-Whipping PS5, Including the Game Boy Color Original


Pirate's curse of one of those bizarre anomalies where the Switch lrg version is selling for hundreds or even thousands on eBay. No reason for it whatsoever other than it must have not sold many during the run window. I like to pick up the Switch games I want from them, but the prices and rigged scarcity is fascinating to me. It's all getting very close to NFT territory or even alchemy, turning normal material into gold. If the lrg guys have any sense they'll be storing batches of each game to sell on eBay a few years later.

Re: Multiplayer Spin-Off Resident Evil Re:Verse Releases Next Month


I don't understand why they don't try and do some kind of left 4 dead style game in the RE franchise. It's perfect for it and they can fill their boots with cosmetic microtransactions and season pass nonsense.

If they really wanted to go for it they could use classic locations like the mansion and police station. There could be a few puzzles to solve with the aim being to survive the night or something. There you go Capcom, your can have that one for free.

Re: You Won't Be Playing The Outer Worlds 2 on PS5, PS4


Have to agree with other posts, no need to post articles about this anymore. It's not like you get 'Last of us 2 not coming to Xbox' stuff on Xbox sites. I know the original was multiplatform, but let's just move on now. Constantly writing about Xbox exclusives just plays into their hands, forcing relevance is exactly what they want.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Game Pass Is the Thorn in PS5's Side


I mean if you really think about it the strongest aspects of the whole presentation were "Look at these games other people aren't getting now because we have money." It's not like all of the 'exclusives' weren't going to come to Xbox anyway.

That's what I find so strange about this situation. Nothing has changed for the people who champion what Xbox is doing. They're getting exactly the same stuff they would have anyway.

Re: Bethesda's Starfield Will Not Release on PS5, PS4


I suppose they're going for it and you can't blame them. It still feels a bit rotten the way they've essentially paid to take a bunch of games and sequels away from people that were planned for or would have come to PS5.

Maybe we can finally stop talking about it now on the Sony side of things as it's hard to discuss without sounding bitter about it. I'll never buy an Xbox and I'm not a fan of the sub gamepass model, but Microsoft are going to dominate, slowly but surely. I'll probably go PC eventually, especially if Sony continue to release exclusives there too.

Lots of people see this as a good thing, but I really see this big push from MS as the beginning of the end for me and gaming as I know it. With ads on the console UI and the inevitable embracing of microtransactions through gamepass growth, it's just not what I want from my favourite form of entertainment. Devs I know all agree that Gamepass is pretty bad for industry going forward too. I hope Sony can keep up, but I can't see anything but them struggling in the end, especially if Xbox takes over the US.

Here's to a good PS5 generation though, it's been great so far.

Re: PS5 Console Exclusive Godfall Is, Er, Coming to PS4


@The_New_Butler I completely agree. With a bit of a downgrade, 30fps and a few loading screens here and there Rift Apart could definitely run on the PS4. Don't get me wrong, in enjoying the game a lot but I personally found Returnal to be far more impressive in terms of being a next gen experience. With tweaks I'm sure that could also come to PS4, but it would lose a lot more in the process with the frame rate, quick loading doors and resolution.

Re: Actually, PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan Doesn't Hate Old Games


I think it would be great if they could do a collection of 20 of the best games from each generation similar to the ps+ collection we have now on PS5. That would add incredible value to + and be a nice introduction to the history of playstation for newcomers.

I have quite a big collection of physical games from PS1, 2, 3 & 4. It would be handy if I could play all those discs on one machine, but in all honesty, I quite like that I have to dig out an old machine and plug it in to play them. It's nice to make a weekend out if it once in a blue moon.

Re: Talking Point: Did Summer Game Fest: Kickoff Live Blow You Away?


It was OK, I could do without so the pomp and world exclusive nonsense. It all feels a little desperate.

Elden Ring looks class though. It's a shame that Fromsoftware fan's excited for the new game seem to upset some. The ones who like Miyazaki's games know what to expect with graphics, content and style. Sure it's possible Elden Ring could be a disappointment, but why you'd wish that on people looking forward to it says more about you than anything else.

Re: Elden Ring Dated for January 2022 on PS5, PS4 in New Trailer


Finally, it looks like the game will be more of the same which is all I can ask for from my favourite game director.

@Divergent95 If you think the combat is janky it just means these games aren't for you or you haven't spent the time to get used to the systems. The whole point is the animations and combat is precisely worked out and methodical. Once you take the time to learn the move-sets and understand the timing you end up looking like a boss when you eventually get better at these games. Button mashing will get you nowhere.

Re: Battlefield 2042's First Year Will Be Marked by Four Battle Passes


This industry is so broken. It gets worse with each year that passes. It feels like this is our major generational divide to me, I don't know anyone who likes the service route of unfinished piece meal games personally, so it much be the younger generation of gamers who don't mind it all.

It really shouldn't bother me as I'm not directly affected by it, but it sucks to see such nefarious schemes rake in so much money.

Re: Naughty Dog Seeking to Bring Studio's Trademark Ambition and Quality to Multiplayer Project


I think the biggest problem they face is that Fractions part 2, or whatever it's called, will probably be mature rated, pretty dark and po-faced. So this automatically excludes the younger teenage bracket of easily manipulated spenders who must have the new skin to fit in. As an addition to tlou it was pretty great, as a standalone project I think it has a lot to do to convince the old guard.

The rumour of a day one PC launch could change things though, and I think it's true. It would be a wise move to make it cross-platform with PS4, 5 and PC.

Re: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5) - Intergalactic Stunner Puts PS5's Power on Display


Meh, have to admit I'm a little bummed. I was really hoping this was the R&C to break out and be a true classic. It sounds fine, but having ordered it, I can already feel the burn from the higher price tag attached. At £30 I'd probably be happy, but for the £55 I've paid I know there's going to be some nagging negativity when the credits roll.

Let's face it, Sony was never going to be able to keep up the crazy standards expected for £70 games. With the cross-gen admissions I think they're going to have to roll back the prices.

Re: PS5 Is Probably Telling You to Charge Your Controller Way Too Early


@adrianthealchemist I don't use rest mode anymore and I have one controller always charging while I play with the other. The fact that both controllers are completely dead when I switch on the PS5 sometimes tells me there's something else going on. It's only happened 3 or 4 times, so it's not a major issue, just a bit odd.

Re: PS5 Is Probably Telling You to Charge Your Controller Way Too Early


The dualsense and battery charge has been all over the place for me since the last update. Sometimes I'll turn on the PS5 and both controllers will be completely dead despite one being fully charge and the other at about 50% when I turn the console off. Then like you say, I can keep playing for a few hours despite the indicator saying that the charge is completely empty.

I still don't really use the rest mode overnight as it often turns itself off or crashes by the time I come back to use it. I wish they'd address these issues. I still don't know if my PS5 is faulty with the rest issue or if it's a firmware problem.

Re: PlayStation Studios Boss Suggests God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 Are Also Coming to PS4


Is it really such a big deal? I dunno, it is a little disappointing, but a game like GT7 is pretty easy to downgrade by reducing the quality and frame rate. Heck, pretty much any game can so long as the core gameplay doesn't completely rely on the new hardware.

This will probably keep the prices of new releases down too, which is only a good thing in my eyes. I've really enjoyed my time with the PS5 so far and that's all that matters at the end of the day really.

Re: Aloy Trends As Fans Discuss Horizon Forbidden West Hero


@ATaco sorry, I know you're trying to form a bridge and explain where these issues and attitudes stem from, but you're still essentially just focusing on how you feel and how you're affected and not how the people negatively affected by these issues feel. These changes and issues aren't about people like me or you and that's what needs to be understood before any meaningful change can really happen.